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posted by ashesandwine
I do not feel pitty or sorrow... You are with me and that's all that I could ask for!
Thank you for keeping me happy and for loving me everyday!

Where were they taking me? What would I face when I got there?
I knew they weren't good, I've known that since I had seen their black wings. I couldn't say that I knew that much about angels, or even believe in them; but I was sure about one think: good angels had white wings! A symbol of their purity, the piece they brought to the world and all the good in them...
But this angels had black wings! Beautiful wings that matched perfectly their faces and bodies, but still dark ones. Black as the darkness of night, the fear and the hate of this world...
I looked up at the face of the one who was holding my arm. He had dark blue eyes, almost black but they burned with hate. He's face was beautiful but now that I analyzed it better I could see that he looked like he was in constant pain. I turned my eyes to gaze at the other one: he looked as beautiful as the first, he had the same expressions of constant pain and his eyes were the exact same dark blue, I wasn't sure what to think about this!
I couldn't stand to look at these people anymore, so I looked down! I saw the city passing down there and I felt free. I was in the arms of a dark angel, without knowing what would become of me and still I felt free...
I could hear their wings beating while we were flying. Suddenly, I started to hear more then the wings of those two men! Looking up I saw that ten other dark angels were joining our little group...
"Welcome, Dionisis! I thought you had forgotten us" I heard the one holding me say. He's voice was hard and I could see that he didn't like this man.
"Ohhhh I could why, Stelios?! Even if I wanted too, He wouldn't let me!" The one that I assumed was, Dionisis, started to laugh but Stelios didn't join him! His face became harder, as if he wanted to respond but controled himself.
"We fly home, people! Follow us!" A woman's voice shouted to the others. I looked to where I would find her and was surprised with a amazing woman, one of those that belonged to a fashion magazine or even Heaven, if that existed...
"No need to shout, Pinelopi! You know they can hear you perfectly..." Dionisis said with a sweet melodic voice, I could hear the amusement in his voice.
"I know! But I like respect, and fear leads to that." I knew, right then, that I wouldn't want to get in her path. She was what I would call a vengeful angel, beautiful but dangerous.
Stelios and Dionisis started to laugh and Pinelopi followed! They had the most melodic laughter that I had ever heard! I knew that they weren't good, but this sounded like the laughter of the angels of paradise.
Their laughter was interrupted by a shout in the back of our group. Whoever or whatever had screamed like that must have been in a great ammount of pain or close to death, and that scared me more than when I had seen Stelios and the other man standing on my door! Stelios turned hsi body to see what was happening and that was when I saw them...
They must have been ten or fifteen, the most beautiful people I had ever seen! They radiated light as they flew, sending the most peaceful feeling that I had ever experienced in my life. These were the angels that I had heard of, beautiful criatures from Heaven, that illuminated everything around them with divine light...

"We have to go, love! If all goes well we'll be back to you soon, but whatever happens know that you mother and your father love you... Forever!" I was just a kid back then, not more then 4 years old... I looked up at my mother as she kissed my forehead, my father came next and kiss me as well!
The last time I saw them was on that day. They said goodbye, opened their wings and took off flying...

Why was I remembering this now? I never thought that of that before, I didn't remember that! Did I block it from my mind when the police came to tell my grandparents that my parents had died? Was I hurting that much that I had forgotten about what my parents were?
I was lost in thoughts when I saw them coming towards us flying to fast that the last thing I saw was the impact of a white army against a black one...
added by ashesandwine
Source: Google
added by ashesandwine
Source: Ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
added by Sacred_Love1550
Amazing song! Even without the video:P
posted by ashesandwine
To you all and expecially to just_bella and halloula! So happy I got to talk to you, even if it was only by facebook:( Love you all! Thanks for everything!

“Jasper’s POV”

Once again I woke up not knowing where I was! The sun had already set and the moon shone in the dark night. I stayed there looking at the moon, remembering Alice! The moon’s shine made me remember of Alice’s skin shining at the sunlight, her beautiful smile in my direction, her golden eyes looking at me with the same love as on the first day we met! I knew that by now they would be looking for me; I just wished that...
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posted by ashesandwine
You ask, I write!

“Alice’s POV”

“What? How do you know this place?” I just stared at Edward! How could he know that place? How could he know and I don’t? My love was in there, trapped by a monster from his past, and I couldn’t help him…
“I’ll explain on the way there. We have to get going… I don’t know how much time we have before they found out we are going after him!” He said…
Everyone went to their rooms, picked up some necessary items and we all met again in the garage! None of us knew where we were going, so we all turned to Edward for directions.
“Just follow...
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posted by ashesandwine
Two in one night! This is amazing.... I haven't written like this since my vacations:) LOL... Thank you sooo much to everyone:) LOVE YOU....

“Jasper’s POV”

I woke up in a place I didn’t recognize! It was all beautifully decorated, remembering me of the Renaissance… I couldn’t understand what had just happened, how could I have just fallen asleep? I got up and walked through the room, trying to find something useful. I found a bathroom in the other end of the room and my bag in a closet next to the bed. I picked some clothes and went to the bathroom… I got undress and got in the...
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posted by ashesandwine
This one is for Just_bella (you owe me a Jasper:P) LOL... Thanks all for liking this story...It means a lot!

“Alice‘s POV”

I went to my bed, and laid there until Edward came in follow by Emmett and Carlisle. They looked at me trying to figure out what happened until Edward saw it in my mind:
“She took him?! Why? How?” He asked. I knew he had just seen everything in my mind but Emmett and Carlisle needed to know what had just happened…
I started talking slowly, like this was all a awful nightmare:
“We were on the couch, Emmett went upstairs to meet Rose and Jasper’s phone started...
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posted by ashesandwine
I know I haven't writen in a while... I'm sorry! With school and now a new story (I'm sorry for writing two of Imortal Fight, but it's a new story and I got excited and so many asked me for more that I made it:) LOL)! So.... Hope you like it, and I'm sorry it's small, I have lots of homework:(

“Catherine’s POV”

“ To love is to suffer, to be loved is to cause suffering…” - Comtesse Diane!

“Well, I have to get going…. It was really great to meet you, Catherine! And I guess I’ll see you when school starts!” Alex looked at me and gave me a breath taking smile… How could he...
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posted by ashesandwine
I hate to see you sad!
I hate to look in your eyes and see all the pain! I hate to be the cause of it...

Because you are my world and everything to me, because I search for you as soon as I get to school...
Because every day I don't see you a little of me dies and as soon as I see you again it comes alive!
Because my heart breaks when you cry!
Because everytime someone breaks your heart my breaks too!
Because you are always there for me!
And mostly because you are my best friend and I love you!

Because I love you! And you are everything to me!
added by Sacred_Love1550
posted by ashesandwine
Just want to thank everyone and ask you to check out Sacred_love1550 story: Dawn of a New Era! Thank you all:)

“Catherine’s POV”

My pain is to much to bare, my mind plays tricks and my heart breaks! I live in the world but I’m not a part of it… I pray to be stronger, to fight the demons that hunt my nightmares… Whispering in my ear: “You will lose everything! You don’t have the right to be with the one you love!”

I was walking through the town, I was supposed to meet Francisca but I got lost on the way! I was trying to find my way to where we were supposed to meet or at least...
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posted by ashesandwine
I wrote this poem while I was waiting for my friend, so that we could go to our math tutor:P LOL! It took her a while to come so it's a bit big:) eheh:) It's a bit dark but sometimes this stuff just comes to my mind:)

In the cold of the night
In the fires of hell...
I do not fear what may happen!

I do not fear the end,
The past, present or future!
I live among the demons,
Among those who hunt your nightmares!

And altough I live in pain,
I do not cry or break,
For it makes me stronger!

I live close to those who
Hate, lye, cheat and hurt!
But my heart is pure,
My life is happy and I do not
Hurt, lye, cheat or hurt!

I love! And in my love
I am gratefull to have you!
In my love I live...
In my love I take refuge!
In my love, I love you!
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
added by ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
So.... sorry for all the wait, school is a pain! This one is for Edward-love456, Halloula and Just_bella: I love you guys:) And Amy, I hope you feel happier today:)

“Daniel’s POV”

Love…. Defined as: “A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person…”. Someone defined it but in my heart, in my mind; I can’t put myself to define it! I know in my heart what it is… I know what it makes me feel but I can’t describe it… I can’t say to someone what it is, because for me it’s everything… It’s my world, my life, my heart! You are LOVE for me! In my book, love...
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