X-Files Fan-Fiction Club
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posted by lilith84
A/N. This is my very first fan fiction, so be gentle, okay? It was written for a personal challenge for House of David Duchovny forum.

I want to thank my beta, Smirkity for willingly reading and correcting my mistakes. English is not my firts language, but I tried my best.

Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully don't belong to me and I don't get any money from this. Mulder and Scully belong to CC and company and he gets all the money from this. But at least with me, they have a little fun :)

Mulder sat in his office leaning back on his chair, his eyes closed. His thoughts were on Scully, just like they...
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posted by TEMPEBREN
Many fans of TV shows and book series love to write their own "fan fiction" stories. It allows them to open their minds and play out the story lines they want to see in their favorite fictional works. In fan fiction, you can let your imagination run wild and be the director you always wanted to be.

Step 1

Study fan fiction to get ideas. The most popular outlets are magazines and Web sites.

Step 2

Write as often as you can. Also, read and edit your work. Writing requires practice!

Step 3

Be creative in your plot ideas, but keep it true to the show's or book's format and chemistry.

Step 4...
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