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posted by brooki
Elena's POV
I was still kissing him when he picked me up. I gasped, astonished by how quickly he moved. I'd broken the kiss when I gasped and Damon heard me -I was obviously forgetting that he was a vampire. I rarely thought of him that way. But he looked down and smiled a devious smile at me; I knew what this meant. He was in need, desperate need for me again. I would never get tired of that - of him needing me. Never would it get old. I narrowed my eyes and had the same smile on my face that he did. My mind stopped working and my hormones took over. His lips were back on mine before I had a sure-fire plan of where I was going with this. Once we broke away again, my vision was hazy. I couldn't believe the crazy effects he had on me. It was a good thing he was holding me, or my knees would've given out. He started walking us toward the insanely huge staircase. My legs were wrapped around his waist, making it hard for him to move; but if I didn't want to fall, I had to. Because of this, everytime we'd come close to a wall, he would push us up against it. This was strange, but it sent butterflies through my stomach. It seemed to make me want him more, which I didn't even think was possible.
I must've been completely distracted by Damon that I didn't even realize we were already upstairs, about to cross the threshold to this room. His room. Wow, this was big. Why? Why is it big? He was in my room last night! Even Stefan had been in my room. Maybe it was because Damon's such a private person. Before you know him, all he tries to do is make a person feel bad; they never talk about themselves or home lives. But here I was, in his arms, about to enter his room, like it was an everyday affair. But before we could get any further, Damon stiffened, eyes bulging out of his head. I immideatly sensed something was wrong. He set me on my feet, his face seeming to try to make a decision. He was listening to something. But what? What was it? And why did it have this effect on him?
"Damon, Damon snap out of it! What's going on?"
He stared into my eyes, confusing playing games with his mind; his eyes almost seemed like those of a crazy person. I took deep breaths, thinking that I was just overexaggerating things, yet again. "Damon, hey, look at me. What's going on?" My hand cupped his face, turning him to me.
His eyes were crazed and worried. "He knows, and he's here," He simply stated. Stefan. My mind wasn't registering ...
Damon grabbed me by the arm, dragging me downstairs. "He's going to come for me first, but I can fight him off. Elena, you have to run, run as fast as you can. Even faster. Scream, anything that will bring attention to you. Once you're in town, go straight to your house. In your bedroom, there's some vervaine. In the top drawer of your dresser. Drink it, and Stefan won't be able to do anything to you." There was haste in every word he spoke. He stopped giving me orders and turned me to face him. "Do this for me Elena. I don't know exactly how mad Stefan is, but his plans tonight are nothing nice and innocent. This has been bound to happen for a very long time now, so please don't think it's your fault. I love you Elena. Probably more than you'll ever know." He was speaking to me like I would never see him again ... it was unbearable.
Damon turned his face to the door and turned back to me. "Go Elena. Remember what I told you. Just run, and don't stop. You have to. If you don't leave now, he'll know you've been here." I looked towards the door and back to him several times. He loosened his grip on my arm, letting me go. I darted to the door, heeding his warning. I opened the massive entrance, and turned back to him. His face was pained, having to leave me like this. "I love you Damon." Before he could reply, he was in that crazed state again. "Go Elena! Hurry! Elena! You have to! GO!" He was shouting at me. I darted out into the woods in front of his house, tears streaming down my face.

Ah ha, not the romantic evening even I thought was gonna happen. So ... fight? Anyone gonna get hurt? ;) guess we'll see :p