Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
First of all, please keep in mind that this is my own opinion and that my favorite episodes may not be even close to yours. Anyways, enjoy the article! :)
Also, of course, there will be spoilers, so if you have not watched the series and plan to in the future, I suggest you don't read this until you're watched the series.

10. The Beach: I love this episode because you get to know more about characters like Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula. It shows you how complex their personalities are. I also love Li and Lo in this episode, even though they don't play a big part in it. I love the part where they go to the party, and Azula flirts with the guy by telling him how they'll be the "Most powerful couple in the entire world!". My favorite part is probably though, when they explain their personalities. You find out that Azula always though her mother thought she was a monster, that Ty Lee joined the circus because she had sisters that looked just like her, and that May never shows emotion because her parents never wanted her to. It's always great to know more about every character in the show, especially your favorites. (Azula is my favorite.)

9. The Ember Island Players: The reason I love this episode is because it does what not that many shows do, poke fun at itself. It points out the flaws in all the characters, Sokka being an idiot sometimes, Aang being more in touch with his 'feminine side', Katara being a preachy crybaby sometimes, and Zuko getting angry for no reason. They don't do it in a mean spirited way either, they make it funny. Not only is it a funny episode, but there are serous moments too, like when Aang kisses Katara out of no where (again!). Probably my favorite part if this episode is the portrayal of how all the characters are in the play, especially how they portray Toph and Katara. I also love how they incorporated Zutara in there. (I wonder if the creators have read the fabfiction about them XD) I love this episode, but the others are more serious.

8. Zuko Alone: Just like The Beach, this episode tells you more about a character, and considering how Zuko is one of the most popular characters in the franchise, this episode was long awaited by fans. This episode is a bit similar to the beach, telling you a little bit of backstory, except this episode does it better, and shows you instead of the character just talking about it. The backstory is fantastic, I really felt sorry for Zuko when he tried to prove he was a prodigy like Azula, but completely failed. It's hard for Zuko when his father and grandfather obviously love Azula more than him, and you really understand Zuko's feelings. I hate how Ozai became Fire Lord instead of Iroh. Ozai is my least favorite character and he's a terrible villain. With such well developed and complex characters like Zuko you would THINK that Ozai would be a better and more complex villain, anyways I might rant about him later on my wall if anybody feel the need to see that at all. I love this episode, but just prefer the other ones.

7. The Avatar and the Firelord: I'll admit it if you can't tell already, I LOVE the flashback episodes! They just say so much more about a character than other episodes do! It's great knowing about Roku and Sozin's past, because prior to this episode, I barely knew anything about them. It's so interesting that they had a past together, and really surprising that they were best friends! The story is a lot different than how Azula told it to Zuko in the beginning of the episode. I thought it was really surprising when Iroh told Zuko that Avatar Roku was his grandfather too! Who the heck would've suspected that?! Well I didn't, even if everyone else did. I really love this episode, but I prefer episodes about the main characters.

6. The Storm: Yet ANOTHER flashback episode! Please tell me this list isn't TOO predictable! I absolutely love this episode but it makes me so mad when I watch it, mostly because of what Ozai did to Zuko. I love how it explains the backstory of both Zuko and Aang, and how Zuko started to go after the Avatar. I hated it when the airbenders basically shun Aang when they find out he's the Avatar, and they think that just playing a game would be unfair because Aang's more powerful than they are. I also hate the part where they make Aang go to the other air temple and wont let him do anything fun! You're all probably wondering, if I hate all these parts, why do I love this episode? Because I love seeing the backstory, even if I hate how people treat Aang and Zuko. Te part that makes me the most mad is where Ozai scars Zuko! I can't believe he would do that to his own son, just because he had a disagreement with him! Also, I can't believe Azula was SMILING when it happened! (I love her, but you gotta admit, she is seriously evil.) The reason it's not in my top 5 is because those moments I listed really irk me.

5. The Boy In The Iceberg: I just HAD to put this on here! It's the first episode after all! My favorite part is where Aang opens his eyes, sees Katara, and is immediately in love with her. I also love the part where they go on the ship even if they're not supposed to, and I also love the part where Katara gets mad at Sokka and cut open the Iceberg, if it weren't for them arguing, they never would have found Aang! It's kind of weird that that's the whole reason they found Aang in the first place though. The reason this episode is up in my top 5 is because it's the first, and reason I like the others more is because, well, I just like the others more.

4. The Boiling Rock: I love this episode because of the parts in the end, where Mai and Ty Lee stand up to Azula, but I also love the part where they find Katara's dad, and the prison riot. My favorite part though is the thing I mentioned earlier, where Mai and Ty Lee stand up to Azula. I never thought Mai and Ty Lee would find the strength to do that! I think I've watched tho episode more than any other episode, and I have absolutely no idea why. The reason it's not higher is because the others are more epic.

3. The Siege of the North: I love this episode! My favorite part is where Aang takes control of the spirit, and it's really epic. Also, I don't really like Yue, so I'm glad she left, I like Suki with Sokka better anyway. I also actually enjoyed it when Zhao died, because I hate him. I thought he was crazy though, because Zuko gave him a chance to survive, but he denied it! The reason this episode is not higher is because, believe it or not, the other two are even more epic.

2, The Crossroads of Destiny: This episode is fantastic and horribly sad at the exact same time! The part where Aang dies is awful, and I never suspected that Azula would actually kill him with just her lightning. Sadly, Zuko chooses to turn to Azula's side and betrays Iroh. I never suspected that after he talked out his emotions with Katara! The only reason it's not higher is because the other is just more amazing.

1. Sozin's Comet: They should have just made this into a movie and released it in theaters, because the movie 'The Last Airbender' was absolutely horrible. This episode is amazing, my favorite part is where Azula goes insane, sees her mother, cuts her hair, and throws the brush at the mirror. She's such a complex character and I love her. The part where Aang takes away Ozai's bending is awesome, but it would be better if Ozai was actually a good villain like Azula. The part where Katara defeats Azula and she goes even more insane is epic, just as epic as when Aang takes away Ozai's bending. I also love the end, where Sokka draws his drawing of 'Team Avatar' ( That WAS Sokka right? I think it was him.) but of course the best part in the end is where Aang and Katara kiss. The perfect ending to the series. I might eventually do a top 10 best episodes of The Legend of Korra as well, although it can't beat the original, I love the finale to season 2. And I like season 3 as well, I can't wait for more episodes.

Anyways, those are my favorites.. So what were yours? Do you like the same episodes as I do or do you have different opinions? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading! :)
added by BlindBandit92
added by JJM-name
added by ClassicalNadia
Source: AvatarSpirit.net
added by zanhar1
Source: Winter-Phantom
Something that I think about and mention a lot is how Azula was raised. Namely that she was basically a human weapon for Ozai. He pretty much saw her raw talent as a kid, the potential for power, and groomed her as a war child. In doing this I think that he gave her a very warped sense of self worth among other things. For as hard as she pushes other people, I feel like she holds herself to very high-standards too; no doubt that it's because of how she was raised.

Despite her confidant bravado, I honestly I feel like Azula could be probably one of the most insecure characters on the show. Hear...
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added by zanhar1
Before anything else is stated I want it to be known that I do love both Azula and Zuko; so no this isn't gonna be a Zuko hate/bash Zuko article.

So instead of getting straight into the actual matter of the agni kai, I'd like to go over why I think Azula in general is more powerful than Zuko. This I will post from an older article (so if you read this one you may as well just scroll down lol); First and foremost, the obvious; Azula has Blue fire (supposedly hotter than any other fire) on the show. This is something unique to Azula and Azula alone. Where as Bloodbending is not unique to Katara....
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
This story will contain spoilers! You will understand when you read it. If you have not finished the series and do not want it spoiled then stop reading here.

This story is about Azula when she's on the path to insanity. This is what I think her actions, and thoughts were in between scenes from the series. Let's begin. Keep in mind that none of this is fact, it's just fanfiction.

Following the events of The Boiling Rock Part 2:

Azula had just escaped the island.
I can't believe that Mai and Ty Lee betrayed me! she thought, maybe it was that I controlled them through fea- NO. Fear is the most reliable...
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added by purplevampire
Part 3/4 of the series finale.
season 3
episode 20
the last airbender
added by kataang-forever
added by Alchemistlover
added by zanhar1
Source: meehighmeelo
added by stellamusa101
Source: Tumblr
added by tiffany88
Source: http://kataang.tumblr.com/
added by Jerexious
posted by Gretsel
Information by:wikia


"I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated - I love Zuko more than I fear you."
— Mai explaining to Azula why she saved Zuko in The Boiling Rock, Part 2


Mai is the daughter of the Governor of "New Ozai" and his oldest child. During the course of the series, she becomes one of Princess Azula's main sidekicks (thereby one of Team Avatar's greatest foes), as well as Prince Zuko's love interest. As one of the most privileged girls in...
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posted by KataraLover
The sun is down, the gang is talking about who should go and talk to Azula to find out how she feels about Jet.

"I say Katara" said Sokka

"Why Me" asked Katara

"Because you always putting your nose where it's not wanted, and you'll get an answer out of her" said Toph

"Why don't Zuko, Iroh, Mai, or Ty Lee do it, they've known her all her life" said Katara

"Because we can never get anything out of her, you on the other hand always do" said Zuko

"Give it a try Katara" said Aang

"Fine" said Katara as she walked off.

Katara went to Azula's room which was Yue's room before she turned into the moon spirt,...
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posted by KataraLover
It's been a week since, Katara hasn't talked about Azula's mother because she know's it might upset her. They've been traveling until sunset, they found a place to stay with some nice rich people who offered them rooms to sleep in for the night and some dinner. The sun went down and Azula changed back into a monster. They gang was down at dinner and wondered where Azula is.

"Where's Azula" asked Aang

"I think she's still in her room" said Katara

"I wonder why she's not down here for dinner she hasn't ate since this morning" said Ty Lee

"Well she needs to come down for food, she can't exist on air"...
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added by hetalianstella
Source: Tumblr