Blair & Chuck Club
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what are you planning S?!
what are you planning S?!
hope you enjoy my latest installment. serena is out of hospital now and blair has been avoiding conversations with chuck.

Archibald apartment:

serena and nate are making dinner. chuck visits alot to see serena and nate also hoping to run into blair but she has been avoiding him. he likes coming over when victoria is there too because he loves to see her. even if she doesnt know who he is. nathan is playing with tristan and nate is watching from the kitchen and talking to serena.

S: we have to get them to at least talk to each other. it's not the same with them not being at least friends.
N(nate): it's their life serena. they'll sort it out themselves.
S: what about victoria?
N: what about her?
S: she needs her father. i know what it's like not to have one, it's hard. you always feel diffrent than other children.
N: whatever they decide to do is up to them.
S: but if they're not talking they cant decide anything.
N: well i think you should leave them to sort it themselves.
S: or the hamptons.
N: what?
S: me, you and the kids are going to visit my grandma right?
N: yes and?
S: nathan has been saying all week he doesnt want to go.
N: where are you going with this?
(serena exits the kitchen)
S: Nathan i've been thinking about what you said and you dont have to go to the hamptons with us.
Na(nathan): yay!
S: so who do you want to look after you uncle chuck or auntie blair.
Na: i like uncle chuck but i want to see victoria and auntie blair. can i have both?
S: of course you can.
(serena walks back to the kitchen)
S: that's where im going with it nate.
N: you're forcing them to spend three days together.
S: well if it works and they at least talk to each other again i'll be happy.
N: and what if it drives them futher apart?
S: if it goes up in flames at least we know we burnt trying. plus chuck and blair have always had this sort of pull to each other. i have a feeling friendship at least will come out of it. who knows what will follow?
N: you're crazy. but i love you.
S: i love you too.

Waldorf apartment:

blair and serena are having a coffee and talking. serena is also giving tristan(new baby) a bottle. nathan and victoria are playing.

S: so will you look after him tomorrow? i'll only be gone for three days and you and vicky can stay over at ours.
B: or he could come over here.
S: no i want you to stay at ours. believe me he goes through so many outfits a day because he normally spills something down himself.
B:(laughs) fine me and vicky will stay for three days. me, nathan and vicky will have a great time no need to worry.
S: thats great. i'd really love that.
(Blair answers the door and see's georgina and hannah(georgina and jack's daughter))
B: georgie come in. it's great to see you hannah. your cousin vicky is just in there (points to the toy room)
H: thank you auntie blair.
G: hey S and B is that the new little one?
S: yes G do you want to hold him?
G: of course what did you name him?
S: tristan zachary archibald.
G: aww thats lovely.
B: im shocked everytime i hear you say something like that. you'd think i'd be use to it by now.
G: i was a bitch for so long. by the way chuck visited last night.
B: good for him.
G: did you know he was back?
B: yes and we've talked and argued which everytime we talk it turns out the same way.
G: does vicky know he's her...
B: no and it's going to stay that way.
S: i think she should tell her.
G: it would be nice.
B: im not telling her i hate chuck and he is not allowed to tell her who he is and either are you to.
G: i think you still like chuck.
B: no i hate him.
G: how come you cant look me in the eye and tell me that?
S: good point georgie.
B: i dont like(looks them both in the eye)
G: your right you dont like him. you love him.
S:(laughs) B do you still love him?
B: no... of course i do. i never stopped loving him. but im not letting him back in my life my head is on the right track.
G: your head is only pointing out all the dangerous possibilty's. but your heart doesnt listen to your head.(laughs) if i listened to my head do you think i would have a child with jack bass. let alone be married to him?
B: cant argue with that but it's to risky. if he runs off again it will kill vicky. i couldnt watch that happen.
G: i think your more afraid of being hurt yourself?
S: you could always give it a shot.
B: no and thats final. now can we change the subject?
S: i have to go. can you look after nathan for a while?
B: sure go on.
(takes tristan and leaves)

bass industries/chuck's office:

serena knocks on the door.

C: come in.
S: hey.
C: hey. what are you doing here?
S: i need a favour.
C: ok what?
S: i need you to babysit nathan for three days while me and nate go to the hamptons to see cece.
C: i dont know. remember the part where i nearly burnt me, nathan, victoria and blair in your house.
S: oh come on chuck. nathan loves his new uncle.
C: serena im not the most mature adult.
S: please you dont want to let him down he was so excited.
C: fine, i'll do it.
S: yay you're the best chuck.
C: i know. now let me see tristan.
(hands tristan over to him)
C: one thing. i dont know how to cook.
S: thats ok.
C: im pretty sure you dont want him eating room service for three days.
S: no someone else will do the cooking.
C: who?
S: dont worry i'll have it sorted.
C: ok.
S: now if he is wearing dungarees or his black trousers he will need you to open them when he's going to the toilet.
C:(laughs) ok.
S: im being serious he can open them so he will piss himself if you dont open them.
C: i understand.
S: good i'll see you tomorrow then.
C: sure.

next day archibald apartment:
day one.

S: chuck you're here.
C: yes i told you i would.
Na: uncle chuck!
C: hey little man.
Na: do you want to see my puzzle of manhattan?
C: sure.
Na: it's in my room come on.
(pulls chuck's hand to see the puzzle)
B: hey.
S: hey B. glad you could make it.
V: im going to go see nathan.
B: ok hunnie.
(chuck comes out of nathan's room and serena bites her lip)
B: serena what's going on?
S: ok you're both babysitting nathan.
B: serena.
S: look hear me out. nathan wanted you both to babysit and B i knew you wouldnt if you knew chuck was. and chuck would say i dont think that's a good idea. nathan couldnt decide and asked me if you would both do it. so please stay.
C: i'll stay.
B: fine but you owe me.
S: ok.
(serena, nate and tristan leave)
Na: can you two take us to the park?
B: sure.
V: yay come on.
B: put on your coats or we arnt going.
(they go into nathan's room)
C: how do you do that?
B: do what?
C: tell them to do something or they're not going.
B: it's called disaplin it's a bit like something you know called blackmail.
(the kids come out and walk to the door)
B: you coming or not chuck.
C: im coming.

at the park:

nathan and victoria are playing and chuck and blair are sitting on the bench watching them. blair notices chuck is looking a little unhappy.

B: you look tense.
C: what?
B: is something wrong? do you want to talk about it?
C: it's nothing.
B: it's obviously something.
C: look you wont want to hear about. why do you care all of a sudden?
B: i dont you looked upset. it's called being nice.
C: it's how much i've screwed up ok. i should never have give up. i shouldnt have left you in the first place.
B: oh. your right you shouldnt.
C:(laughs) thanks.
B: look for the kids sake we will be friends for the next three days. no bringing up the past.
C: that'd make things easier. sort of.
B: it's the best i can do.
C: i still feel stupid though. i remember when me and you had just started dating and nate told me not to do anything stupid like he did and i said i wouldnt. but i did.
B: what am i going to do with you bass? you just broke a rule. no bringing up the past. (smiles)
C: well what about no bringing up the bad past. the time when i've been a jerk or an idiot.
B: or got knocked down by a car.
C: that was a good time for me because it wasnt you. (smiles)and when i woke up you told me you loved me.
B: well dont even think about trying it again.
C: why?
B: because... im not going to tell you so it would be a waste.
C: i see.
B: heard you visited jack, georgina and hannah two days ago.
C: yeah guessed i'd have to visit again sometime.
V: arcibald get your butt over here now!
Na: no way bass!
(chuck and blair start laughing)
B:(smiles) did they just do what we always use to do?
C: yep.
B: i find that a little strange.(laughs)
C: well i dont. (smiles at blair) look at who her mother is?
B:(smiles)well she's definatly got the bass jeans.
C: why?
B: because of that cheeky little smirk.
C:(laughs) i wonder if she has the evil glare.
B: she does.
C: what?
B: nathan and victoria are tiny chuck and blair before the first time we slept together.
C: really?
B: really. she's definatly queen material for high school. she's got into trouble twice. him once.
C: why?
B: in kindergarten this little girl said she thought victoria's headbands were stupid. later victoria put her intials on the little girls white top.
C: did you congradulate her?
B: i laughed espicially when the teacher told me it was in red permanent marker.
C: why did nathan get in trouble?
B: that was the other time. the little girl decide on a diffrent day to slag of nathan's hair. so victoria got the PVC glue and nathan got the feather for their art prodject and give the little girl her own bad hair day.
C: kid genious's
B: i know. i told her when i got home that if she was going to do things like that she wasnt meant to get caught. so she told me she done something else to the little girl and when the teacher asked her who did it she showed me the glare she did and it reminded me alot of yours. the little girl blamed someone else.
C: she's learning.
B: i shouldnt be teaching her to do that stuff but it reminds me of when i use to do stuff like that.
C: get the kids and we'll go get something to eat. then we can walk past the old school and sit on the met steps. tell the kids all about your minipulating days.
B: i'll tell them when they're older but sitting on the met steps sounds good.

At the cafe:

they have ordered sandwiches and coffee. the little ones are having 5 alives

Na: auntie blair i dont feel well can i go outside for air?
B: yeah i'll take you. come on.
(they walk outside and blair is watching chuck talking to victoria from the window)
V: how do you know my mommy and auntie serena?
C: we're old friends.
V: how old are you?
C: im 23.
V: so is my mommy. im 4.
C: do you like kindergarten?
V: yes but i hate lindsey. me and nathan always play tricks on her and we never get caught.
C:(smiles) do you enjoy doing that?
V: yes me and nathan do it all the time. sometimes hannah does it. she's my bestfriend and my cousin. and tyler never does it he's a goody two shoes but he never tells on us. i think he likes hannah.
C: who's tyler?
V: tyler delgard is my friend. his mommy is jenny humphrey and daddy is damien delgard. they arnt together though. they split up.
C: do you have anymore friends?
V: only them for but everybody likes me because if they hurt me i play tricks on them. will you tie my shoe laces.
C: sure. do you want to learn how to tie your shoe laces?
V: yes.
C: ok watch.
(chuck ties one of her laces and explains to her how to do it then takes off her other shoe and hands it to her)
C: do you want to try?
V: ok.
(she ties the lace on her other shoe)
V: i did it.
C: thats good. now we have to open it to put it on your foot.
(chuck sits back down and blair and nathan come back in)
V: mommy chuck taught me how to tie my laces.
B: that's good.
Na: i dont wear shoe laces they always open.

after a long day out they all go home the kids go to bed and blair stays in nate and serena's room chuck stays in the spare room. they all go to sleep.
i hope you like it. it was sort of as if they were all a family but sadly not. yet anyway i cant wait till the finally its going to be a good one but it is a few episodes away yet. i hope you like the chuck and victoria scene and the scene where nathan and victoria called each other archibald and bass. look out for episode 19.
mummy, daddy and...
mummy, daddy and...
daughter. unfortunatly she doesnt know!
daughter. unfortunatly she doesnt know!
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