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How Does A Beginning Screenwriter Get Their Scripts Read? by Justin Warren via FilmCourage.com.
posted by saracomet
Once there was a girl her name was Blair. Blair had no friends so she went online. Then she found Fanpop. On the first month a mean girl was online and comment on Blair's wall. First, the girl wrote on her comment. Then, she called Blair names. Blair tried so hard to just forget about it, but she couldn't so Blair reported her. It got to a point that Blair couldn't go on fanpop she was scared that the girl would get back on. So Blair told the mean girl that she should back off, and if she post another ugly comment she would report her that second. Then, Blair's cousin got on Fanpop, and told...
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posted by Insight357
    “Kayden!” Sebastian-my band’s manager-had a look of dismay on his simple features. I couldn’t hear him, but I could read his lips. Anyone who knew me knew to get my attention before they spoke.
    “What?” I asked. Though I’d been deaf since I was five I knew how to speak as well as anyone with full hearing.    
    “You still haven’t made your set list,” he stated, his face screwed up into a frown. “The first performance is tomorrow night.”
    “I’ll have it finished...
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I know what happened,
I know that your parents are divorced,
because I was the first
you told.
I want to help you,
but I don't know
what all that
and sorrow feels like.
Like you're drowning
in a pool of tears
and your friends
are just watching and
like it's a joke.
But it's not a joke,
it's your life.
They aren't even
your friends,
they are just people
who say they earned
that title.
I don't understand.
My parents aren't
they don't fight
every time when
they see each
others face.
I can't help.
But you're
my friend.
My best
And I will
try to help.
I will stand by
your side even when
we are miles away.
Because even though
it might not feel like it,
you are never
posted by blossomyumyum
Dear Noel,
I wish you were still here. At times I go back to when we were little- we loved to eat Push Pop Ice Cream and played in the pool every day at summer. You were my best friend….. But we were like sisters, playing house with my little brother. Your grandmother got along with my grandmother, too- they talked to each other, and life seemed to be so easy. But then we parted by moving away. I still thought of you every day, and every night I worried that something would happen to you. But now, you’ve left us all, and gone on to a place only you and your sister know about, along with...
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posted by alicia386
What scandalous secrets can adults keep from their parents? I need ideas for a book I am currently writing. It is about how some secrets adults keep from us can actually save our lives. I hope to give you a sneak preview of my book which is called The Deadly Truth. Can't wait for your opinions!

To know more about my book please post your questions on my wall. I will try my best to reply as fast and as soon as I can. If I don't then just know I did read them.

You can believe the first chapter of my book will be posted either this week or next Friday.
“Who is he?” asked Bloom. I shook my head. “I don’t know…” I said, “That’s why I screamed. Abby walked over to the boy and felt for a pulse. She nodded her head and looked back at me. “He’s alive,” she said, “Just unconscious.” I nodded. “What do you propose we do with him?” Abby asked me. I looked at her then over at Bloom. Bloom was looking hopefully at the boy, silently wishing he would be okay. “Take him up to one of the guest bedrooms.” I said without thinking. Abby nodded and grabbed the boy, caressing him in her arms. “As you wish, Milady.” She walked...
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posted by AuthorForPooh
This is for all the kids who are bullied by words. My teachers always say be bleacher people. Lift others up. I hope this poem gives that message to others.

You yell at me
mean words.
pierce my heart.
I say its ok.
I move on.
But the words
still have power.
They still hurt
My friends
tell me
its a big deal,
and that I
need to tell
a teacher.
But I say im fine.
Im really not.
I want to
that im fine,
I want to
believe that
it was
But it was
Words always
have power.
Enough power to
strike me
or lift
me up.
Why must
you hurt
I woke up. The director came in and yelled at me to get out of bed. I sighed. I knew, this was, another day in showbiz. Showbiz was, at first, a very interesting and exciting activity to take on. It was much more serious than I thought it would be, and a lot less fun. I was Syria, the main protagonist in the story. My real name is Stace, for those of you who don't know. I could be a trouble-maker in the play, but I couldn't be rambunctious and cause trouble for the crew.
People confused me most of the time. Especially adults. I could be trouble-making in the play, but I couldn't be rambunctious...
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posted by alliXcobber
Chapter Seven
Shadows twisted around Samantha as she slashed, slashed, slashed her arm open. Mini rubies appeared on top of her near white pale skin. Slash, slash, slash. Again and again. Misty murky gloom settled in around her bones, and remaining there to turn her cold as ice. Freezing her to the core. Heart pounding, she thought of her father and was reminded of the way she hated how sounded, the way his footsteps, resounded through the house, making her agitated just by his sheer presence. Even he didn’t love her and she was his daughter. What kind of fucker doesn’t even love his own...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Lee Sanchez
Lee Sanchez
I like to sing. No, scratch that. I love to sing. Just... not in front of people. It's not really my cup of tea performing for everyone who wants to hear me. How would I be able to sing when people are screaming my name?


What a nightmare that'd be.

When I'm alone I can hum a sweet tune to myself, but never when there are a couple of people around. Someday, I'm gonna get over my stage-fright and when I do, I'll be able to sing in front of millions of people as I become a star around the world. Unfortunately, I believe my phobia of the spotlight will keep me from getting to my goal....
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posted by TheFictionists
Honestly, I never thought I would become a vampire.

Well, I was expecting it..sort of. My parents are distant and weird and awkward. They don't talk much. Well, I don't talk much. In general. Well, ever. I mean, a seventeen-year-old eleventh grader..with bright yellow eyes and blue-black hair..who would want to talk to me. Honsetly, if anyone did, I'd run away. Literally.

Back to my point. So basically waking up to your parents saying, 'Good morning sweetheart, you're grandparents were vampires, and you are too' isn't exactly a good morning. I'm not like a old 'I Vant to Svuck Your Bluhd' vampire....
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posted by InvadaMiz
"I need you." I quietly whispered, Ari looked at me with his wide green eyes. "I need you Ari, we all need you." I said as Carli and Marli started to cry. "You need no one, only yourself." Ari said, glaring. That peirced a hole right through my aching heart... "Maybe you're right." I mumured, I hated showing weakness infront of the group. Allina put her hand gently on my shoulder. "Ari, listen." She said.
Ari snarled, we backed away slightly.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" He screamed, taking off down the sidewalk.
posted by dragonwriter
I wake up. It's early in the morning. A cool wind blows by my face whispering sounds i don't understand. I look up at the sky and notice that it is a light blue color and it makes me feel that there is no problems in the world. Looking around i get a different story.

Blood everywhere. Bodies over bodies and not a living soul in sight. Who could have done this? My head starts to spin and my vision is going blurry. A creature appears from the wind that was flying by my head earlier.

This creature starts walking torwards me speaking in a language that I have never heard before. I go to reach for my gun and find a giant hole in my right leg. It continues to get closer and closer and is staring at me as if to be a hunter and I am it's prey.

Knowing that this is the end I look up at the sky. Beginning to close my eyes the last of my sights are focused ont he Blue Skys.
posted by anbonie
“Nice performance!”
“Thank you, butler!”
Servant smile to Pieter and opens the door of red Ferrari. While driving no one used to speak, until Pieter say something to his butler and bodyguard:
“Did you hear when my voice trembled? I think that was 14th song.”
“No, Sir…”
“When my father isn’t near, please call me Pieter”
“Yes, Si… I mean Pieter”
They arrived to McChink’s mansion. Servant turned engine off and ran on other site of car to open Pieter’s door, but he was too late. “I’m sorry, Sir…” said butler. Pieter sent him angry look: “I can open the door!...
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Chapter 1

Thantos was sitting on his bed, continuously throwing and catching his blue foam ball, with his headphones in his ears and music playing too loud and combing his medium length black hair out of his bright abnormally coloured eyes.
    “This is so pointless. I need something better to do,” he said, scratching his extremely pale skin.
    Thantos paused his IPod to hear a scream and girls laughing.
    “What the- what was that about?” He asked himself, getting up from his bed and walking to his door.
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posted by DxCFan123
Since I will usually end up leaving Fanpop for a month or two then come back with a new story, each chapter is going to represent a month. So, let's say, by now, Kat and Sadao are really close friends, they do everything together, AND FRICKITY FRACKITY FROOK

Kat's POV

"No, you idiot, your doing the bow-hand all wrong!" I yelled at Sadao, and fixed the positioning of his fingers on the violin bow. "Even I know how to do it correctly, and I just started a month ago!" I got out my violin and did all the positions, then counted down. On 2, he asked me, "Can you sing it to keep...
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I was sitting in my hotel room minding my own business reading a book when all of a sudden the glass window doors flew open. The bed room was dimly lit and the sun had completely gone down leaving no sunlight to light the room.

I fell off my bed leaving my bed in between me and the window. I would have gotten up to shut the window doors but that was before a figure entered the opening.

There was enough of a shadow cast over the body that you couldn't make out any features. But I could tell that it was a man. He stood with a sturdy pose his legs locked in place, his arms on his hips, his head...
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posted by Triscia95
“Caroline I’ve tried everything to prove my self time after time that I love you, that I would do anything for you, I’d never let anyone hurt you.” Klaus paused as Caroline stood in the door looking down at the hardwood floor tears rolling down her eyes. “That I would die for you.” He finished. Klaus took one step towards Caroline but as he did she took two steps away.

Klaus’s grieved face turned sour and full of anger. Nothing he did or said made her realize that if she asked anything he would do it with out a second thought. She shook her head and raced out the door.

He wasn’t...
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In this series of guides, I'll be showing you the best techniques for writing your story. These are tried-and-true techniques, and they work.
First up: characters. Every story has characters. We all know that. But what you may not realize is that some portions of a character need not be mentioned. Why spend three pages on your character's dimples if they have nothing to do with the plot? In order to keep your readers hooked, you have to limit yourself to things that are involved with the plot.
Before you decide on a plot, you should get to know each of your characters. After all, you're telling...
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"Aw, it's pretty close." Tyler McCarthy and Shawn Detham were standing side by side. Both held a gun in a head, but Shawn also held a machete. My hand flew up to my mouth to try to hold back a scream as I realized that the blade was dripping with blood. What if it was a friend of my or Nick's, what if it was a teacher? I buried my face in Nick's back trying hard not to picture it.

"Tyler . . . Shawn, what the hell are you guys doing." Both of them had grown up with Nick; they use to play together in there neighborhood. They had, at one point, all been inseparable, but high school hit and like...
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