Alice and Jasper Fanfics Club
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***Okay first of all this isn't my own opinion (it's from a site-> weirdcombinations),
but i did find it funny actually
haha especially the sex part,
You should definatly read it and think
about it yourself.
The person who wrote this
does have a point haha. ***


Now I don’t know about you, but I think that the Alice/Jasper story is amazing.
It is uber romantic–she’s been looking
for him for years though they’ve never met.
He’s been...
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added by iemand
posted by acullen99
My eyes opened I heard everything saw everything in brilliant colour.This was not me suddenly i realised a burn in my neck I egnored it and thought hard for somthing anything....Alice that must be my name the burn came back i couldnt egnor it not this time.Suddenly a anntolope ran passed and i pounced coverd in blood I ran what was I.Then a vision came at least i rememberd that I saw a man a cute man we met in a dinner i had to get there.

I waited and waited every day was the same hoping and waiting until one day he came i walked up to him"Youve kept me waiting a while." I said.
"Sorry mame."He said in a heavy texan vioce.We got talking and i told him about a coven i saw in a vision there called the cullens.
***and again this isn't my own story, it's written by 'xPinkx' on***ENJOY***

Although I yelled, he did not seem to hear me, or at least register my voice. He was too far gone.

And so it was over.

In the blurred fraction of the second I saw Jasper's teeth contact the man's neck, it was over.

He wouldn't even have had time to blink.

And Jasper wouldn't even have had a rational moment to think. Not before his instinct took over.

I turned, burying my face in my hands. I couldn't watch, knowing how it would torment Jasper to feel my eyes on him in his weakest moment. I tried desperately...
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

True to Marjorie's word, the steep and narrow path through the cavern opened up in the middle of the woods, almost half a mile away from the cliff. The weather had taken a turn for the worse while they were underground; storm clouds darkened the sky to a mottled grey and a biting rain that wasn't quite snow soaked them within minutes.
Edward retrieved the truck and they sent the humans, except for Marjorie, off in the general direction of the nearest road. Alice watched the truck until it disappeared into the winter forest....
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

"Listen to me very carefully." Carlisle's voice cut through the silence that had fallen over the cave as he addressed Alice, Edward and Jasper. "If we don't get these people out of here, they are going to die."
"But they're innocent!" Alice protested. "They have nothing to do with any of this."
"The Volturi won't see it that way," Jasper said, taking Alice's hand in his. "All they'll see is a threat to our anonymity that needs to be eliminated."
"Yeah, that and an Immortal Child," Edward muttered. "Damn him," he swore, glaring...
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***and also this isn't from me, but like I said, I love it, it's from 'xPinkx' at the site: ''***ENJOY***

Chapter 2: I'm with you

Won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new, I don't know who you are but I…I'm with you.

'I'm with you', Avril Lavigne.

As I had taken her hand, I had felt the old Jasper, the numb one, leaving behind me. She paused and turned to look at me, her expression gentle.

'Jasper' she said softly.

My eyes opened wide in shock. 'How…' I began.

'I'm Alice,' she said, a smile on her lips, 'and… I have finally found who I have been waiting for.'

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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

One of the things Jasper had grown to respect about Carlisle was the fact that the man didn't feel the need to fill every empty silence with mindless chatter. So when, half an hour into their journey, Carlisle began to speak, Jasper did nothing to stop him. Whatever he had to say would no doubt be important.
"I've never told you how old I am, have I?"
Jasper kept his eyes on the ground lest he lose the memory of the path back to the spot where he'd last seen Alice. "You have ancient eyes."
Carlisle smiled faintly. "And you...
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

"Are you all right?"
With her cheek on his chest, he could feel her smile against his skin. "I am so much better than just all right." She must have sensed the worry behind his question because she suddenly sat up and looked down at him. "Why? What's wrong?"
Jasper dug his hand into his tousled curls, fighting the urge to rip his hair out by the roots. "You were a virgin, darlin'."
"I think so," she admitted. "But I suppose I'll never know for sure."
He turned his head away from her. "I wanted this to...
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

Once Jasper was gone, Edward glared at his sister. "Well done, Rose. If you meant to make her feel as bad as possible about something over which she has absolutely no control, congratulations, you succeeded."
Rosalie met his glare with one of her own. "That's not what I wanted and you know it. And for the record, if anyone should have had an inkling as to what she was thinking, it was supposed to be you."
"Sorry, I was a little preoccupied this afternoon with the entire town in my head," Edward shot back.
Carlisle sat down with a sigh....
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

Carlisle signed Earl Simmons's death certificate with a heavy hand. After a moment's pause, and with a sad smile of support from Esme who stood at his side, he offered it to the sheriff.
"Has his family been informed?" he asked the man standing in the middle of his study.
The sheriff, seeming much older than his forty-something years, looked down at the wide-brimmed hat he held in his hands. "On my way to do it now." He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Earl and my Pops...they go way back." In the man's weary eyes,...
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added by iemand
added by iemand
added by iemand
added by iemand
added by iemand
added by iemand
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

Alice walked through the lunch line with all the enthusiasm of a diabetic in a candy store. On any other day, she would have skipped the hot lunch and just taken a carton of milk. But since Marjorie had followed her to the cafeteria from their fourth period biology class, she was forced to keep up appearances in front of the girl and accept a tray of lumpy mashed potatoes, dry meatloaf and pale carrots from the lunch lady.
Coming out of the line, she spotted her family on the far end of the room at their usual...
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What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
by Kristen Elizabeth

Everything he thought he knew about hell was wrong.
Hell wasn't a burning purgatory like the sermons of his youth had claimed. Hell wasn't a blood-soaked battlefield strewn with the twisted bodies of your friends and enemies in grey and blue. Hell wasn't the excruciating burn of a vampire's venom as it slowly killed what had made you human. Hell wasn't even denying yourself the one thing in the world that would ever truly sate your thirst.
Hell, Jasper now knew, was seeing the beautiful, irreplaceable, supposedly...
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posted by TDITrentgirl6
(Alice's P.O.V)

I blinked my eyes open as my cell door opened.


I shuttered. It was the voice of one of the whitecoats, Jade.

"Don't warn her!" Another voice snapped. Jade's twin, Kat. Kat was the opposite of her sister. As where Jade was sweet and kind, Kat was cruel and ruthless.

"Shut it!" The third whitecoat, Liana, snarled. Liana was kinder then Jade. Kat rolled her grey eyes.

Liana approached. In the dim moonlight I could see her long red hair and her pale blue eyes glimmering sadly. She held a syringe in her hand. Liana mouthed, sorry, then stabbed the syringe in my arm.

"Let's go."...
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