Blair & Chuck Club
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tell me if you want some serenate
tell me if you want some serenate
A/N: i hope you liked the last one enough to come read this one and review. please review and tell me what you liked what you hated what you think i should change and any idea's you can think of.
victoria and gregory were eating their breakfast. hannah was coming to walk to school with victoria and tristan was coming to go to school with gregory in the limo. chuck was in the kitchen eating his breakfast aswell and blair was sitting beside him looking over some papers for her work.

G: so who's face do you plan on sucking today?
V: i dont suck peoples faces greg, i mearly look for someone who is suitable to be my boyfriend and that means they have to be a good kisser.
G: no you're just more like me than you like to admit.
V: no you sleep around with girls even though you are only 13 and me i will kiss more than 1 boy but it doesnt go any further than that.
B: victoria clair bass you do not go around kissing random boys and gregory nathanil bass you do not treat girls like that.
V: mom i am only testing to see if they are a good kisser and suitable boyfriend material.
C: no one is suitable boyfriend material for you. (victoria rolls her eye)
G: i was testing out other parts.
B: GREGORY! (chuck smirks and blair slaps him upside the head)
C: what was that for? (laughs)
B: you are encoraging him.
C: i wasnt (smirks)
B: yes you were, just because you were like that with women in school doesnt mean he can.
C: i was like that and now im a married man with three children.
G: yes i think dad is setting a wonderful example.
B: fine if gregory is allowed to sleep around so is victoria.
V: i think thats fair.
C: well i wont encorage him any more but even you know i wont be able to stop him he's a bass. just like if victoria wanted to sleep around i wouldnt be able to stop her either. but victoria dont sleep around.
V: i wont daddy.
B: hopefully we wont be having alot of these conversations with maddie when she is older.
G: yeah right. if anything she'll be worse.
V: i'll get it (gets up and answers the door) hannah come in.
H: oh by the way do you have your history homework done.
V: no.
H: ok we'll get it off tyler.
B: vicky if i get another phone call about no homework you're getting you credit card took off you.
V: oh come on mom i have had alot on my mind lately.
B: oh yeah like what?
V: well...
H: her minions are trying to dethrone her and we are trying to find all the dirt we can on them.
C: remind you of anyone sweetie.
B: shut up chuck.
C: plus it's not as if she needs school, she wants to be a CEO i am one, she can have the buisness if she wants it when i cant look after it or im dead.
H: uncle chuck dont say that.
V: yes daddy i dont want to think about you been cold and in the ground.
B: he's already got the cold bit down to a fine art (said playfully)
C: oy you.
H: vicky get your stuff and lets go.
V: yeah before they start making out. it's gross.
G: she's telling the truth hannah, im warning you because you family.
H:(laughs again)ok thanks you guys but im use to it. you do know who my parents are.
V: lets go.
(victoria and hannah leave)
G:(opens the door)tristan lets leave.
T: how did you know it was me?
G: because victoria and hannah have already left.
T: ok lets go.


victoria and hannah arrive at school they walk over to nathan and tyler has not arrived yet.

Na: took you two long enough.
V: sorry but i allowed greg to have to limo this morning.
H: where's ttyler he's normally here before us.
Na: i dont know i text him and he didnt text back.
V: did you try calling him?
Na: no.
H: look i'll call him now.
V: i dont have a good feeling about this, tyler told me that his mother was going to work early this morning leaving him alone with his father probably wasnt the smartes thing to do
Na: calm down victoria he'll be fine.
H: tyler wont pick up.
V: oh great.
Na: vicky dont worry.
V: how can you not expect me to worry he's one of my best friends nathan, i would worry all the same for you or hannah if you had a father like tylers but you dont so... what if something happened.
H: it's ok vicky. please dont worry tyler doesnt trust his father he will know what to do if that situation happens.
Ty(tyler): hey guys.
V: tyler thank god. why didnt you answer your phone (hugs him)
Ty: because it fell down the toilet when i went to open Nathan's text.
H: why werent you here early like usual?
Ty: because my alarm clock didnt go off so i got up a bit later and then i had a conversation with my father.
Na: what type of conversation?
Ty: my father apoligised and he said he understood if i never trust him again but he wanted to try to make it up to me and my mother.
V: well i'll never like him, and you can talk to me about him whenever you like ok.
Ty: thanks.
H: you made vicky completly freak out
V: he did not.
Na: he did so.
V: you two are so annoying.


gregory and tristan arive at school and go over to their friends, rachel and brooke humphrey. they are jonathan's sisters. twins and they had dark hair like their father dan.

G: hello girls.
R(rachel): hey
Br(brooke): hi, tristan why is you hair sitting like that.
T: like what? (runs a hand through his hair)
Br: never mind.
R: so what are we going to do today?
G: i could do you if you want.
R: your henious
T: rachel i thought you'd be use to gregory by now.
G: well her twin is most definatly use to me.
R: you slept with him.
Br: innocent until proven guilty.
G: oh your most definalty guilty.
R: ew gregory shut up. brooke did you sleep with gregory.
Br: i did, but not only did i sleep with him but he swiped my v-card.
R+T: ew.
G: brooke isnt as innocent as you two thought.
Br: he's rather good in bed.
R: ew shut up.
G: it's so easy to get a rise out of you R.
Br: not as easy as it is to get something to rise in you.
R: what have you done to my sister?
G: not a thing you clearly dont know her as well as i do then.
T: yes rachel doesnt know her unidentcal twin as well as you, that doesnt seem weird at all.
G: shut up archibald.
R: you are so weird gregory and now i think my own sister is weird.
Br: you love me really rach
R: yes and im sure daddy will love greg when i tell him that he took your virginity.
T: i would love to be there for that.
R: and you're welcome to come.
G: im not afraid of your father rachel.
Br: our father punched your father in the face when they were younger.
G: i dont care, my father may have slept around and treated women like a tissue use once and throw away but he is a better man now, so im using my youth for sleeping around before i get older.
T: so you have it all planned out?
G: i did but i like not being tied down i might continue to sleep around.
R: of course you would.
Br: lucky girls.
G: right now i like brooke more than you rachel.
R: well maybe i can change that (said flirtasiosly)
G: what do you have in mind?
R: come here and i'll show you.
(gregory walks over to rachel and when there faces are inches apart rachel kicks him in the shin)
T: way to go rachel.
G: how is it possible that you played a bass?
R: im very smart and anyone can play a bass if you pretend you are going to have sex with them.
Br: it's true.
(they all laugh)


nathan and victoria have a free class and nathan is smoking outside the school, victoria is talking to him.

Na: so your parents anniversary dinner is coming up.
V: it is?
Na: what are you buying them?
V: im getting something made for them.
Na: why not buy them something?
V: Nathan my family have billions of dollars, my allowence is over 1000$ my parents can buy anything they want so im getting a video made of all their best moments.
Na: i guess that makes sense.
V: yeah.
Na: no need to be cheeky little miss billionaire.
V: (laughs) shut up. you use to be cool you know when we use to get my dad to get us ice lollies before dinner.
Na: oh yeah, you mother hated him that day.
V: she hated him for longer than a day.
Na: vicky i have a question for you.
V: ok ask it.
Na: you said to me that tyler shouldnt trust his father ever again but your father wasnt there for the first four years of your life and you completly trust him. how can you trust someone who left you and your mother?
V: well it's different, my dad left because his mother died giving birth to him and he was scared the same would happen to her he thought that she had moved away so he did the same but he never hooked up with anyone else because he still loved her, when he came back he fought for us and i know that he'll never leave again because not every father would have admited that whole story. he trusted that i'd be there for him if he told me so i put trust in him.
Na: oh right.
V: and my father never hit me.
Na: makes sense, your fathers cool aswell.
V: of course he is he's your cool uncle chuck as he says.
Na: he is.


serena is cleaning up the table which is covered in paint from the twins. selena and aidan always managed to cover the table in paint even though there was newspapers down. nate just came home from work.

N(nate): hey sweetie.
S: hey.
N: where's the twins?
S: they fell asleep watching t.v. and our teenage children are at school.
N: i know that's why i didnt ask.
S:(kissses him) dont be smart.
N: i love you.
S: i love you too.
N: the kids probably wont be up for a while.
S: what do you have in mind?
N: we could go to the bedroom and have a little fun.
S: ok. but we have to take protection no more children are coming out of me.
N: ok.
(they go to the bedroom and the twins wak up)
Se: MOMMY CAN YOU MAKE US A SANDWICH! (shouted from the kids bedroom)
S: guess having fun is out of the question.
N: (laughs)

A/N: hey please review and i hope you enjoyed it.
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