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Back together at last!
Back together at last!
Chair Tales S02E11- Meet The Parents

It's the morning after the Love in Limo incident. Blair and Chuck are still in New York at a hotel suite where they stayed the night. Blair would be meeting with Dan and Serena that morning to go back to Connecticut. Chuck had told Blair that he was staying in New York for a week or so on business and that she should go home with Serena and Dan and he'd see her when he got back home. She'd agreed and told him that things would be different when they were finally reunited at home, things would be better. He said he couldn't wait to put the past behind them and move on. They had fallen asleep peacefully, finally back on good terms. Blair would return home that morning...she could finally move back home, where she belonged, with meant that she would have to go back to Zane's that day, to pick up her things.

Blair wakes up, opening her eyes and observing her surroundings, yes, it happened, last night was real, she was lying in a bed with Chuck, her Chuck. She turns over in the bed to face Chuck. He is already awake, waiting for her eyes to make contact with his. He strokes her face and smiles at her. She responds with a beaming smile before cuddling up to him and resting her head on his chest. He wraps his arms tightly around her. He wasn't going to let her get away again. He'd learnt his lesson the hard way...

C: Morning.
B: What time is it?
C: Dont know...dont care....i could lie here for ever...with you. (he runs his fingers down her naked back)
B: Chuck?
C: Yeah?
B: I love you.
C: (she looks up at him) I know...I love you too.
B: I really really love you and i missed you so much.
C: I know, and i meant everything i said last night, Im sorry for ruining things for us.
B: No, it wasn't your takes two to tango...i was at fault too.
C: Hey, its in the past...whatever happened...the important thing is we're together now...and i will do everything to make this work...I want to make you happy.
B: I already am.
C: Then i want to make you deserve so much better than ive ever given you...
B: (interrupts him) Chuck...there is nothing better than you...your all i want...whatever person you become...i dont long as you're always in my life, as my one and only love...i could never love anyone would be you or no-one.
C: (closes his eyes, she can tell he is emotional so she holds him tightly) all i ever wanted was for you to accept just love me unconditionally...without asking me for more...without expecting me to be the kind of guy you read about in fairy tales.
B: I know...Chuck im sorry for being pushy...i dont care about my expectations any more...we dont have to be like Serena and Dan or any other couple....what makes our relationship work is when we be us. No more pressure to be more than just us, i promise. We love each other and we're together, that's all that matters...any thing else is just a bonus.
C: Sure (he smiles and kisses her) I missed you too. Im sorry i have to stay here and be apart from you again, but we'll be together soon ok.

They continue to kiss.

* * * * * * *

Later on that day. Serena, Dan and Blair have returned to New Haven and Dan has returned to his house while Serena and Blair have gone for lunch at a cafe.

They talk over lunch.

B: So how was last night?
S: It was great! After the game, a few of us hung out because Nate was leaving! Cant believe you missed it B!
B: I know i...had things to sort out...ill tell you soon, first tell me what happened with you!
S: Well, we said our goodbyes to Nate after giving him a good send off! He even managed to find a girl to spend the evening with before leaving! I already miss having him kinda reminded me of the old days...high school...
B: I was nice...he should definitely come again some time. or maybe we could have a reunion in Manhattan.
S: Yeah that would be amazing! after Nate left, Dan took me to this amazing restaurant for a midnight dinner! Their deserts were to die for! So the night ended on a high...we went back home and...well...
B: Grose...ok you can stop there!
S: B! (nudges her)
B: What?! Im eating!...i do not want to hear about anything involving sex and Dan Humphrey!
S: (they both giggle) Ok fine! So tell me how your night went?! Nate mentioned that you and Chuck managed to you have good news or bad news?
B: (smiling) Well let just say Chuck may have to get the cleaner in for the back of the limo!
S: Omg! B! Are you serious?! So did you guys even talk before you jumped into the back of that limo of his!
B: (laughing) Of course we spoke! I wouldn't let him near me when i was so angry with him.
S: Really? You guys perform at your best when your angry.
B: true (they laugh) But this time was serious...we did actually talk and make up before we..had sex.
S: know what they say, make up sex is the best sex!
B: I know...and it was! (they laugh) but just glad we sorted things out.
S: So you're back together?
B: (smiles) Yes...we are! (giggles)
S: (hugs Blair) awww im so happy for you B...i knew you two would get back if you could live without each other!
B: I life was so miserable without him.

* * * * * * *

Later on that day.

Blair has arrived at Zane's house.

He knew it was Serena's engagement treat yesterday and Blair had gone with her high school friends to the Knick’s game. He thought she must have gone back to Serena's house and stayed there the night. He hears the front door open. it must be her. he quickly gets up and goes to see.

Z: Hey...(he walks over to her) how are you...where were you last night? I was worried about you.
B: (she smiles) I ...umm im fine..i was with my friends...and then...
Z: And then?
B: (she giggles) me and ....Chuck.....we're back together! (she lets out a little laugh)
Z: Oh....that quick? I thought you wanted a break?
B: Ive had enough of a break....i cant live without him!
Z: did while he wasn't around.
B: Yeah...but that's because i had to...(she suddenly remembers sleeping with Zane) moving back home.
Z: (he looks at her blankly, clearly disappointed) sure...?
B: Ummm...yeah...we're back together Zane...
Z: I heard the first time....(he walks off into the lounge)
B: Zane!? (she follows after him) Is everything ok?
Z: Its fine....(he looks up at her) so you probably need to get your things then?
B: Ummm yeah.
Z: So thats the only reason you're here right? to get your stuff and if nothing happened?
B: Zane...(she looks down) i appreciate you letting me stay here...but i have to go have to understand.
Z: Well i dont.
B: I was here temporarily Zane, you know that.
Z: He hurt you (he get up and walks to her) He doesn't deserve deserve better Blair!
B: I love him (she smiles) i can never love anyone sorry....i have to go...
Z: You're never going to wll be in your memories every day....every night...
B: What are you talking about?
Z: Every time you're with'll remember it....that wont forget Blair...
B: (she turns away from him) I have to go...
Z: It happened cant just ignore it!
B: (she runs towards the stairs) I have to pack!
Z: (goes to the foot of the staircase as she runs up the stairs) We slept together happened! You might want to pretend like it didn't happen....but i wont! (he storms off out of the house)

Upstairs Blair has reached her bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaning on the door for a moment gathering her thoughts.

He was right...she would never was only a week or so ago....and she hadn't forgot...she had ignored it...pretended that it hadn't happened hoping that she would never have to face that reality again......Chuck could never find out....she would never be able to live with herself if he left her again....she had accused him of cheating but she was the one that had cheated...and that wasn't her only problem...she was beginning to feel sick again...

* * * * * * *

It has been a couple of weeks and Chuck has finally returned home after a long business stay in NYC (and it really was just business). Everything is going great with Blair and Chuck. They are happier than ever. He had been making so much effort in making her happier, calling her everyday from NYC just to show her that he was thinking of her constantly and that he was missing her, and she had been giving him her support with the business, running errands for him in New Haven whilst he was away, she spent a lot of time in the office getting to know more about the business and helped by even asking her mother for a loan...Chuck was reluctant to agree at first but she managed to convince him, so whilst he was in NYC he had visited Eleanor to pick up the check and make peace with her. The business was picking up with the extra funds and Chuck even had a new sponsorship deal on the table awaiting approval...everything seemed to be falling into place.

Except for one thing...something Blair had been keeping to herself. She had visited the doctor...she wasn’t going to ruin her life over eating problems again...she had been feeling sick for the past couple of weeks...she knew she hadn't been eating properly but she was still trying to keep a healthy diet...but sometimes she couldn't help but throw up because the sickness made her feel the need to. Luckily this time around she was more mature, she went to see a Doctor almost straight away, it used to be something she had no control over, the disorder would come and she wouldn't even realise until it was too she went to see the Doctor right from go just to prevent it coming back in full flow.

It was today that she was expecting her Doctors consultation...just to check if the bulimia had done some long term damage maybe she was experiencing side affects to the supplements she was taking whenever she missed a meal. Chuck had only been back for two days and she couldn't let Chuck find out this would hurt him...he would think that it was his fault...but deep down she needed his support...maybe if the bulimia was back she would have to tell him...or even if it wasn't back she could still tell him that she thought it was but that she'd been told by a Doctor that she was all clear...he'd be grateful that she'd been honest with him...he hated her suffering in silence...

* * * * * * *

Later on that evening.

Blair and Chuck are in bed, cuddled up with each other.

C: Hey...i've been thinking...about the future...our future...(leans his forehead on hers)
B: What about it?
C: may come as a shock....but i've been thinking about...
B: What?
C: Marriage...and stuff.
B: (is shocked) What? Really? You've thought about it?
C: Yeah...i know its important to you...and i know it's what you i've been trying to come around to the idea.
B: (smiles) And...?
C: And...maybe one the future...i can see it happening...
B: (gets excited) I cant believe it Chuck! I cant believe im hearing you say this!
C: Look...don't get carried away...there's plenty to do before we get to the stage when we're ready to actually do it...but im just saying that id be willing the future.
B: Of course...i understand (she smiles) Im just so glad that you've thinking about're finally showing the commitment that i've been longing for...(she kisses him)
C: Hey, i've always been committed to us. I just didnt think that i had to marry you to prove it.
B: i just...a traditional girl...ive always dreamt of getting married.
C: I know....i haven' not a traditional guy...but for willing to compromise. (he smiles and kisses her)

They kiss before she pulls away.

B: Wait...there's something i needed to tell you too....
C: What (he moves closer to her again and holds her in his arms)
B: i was afraid that you'd be angry.....but after what you just told feeling abit more confident now (she sighs) ok...(closes her eyes)
C: What is it? Tell me...What ever it sure its a good thing.
B: And you wont be mad?
C: Well you're starting to worry me now!
B: ok what if i said its good news and that it's something that makes me really happy...i mean its bad timing...but i dont care...its made me really happy!
C: Well then im sure it'll make me happy too! So tell me what is it?
B: goes....(she looks into his eyes, he stands patiently waiting or her good news) pregnant...

To be continued...
Good news or Bad news Blair?
Good news or Bad news Blair?

Gossip Girl: # Spotted: Blair, bags packed and hugging her maid goodbye?! Going somewhere Waldorf? Where scandal goes Gossip Girl is sure to follow....dont think you can hide from me Queen B...I'll be watching you! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Blair is in a taxi on her way to Chucks house. it's Friday evening and they are leaving for New Haven tonight. She arrives and removes her bags from the car. She is there on time and is surprised that Chuck isn't out waiting for her. She rings the doorbell and is invited in. Bart is in the hallway and greets Blair, he...
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Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Episode 14: Lie Hard

GG: Hey Upper East Siders, If you haven't heard, (where have you been?) Chuck Bass is back in town. Seen back at school with the other Van der Bass sibling, But where are B and N, We thought you four did everything together?

(It's been 2 weeks since Chuck has returned home, He still has some bruises on his face but not as visible as they were)

Chuck and Serena are sitting in the courtyard of the school.

S: Are you thinking about coming home?
C: (ignores the question)
S: Chuck?
C: I can do fine, On my own
S: Really? Lets refresh! Last time you were on your own look how you ended...
continue reading...
Need a drink Chuck?
Need a drink Chuck?
Episode 11: Locked Up

GG: Good Evening Upper East Siders, Now we all know Chuck Bass is on the run and we hear from the downtown crew. Take care Chuck, the last person who crossed them ended up 6ft under...

At the Van der Woodsen/Bass Apartment.

Blair, Dan and Chuck enter the apartment.
Chuck goes straight to the bar and pours himself a whisky.

B: Right, You have 5 seconds to explain this to me!
C: (drinks the whisky)
B: Chuck!
C: I'm not saying anything with "Brooklyn" here
B: Hey, Dan was very helpful and you should thank him

Dan looks surprised by Blair comment.

B: Make the most of that Humphrey, I...
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Weddings are where people get together right?
Weddings are where people get together right?
Episode 09- Four Break-Up's and a Wedding

Gossip Girl:# Flowers are blooming and bells are ringing....a spring wedding is on the horizon....and Gossip Girl will have front row seats...after all I am your one an only...for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health...You know you love me. I do! xoxo Gossip Girl #

At the wedding reception Serena and Blair are having something to eat. Well Serena is.

S: Are you gonna eat that (pointing to Blairs plate)
B: Umm can have it...
S: (takes something from Blairs plate) Hey...dont you think the bit where Harry messed...
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ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
Episode 06- A Series of Unfortunate Events

Gossip Girl: # What do you get when when you cross secrets with jealousy....i know
I want to find out...xoxo #

S: Hey b.
B: (smiles) hey.
S: urmm...have you seen gossip girl lately?
B: S, im happy...having a great time...why would i want to poison my mind with gossip girl?
S: Well i think you need to check it out...(points to her computer)
B: Why? Whats on there..(she runs to the computer and logs on to gossip girl, there she sees and article and pictures of recent sighting of chuck and Vanessa together)... Its probably nothing...
S: ye...maybe...or maybe...
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Spotted: Bass Bouquet???
Spotted: Bass Bouquet???
Episode 03- A Date With the Devil

Gossip Girl: # Spotted, Bass at Flower's Inc. Is that rose for a Waldorf or are you treating know what they say...players only love you when they're playing...careful B, don't go getting pricked by a thorn! You know you love me xoxo Gossip Girl! #

School Corridor
Chuck approaches Serena....

S: Hey....Chuck...
C: Did you talk to her?
S: Ummm ....yeh...but if you wanna know how she's feeling you should ask her not gonna be a messenger or anything.
C: I doubt she'll even look at me let alone talk.
S: Maybe you should atleast try Chuck!
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.

Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Nate Archibald
Serena Van der Woodsen

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of love with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- There is a dance/ball going on in the palace hotel for a charity event.

Scene 2- The Palace Hotel

The Ball has started.
There are many people there dancing, gossiping, chatting etc.
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posted by lozxtitchx
Chuck and Blair have now been in Paris three days. They have been sightseeing but we all know what Blair really wants to do... shopping. Chloe, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Valentino, Givenchy, Gucci, Hermes, Versace and Yves St Laurent.

''Blair, the limousine's here for the shopping trip''. Chuck said as Blair walked out of the en suite in the most exquisite jumpsuit ever, she looked fabulous, he wanted to ravish her, but they had to go, this was what Blair was looking forward to and he wasn't going to dissapoint her. Chuck opened the hotel room door and Blair walked out into the hallway with...
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posted by Praesse
It is old, so in those reasons aren't some like
"In the face of true love you don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to." LOL ;)

R e a s o n s;
001. Because let's face it, they would be so hot!
002. Because she could be herself around him.
003. Because he'd totally tap that.
004. Because they've barely had any scenes and we already love them.
005. Because these two are an obsession!
006. Because they're bringing sexy back!
007. Because together they're invincible.
008. Because they would rule the school.
009. Because we want to see that limo scene again, but with only...
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Catching up at Yale.
Catching up at Yale.
Chair Tales- S02E08- She Just Isn't That In To You!

It's the day after the pre-engagement party.
Last night when Blair returned "home" (to Zane's house where she is still staying) she wasn't in the mood to talk and went straight to bed.
Serena had tried to contact Blair to find out why she left early but Blair hasn't replied to her messages or calls.

It's early morning, Zane and Blair have had breakfast and are getting ready to leave for Yale.

Z: So, are you feeling better...(she doesnt respond) were upset when you came home last night.
B: Im fine....i just had a long night...shall we...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
The Mess that is Chuck Bass ~ Chapter 2

She was getting more frantic by the second. It had been a month and a half since Bart’s funeral, and there was still no sign of Chuck. Blair had people looking for him everywhere, but to no avail.

She was so upset about Chuck that Blair couldn’t eat, sleep, or concentrate on anything but him. Blair knew that he needed her; she just now had to find out where he was. It physically hurt her that Chuck was in so much pain.

She was so lost in her own thoughts, that she didn’t even hear the ding of her own elevator lift. Blair saw the door open, and out...
continue reading...
Home again Blair?
Home again Blair?
Chair Tales S02E04 - The Art of the Deal

In Manhattan.
The D.A.Y group are on an open top bus tour of Manhattan. They have just left the bus for lunch.
Blair and Zane are talking.

B: I miss this....i know it isn't where i lived but its not too far from the Upper East Side!
Z: The Upper East Side....i've heard all the stories...
B: What stories!?
Z: You know...the rich guys, stuck up girls...
B: (whacks him with her handbag, he laughs) Oi! I was an Upper East Side girl! We weren't that bad!
Z: (laughs) Well what were you then? Cool or uncool?
B: I was pretty popular.
Z: how popular....Queen B popular?...
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Ok im going to say my top five chuck and blair scenes dont know if you agree but i hope you do remember to rate and comment!! thank you

1. The limo scene!!!

2. blairs birthday! giving her the necklace

3. blairs moms wedding when she comforts him!

4. season final dancing

5. chuck on the roof they hug

im a big chuck and blair fan and they have so many amazing scenes these are just a few i found really cute! becuase they show how in love they are i just wish they could finaly get together becuase im sick of them almost getting together over and over!!!

please rate and comment
added by jlhfan624
What's your game Miss G?
What's your game Miss G?

Episode 22: Made in Manhattan

GG: Yawn. That's what we hear is coming from the mouth of Chuck Bass, up all night...but not in a good way, stuck with N, wallowing in his latest break up from V, Oh well she wasn't the first and unless there's a holocaust of all females she certainly wont be the last.

(At the Palace.)

In Chuck's suite.
Nate is walking around holding a whiskey, he has been drinking all night.
Chuck is sitting on the couch looking very bored and isn't really listening.

N: You know It was just one mistake (drinks) And it's not like it matters anyway...
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Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from Queen B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced photo taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog space on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do you think!
S: Twice...
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Missing Daddy C?
Missing Daddy C?
Episode 7: Empire of the Son

GG: The Bass is dead, Long live Junior Bass. Yes, Our condolances go out to you Chuck. We hope your doing fine. But look on the bright side C, Your about to become the richest teen in New York City...It's not all bad.

At the Van der Bass Appartment.
Chuck is in his room, sitting on the window sil.
Blair enters.

B: Chuck? Sweetie
C: (doesn't reply)
B: How are you?
C: (No reply)
B: Okay, You just stay there, and I'll be here, When your ready to talk (Blair sits down)

(Silence for the next few minutes)

B: Are you talking...At the funeral?
C: What's there to say? (continues to...
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“How long have I been in this storm?

So overwhelmed by the ocean’s shapeless form

Water's getting harder to tread

With these waves crashing over my head”


When he wakes up he is alone. Barely conscious he reaches out for her, finding nothing more than empty, cool satin next to him on the bed. He is suddenly wide awake and opens his eyes, only to realize something else; his head is killing him. A slow groan escaping his mouth he buries his head in the pillow trying to shut out the light coming from the window. He feels as if he has been run over by truck and then fed to stray...
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It had been three days since the funeral of the late Bart Bass and the UES was still trying to come to grips with what had happened. Blair Waldorf on the other hand had another Bass on her mind. She was worried. Worried sick about the one person that she hadn’t seen since the day of the funeral. Chuck Bass was nowhere to be seen; he seemed to have fallen of the face of the earth. Not even Gossip Girl seemed to have any leads on his whereabouts these days.

“If only he could answer his phone!” Blair slammed her phone shut with a frown after calling Chuck for the millionth time that day,...
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A Rose for his Queen?
A Rose for his Queen?
Episode 2: East Side Story

GG: Good Morning Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, Maybe you've noticed Gossip Girl hasn't been to bed, Well why sleep when we're still waiting on news about our resident king, Any news on the Bass be sure to let Gossip Girl know...

At the Palace Hotel.
Chuck is drinking coffee, Blair is holding the cup up for him.

B: Drink it
C: I'm not thirsty
B: Coffee's good for you drink it

Chuck takes a sip and then again.

B: Better?
C: Yeah

Blair puts the coffee down.

B: Tell me what happened?
C: (laughs) Same old
B: Serena told me something about you and your Dad?
C: Yeah so...
B: Do...
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