Blair & Chuck Club
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posted by Yankeesam32935
The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 1

Blair watched him flee the Van Der Woodsen Bass home, and she knew she was going to go after him. She had to stop him, before he self destructed even more. She caught up with him just as he was about to enter his limo.

“Chuck! Stop!” Blair called out desperately.

Chuck heard her voice, and turned around grudgingly.

When Blair saw his face, her heart skipped a beat. Chuck’s face was totally ravaged by grief, but he had a mask on trying to control his emotions. This wasn’t Chuck, she didn’t even know this person standing before her.

Blair tried again. “Don’t go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you.”

“I appreciate your concern.” Chuck said simply as he bent down, ready to get into his limo and drive away.

“No you don’t. You don’t appreciate anything today. But I don’t care. Whatever you’re going through, I want to be there for you. Just let me in, Chuck.” Blair pleaded.

Chuck’s face turned angry. “How many times do we have to talk about this? You are not my girlfriend.” He told her harshly, trying to hurt her so she would leave him alone.

Blair swallowed nervously. “But I am me, and you’re you.” She grabbed his hand and wrapped her slim fingers around his wrist. “We’re Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you’ve ever done, the darkest thought you’ve ever had, I will stand by you through anything.”

“And why would you do that?” Chuck questioned.

Blair took an unsteady breath, she just had to tell him. Maybe that would be what we get through to him, because if this didn’t work, nothing would.

“Maybe because I get you better than anyone else does. Or simply for the fact that I care about you, Chuck Bass. Do you want to know the real reason?”

Chuck didn’t answer her, but she continued anyways. “Because I love you.”

Blair thought it had worked, confessing her love for him. She saw the emotions working on his face, and she nodded, signifying that what she had said was true. Chuck had wanted her to say it a few months ago, and now she finally had. Would a declaration of love be enough to save him?

His answer came back in seconds, and it shocked her. “Well, that’s too bad.” Chuck ripped his hand away from hers, and drove away in his limo.

Blair felt paralyzed, she was in shock at what had just happened. Tears started running down her face. That was so not how she imagined saying, I love you to Chuck for the first time. He obviously didn’t care if she loved him, maybe he didn’t have feelings for her anymore.

Blair walked away from the curb, where she had just poured her heart out to Chuck. She was dejectedly walking down the street, when a hand grabbed her from behind. She turned around quickly, hoping that it was Chuck. It wasn’t, it was her ex boyfriend.

Nate looked at Blair with pity in his eyes. “I heard what you said, Blair.” He admitted.

Blair felt defeated, and her shoulder sagged. “Great. How much better can this day get?” I am so humiliated.”

“Did you mean what you said? Do you really love Chuck?” Nate asked her.

Blair sighed. “Yes, I meant it. I just don’t throw around the words, I only say them when I am absolutely sure. I’m in love with Chuck Bass, and I have been ever since that night in the limo.”

Nate stiffened at the mention of that night, he didn’t want to be constantly reminded of the fact that she cheated on him so quickly, just after they had broken up.

“He probably though you were lying, Blair. That you just said that to snap him out of the deep depressive funk he is in. Bart just died, you have to give Chuck time.”

“Don’t you think I know that, Nate? Blair cried. “I also know what he’s going to do now to forget the pain. Chuck’s going to bed countless women, drink until he’s passed out, and do drugs until his brain is not functioning.”

Nate knew she was right, so he decided not to say anything.

Blair continued anyways, “I just wanted to be there for him. Just to try and share his pain, and somehow make it better. Chuck needs someone now more than ever, I’ve never seen him so broken. I just don’t know what to do about it. If I love you didn’t work, then what will?”

Blair had nothing else to say on the matter, so she turned away from Nate and walked back to her penthouse, completely lost in her own thoughts.

Nate looked at her sadly as she walked away. He hated seeing his friends like this. He was going to have to find a way to fix Chuck and Blair.


It was her mother’s wedding day and Blair tried to force a stiff smile on her face. It wasn’t working, she just didn’t have it in her right now to be happy. Even her mother marrying Cyrus wasn’t enough to remove Chuck from her mind. It had been a few days now, since she had confessed her love for him. She hadn’t heard anything from Chuck, Blair just hoped that he was okay.

She needed to escape from all of this happiness that surrounded her right now. Blair decided to try and seek the privacy she so desperately craved in her bedroom. She opened the door to her room, and someone was already sitting on her bed. It was Chuck.

Her stomach flipped, but Blair reminded herself to stay calm.

“What do you think you’re doing here?” She asked haughtily.

Chuck turned in her direction, at the sound of her voice. If she thought he looked bad the day of the funeral, she had no idea. Chuck was destroyed, and he looked at her with so much pain in his eyes.

Blair’s heart broke. She wouldn’t deny him. Chuck had come to her after all, that had to count for something.

She rushed to the bed, until she was sitting next to Chuck. She wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him against her chest. Blair rocked him back and forth, as she caressed his arm. At first he remained impassive in her arms, but after awhile he reached up and grabbed Blair’s arm.

She knew he was crying, she could feel tears dripping down on her neck. Chuck stroked her arm, while she held on to him for dear life. Blair felt him grasp her hand, and she put her other hand on top of his. They stayed like that for what felt like hours.

At last, Blair laid Chuck down on her bed. She laid down next to him, and put her head on his chest. Chuck sighed contently and snuggled closer to her, while drifting off to sleep. Blair saw him breathing evenly, and knew that he had fell asleep. She wasn’t going to sleep, she was just going to watch Chuck. It sent a calming feeling through her.


Chuck awoke to Blair staring at him. “Blair?” He rasped.

She lifted a hand to play with a disarrayed strand of his hair.

“Shh. It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything. I’m here for you.”

He looked like he was about to argue, but in the end Chuck just nodded. “Alright.”

He drifted back to sleep, and Blair finally allowed herself to go to sleep.

She awoke later in the morning, and automatically reached for Chuck. Her hand grasped air, only air. He was gone. Blair bolted up from the bed, and noticed a note laying where he had been sleeping.

She reached for it with shaky hands.


I’m sorry for everything.

You deserve much better.

Don’t come looking for me.


Tears immediately sprang to Blair’s eyes. He was gone again. She didn’t know where he went to this time, but she had a feeling that he was very far away.

Chuck had let his guard down with her last night, and he was now ashamed of the weakness he displayed. It might just be time to give up on Chuck Bass. But before she did, Blair placed a desperate phone call.


Serena ran all the way to Blair’s penthouse, judging by the sound of her voice something horrible was going on.

“Oh my god, B. What’s wrong? You look terrible.” Serena huffed, clutching the stitch in her side.

“Gee, thanks Serena. If I knew you were going to be so unsupportive, I wouldn’t have called you.” Blair said sarcastically.

“You’re right, B. I’m sorry. What’s bothering you?”

Something had to be wrong for Blair to look so upset. She wasn’t even wearing makeup, and Blair wouldn’t be caught dead without it on.

Tears came to Blair’s eyes again, she tried to hold them in. But to no avail. “After Chuck left Bart’s funeral the other day, I followed him outside and told him that I loved him.”

“That’s great, Blair. This is what you guys have wanted.”

“No it isn’t.” Blair started to sob.

“After I told him, he just said well that’s too bad. Chuck doesn’t care Serena. I don’t know what else to do.”

Serena looked at her in dismay. “You’re just going to give up?” Just like that?”

“What else can I do?”

“You have to fight for him, Blair. Chuck doesn’t want you to give up on him, he wants you to keep trying to get through to him. That’s the only way he’ll ever believe that you truly do love him.”

A tear ran down into Blair’s mouth and she licked it away. “I don’t know if I can. I can’t stand to see him keep hurting himself.”

It was like talking to a child, Serena thought.

“B, he’s in a dark place. But he needs you more than anyone. If somebody can get through to Chuck, it’s you.”

“Why me?

Serena sighed, “He loves you too.”

Blair shook her head adamantly, Serena payed her no attention.

“He loves you. How can you explain what Chuck’s done if he doesn’t love you?”

“What has he done? Blair asked densely.

“Let’s list it, shall we? Chuck ruined his friendship with Nate for you. Nate is his best friend, he would never do that unless he was in love with you. Chuck’s slept with you more than once, which he never does. Once he sleeps with a woman, he discards them. He never did that with you. He’s chased you so many times, Blair. Chuck Bass never chases a woman once he’s had sex with her.

Serena took a deep breath and continued, “Then when you were with Marcus, he admitted to me that his body didn’t crave anybody but you. He wouldn’t sleep with anybody but you, Blair. So explain that.”

Blair thought about everything that she had just said, and decided that Serena was right.

“Alright, I was wrong.” She conceded.

“That’s right, Blair. He’s going to fight you ever step of the way, but don’t give up. Chuck needs you.”

Blair felt her strength coming back to her. “I need him too, Serena. More than anything else. I will snap him out of this. I don’t know how yet, but I will convince Chuck Bass that I really do love him. I will get through to him, I swear it. Chuck better be ready for the love of Blair Waldorf.”

To Be Continued…
posted by edwestwick
Story: 'Impossible'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first day and she really doesn't know why she feels like some high school girl around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck Bass run away the second he found out. AU

New story. I know I shouldn't start one but couldn't stop myself :) Promise to continue the other one as I'm not abandoning it by any means. Let...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Oh my Days!! People I love you guys!!! Thank you so much for all the comments on the last chapter. I love you all you have all given me so much more confidence now and I feel so much more motivated to write these now. Sorry for bugging you all about it but it paid off right? Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway my exams are nearly over, got three to go then it's SUMMER!! Woo hoo! We've been going to the beach so much lately I think I went four times in the last week. It's just so gorgeous weather here! Anyway enjoy this chapter and please comment, thank you I...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Okay so sorry this chapter is a little late, I've just been really busy I've got 15 poems to learn for my welsh exam!! It's shit I know but what you gonna do?! And I had an English creative writing paper to put in so I've been busy writing that too. So that it. But anyway I hope you all like this chapter and if you can take the time to leave me a little comment I really appreciate it! Thank you guys for reading. Thanks xoxo

Chapter 9: Chemistry recovered

        When he kissed her she felt so alive, it was like fireworks but...
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u]A Million Love Songs Later[/u]

A/N: Hey, okay so this might be my last chapter for a while I've just got loads of revising to do and pretty much no one comments on my one shots or my chapters so I don't see what is the point in me writing when I don't near to no reviews. So I'm really wondering should I even continue with a million love songs later or is it just crap?! I'm probably just overreacting but it really gets me down when no one comments. But I will most likely continue cos I can't start something and not finish it. Anyway here's chapter eight, I hope you all like it. Thanks xoxo

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posted by luvrgirl101
“I just can’t believe he never showed, S” Blair exclaimed into her phone, “I thought, well, I thought he really cared about me, maybe even loved me. At very least he owed me an explanation for that awful text from Gossip Girl about that interior designer.”

“I know B, I thought he really cared too. But he is Chuck Bass and you had to know there was always a chance of this with him. Plus, you weren’t exactly willing to accept an explanation. Just forget about Chuck, forget about him and come stay in the Hamptons with me.” Serena was really worried about Blair. It seemed as though...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Ugh, Gosh I've been busy this week, I wont bore you with all the details but I had the first part of my GCSE exam, My Welsh Oral (Yes that's right, I'm bilingual- LOL) Anyway I think It went okay, So fingers crossed.
So I've kind of said that in this chapter you will find out what happened five years ago with Chuck and Blair, So if you're a Chuck and Blair fan then this chapter is definitely for you. This is so one of my favourite chapters, I loved writing this. So I hope you all like it as much as I do. Please me your comments. I really appreciate it. Thank...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Right so first I would just like to say how much I LOVE Gossip Girl, And how pleased and overjoyed I am about these new set photos of Chuck and Blair. Yay. But I kinda get the idea that it is a dream cos of the Nate one too! But anyway, It'll be a great scene. Can't wait for that episode.
Anyway back to this chapter, So for all your Nate and Blair haters you probably wont like this chapter, But it had to be done, It's really about how they got engaged, And how Chuck reacts to the news. Anyway I hope you all like it the same. Remember to review, I really appreciate...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Oh God my head is killing me. We had a party on Saturday and it's Sunday so my head is just BOOM! But I'm still gonna write this, Since I've got nothing better to do. Okay so here it is chapter 3 and this one is gonna give you guys some answers, And Since I've written the last two mostly from Blair's point of view, I thought I would do this one from both of them, Blair and Chuck. I hope you all like it, Let me know what you thought. Thank you xoxo

Chapter 3: Standing Strong

        It had been three days. It was now Tuesday....
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They had known each other since both of them where young, in kindergarten to be precise. She was his best friend’s girlfriend, and he was a pain and a nuisance to her. Chuck Bass was a notorious among the Upper East Side for hard drinking and women. It was a known fact that he had slept his way through half of the Upper East Side, but there was only one woman he slept with who really mattered to him, only one woman he truly cared for, and only one woman he would ever truly love.

Blair Waldorf, she thought she was in love with Nate Archibald, her boyfriend since as long as she could remember. Blair and Nate where the perfect couple among the residents of the Upper East Side. They matched each other perfectly in every way possible, until one night when, they had an argument and Serena was out of town, who did Blair turn to for support.....? Chuck Bass.
when they love.
when they love.
Chuck and Blair, one of the best couples ive ever seen on television have been on and off constantly throughout the series of gossip girl. Now we all know that they play the "bad" guys on the show and definitely know how to get what they want. Well...except for each other. They agreed that they cant be like other couples because of their personalities, but also agreed that they are both in love with each other. (well chuck hasn't said it yet but we all know he probably will soon).
But since this decision was made with each other, some things have happened. Chuck lost his dad which totally screwed...
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