Hank Hill

Fanpopping since December 2013

  • Male
  • United States Virgin Islands
  • Favorite TV Show: King of the Hill and Helluva Boss
    Favorite Movie: The Bad Guys
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Haven’t posted here in a couple years. How you all been?

Been well over a decade since this movie was officially franchised with 7 sequels and I can easily say I regret ever wanting Alpha And Omega to become a series. It also unfortunately soured my taste for the movie that started it off and while I still like it and I watch it once or twice every few years, it just doesn’t hit the same as it did 13 years ago. Posted 8 months ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
hey man! long time no see. i haven't been on here for quite a while myself, and from the looks of it, this site is still dead and gone. but.... can't say i'm surprised at this point, since i don't like these movies anymore. i haven't watched the first A&O movie in over a year. it just doesn't matter to me as much as it once did. the only reason i pop in here every now and then is for nostalgia sake. but eitherway, it's good to hear from you again. hope you're doing well. 8 months ago
IsabelaWatson commented…
typical white guy thirsting after a cartoon rabbit. cant you freaks leave wholesome childrens movies alone!? 1 month ago
NemesisPrime92 said …
lol u look liek an fagiet Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said about Random
Ohh, this is one of those onion things, isn’t it?

No, it’s one of those “drop it and leave it alone” things! Posted over a year ago