Anthony I. Club
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posted by DopestKid
Hey, uh haha it's Anthony(:
Um, I'm making this article for those of you who've been hurt, and those of you who hurt other people
And uh, I hope this article helps you... Or something like that.(:
Well, first of all, we're all human. Bottom line.
We are selfish, sinful, we are not perfect.
We desire to be accepted...and to be loved.
And sometimes, umm.. Having those desires to be loved and accepted we are willing to forget who we are..and who we represent.
Now not all people...have THAT kind of issue.. But um, it's pretty common and some people have it to the extreme and some, have it to a minimum..
And umm, it's hard when you do have it to the extreme
Um, in my life i've many people and it was to the point where...I didn't care. known I just kept going about my way..about myself
doing and hurting people..lying and just going about it
And it didn't got to the point where um.. How do I say this... Where.. I reached rock bottom. No, I hit rock bottom. And that's when I was like.. Anthony... You know like, you can not do that. You can't keep hurting people like I'm doing. And you know.. I hurt some people.. Who I really cared about.. And it was because my selfishness and dishonesty...and desire.. That led me to that point.. And some people you know.. Um, don't give people a choice to.. What to do you know, if you hurt someone so badly. You don't really give them a choice to stick around.. To watch things get worse.. You just have They don't wanna do that.. Why would they wanna do that? You know... And you don't realize..when you hurt like.. you destroy something so precious.. That deserves to um... You know there's so much pain in someone's life.. That i've actually caused.. Having that um, and not knowing why, why would they leave like that? And you know not giving me a second chance to like.. But people to give you a second chance an you just take it for granted you know. And you won't learn from it if they keep doing that if they keep giving you second chances and like, you're not gonna change. And like.. We're human. And.. Like I said we're gonna mess up but it gets to a point where it's just to much. Where, you can't do that to somebody. So this.. I just wanted to say this for people who are out there who have something or someone... Something that they love that they hold out of value.. Um.. Of value.. In their life? Don't mess something.. Don't mess something like that up. Realize what you have.. And that it's worth everything.. Everything that um.. Don't.. Go about it and thinking oh it's just something and if I lose it no big deal. No. Because it is a big deal once you lose that. And the saying you don't know what you have until it's gone is so true. And.. For those who are hurting.. um. Surround yourself with people who care about you. Like family.. And, you know. If you have a friend or something like that. Surround yourself with them and umm.. Don't make the same mistake that you did before.. And.. You know I just... I think.. You have to work.. On yourself.. Before you can work on a relationship with anybody else. Because it doesn't work out that way.. But I think.. That if.. Uh yeah. That's all I wanted to say I really kinda.. Got to my point ha.. Um.. Yeah.
Ps; I cried when I wrote this tbh..