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posted by Marx666_
Rebel Yell: chapter 1
Chapter One: Running Away
Esme’s POV
“C’mon, Sparrow! Leonard’s gonna hear us if you don’t tell your damn feet to shut the HELL up,” I barked. I’m Esme. I’m 18, well, 19 today. We woke up at three thirty AM so we could go to the airport to fly to an Asking Alexandria concert.
“Sorry,” she replied, as our mom’s door swung open and her husband, Leonard, stepped out of it. Mum’s gone on business so only he was there.
“Where the hell,” he began, “do you bitches think you’re going?”
“Uhm,” I stalled, “to the, ah, bathroom?”
“With a fucking suitcase?”
“Listen here, you sick fuck,” Sparrow said, shocking herself, me, and Leonard, “we’re not your punching bags or your sex slaves. And I don’t know who the fuck you’re calling ‘bitches’.”
His face turned really red. Oh shit, I thought. He slugged a good one across poor Sparrow’s face. Then he stared toward me. He socked my jaw. “That’ll teach you, ya little shits.”
I walked back to our room and started to cry. “Aw, Ez,” Sparrow consoled, “don’t cry. He hits like a pussy.”
“It’s n-not th-that!” I wailed. “Today’s my nineteenth birthday, fer fuck’s sake! I wanted to meet Danny Worsnop!” I put my hand to my face. A lump had grown. “FUCK!”
“Don’t worry. C’mon, let’s sleep in the boys’ room.”
We walked across the hall to our brothers’ room. “Sissies!” Scythe yelled jumping up to hug us. “Are you OK?”
I started to sob all over again. I told them everything. “That woman beating motherfucker better sleep with one eye open!” Ren exploded. “Beating on MY sisters…”
“I’LL KILL HIM!” Blade yelled. He had the get-the-fuck-away-from-me look in his eyes. “I’ll slit his throat and watch him DIE.” A small smile crossed his face. “Happily.”
“But first he’ll suck my fat ass NUTS,” our oldest sister, Snow, piped up. She was 20, but still stuck with us because she was charged with assault (she kicked a pregnant teacher and caused the baby to have brain damage) right before she moved out. The teacher called her a slut with no future, though, and Snow is bipolar, so… yeah.
Any who, there are six of us: Ren, Scythe, Blade, Snow, Sparrow, and I, Esme. We all live here, even as eighteen and nineteen year-olds. So that night, we agreed that we were gonna pack and run away at 4:30 PM tomorrow.
*The Next Day*
I woke up snuggled into Sparrow’s arms. “Yeagghh.” That happened sometimes and Leonard called us ‘gay’ for it, even though we were (legally; mom adopted me) sisters.
I fell off the daybed with a loud thud on my ass. “Ouch!”
“Oh, shit,” Scythe said, and sat up so abruptly that he hit his head off of Blade’s top bunk. “Owwwww.”
“Scythie, are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he replied, “I’M fine. Are YOU okay?”
“My ass hurts,” I replied with a smile. I checked the time on my iPhone. 12:14 PM. “Get everyone up; we have a big day ahead of us.”
After everyone was up, we started packing. I packed every piece of band merch I had. “Everyone ready?” I asked, tying my hair up in a floppy bun.
“Yep,” they replied.
“Let’s do this damn thing!”
We ran for Mimi’s car. “Wait,” my mom said, grabbing my shoulders.
“What the hell is WRONG with you?” Scythe shouted, carrying me to the car. “Can’t you take a fucking HINT? She hates you! She hates Leonard, your rapist husband! You’d listen to a WOMAN BEATER before you’d listen to your children!”
“Scythe,” Ren called, “C’mon, man, don’t get worked up. She’s not worth it.” He shot her a look.
Scythe walked to the SUV. “Let’s just go,” I said, with tears in my eyes.
*3 hours later*
“Are we there yet?” Blade asked, yet again.
I grunted. “You know what, Blade? If you don’t shut the hell up, I’ll punch you so hard that you’ll be giddy about JB. You don’t want that, do you?”
“No. Sorry.”
The car came to an abrupt stop. “Shit,” Mia said.
“What? What happened?” I asked.
“I ran out of gas!”
“FUCK!” I screamed.
“What happened? Are there MONKEYS in the walls?” Snow asked, groggily. She and everyone else (except Blade, Mia, and I) had been asleep.
“No,” I said. “Mia’s car ran outta gas. Get out; we’re looking for a ride.”
I was waving my arms frantically on the side of the highway. “Help me, guys!”
“No fucking way, you look like a cheerleader,” Ren pointed out.
“Guys look,” Sparrow pointed a big, black bus. “That bus is slowing down.”
Sure enough the truck did come to a stop. Our jaws flopped open.
“Oh my god.”
We were standing in front of the Black Veil Brides tour bus.

Chapter 2: “Heey…”
The door opened, and out stepped the most perfect man on two legs, ever. Andrew Dennis Biersack. We all had huge crushes on him, especially Scythe, who was gay.
“Need help?” he asked.
It took me a second to realize he was talking to me. “Oh. Uhm, yeah.”
Mia ran back to us. “I got some gas, so I’m gonna drive back home. See you guys later.”
I gave her a hug. “Drive safe.”
“Anyway, what’s your name?” Andy asked.
“Oh, I’m Esme. Esme Diablo,” I replied, blushing. He did to me even as a poster in my room.
“Nice to meet you, but I bet you already know who I am,” he said.
“Andy, what’s the holdup?” Ashley fucking Purdy popped his head outta the door. Sparrow screamed like a motherfucker. “Is she okay?” he asked me.
“Yeah, she’ll be fine in a second.”
She finally stopped. CC, Jake, and Jinxx had already stepped out of the bus. “That was a really good high pitched scream,” Andy complimented. “Can y’all sing?”
“Fuck yeah!” Ren said. “We’re a band too. Ours is called ‘The Level’.”
“Oh,” CC said. “You any good?”
“I guess,” I replied.
“Demonstration!” They all started to chant.
We sang a cover of their 2009 hit, ‘The Gunsling’.
Standin’ alone through the soot and stone,
He draws from his holster, a man.
Crawlin alone through the soot and stone,
He makes his way home half to death.
We harmonized (Ren and Scythe handled the screaming) and, shockingly, Andy had tears springing in his eyes. “That was beautiful.”
“Amazing,” CC commented.
“Phenomenal,” Ashley said.
“I’m amazed,” Jake added.
Jinxx just had his hand to his heart. “Whoa.”
“Guys, this is Esme and, oh, sorry, I didn’t catch your names.”
“Oh, I’m Snow,” she said, winking at CC, who blushed. “And this is my twin, Ren, my sister, Sparrow, and my brothers, Scythe and Blade.”
“I would be honored to ask you this,” Andy said. “Would you like to tour with us?”
We all looked at each other, then we screamed (heavy metal like), “HELL YEAH!”
We boarded the bus and started talking. Then, I remembered I had a Monster in my bag. I took it out and cracked it open. Andy saw me take a sip. “Can I have some?” he asked.
“Oh, sure,” I replied. (Single girl 101- when a hot guy asks you for a sip of your drink, you say yes. Always say yes.) “You want me to give you a waterfall or…” I stopped mid-sentence because HE PUT HIS MOUTH ALL OVER IT!
“My germs,” he said, with an adorable teddy bear smile. Ashley snatched it from him.
Taking a sip, he said, “My germs.” Sparrow snatched it from him.
“My germs,” she said, taking a gulp.
By the time I got the damn can back, everyone had taken a sip, and there was only about half left. “DIBS!” I chugged the rest when Andy reached for my face. “What are you doing?”
“You had Monster on your lip.” He wiped it off, making me blush madly. “Heh.”
“Heh, thanks.” I stuck my ear buds back in my ears and fell asleep listen to ‘Middle Fingers Up’ by Attila.
*8 weeks later*
It had been 8 weeks since we came on tour with BVB and Andy had become my best friend. One day, I woke up in a bed on the bus. I tried to sit up, but I felt tied down. I knew it, I thought, BVB are rapist/kidnappers. I realized it was just a pair of arms wrapped really tightly around my waist. “Sparrow, c’mon! Let go!”
“I’m not Sparrow,” a deep, sexy voice replied. “I’m pretty sure I’m not a girl.”
“Oh my fucking candy apples.” I tried to pry his arms from around me, but it was no use. “Please let go, you’re crushing my pelvis.”
He loosened up, but didn’t let go. “Hey, you wanna play Hide and Go Seek with us?” Ashley came in and asked.
“Sure,” I replied.
“You know it,” Andy added.
*Hide and Seek /.\*
“1, BVB, 2, BVB, 3, BVB…” Ren was counting. I was wedged in between Andy’s bed and the wall, out of sight. “Ready or not, here I come!”
I heard two loud “EEP!”s (Sparrow and Snow), an “Oh shit!” (Jinxx) an “AAAHHH!” (Scythe and Blade), and an “I SURRENDER!” (Ashley, CC, and Jake).
So that means only Andy and I were left. I giggled and laid down. I almost screamed.
“Oh heey,” Andy said, under the bed.
“Uh…hai there,” I replied.
“It’s nice and roomy under here,” he said. “Scoot over, why don’t ya?”
“Okay, I guess,” I replied, scooting over.
“Oh Andy and Esme… come out, come out, wherever you are…” Ren called.
“He’s coming, keep quiet,” Andy whispered.
We heard Ren ‘s loud ass footsteps in the room. “I know you’re in here.” He hummed ‘Hatefuck’ by Motionless in White. He grunted after a minute. “Guess they’re not in here.”
“There’s only one way to keep him out,” I whispered.
“By shutting the hell up,” I replied. “And no flirting. Quit flirting with me, damnit!”
“Quit flirting with YOU?” He replied. “YOU quit flirting with me!”
“Oh, please!”
“FOUND YOU!” Ren yelled, diving to tag us.
“Damnit, Andy!” I yelled at the same time he yelled, “Damnit, Esme!”
“Esme’s it!”
“Can it wait until…”
“We get wasted?!?!” Andy yelled, still under the bed.
“Yeah!” Ren pumped his fist in the air.
“Isaac!” Ash yelled to the driver, who now had a name. “Stop at Barneys. We’re going to get wasted.”
Chapter 3: Barney’s
“Alright!” Andy said after we’d stepped in. “Who wants an Andy special?”
“I do!” Ashley said, running over to the bar.
Jinxx must’ve seen the confused look on our faces, because he said, “Oh, an Andy special is another of Andy’s concoctions. He mixes up Budweiser, Smirnoff, Rosé, and Wave, shakes it up, and serves.”
“Ohh.” I went up to the counter, looked at Andy, and said, “One extra-alcoholic Andy special, please.”
“Oh?” Andy replied. “A girl taking the Andy challenge, eh?” He handed me a bluish-purplish drink.
“Yessir!” I drank down the whole thing in one gulp.
“Holy shit,” Andy said, shocked. “You drank that faster than Ash ever could.”
“Alright, ladies and gents,” a pretty lady on the stage in front said. “Time for karaoke! First song is ‘Fatal’ by Motionless in White. Who wants to sing?”
“We do!” Andy said, gesturing to all eleven of us.
“Whoa, that’s a lot. Ok, come on up, sweethearts! Let’s see whatcha got,” the hostess lady replied, as we walked to the stage.
Andy, Renegade, Scythe, Snow, and I stood in front of the microphones, CC sat at the drum set, Blade, Jake, and Jinxx grabbed guitars, Ash and Sparrow grabbed basses. CC counted from four. Andy started screaming.
“I saw your eyes, convincing.
I saw everything that night.”
Then Ren screamed.
“You were the quiet actress,
A flawed masterpiece.”
And Scythe.
“So cold, our darkest days
Sleepless, our darkest nights
Line after line,
But love is…forever.”
They screamed the first verse together.
“A beauty bound in cold silver,
Broken bottles and empty lockets,
Exhaling bittersweet.
Your words were laced in gold,
A gilded memoir engraved into my soul.
Do you remember
That night you led me astray?
Do you recall
Tainting me with your apathy?”
Snow and I sang.
Our malice.
Our intoxicated
Lust for a cause.”
We finished the rest of the song, including an AMAZBALLS solo from Blade. We got a standing ovation.
Andy’s POV
Goddamn. Esme was looking pretty hot, singing like that. I really was into her. I know she had to have seen my smirking at her like I knew I was. It might take some time, but I want to make her mine. With every word she sang, she was making me hornier and hornier. She’s everything I could ever want in a girl: beautiful, witty, smart. We’d do everything cute couples do- hold hands, share food, fuck, get married, and have children. Damn. I could never imagine a future with any other girl I’d been with. I…I think this is love at first sight.
“LET’S DO IT AGAIN!” Blade yelled. He looked really happy.
“Ok,” Esme replied. “This next song is called ‘Devil’s Night’ by Motionless in White.”
CC counted us off. This song started out with a crazy boss blast from the guitars and basses. Ren screamed.
“I am an enemy of everything.
My life is not for sale.
My heart is in this fight forever.
What can you take from me?
There’s not a single fuckin day I haven’t
Fought to stay alive!”
I added on to it.
“We’re finding hope in the hopeless,
I am still their voice that gets stuck in their head.”
Scythe screamed my favorite part.
“I am me,
And I’ve come to fuckin scare you to death!”
We screamed the last part together.
“Because that’s what you deserve,
You disgusting piece of shit!”
Snow and Esme sang.
“I know
The only words that you have for me,
Are give up
And get out.
You’d like to think
That we’ve been beaten
But we’re here to stay
Forever and always.”
Her voice was beautiful. She lasted through the song without getting tired, as everyone else but I did. We were walking off the stage when everyone said, “Andy, Esme, we’ll be in the bus.”
“Alright,” I replied. When she saw them leave, she gave me a huge cuddly hug.
“You were awesome!” She giggled. “You made the performance really phenomenal.”
“Me? Did you hear yourself? Your voice is beautiful,” I replied, blushing. I looked at the bartender. “Four Andy specials, please.”
“Four?” Esme asked.
“We came here to get drunk, didn’t we?” I drank one of mine. I’d barely finished when she had polished off her second one.
“I’m not drunk yet!” I ordered her three more. She drank them like 1.2.3. “Okay, th-that should do it.”
“Wait for me!” I drank three more. Pretty soon, I was out of it too. “Let’s go to the BUS, babe!”
“Okay,” she slurred, laughing loudly.
*The Bus*
“Ah, shit, Andy’s drunk,” Jake said, taking me by my and Esme’s arms. He led us to my room.
As soon as he closed the door, I grabbed her by her wait and kissed her. She kissed back, her lips soft and warm. My dick was swelling. I kissed her neck and she moaned. “That was cute,” I said, carrying her to the bed, laying her down, and smiling at her, “but I can make you scream!”
“Ooh,” she replied, “Be my guest, with a condom.”
“Don’t fret, I have one.” I reached into my back pocket and pulled it out. I stripped down to nothing and rolled it on. Then, I took off her OM&M tee, her BVB tank top, and she unhooked her bra, took off her shorts and panties…and I lost what little control I had.
I fucked the mess out of her. I gave her brain. And when I was finished, I grabbed her hands and kissed her soft, sweet lips, softer and sweeter than last time. I planted kisses from her lips to her neck to her boobs to her stomach when I noticed she was breathing heavily. “You tired?”
“Yes. And-huff- I’m relieved.”
“I finally willingly lost my virginity.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. “You, a VIRGIN?”
“Well,” she started, then she said, “Andy, if I tell you something that only my siblings know, do you promise not to tell anyone?”
“I promise.”
“Okay. Well, my mom’s husband, Leonard, raped me.”
“And it was an everyday thing. He raped me, Snow, and Sparrow. You see, our biological dad died in a motorcycle accident when I was three. 15 years later, my mom remarried this rapist named Leonard Callum. He raped and beat all six of us. We tried to tell our mother, but she wouldn’t believe us.” I looked at her and as she progressed, tears were filling in her eyes. “Then, we were going to an Asking Alexandria concert in Cincinnati. As we were going, Leonard comes out and hits Sparrow and I in our faces. So we ran away and…” I could tell she couldn’t take it, so I held her close. I let her cry into my naked shoulder. “Oh Andy…” she sobbed, looking up at me, “please be mine. Forever. Please.”
“You know I will,” I replied.
And with that, we fell asleep.
~1 Month Later~
“Babe, get up. Baaaabe.” I was attempting to wake Esme up and failing miserably. So I kissed her sweet spot.
“Andy, stahp. Can I fucking sleep?”
“Nuuuu get ahp. We played our last show of the tour last night, we’re going to my house.”
She bolted up. “Where, exactly?”
“Calm down, we’re going to my flat in Arizona.” I chuckled.
“Ok, let me take a shower.” She grabbed a black Motionless In White pentagram tee shirt, white shorts, and her knee high Converse. As she went into the bathroom, she didn’t realize I had followed her in there.
She had gotten in and started singing ‘Monster’ by Meg and Dia, and got to the end of the second verse before she realized someone (me) was singing with her. She slowly peeked out of the shower curtain.
“Hola,” I said, smiling.
“Konnichiwa,” she replied, returning the smile. “I was scared you were Ashley, or CC, or Jake, or Jinxx.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m just ‘Andy’.”
“Well, just Andy, care to join me in the shower? It’ll make things a lot quicker.”
“Sure,” I said, like I wasn’t being turned on like a light (even though I was). I stripped down and stepped in. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I kissed her ear. “I love you,” I said, rocking her back and forth.
“I love you more,” she replied, turning around and crashing her lips on mine. “I finally found the one,” I heard her mumble as her tongue danced with mine.
After washing up, we went back to my room and got dressed. Well, SHE did- I just sat and stared at her. “Andy! Get dressed so I can undress you!” she yelled, tying a bandana around her teal hair. She smiled.
“I’m thinking about going shirtless today…to make it easier on you. You know, how you’ll be ripping off my clothes as soon as we step into my bedroom…” I trailed off.
“That would be…certainly handy. Thanks!”
The bus came to a stop. “WE’RE HOME!” CC yelled.
“Git yer shit!” Ashley added.
I grabbed me and Esme’s bags and set them down on the curb. “Thanks for everything, Isaac!” I said as I got off the bus.
“Ah, no problem, guys! See ya next year!”
Esme was still on the bus. “C’mon, get on my back, babe.”
She shrugged as she jumped on my back. We were off the bus when Ash pulls out a camera and goes, “Say cheese!”
Esme flashes her beautiful ‘I’m so fucking happy’ smile as I flash my ‘Fuck off, she’s mine’ smirk.
“Ash, you’ve got the key, right?” I asked.
“Everyone, go get settled. There are 3 extra rooms. Esme will be bunking with me, of course.” She giggled as she kissed my cheek. “We’ll be in there in a bit.”
Everyone was like, “Aww!” Then, they ran inside.
Esme jumped off my back. “Wow. Andy, your house is…incredible. I’ll be here the rest of my natural life, huh?”
“Does this answer your question?” I asked, kissing her.
“Yup.” She nibbled on my lip. Fuck, I thought, I’m horny again.
“You know, you’re so sexy…. I might just throw all your shirts away just to see that six-pack all day, everyday.”
“If you nibble on my lip like that again, you’ll see that and a lot more in a few minutes…”
She giggled and did it again. “THAT’S IT!” I yelled. “You, me, bed, NOW.”
“Catch me first,” she said, and kissed me again. And guess what she did?
Then she ran away. I chased after her until she was out of sight. “Babe! C’mon, I’m about to explode!”
“Come and get me,” she said from behind. I whipped around. Then, she ripped her shirt, revealing a black lace bra and her huge boobs.
“Oh, I will,” I threatened, and chased her again. She ran inside and up the steps to my room. I got there a split second after her. She was a barracks against my door, preventing me from coming in. “Baaaaaaaaabe. Open up, I’m about to explode with love and lust!” And sperm, I added mentally. “I MUST FUCK!” I growled.
She slowly opened the door, standing there in just her bra and panties. “Hey,” she said casually, like I wasn’t going to make my bed springs pop fucking the mess out of her. AGAIN.
“Get the hell in that bed,” I commanded. She giggled and laid down. I immediately joined her. “Permission to fuck?”
“Permission granted,” she replied. I slowly undressed and slid into her. Her hips move in unison to mine, and…
Long story short, we fucked again. When we had both came after an hour or two, she lay beside me, panting. “Andy,” she said.
“Can we just, like, cuddle for a while?”
“Of course, darling.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, nuzzling my head on top of hers. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied, yawning. I kissed her forehead as she fell asleep. Soon, I did too.
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