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Almost immediately after Victor/Victrola. That's also when I got majorly obsessed with the show.
Almost immediately after Victor/Victrola. That's also when I got majorly obsessed with the show.
I am so honored and happy to be interviewing our first ever FOTM on this spot: Sandra!You Totally Deserve it,Congrats !So here it is, everyone: the September FOTM interview!
PS:I wanna thank Nat for helping me with the questions![mostly all the questions]

Bolded[b/] are the questions, anything else are her answers.

[b]1. First of all, why don't you start off by telling us something about yourself that we don't know?

Oh... hmm. To those of you who don't know me, my name is Sandra, I'm 18, from (and still live in) Sweden and I get obsessed with things very easily.
To the people who do know me... I like owls and other odd animals.

2. What got you hooked on Gossip Girl?
I started watching because I had read the books, I wasn't that impressed when I saw the pilot, to be honest! But I kept watching, obviously... and it got interesting pretty fast. :)

3. When did you start shipping them hardcore?
Almost immediately after Victor/Victrola. That's also when I got majorly obsessed with the show.

4. What place on your favorite couples list do CB rank at?
#1! What can I say, I'm freakishly dedicated... haha.

5. What makes CB unique as a couple and different from others?

I think it's all thanks to Ed and Leighton. The writers have put the characters through so much crap that I don't think I would accept with any other actors... Also, it's not a cliché bad boy/good girl thing or a typical, cute relationship. They're both "bad" and I love it.

6. Would you rather have different actors playing Chuck and Blair or Ed and Leighton being in a different show?
Ed and Leighton on another show but eeek, I wouldn't wan't either!

7. Which is your favorite quote Ed and Leighton said on each other?
Tough one... I'll pick two.
The scenes with him are usually my favorites
The scenes with him are usually my favorites
"The scenes with him are usually my favorites because we have a great chemistry. Our harmony makes our relationship credible, we trust each other and aren't afraid of going too far in the intimate scenes." by Leighton.
She’s amazing, really an incredible person...
She’s amazing, really an incredible person...
"She’s amazing, really an incredible person. We’ve had the privilege of having some great [material] together, and I couldn’t have asked to work with a better person." by Ed.

8. The most...?
emotional moment - "Thee words, eight letters" in 2x01, or the train station in 4x02.
emotional moment
emotional moment

saddest moment - Elevator scene in 2x15. :(
happiest moment
happiest moment
happiest moment - The last scene of season 2. Maybe this is an obvious choice but I don't care.
funniest moment - Maybe when they wake up together in 1x18 ("Who, what, when, where, why!")
sexiest moment - Can I pick 3? Limo, bed scene in 2x07 and when she tries to seduce him/strips in 2x25.
cutest moment - The hug in 2x13.
cutest moment
cutest moment

unexpected moment - It would've been Blair's "I love you" in 2x13, if it wasn't for those damn spoilers!

9. Define Chair in...
one word - Inevitable
one song - We all think of CB when we hear With Me or Season of Love, so I'll go with... Love the Way You Lie. A depressing choice but the lyrics remind of late season 3.

one movie - I don't know. Gone With the Wind, perhaps?
one color - Purple? Nah, that's just Chuck. Red.
one season of the year - Autumn. When the weather is really unpredictable and you don't know whether it will be nice and sunny, or a hurricane.
one object - A chair, duh.
one place - Tough one... I don't know.
one food - Macarons (haha I don't know, I was just thinking of the macarons he gave her in season 2)
one animal - I don't know! Bass (sorry, awful joke).

10. Your favorite...
kiss - Victor/Victrola
hug - O Brother Where Bart Thou
look - Rufus Getting Married (the look during the actual wedding)
hot moment - The Goodbye Gossip Girl ("How do you feel about me")
no words needed
no words needed

quote - The Debarted, Blair's whole "You carry people. You carry me." quote.
episode - 1x07, 1x08, 2x25, 2x13 (sorry, I refuse to pick one)
season - One, but they all had their moments.

11. This or that...
Chuck or Blair? - Chuck (most of the time)
Ed or Leighton? - Ahh! I don't know. I honestly don't.
Fluffy or angsty?[u] - Angsty, but I wouldn't survive without some fluff every now and then.
[u]Nair or Chanessa?
- No, thank you! If I have to... Nair. Just because I prefer Nate to Vanessa.
teh scarf or headbands? - TEH SCARF.
Blair's ILY 2x13 or Chuck's 2x25 - Chuck's because it became the start of their relationship, but I love Blair's because she was so brave.
limo sex or Chuck's speech 1x18? - Limo sex
3 Words eight letters 2x01 or 2x07[u] - Tough one... ahhhh. Okay, 2x01.
[u]Scheming or Cuddling
- Scheming followed by cuddling (hello 1x18)
Train Station scene or the Hospital scene - Hospital scene, it's less depressing.
Evil Chuck or Good Chuck - Evil Chuck
teh scarf
teh scarf

12. Favorite per season...
Season 1:
best cute scene - Sleeping in 1x18.
cute scene
cute scene

best hot scene - Limo in 1x07.
best quote - Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty. (1x08)
best episode - 1x07.
best proof that CB are the OTP of the show - Not sure. Maybe the "necklace scene", 1x08.
Season 2:
best cute scene - "Maybe in the future", 2x08.
best hot scene - Last scene, 2x07.
hot scene
hot scene

best quote - We're inevitable, Waldorf. (2x07, and I didn't want to pick one of the most obvious ones)
best episode - 2x13 and 2x25.
best proof that CB are the OTP of the show - The fact that their "I love you" storyline lasted the whole season.
Season 3:
best cute scene - When he comforts her at the end of 3x08.
cute scene
cute scene

best hot scene - This season needed more hotness! But maybe when she (tries to) seduce him in 3x03.
best quote - You carry people, you carry me. (3x12)
best episode - 3x12.
best proof that CB are the OTP of the show - "I'm not Chuck Bass without you" because it's so true, especially now.

13. You can "borrow" one scene from these GG couples. Which one do you choose?
Nate and Serena: Their kitchen sex in 3x14.

Chuck and Vanessa: Everything they ever did (is it obvious that I'm not a fan?)
Nate and Blair: Their prom dance, 2x24.
Serena and Carter: Their kiss in the forest, 3x01.
so sweet
so sweet
Nate and Jenny: Their kiss in 2x08, it was so sweet.
Dan and Serena: On the bus in 2x02 (but good luck on getting Chuck and Blair on a bus)

14. What would you change in CB's story?
The reason they broke up in season 3, I think it made them lose a lot of fans.

15. Have you ever cried on a CB scene, if so which one?
All the time! I'm a cry baby. 1x13,2x01, 2x08, 3x12, 4x02...

16. What do you like the most about them as individual characters?
I love how complex they are. Evil but good, strong but vulnerable... you get the point. I like flawed characters.

99.9% sure
99.9% sure
17. How sure are you that they will be endgame? Explain why.
99.9% sure, the producers (and actors) always seem to calm us down whenever we're freaking out.

18.In Closing , what message would you like to give the rest of us C/B fans?
Stay calm. I know it sounds ridiculous, but this fandom is way too worried, it's not good for us, haha. Also, I have no idea why I became this month's FOTM but this was fun!

This was so much fun to do!I want to thank Sandra for answering the questions and everyone who is reading this...Hope you like it:)
...Congrats again!!!
...Congrats again!!!
...Congrats again!!!
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