This charrie goes by the name Jenson King. Overly-gelled black hair to match his green eyes, this kid could be a Greaser, I swear. When he gets angry, or his body is put under a large amount of stress, he has the ability to retreat into the form of a black leopard. Even when in human form, his cat-like eyes and fangs give him night-vision, and an unusual taste for catnip. Jenson's past remains a secret, even to him. His earliest memory is waking up in the middle of the jungle at age twelve, only to be taken to civilization by tourists. He enjoyed old, classic streetfighting games, hence his Greaser appearance. At age sixteen, he traveled to America, and joined the team. Knowing more Hindi than English, he often just sits in the rafters and watches everyone.
This biography has many sketchy points, and most of my biographies will, until I'm used to writing them, so, patience.
This biography has many sketchy points, and most of my biographies will, until I'm used to writing them, so, patience.