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The Pendragons Confession
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Source: bbcmerlinconfessions
These confessions are adorable.
posted by kbrand5333
Part 4: link

Queen Guinevere,
    I humbly beg your forgiveness for the tardiness of my condolences. I know it has been many months now since your beloved king has passed, and I apologize for not corresponding sooner. Many of Lady Morgana’s Saxons had fled into my kingdom, unfortunately, and I had a bit of a mess of my own to deal with.
    That being said, I know the struggle of ruling a kingdom as a widow queen. I should very much like to pay you a visit in the near future and offer my condolences personally. As allies, we should remember to support...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 3: link

    “And, finally, we have six men wishing to petition for knighthood,” Leon finishes his report, standing and addressing the round table.
    “Worthy candidates?” Gwen asks, looking up at him.
    “I believe so, my lady,” Leon says, lifting a different parchment and looking at it. “Lord Clifton’s son Devon, Lord Ackerly’s son Lander, Lord Ulmer’s son Hyde, and then Judson the baker’s son, Oakley, who’s mother is, oddly enough, Lord Ackerly’s maid – apparently his father has passed…”
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 2: link

    “That is my decision,” Guinevere states, looking out over the council. There are murmurs of dissent, anger, and disbelief, but she waits patiently until they all die down.
    “My lady, are you certain this is wise?” Lord Chadwick finally speaks up. “After all, magic is what was responsible for the king’s death.”
    Gwen rises from her seat and the council members note for the first time that she does not appear as slender as she normally does and that her dress is more flowing around her middle then is...
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posted by sportyshuie

    Merlin struggled with Arthur’s weight but his determination to get the king to the shores of Avalon was more pressing than his concern of the burden. Almost dragging the king now, Merlin reaches the boat that will take Arthur to Avalon.

    “What are you doing, young warlock?” Kilgarrah asks, looking at Merlin interestedly.

    “I’m taking Arthur to Avalon, to cure him,” Merlin says amid his struggle. He lays Arthur on the ground and pulls the boat closer.

    “But it is not his time, Merlin.”...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 13: link

    The royal couple makes their way to the balcony overlooking the courtyard, where the citizens of Camelot have gathered to greet their sovereigns.
    “Are you all right?” Arthur asks the quiet Guinevere.
    “Yes. No. I don’t know,” she answers. “Honestly I’m more nervous for Merlin.”
    “I’ll be fine, Gwen,” Merlin says from behind them, and they turn to see him standing there in his new robes. They are deep midnight blue with silver accents at the cuffs and neck. He is carrying...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 2: link

    “Where are we, anyway?” Gwen asks, shifting uncomfortably on her saddle. They had been riding for two hours already, and the previous night’s activities are disagreeing with her current mode of transportation.
    “Cornwall. King Marke’s kingdom,” Arthur says, glancing over at her. “Are you all right, Love?”
    “I could use a break, actually,” she says, blushing slightly. Arthur looks a little puzzled, but if his wife wants a break, then a break she shall have.
    “All right....
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posted by kbrand5333
EllaRose88 gave me the prompt "Truth or Dare." Was up too late (again) last night exorcising this from my head.

    The doors to the lift open late on a Friday, and he steps in, smiling bashfully at the one young lady with which he always hopes to share the small space of the elevator.
    “Evening,” he says quietly.
    “Evening,” she answers back, looking shyly down at her shoes.
    God, she looks so cute tonight.
    He’s wearing that cologne again.
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One of the waiters who had enough of watching the brutal scene occurring, rushed forward with a tray and whacked it as hard he could at Joe, who is choking Arthur.
“Arghhh!!” Joe screams and lands to his side, clutching his head.
Another waiter rushes towards Karl and breaks a bottle on his head. Karl releases Gwen, staggers due to the impact of the break and she uses the opportunity to hurry towards Arthur, helping him up. Arthur coughs as blood seeps out freely from his nose.
    “Arthur… Arthur?” Gwen calls in terrified voice. Arthur keeps coughing and...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 4: link

The desert somewhere between Silver City, NM and Tombstone, AZ, 1880


“Well, I ain’t no gentleman, and you sure as hell ain’t no lady,” U.S. Marshall Arthur Pendragon drawled slowly from his place under a sparse tree, trying to catch a little shade. “If you want a wash in that stream, you’re gonna have to do it with me watchin’ ya.”

Gwen growled quietly in frustration. “A girl can’t get any privacy?”

“Darlin’, you gave up the right to privacy last night when I caught you climbing out of the window to the room I let you have in that inn,” he answered...
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    Morgana clears her throat to gain the attention of both Arthur and Gwen. Gwen drops Arthur’s hand and smiles sheepishly at Morgana. Her friend smiles back, in tease.
    “Who is it Guinevere?” Arthur asks, his expression startled. Gwen opens her mouth.
    “It’s me… Morgana,” Morgana says immediately, cutting Gwen first.
    “Ah, Morgana,” Arthur smiles in relief. “I was scared for a while there,” he adds.
    “Whom you expecting?”
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    “Guinevere?” Arthur is both surprised and happy to hear the voice. He didn’t expect to hear it here and so soon. He must be dreaming.
    Gwen looks beyond Arthur at Merlin and the latter just squares his shoulder, urging Gwen to carry on. Gwen looks backs at Arthur. “What are you doing here, Arthur?” she asks calmly, her voice in devoid of any emotion.
    “This is Merlin’s idea… ask him. He said he was taking me shopping,” Arthur replies with a laugh. “By the way, it’s really you isn’t it? I was right...
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    Morgana paces the tiled floor of the Emergency Department, tense. Arms carelessly hanging loose by her side, lips mumbling to herself, eyes focused on the floor, she casts a sight of a forlorn figure. Gwen, who sits opposite her, looks worried watching her friend in such a state. She hates herself for what has happened. They wouldn’t be here, Morgana wouldn’t be in trouble, and Arthur wouldn’t have got knocked down if it wasn’t for her. If only she had kept her teasing until they have reached the restaurant. What was she thinking? Why did she do it? Gwen...
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posted by BradAngeleyes
Tristan and Isolt's conflict of love and loyalty is one of the classic tales of Western literature; in the Arthurian tradition, their tragic tragectory rivals and complements that of Lancelot and Guinevere. The basic story is one of mis-directed love: Tristan, the heroic nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, is sent to Ireland to escort the Irish king's daughter, the beautiful Isolt, to Cornwall to become his uncle's bride. In most versions, it is during the return voyage that Tristan and Isolt accidentally consume a love potion (meant to ensure Isolt's happiness with Mark) together, and fall in...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 5: link

    Back in the castle, Arthur has pried himself away from Guinevere’s side to attend to his own matters, leaving her alone to get settled in. She has been puttering around the room, putting things away, setting something here, then moving it there.
    The door suddenly opens and Merlin comes striding in, candlestick in hand.
    “Your trinket, my lady,” he teases, presenting it to her across his forearm with a bow. She laughs and says, “Thank you, my lord,” and takes it. She carries it over to the bed and places...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 2: link

    Elyan turns, takes a bite of his apple and picks up a satchel he has brought that has been sitting in the cart. He walks into his sister’s house, followed by Merlin. Arthur also walks toward the house, but stops in front of Gwen, who is holding his apple. She is still smiling, with a loving glow in her eyes as she watches him approach.
    “You are a wonderful man,” she says, holding the apple out for him.
    “Everyone deserves a chance,” he replies. They are now both holding the apple. Gwen leans closer, rises...
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posted by DreamingHope
A Servant of Two Masters- Review

OMG!! What can I say? Lucy Watkins needs to write more episodes! From the intriguing title to the first trailer we saw last week we knew this was going to be completely amazing, and it was with brilliant acting from everyone and hilarious comedy!

Things I LOVED:

•Gwen- c’mon, you knew I was gonna say that! I loved how she and Gaius were like the temporary Camelot Detective Agency while Merlin was being all clumsy badass – and the JUGS!! I laughed so much when she knocked Merlin out twice and his face went all dopey! Plus her scene with about-to-have-a-bath...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 1: link

    Arthur steps out into the cool morning air. He looks over at his two companions. Merlin is sitting on the edge of the cart looking up at the sky and Elyan is lying in the cart, apparently dozing.
    “Guinevere’s sent some breakfast,” Arthur says as he walks over and plunks the basket down next to Elyan’s head, causing him to jump. Merlin laughs, then notices Arthur’s somewhat haunted demeanor.
    “Something wrong?” he asks.
    “Hmm?” replies Arthur, still distracted by recent memories....
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“Unlike most fans, I actually haven’t objected to the lack of magic reveal. In fact, I like it a lot because of what it does for Arthur’s character. It’s easy to be frustrated with him as a viewer, because why is he such a dick? Doesn’t he know how much Merlin does for him? But the answer, you have to remember, is no. We as viewers know everything that goes on. Arthur knows next to nothing. Purely from his point of view, Merlin should have been gone a long time ago. Without his magic, as we have recently seen, Merlin is fairly useless as anything except someone who tends to recklessly...
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added by EPaws
Source: proltergest:
added by MISAforever
Source: me