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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Now I just have to say how sorry I am for how late this chapter is, but you know it's summer and I've been really busy at the beach and stuff like that. But honestly I just haven't had the energy to write anything in the last few days so I thought I've got to start writing again so here goes on chapter 18! Jeez not many to go now. Anyway please read and review I really do appreciate all the feedback. Thank you xoxo

Chapter 18: Giving In?

        The days seemed to be getting longer, for Chuck at least. He had Gabby going on and on about some holiday she wanted them to take to Hawaii or Barbados but Chuck wasn't interested in going anywhere with Gabby the only woman he wanted to go away with was his Waldorf. By now it was back to how it used to be, it felt like high school all over again. It was torture. Waiting for Blair's answer made it worse. He knew she the answer she was going to give him but he couldn't help but have a small glint of hope that she would make all his wildest dreams come true once again. They had been together once why not again, and Nate had been in their way before and they had overcome that- Twice. However this time it was different. They were engaged, Blair would not make that commitment if she couldn't honour it and Chuck knew that if Blair had made someone a promise she would keep it. Chuck only hoped for once she would make an exception.
“So baby can I book it?”
Gabby zoomed around Chuck's apartment clutching tight onto the Hawaii holiday brochure.
Chuck finally came out of his day dream and saw the brochure being shoved in his face.
“The Holiday? Hawaii? Two weeks? Have you been listening at all?”
Gabby laughed and pointed at the hotel she wanted to stay at.
“Sorry. I've had things on my mind”
He brushed the holiday thoughts aside and tried to get Gabby away from the subject of a vacation.
        While on the other side of town Dan was on his way with his Starbucks into work. On his way in he had bumped in Blair who was just returning from visiting Eleanor and Cyrus... and Dorota. It wasn't long before Dan brought up the Chuck subject again.
“So been to see Charles recently?”
Dan muttered while sipping his Starbucks Latte.
“Hmm why do I sense judgement in that sentence?”
Blair's eyes widened and didn't want to be judged for a little mistake.
“Because I'm thinking of Nate who is my friend”
Dan stepped out in front of Blair stopping her from avoiding the subject any longer.
“Okay I'm sorry. You're not going to tell him are you?”
“No. Are you?”
Dan reassured Blair he would not be judging her and he was not going to betray her trust.
“NO! I've done it to him once I wont do it again”
Blair shouted at him.
“Are you sure about that?”
Dan asked as they arrived at the New York Times building and made their way inside. They had decided earlier that Blair wanted to see Dan's new Editor office.
“Yes! I love him”
Blair said, now reassuring herself.
“You weren't giving off that impression last week”
“Well I... I was...”
Blair mumbled and muttered.
Dan hung on for an answer but was not going to get it.
“Look can we please... How are the twins?”
Blair asked as they stepped into the elevator.
“Nice change of subject”
Dan nodded.
“Thank you”
“They're great. We got the six months scan the yesterday”
“You did!!?”
Blair jumped up with excitement making some of Dan's colleagues look at her with a very dazed expression on their worried faces.
“Yeah. I have the photo in the office”
Dan answered with Blair still smiling at him.
        They finally arrived at the 60th floor and Dan's office. He even had a PA. Dan had it all. As they stepped into his corner office which had a view of the city and central park. Dan got straight over to his desk and pulled out the scan of the twins.
“See there's one head and there's the other”
Dan held it very close to Blair's face to make sure she saw everything right.
“Can you tell which is the boy and which is the girl?”
“Yeah that one is the boy and that's the girl”
Dan pointed
“Still same names?”
Blair handed him back the photo and went to sit on the couch in the corner of the office.
“No we've decided to change them”
“To what?”
Blair enquired.
“Zachary or Zach and Grace”
“Oh they're adorable names”
She smiled and approved of Dan and Katie's choices. “Even though I was planning on Grace”. She mumbled.
Dan sat down in his swivel chair and raised and eye brow in surprise.
“Yeah why is that weird? I had them planned out since I was sixteen, but I've changed my mind now”
She had never told anyone that. But back in those days Blair had her life all planned out but it didn't go that way.
“So what were they?”
“Well Grace Louisa and Lucas Jacob”
If it were anyone else she wouldn't be so ready to tell them but it was Dan, it was her best friend.
“So what instead of Grace?”
“Madison but I'm also changing another one. Not Lucas Jacob anymore”
She admitted.
“What then?”
“Lucas Daniel”
She had thought of that when they were at Yale, it only made sense. Jacob was a name that meant nothing to her, she just liked the name but Daniel was someone who was important to her and that made so much more sense.
“You serious?”
Dan grinned almost thinking Blair was joking.
“Yeah so if you have another one after the twins and it's a girl I'm expecting for you to do the same”
Blair pointed at him.
“Of course you do. You're Blair”
Dan shrugged as they both laughed.
After a few more minutes of chatting Blair thought she better leave Dan to his work of he would be getting fired and that would not be good since he had worked so hard for it and having twins on the way didn't make things any easier.
        Later that afternoon Blair had returned home and after an afternoon of watching crap daytime TV she got proof reading one of her new books, not something she wanted to do but luckily her other best friend always knew when Blair needed rescuing.
Blair's cell phone rang and it said 'Serena', Blair picked it up without a second thought to her work.
“Hey Serena”
Blair got up and started to walk around or as far from her work as possible.
“Blair! Hey. How are you?”
“I'm good. How are you? How are things going out there?”
Blair wanted to tell Serena about all her Chuck worries but Serena was even more of a friend to Nate than Dan was and she didn't want to worry Serena with her problems. Serena was busy enough.
“Awful. I just wanted to call tell you what's going on. The shoot is going a little longer than planned. I wont be back in New York for a week or two. But it gets worse, now they want to make a TV show”
Blair could hear Serena's anger through the phone. She was not happy.
“They do?”
“Yeah, they follow me everywhere and make a reality show out of it”
“That's great S”
She didn't know if that was good or bad news. She just shrugged and went with a predictable answer.
“No! No it's not! I don't want that!”
Serena yelled back.
“Well tell them that then. It's your life and if they don't have you they don't have a show”
Serena was the star of her very own show already, her life was one big show only she didn't realize that.
“True! You know what B you're right. I'll go give them a piece of my mind right now. I'll call you back later”
Serena hung up quickly and filled with her rage she was going to give her agent what for.
Blair said even though Serena had already gone. Oh how she would love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation. Serena gave as good as she got and she was not going to make some stupid TV show about herself. She was just not that shallow...
        The next few days were filled with boredom. Dan spent nearly every waking hour at the office, Blair took Katie shopping for even more cute baby clothes and Chuck was swamped with holiday brochures, Gabby now wanted them to go skiing together. It just came to the point where Chuck could not keep lying to her.
“Gabby I need to talk to you”
“Okay but make it quick I need to call the airline to get the jet out for us”
Gabby said dashing around looking for some more of the brochures which were lying around the apartment.
“We wont need the jet”
He mumbled.
“What we're flying commercial?”
Gabby shouted in shock. That was not Chuck Bass.
“No. We're not flying at all”
He mumbled again.
“We're not going?”
Gabby sat down on the couch disappointment scribbled all over her face.
Still mumbling.
“I... I don't... I don't think this is working Gabby”
He finally spat out the words he had wanted to say for weeks.
“What isn't?”
She knew what but was hoping she was wrong.
“This thing we have. Us”
“Are you breaking up with me?”
She sighed and let go of the brochure for the first time in days.
She started with the tears.
“I'm just not ready for a relationship”
He used a good old Chuck Bass line.
“Oh please, give me a proper reason”
She yelled back at him!
“That's it honestly”
“No it's not. You think this is the first time a guy has broken up with me... For someone else.”
“No it's not that...”
“The truth Chuck? Show me a little respect”
Gabby stood up and cut across him. He couldn't say it out loud. He nodded and agreed.
“You love her don't you?”
Gabby's tone lowered and she spoke more calmly.
He admitted it to her.
“And there's nothing I can do to make you love me more than her is there?”
Gabby cleared the tears away finally realized they were wasted on Chuck.
He shook his head.
“Then tell her don't waste more time and use someone else to hide it”
“I'm sorry Gabby”
He genuinely meant that, he had no intention of hurting Gabby the truth was he should never have got together with her. It was a mistake.
“It's okay. We were never anything special. I just go then”
She tried to be strong but knowing all the long who it was Chuck was in love with.
He muttered and turned away from her. When she got to the door Gabby turned around and mumbled one last line.
“Ohh and Chuck tell Blair she's one lucky bitch”
Gabby said those words and dashed straight out the door. Leaving Chuck with time to think out his next plan.
        That night or the next morning it was two am when Blair was awoken by a banging at the door. She thought it might have been a very bad burglar trying to break in, she grabbed the baseball bat Nate always hid by the side of their bed and made her way to the door. She looked through the eye hole in the door to see. It was no burglar. She answered the door
“What do you want Chuck? It's two o'clock in the morning”
Blair looked at him angrily and annoyed that her beauty sleep had been interrupted.
“You're not going to hit me are you?”
His eye instantly went to the bat she was clutching so tightly.
“No, or maybe I will for getting me up at this hour”
“I know but I couldn't wait”
“For what?”
Blair shrugged before the next thing she knew Chuck had grabbed onto her and was pressing his lips against hers again, but this time she pushed him away.
“What are you doing Chuck?”
“I broke up with Gabby”
“For you”
He smiled thinking she would be happy and impressed.
“You shouldn't have. I don't care who you date”
“Funny thing cos you do”
He knew her too well.
“Chuck read my lips. I. DON'T. CARE”
He grinned as Blair tried not to giggle, she gazed down at the floor and bit her lip while he gave her a second to try to stop herself from laughing. His thumb and finger held onto her chin and brought her face back to look at him but he couldn't stop himself from kissing her once again.
“Nate will be back tomorrow”
She said but this time she didn't push him away.
“He's not here now”
That wasn't a statement. It was a question. If Blair wanted him to stay he would.
“We can't do this”
He was worried, he wanted Blair right there at that second but there was only one thing that was going to make her decision final.
“I love you”
Those three words. Hearing him say them made Blair's decision for her.


A/N: I really hope that was worth waiting for. Anyway now we're nearing the end so quite a bit will be happening. I will also be updating Getting There in a few days too. But don't expect it to be up as fast as it used to be. I'm really busy all summer so I hope you'll all bare with me and keep reading. Thanks so much for all your support and comments, and just keep reviewing. It makes it all worth it. Thank you so much xoxo
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Source: 800 x 600
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Will You Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?
Chair Tales- S02E07- Desperate Housewives.

Serena's house.
There are house keepers and other employees rushing around on Serena's order. She is hosting a pre-engagement party. Dan is confused because they are already engaged, but Serena wanted to have a pre-engagement party before having an engagement party!
Her plans include ending the night with Dan formally proposing to her in front of their guests to officiate their engagement, this would then be followed by an announcement to inform guests of an engagement party which would be held the following weekend.
Dan is arguing with Serena about the...
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Episode 21: Alone in the Park

GG: Haven't you heard Upper East Siders, The bitch is back, and no I'm not referring to Blair, This girl makes B look like an angel, Georgina Sparks is back in town, and at Constance... So getting that crown back wont be as easy as you though B?

(At Constance/St Jude's)

It's been a few days since Georgina's return
Georgina, Penelope, Iz, Hazel and Nelly are talking in the courtyard.
Blair, Nate, Chuck and Serena are sitting at a table.
Blair is staring over at them.

B: This is just my luck, I finally manage to disregard one bitch and an even bigger one turns up
C: What...
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Back from Holiday!!
Back from Holiday!!

It's been around 2 weeks since Ed and Leighton's month holiday in England, (they got back to NYC 2 weeks ago)
At Leighton's apartment. Her and Seb are hanging out.
They are watching a DVD on the TV, Seb is cuddled up to her and is being very affectionate...Leighton isn't able to concentrate on the movie...every time there is a love scene in the movie, Seb gets more touchy with her whilst all she can think about is Ed.
The movie finally finishes, Seb begins to kiss her and she forces herself to allow it and kiss him back. They continue to kiss until Seb attempts to remove her clothes, which...
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gossip girl
blair & chuck
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posted by sleepin-beauty
So this came to me really randomly but I'm actually quite proud of it, which is strange because usually I think my writing is awful. Anyway please leave a comment and tell me if you like it.

Serena looked into his eyes and saw the pain he was trying to hide. Despite his evident happiness watching Blair being crowned, Serena knew that he should be her king and in her heart always would be, not Nate. Chuck had made her dreams come true in more ways than he could have ever imagined.

He had been the one to make her smile, not Nate. To look at her with such pure adoration, not Nate. But above everything,...
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added by waldorf
Source: the cw
Spotted: Chuck....alone again?
Spotted: Chuck....alone again?

My 1st ever one shot, i hope ive written it well, i usually do multi episode script format fics so i hope this goes down well. Its nothing that good to be honest, its just cuz i got a feeling after watching 2x06 and wanted to change the ending of the episode, so here goes...!

Takes place as the gang are leaving Yale university at the end of 2x06 New Haven Can Wait.

Chuck was standing next to his limo, he was about to get in when he spotted Nate with Dan in the distance, talking, laughing.
He couldn't believe it, that should have been him.


wait, Chuck Bass never compares himself to...
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Serena made her way through the lobby of the hotel, the echo of her heels loud and clear against the marble floor. She was trying to prepare herself for facing her mother. Lily Bass would not handle the news of one more day spent without locating her stepson very well. Cursing at Chuck under her breath she pressed the button of the elevator, why did he have to make everyone so damn worried? Why couldn’t he just act like a normal person and be with his family? After all that is what they are right? His family; herself, her mother, Eric, Nate, BLAIR. Thinking of her best friend and her sad,...
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Leighton Marissa Claire Meester (born April 9, 1986) is an American actress and aspiring Singer-Songwriter, best known for her role as Blair Waldorf in the TV show Gossip Girl.[1] Her first acting role on a television program was on NBC's legal drama Law & Order in 1999.[2] Other series in which Meester has appeared include Surface, Entourage, CSI: Miami,[3] 8 Simple Rules, 24,[4] 7th Heaven,[5] and House.[6]

Blair Cornelia Waldorf is the main character of the Gossip Girl franchise,[1] introduced in the original book series and appearing in the television adaptation of the same name. She...
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Lunch with the gang...
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Chair Tales S02E02 - The Sound of Musical

Blair has invited Serena and Dan for dinner to congratulate them on getting engaged.
They are at the table having dinner, which Blair has cooked. Chuck is also present.

S: B, this is amazing! The best steak i've had in a long time!
D: Umm...its a bit too undercooked for my liking.
B: Well no one cares about your liking!
S: B!
B: There's nothing wrong with my stake...if you don't want it Dan....i could always get your father to mail you some waffles.
D: The stake will do.
S: Guys...come on....
C: Ye man...leave my woman's stake alone! (looks to Blair who smiles)...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 1

Blair watched him flee the Van Der Woodsen Bass home, and she knew she was going to go after him. She had to stop him, before he self destructed even more. She caught up with him just as he was about to enter his limo.

“Chuck! Stop!” Blair called out desperately.

Chuck heard her voice, and turned around grudgingly.

When Blair saw his face, her heart skipped a beat. Chuck’s face was totally ravaged by grief, but he had a mask on trying to control his emotions. This wasn’t Chuck, she didn’t even know this person standing before her.

Blair tried again....
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