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Losing hope...
Losing hope...
Chair Tales S02E24- Final Destination

...The following day.

Blair is in hospital, Serena is also there to visit Blair and see how Bella is. Serena has just told Blair about showing the paternity test to Chuck.

B: I cant believe you would do something like that! Without asking me first!
S: Im sorry Blair but i had to!
B: No! It's none of your business....that was personal had no right to go through my things! It has nothing to do with you!
S: Nothing to do with me? Well im sorry for worrying about my best friend, im sorry for going out of my mind these past few days seeing you like this, im sorry for caring about you, im sorry for caring about Bella and im sorry for doing the right thing by telling Chuck the truth so that he can finally step up and take responsibility! Bella is his daughter whether you like it or not! He needs to know the truth!
B: (starts to cry, Serena puts her arm around her) well now he knows.
S: Hey im sorry ok....i had to do it.
B: Im not angry with you...i can never be angry with're the only one who's been there for me....always....i need you S....i keep thinking that im losing her...
S: You're not losing her....she'll be ok....and im not going anywhere always going to be here.

Blair eventually stops crying. Serena continues to hold her.

B: What did he say....when you told him.
S: He didnt say anything...well i didnt exactly stay long enough...i handed him the envelope and left....he hasn't been in touch since.
B: Typical....he doesn't care.
S: Im sure we'll hear from him know how long it takes for him to make a move.
B: You've given him concrete proof...what more does he need...he should have been in touch with you by now...he doesn't care.
S: B, just trust me...i know that somewhere in that body of his, he has a heart. This is a 5 year old girl we're talking about...he has to care.

* * * * * * * *

Later on that day, Serena and Dan are at home. Serena receives a phone call.

S: (looking at her phone) Chuck, At last!
D: Answer it then.

Talking to Chuck.
Talking to Chuck.

Phone call:

S: (stands up) Chuck...hi....
C: Hi.
S: So? I hope you're calling me to ask about your daughter.
C: My daughter.
S: Yes (she smiles) your daughter....your beautiful 5 year old daughter...who needs you now more than ever.
C: beautiful. (he smiles)
S: Yes...well she as two good looking parents.
C: Are you with Blair?
S: No.
C: Where is she....i want to speak to her.
S: Chuck...she's in....the hospital.
C: Why what's happened?
S: You should go there and find out for yourself.
C: Serena tell me.
S: No, i've done enough go and find's time to take responsibility....i'll text you the ward details...
C: Ok.
S: Hey....before you hang up. Please do the right thing.
C: I will.
S: Im proud of you Chuck....i knew you'd come through in the end.
C: Thanks.
S: Hey, call me later...after you speak to're going to need someone to talk to ....and me and Dan will be coming to the hospital later anyway.
C: Ok, ill speak to you soon (they hang up)

* * * * * * * *

Later on, Chuck has arrived at the hospital, he is in his limo approaching the car park when he notices Blair walking to a taxi stand. He tells the driver to park up. He gets out of the limo and calls out to Blair.

C: Blair! wait! (he rushes over to her)
B: What do you want?
C: I need to talk to you.
B: What if i dont want to talk to you.
C: Please...just come with me...(he points to the limo) we can talk in private.

She looks at him, considering his offer, after a moment she follows him into the limo. She was exhausted and didnt have the energy to argue with him. There was no point holding any grudges...there were much more important things in life. He let her in first and he closed the door once he was in. He was staring at her, she couldn't look at him so she waited for him to speak...

C: Blair....

she turned to look at him, her look almost killed him, he could see the tears in her eyes, being in that limo was enough to make them both cry. It was as though all those memories of them together hit him all at once...his throat dried up and he almost choked. He was shaking. He only wanted to tell her that he was ready to take Bella as his daughter...but now that she was there, in front of him, he wanted so much more...

C: (eventually manages to cough his words out) Serena told me.......about Isabella.
B: As if you didnt already know Chuck.
C: I always thought it was his...i was so sure....
B: (looks at him in anger) i cant argue any more too tired....i dont have the strength.
C: I dont want to argue....i want to fix things.......Look at us Blair....two lost souls.....sometimes i wonder why i even wake up in the morning...why's not like i have a life worth living.
B: You think you have it bad!
C: I probably cant compare to what you've gone through...having a baby, on your own...i know it was hard for you.
B: Hard is an understatement.
C: I cant change what happened...neither can you. We both made mistakes. Mistakes that led us here....nowhere. I thought i had nothing to live for empty and im sick and tired of this loneliness....i cant live like he father...i dont want his life...
B: This has got nothing to do with him...stop comparing yourself to him and expecting me to feel sorry for you...yes you had a crap childhood, your father never loved you...change the record Chuck...
C: (he watched her for a moment, her truth stinging him in the eyes, but he wouldn't let his tears expose his feelings) You might think it's not relevant...but it is to me....I guess you could never understand how I felt about him. And how he's made me the person I am today.
B: What's your point. I don't have time for you're poetry Chuck....just say what you need to say.
C: When I saw the paternity test I was in proved the one question that had been looming over me for the past few years...the fact that I had met her and spoken to her made things worse...I felt guilty for being in denial for so long....I burned the papers.
B: What! Why! I needed those!
C: For what...we don't need them....we don't need to prove it to any one.
B: (looks away from him) We? (sighs) what happened to "we"?
C: I don't know. But we're still here today? Fate has brought us back together again.
B: (looks at him as her tears finally escape her eyes) together?
C: We've been here so many times Blair...questioning if we can really make it work....but I don't know any other way. I don't know if I can keep living this empty life...without the one thing that can make me happy. Who am I Blair? I don't know any more.
B: What are you saying?
C: Im barely human without.....without my Blair. (he finally lifts his shaking hand and touches her face) Im not Chuck Bass Without you.
B: (starts to cry) I cant fight for us any more not strong any more...I never was otherwise we wouldn't be this...
C: It wont be a fight this time...I promise (Cups her face in his hands, she looks up at him still crying) don't Blair, I cant bear to see you cry...
B: I cant help so lost Chuck.
C: (he holds her in his arms) I thought I could get over you Blair....I cant...I never will....I need you....Blair (he lifts her head up and looks her right in the eyes) I....I still Love You (she starts to cry again) I Love You so much....(he holds her tightly in his arms as she cries) Im ready to be what you want me to ready for anything now. (She lifts herself off him) Blair...we can try again.
B: You're saying your ready for can I be sure that this time will be different to the last?
C: It will be....I promise....don't you think we've learned enough from our know never to let it get to this 100% sure this time going to make it work, no matter what. I Love You Blair...i've never stopped loving you. Even when I left...I left because I loved you so much and couldn't take the fact that you....and that guy....I couldn't face you after that...and thinking that the baby was his...but it didn't make me stop loving you...I could never stop. I want you back Blair....I want you back for good. I want you to love me.
B: (she leans her forehead on his) All i've ever wanted was to be happy Chuck...being with you made me happy...but it broke my heart too.
C: This time will be different.

Her face being so close to his, he could feel her breath...he saw the vulnerability in her eyes, she always made him go weak and today was no different. He moved closer to her and looked deep into her eyes, she was still Blair to him, the same Blair he had fallen in love with all those years ago, he had hungered her for so long and she was finally here with him now, after everything, she was here with him, he leant forward and stroked his lips on to hers, he was gentle with her because she was his angel and he could never hurt her again. She couldn't resist his lips as he began to kiss her softly, it had been so long...years since he'd touched her lips and he felt the rush from kissing her. He let go of her lips momentarily, they looked at each other for a moment before she closed her eyes and kissed him back. they kissed for a moment...his hands tightly holding onto her waist and hers wrapped around his neck...kissing him was different, he had a little facial hair and it scratched against her lips as she kissed him all over his may have been a little different but she felt 17 the back of his limo...making out...for a moment she felt young again...for a moment she forgot about everything else and embraced her lover...melting into his arms as he tried to pull her even more closer to him. His tongue found it's way through it's old paths into and around her mouth, not leaving any part untouched, she breathed heavily in sync with the movement of his body rubbing against her's. It was impossible for her to ignore how he made her feel, even under such circumstances. She could feel his hands touching her in places only he would think of, the most sensitive areas of her body that only he knew would arouse her, it made her let go of his lips and she moved onto his neck, she wanted to return the favour to him, and he showed his satisfaction by breathing heavily and tugging on her hair whilst pulling her closer to him. Their breathing was so heavy it steamed up the windows, this was more than just lust or was hunger...they had been through so much in their lives, they had been apart for so long...finally coming together once more and finding comfort in each others wasn't the actual kiss that was important right was the simple fact that they were able to kiss...after everything they were still able to hold each other, touch each other and still able to love each other....she moved back up from his neck and bit on his lips begging them to open for her once more and they did. She let her tongue in again and welcomed the warmth of his mouth, the taste of his mouth that she had missed so much, it made her jitter and sent chills through her body, this is the man that she loved, she belonged to him and they both knew it. She had forgotten what it was like to feel like this because she had blocked it all out, but now that she felt it once more she had no idea how she had lived without it. He kissed her so passionately neither of them wanted it to end, he didnt want to let go of her, but he knew they had plenty to talk about...he loosened his grip on her and slowed down their kiss, he bit her bottom lip before letting go and looking into her eyes, she was still sitting on top of him, on his thighs, facing him...he could still see the hurt in her eyes...

Finally Reunited.
Finally Reunited.

C: (he whispered to her, still trying to catch his breath)I love you baby.
B: (she tried to smile through her tears) I cant lose you again....i need you.
C: You wont lose me. Not this time...(he whispers) i'll chain myself to you. (he smiles)
B: (she leans her face on his, her nose stroking his) I you.
C: (kisses her cheek) I missed you. I missed being with you...I missed being loved by you. Your the only one who ever ready to do it all...move in with me...we'll get married just like you've always wanted and Bella....she's mine...ours (he smiles) i'll be the perfect father to her...I promise...
B: (looks away from him) It's too late...
C: No (holds onto her and turns her face towards his) it's not too going to be a good father...ill make up for the 5 years she's missed...i'll make up for not being ready to take her....
B: Chuck (starts to cry) It's too late....she's in there...(looks towards the hospital and then nods her head)
C: (looks concerned) Why what happened....why is she in...Blair...tell me what's wrong.
B: (crying) She's sick.....she's too sick....I dont know if she'll make it through another day.
C:'re not making sense...why wouldn't she make another day...what's wrong with her!
B: It's cancer....she has leukaemia...she's had it since she was a toddler....and now she has life threatening Pneumonia.....she's so sick....(she buries her head over Chuck's shoulder and cries)
C: cant be true....

Chuck couldn't control his emotions any longer...he too begins to cry....wrapping his arms around Blair tighter....

C: (whilst still crying) cant be....i....i didn't even get to....tell her...she doesn't even know who i am....this is all my fault..
B: (raises her head, still crying) She's always wanted to..... meet you Chuck....she's always wanted to..... know her daddy...
C: I want to see need to see her...(wipes his tears away)
B: She's sleeping....I only left her because i had to get something for her.
C: I dont care...i need to see here now....for both of you...take me to her.
B: (stops crying and nods her head) Ok...

They get out of the car and rush to Bella's ward. They get to the door, which Blair opens. Chuck stops in his tracks, freezing when he looks through the door, seeing Bella in the bed hooked up on a life support machine...He couldn't move....his little girl was barely took him a while to finally take a step forward and enter the room, behind Blair. Bella was awake.

B: Baby...your awake! (she runs to her and kisses her)
I: (mumbles something)
B: Ssshhh...dont speak baby....(she looks up at Chuck who is still by the door) Chuck (she whispers) come closer.
C: (nods his head) I cant.
I: Who's there....mummy?
B: (tears begin to roll down her cheeks) I have a surprise for you baby.
I: What? (she tries to move her head up but cries out in pain and falls back)
B: (gets worried) Shhh...dont move....are you ok...?
I: (starts coughing)
B: Bella....are you ok...? (waits for Bella to calm down, then looks to Chuck) Chuck...please...come here.

Chuck finally moves towards Blair...he looks at Bella, who can now see him, she smiles at him. He smiles back. He touches her hand, her little cold hand.

C: She's cold.
B: I's the pneumonia.

C: They're Doctors, they must be able to fix this!?
B: Forget that......we need to tell her...(she looks to Bella) remember Chuck dont you? Well there's something we haven't told and Chuck have known each other for a long time....a long long time.....the reason you've never seen him until now is because.....he went away.....but now he's here.....and (becomes teary eyed again) do you want to know who is?
I: (whispers) Who?
B: He's....he's your daddy..(she forces a smile through her tears) Chuck is your daddy...

Isabella looks up at Chuck, he can tell she is shocked. He tries to smile at her and say something, but he cant get any words out...he didnt realise how hard this would be.

B: Chuck...say something to her...please.
C: (he bends down towards Bella) Hey....Bella....(he leans over to kiss her forehead).
I: you're my daddy?
C: (nods his head and smiles) Yeah...i even have my name...Bass...that's my name...
I: Where were you?
C: I dont know...I...was lost...but im here now (holds her hand) and im not going to leave going to be here for ever and nothing will happen to going to make sure that the Doctors fix this're going to be ok....because you're you'll be ok.
B: Bella...are you happy baby?
I: (she smiles) My wish came true mummy.
B: (she kisses her) I did mine...
C: sorry for not being around...I hope i can make it up to you.
I: (she smiles) Are you going to stay with mummy now?
C: (smiles and puts his hand on Blair's head) Yeah of not going to leave either of you. We're a family now...we always will be.
I: I wanted to show my daddy that I was brave.
C: (leans towards her again) Well I know that're the bravest person ever...more brave than me or anyone else...and im proud of you...daddy will always be proud of you....and i'll always love you....(he kisses her forehead and holds onto her tiny hands) I love you Isabella.
I: I love you too....daddy.

Just then there is a knock on the door and it opens. Serena and Dan come in and see Chuck and Blair with Bella. Chuck is holding Bella's hand. Serena begins to cry at the sight of them.

S:'re here....have you....told her?

Chuck nods his head to say yes, Serena walks towards them and kneels down to Blair who is still sitting on the chair in tears, they hug and both start to cry.

S: Im so happy for you B....I cant believe this day is finally here.
B: I know...I just was under happier circumstances.
S: Hey...things will get better from here...I know it. (she stands up and looks at Bella) Hey you...congratulations Bella...I hear you found your daddy?
I: (smiles) he found me.
S: Yeah...just like your wish...I bet this is the happiest day of your life!...hey I have an idea...why dont I take a photo of you and daddy, and mummy so we can remember this special day forever?
I: (smiles) Yeah...a photo!
B: Is it necessary...i mean right now?
S: B....we might need this photo...we should take our chances.

Serena takes out her phone and Chuck goes to one side of Bella's bed, with Blair on the other. The three of them huddle together and Serena takes a photo. She looks at it and smiles...

S: It's perfect...just how it should be...(she shows them the photo, including Bella) Hey what do you think're all smiling.
I: I love it! (she tries to move again but it hurts her) tired.
D: Hey need to rest...Chuck, Blair, me and Serena will wait guy's should be alone. come on Serena.
S: Yeah...we'll be outside if you need us.
B: Thanks for coming.
D: Hey (walks over to Chuck) you did good did good.

Serena and Dan leave the room and wait outside. They can still see Chuck and Blair through the window of the room. Serena and Dan watch as Chuck puts his arm around Blair and kisses her whilst holding Bella's hand.

S: (is in tears) It's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen....Chuck, Blair and Bella...a family at last.
D: Yeah, it is...if only it could have happened sooner.
S: As long as they're happy now...Bella might not have long left so im just glad she got to spend some time with her dad.
D: Hey she'll be fine (puts his arm around Serena) she'll get better.
S: Ive spent so long worrying about Blair these past few years, now I think i'll finally be able to sleep in peace, knowing that she has the one person she's always wanted.
D: Hey...(he smiles) Chuck and Blair, who would've guessed that after all these years we'd still be using those two names alongside each other!
S: Yeah, its incredible, its just matter what happens to Bella (looks at the photo) i know that everything will be ok, because they have each other. They can get through anything now. This time they'll be stronger. We're going to all be a family again.
D: (smiles and hugs her) im sure your right.
S: (she smiles back at him looking into his eyes, then whispers) they'll be ok.

That night, unfortunately, would be Bella's last night.
She breathed her last breath whilst sleeping, in her mothers arms and with her father by her side.
Blair experienced the worst moment in her life that night, losing her baby. Chuck lost something he had only just got the chance to know...the guilt of missing out on over 5 years of her life would have overcome him had he not focused on being strong for Blair.
The important thing was that Bella was the one that had brought Chuck and Blair together. Her conception may have broken them up 5 years ago, but today she was their blessing, today she finally got to meet her father and got to hear him tell that he loved her and she finally got to see both her parents together and happy.
Truly, that would have been her only wish.

Bella may be gone, but the love that she created would go on for ever, and her memory would be the thing that would keep Chuck and Blair together forever. Never Forgotten.


The end of the road...
The end of the road...



Just for some closure, there is an Epilogue to Chair Tales Season 2, it should already be posted so please read it, its like a short episode just to give some closure.
This is my final fanfic. Not sure whether i have the energy to write any more!

I hope you've enjoyed reading all my fanfic just as much as i have enjoyed writing them! I really appreciate those of you who have taken your time to read my fanfic, and a special thank you to those of you who spare a minute to comment, review and rate, it means a lot to me!

Btw, i do apologise for the sad ending and for killing off a child, i know that i didnt have to do that but it kind of just made sense while i was writing it because making her get better would have been too predictable... you cant always have a happy ending right? And it is just fiction!

Anyways, thanks again, now go read the Epilogue! It might cheer you up a little!

Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from Queen B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced photo taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog space on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do you think!
S: Twice...
continue reading...
Missing Daddy C?
Missing Daddy C?
Episode 7: Empire of the Son

GG: The Bass is dead, Long live Junior Bass. Yes, Our condolances go out to you Chuck. We hope your doing fine. But look on the bright side C, Your about to become the richest teen in New York City...It's not all bad.

At the Van der Bass Appartment.
Chuck is in his room, sitting on the window sil.
Blair enters.

B: Chuck? Sweetie
C: (doesn't reply)
B: How are you?
C: (No reply)
B: Okay, You just stay there, and I'll be here, When your ready to talk (Blair sits down)

(Silence for the next few minutes)

B: Are you talking...At the funeral?
C: What's there to say? (continues to...
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“How long have I been in this storm?

So overwhelmed by the ocean’s shapeless form

Water's getting harder to tread

With these waves crashing over my head”


When he wakes up he is alone. Barely conscious he reaches out for her, finding nothing more than empty, cool satin next to him on the bed. He is suddenly wide awake and opens his eyes, only to realize something else; his head is killing him. A slow groan escaping his mouth he buries his head in the pillow trying to shut out the light coming from the window. He feels as if he has been run over by truck and then fed to stray...
continue reading...
It had been three days since the funeral of the late Bart Bass and the UES was still trying to come to grips with what had happened. Blair Waldorf on the other hand had another Bass on her mind. She was worried. Worried sick about the one person that she hadn’t seen since the day of the funeral. Chuck Bass was nowhere to be seen; he seemed to have fallen of the face of the earth. Not even Gossip Girl seemed to have any leads on his whereabouts these days.

“If only he could answer his phone!” Blair slammed her phone shut with a frown after calling Chuck for the millionth time that day,...
continue reading...
A Rose for his Queen?
A Rose for his Queen?
Episode 2: East Side Story

GG: Good Morning Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, Maybe you've noticed Gossip Girl hasn't been to bed, Well why sleep when we're still waiting on news about our resident king, Any news on the Bass be sure to let Gossip Girl know...

At the Palace Hotel.
Chuck is drinking coffee, Blair is holding the cup up for him.

B: Drink it
C: I'm not thirsty
B: Coffee's good for you drink it

Chuck takes a sip and then again.

B: Better?
C: Yeah

Blair puts the coffee down.

B: Tell me what happened?
C: (laughs) Same old
B: Serena told me something about you and your Dad?
C: Yeah so...
B: Do...
continue reading...
I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.


Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Eleanor Waldorf

Copyright-I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. All characters and prompted situations belong to their rightful owners, All rights reserved for The CW.

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of love with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Blair has just had a fight with her mother,...
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added by laurik2007
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by xxGossip-Girlxx
posted by laurik2007
Author: Maribells at


Come Undone

Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone

-Duran Duran

March 2012

"Here we are, Miss Waldorf," the driver announced, slowing to a stop in front of the Empire's awning.

Feeling her heart flutter nervously in her chest, Blair stared out the window at the hotel's floodlit entrance. Flanked by monogrammed flags, brass fixtures, and uniformed attendants, it was an imposing sight to behold.

Perhaps it was just paranoia, but she could've sworn that a doorman was staring directly at her through the tinted glass.

"Drive around to the back," she instructed,...
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posted by laurik2007
Author: SnowedUnderNJ at

Chuck Bass entered the grand ballroom of the Palace hotel for another charity gala. He straightened the bowtie of his tuxedo and scanned the room quickly. He saw her immediately across the room.

Red, of course she had chosen red. She knew how much he loved her in the that color. She was doing it to torture him he was sure of it. Around her neck was the diamond necklace he had given her four years ago after the birth of their son and only child.

He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downed it in one long swallow. He grabbed the arm of...
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thats why it's been the underlining love story throughout all the seasons. it's why they have the largest fan base. it's why they are the most complex and beautiful couple ever, it's why they represent the deepness that true love can take you. it's why they are endgame.

to all those "dair" fans stating that dair has been building up since beginning, let me just prove you wrong:
-Dan and Blair hated each other in season one. Dan could never understand how serena could be friends with Blair, (who is that loving someone???)
-Dan thought it "made...
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oh you love him really H!!!
oh you love him really H!!!
A/N: hey guys its the next episode please review :D
hannah woke up it took a while for her to notice she wasnt alone in her bed and she wasnt wearing any clothing. then the memories of a few hours ago came flooding back.
she got of the bed and put her underwear and dress back on. she then walked back over to wear nathan was asleep and slapped him hard on the head.

Na: what the hell!?
H: get dressed unless you want my father to kill you he'll be home from work very soon with my mother.
Na: did we do what i think we did?
H: no you just decided to lie...
continue reading...
tell me if you want some serenate
tell me if you want some serenate
A/N: i hope you liked the last one enough to come read this one and review. please review and tell me what you liked what you hated what you think i should change and any idea's you can think of.
victoria and gregory were eating their breakfast. hannah was coming to walk to school with victoria and tristan was coming to go to school with gregory in the limo. chuck was in the kitchen eating his breakfast aswell and blair was sitting beside him looking over some papers for her work.

G: so who's face do you plan on sucking today?
V: i dont suck peoples...
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posted by edwestwick
Story: 'Impossible'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first day and she really doesn't know why she feels like some high school girl around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck Bass run away the second he found out. AU

New story. I know I shouldn't start one but couldn't stop myself :) Promise to continue the other one as I'm not abandoning it by any means. Let...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Oh my Days!! People I love you guys!!! Thank you so much for all the comments on the last chapter. I love you all you have all given me so much more confidence now and I feel so much more motivated to write these now. Sorry for bugging you all about it but it paid off right? Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. Anyway my exams are nearly over, got three to go then it's SUMMER!! Woo hoo! We've been going to the beach so much lately I think I went four times in the last week. It's just so gorgeous weather here! Anyway enjoy this chapter and please comment, thank you I...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Okay so sorry this chapter is a little late, I've just been really busy I've got 15 poems to learn for my welsh exam!! It's shit I know but what you gonna do?! And I had an English creative writing paper to put in so I've been busy writing that too. So that it. But anyway I hope you all like this chapter and if you can take the time to leave me a little comment I really appreciate it! Thank you guys for reading. Thanks xoxo

Chapter 9: Chemistry recovered

        When he kissed her she felt so alive, it was like fireworks but...
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u]A Million Love Songs Later[/u]

A/N: Hey, okay so this might be my last chapter for a while I've just got loads of revising to do and pretty much no one comments on my one shots or my chapters so I don't see what is the point in me writing when I don't near to no reviews. So I'm really wondering should I even continue with a million love songs later or is it just crap?! I'm probably just overreacting but it really gets me down when no one comments. But I will most likely continue cos I can't start something and not finish it. Anyway here's chapter eight, I hope you all like it. Thanks xoxo

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posted by luvrgirl101
“I just can’t believe he never showed, S” Blair exclaimed into her phone, “I thought, well, I thought he really cared about me, maybe even loved me. At very least he owed me an explanation for that awful text from Gossip Girl about that interior designer.”

“I know B, I thought he really cared too. But he is Chuck Bass and you had to know there was always a chance of this with him. Plus, you weren’t exactly willing to accept an explanation. Just forget about Chuck, forget about him and come stay in the Hamptons with me.” Serena was really worried about Blair. It seemed as though...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Ugh, Gosh I've been busy this week, I wont bore you with all the details but I had the first part of my GCSE exam, My Welsh Oral (Yes that's right, I'm bilingual- LOL) Anyway I think It went okay, So fingers crossed.
So I've kind of said that in this chapter you will find out what happened five years ago with Chuck and Blair, So if you're a Chuck and Blair fan then this chapter is definitely for you. This is so one of my favourite chapters, I loved writing this. So I hope you all like it as much as I do. Please me your comments. I really appreciate it. Thank...
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