zero suit samus Updates

a photo was added: Samus over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a comment was made to the fan art: chibi samus over a year ago by KuromiFan122
a comment was made to the fan art: samus over a year ago by cj4ever25
a video was added: Absolute Zero over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a video was added: Zero Suit Samus Pics over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a video was added: Whip of terror over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a video was added: Insanity!!! over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a video was added: Every shot of zero suit samus in Metroid: Other M over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a comment was made to the photo: cute samus over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a comment was made to the poll: who do you like better? over a year ago by Mata10
a reply was made to the forum post: O_O HELP!! over a year ago by kmulli12
a comment was made to the photo: samus over a year ago by thedude9090
a poll was added: what do u think samus is look wise!!! over a year ago by kmulli12
an icon was added: bikini samus over a year ago by kmulli12
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was Zero Suit Samus's first playable role? over a year ago by jeremykaitlyn
a comment was made to the poll: Samus with or without her suit? over a year ago by jeremykaitlyn
a comment was made to the poll: do you like the gun that zero suit samus use? over a year ago by jeremykaitlyn
a comment was made to the poll: Would snake and samus be a cute couple? over a year ago by jeremykaitlyn
a poll was added: Would snake and samus be a cute couple? over a year ago by no1samusfan
a poll was added: Samus with or without her suit? over a year ago by no1samusfan
a video was added: Dynasty Warriors Vs. - Link and Samus trailer over a year ago by MisterH
a comment was made to the photo: samus over a year ago by peachdsrosapop
a comment was made to the photo: samus over a year ago by Seanthehedgehog
a comment was made to the photo: samus over a year ago by Bannani2000
a poll was added: do you like the gun that zero suit samus use? over a year ago by demyxfangirl
fan art was added: chibi samus over a year ago by demyxfangirl
a poll was added: who do you like better? over a year ago by ebl247