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Yes.. Yes.. I know, I'm obsessed with him a bit.
But after all I mentioned last time, it's no surprise I consider him one of the GREATEST gta villains of all time..
And with said, he should of at least died "fighting" right?
Nope.. Ray, dies as a coward.. Least in MY opinion..
I like Jimmy P's death the best, he died honourably, while Dimitri and Ray both died cowardly.. (though that's rather expected of Dimitri)..

It's bad enough having the OPTION..
After everything Michael did for him, Franklyn has the option of killing him. I never chose it, you feel like shit for doing it.
But the one time I did, I found it rather disappointing.
Michael gets shot at, ran over by cars, beaten up.. Just about anything. And he lives. Even during the level Michael is invulnerable from bullets hitting him, but he can still damage Franklin.
But yet, a fall from a tower, kills him.
Even if Frankly decides to pull Michael up, Michael will headbutt Franklin, and ends up falling anyway.

#3: BANE:
The third and final instalment of Christopher Nolan’s gritty Batman reinvention featured something that had been lacking in many recent superhero films – a villain that can best the hero. When Batman meets his match with masked muscle Bane in the sewers beneath Gotham, audiences are treated to one of the most brutal, excellently shot scenes of the entire trilogy. Batman is beaten, bloodied, and broken, then thrown into a prison and forced to watch while his city burns. Clearly, Bane is not somebody to be trifled with.

With Bane representing overarching political themes such as class warfare, corruption and the failure of a corrupt system, such a physically and intellectually superior villain warranted something special for his defeat. Instead all we are treated to is a quick gunshot and a smutty one-liner from Anne Hathaway. That’s it. I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t expect Bane to have some kind of part to play in between his death and the end credits – but no. As soon as it is revealed that Miranda Tate was the brains behind the whole thing, it is somehow justified that Bane can be swatted away without another word, like just another henchman. Poor effort..

He betrayed Rusnov TWICE.
Killed Dimitri, and brainwashed Mason.
I don't know.
Seeing him get strangled in a drowning ship, didn't really seem a good enough death for such a character..

He was the ORIGINAL villain.
He kills everyone but Soap and Price.
Even servives his arm getting blown off.
But then he gets killed rather quickly in the end..

#6: SARUMAN (the white wizard):
His death was cut to deleted scene.
And if you haven't seen it.
Consider it BETTER that way..

(no comment)..

In his first appearance as a villain, in the second movie.
Jason dose, what Jason dose best.
Hardcore murder.
But then he gets killed by a single axe to the head.
So much for being INHUMAN..

One of the most epic villains of the series.
Palpatine is the definition of EVIL.
And while I applaud Vader for finally snapping out of it, and defeating. Looking back, there should of been a epic duel or something.
I liked Palpatine..

Either you kill Brian as he begs for his life.
Or you spare Brian and leads you to an ambush, and leads to a even WORSE death.
He, instead of trying to kill you like the rest of the ambush, rushes onto his bike snd drives around without a care in the world as Johnny chases after him..
The Punisher (Frank Castle) is perhaps one of the best examples of an anti-hero - created and owned by Marvel Comics this vigilante is both a protagonist (with his own series and film franchise) and antagonist. He has also allied himself with the Thunderbolts.

Frank Castle was once a decorated U.S. Marine with a happy life and family, until one fateful and tragic day when he and his family accidentally stumbled upon a gang lynching in a park. His wife and children were gunned down and he was left for dead. Horribly scarred for life, Castle swore to "punish" all criminals in...
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Jonah is the leader of the 40th Day Initiative and takes over Shanghai with the help of his army. His reasoning for launching his attack on Shanghai is to prove that without any formal government to supervise them, people are nothing more than animals who are heartless and greedy..

We all know the story..

the main antagonist of Stephen King's novel Carrie, its film adaptations, and the Broadway musical. After Chris Hargensen's death, Margaret replaces her as the true main antagonist. She is the domineering, abusive, insane (she shows possible...
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Yes, I know this is stealing Wind's idea..
But he'll forgive me.
Always dose..

In early 2008, Billy was arrested with heroin and placed in rehab. Johnny became president in his place, giving Billy's motorcycle to the Angels of Death as a peace offering.

Johnny has worked hard to make peace with THE ANGELS OF DEATH.
And within only five minutes after his return, Billy has broke the troche, and restarted the war.
So, yeah, that's why their mentioned to be fighting in the other two games.

In the TBoGT mission Chinese Takeout, it is revealed that Billy was making a deal with a Triad...
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#1: Pink Floyd - Young Lust:
Pink, the main character of THE WALL album.
Has achieved wealth and fame, and is usually away from home, due to the demands of his career as a touring performer. He is having casual sex with groupies to relieve the tedium of the road, and is living a separate life from his wife.

The end of the song is a segment of dialogue between Pink and a telephone operator, as Pink twice attempts to place a transatlantic collect call to his wife. A man answers, and when the operator asks if he will accept the charges, the man simply hangs up. This is how Pink learns that his wife...
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How does sex start?
"With human contact!"

How long can a little girl hold her breathe
"3 weeks"

How do I ask a question on Yahoo Answers?

How do you tell which side of the potato chip is saltier?
"Take it to McDonald's"

Do midgets have night vision?
"Only in Mexico"

Can you lose your virginity if you fall?
"Only if it's off a bike"

How do I take care of my pet potato?
"With love and a full stomach"

What if the girl that thinks I'm the dad isn't the mom?
"...................... WHAT!?"

How do I get accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
"You draw a lighting bolt on your fourhead,...
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"Thanks for meeting with us McReary? Were you followed?" Michael asked.

"No.. I mean.. I don't think so.. What's this about!?" Packie cried, as he came to meet with Michael, Franklyn, Trevor and Lester.

"Who is this punk!? Why dose he get to come!?" Trevor cried.

"He's the leader of his group, so it seems a safe bet to add him in on the planning" Michael replied.

"I would of rathered you bring Caryl.. Than THIS loser!" Trevor cried.

"Hey fuck you ma-

"Hey, hey, can we not do this wait now?" Franklyn cried, stepping in between them.

"Besides Trevor.. Carly IS coming.. She'll just be...
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"Excuse me, are the one that stole Maureen's necklace?" Dash asked a guy she saw smoking on a park bench.

"Oh, you mean that old Irish lady.. What's it too you?" The guy replied.

"Give it back.. Or I will have to hurt you" Dash threatened.

The guy laughed it off.

"Look beautiful.. Why don't you just get lost before I call my boys over here and MAKE you lea-

Suddenly his sentence was cut short by Dash violently tackling him to the ground

"I'm not screwing around anymore.. Hand it over" Dash demanded.

"Ahh!.. You crazy bitch! I'm calling my boys-

Dash cut his sentence short by pressing his...
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posted by Canada24
He loves Boromir.
But could care less about his younger son Faramir.
To point he tells Faramir, to his face, he wishes Boromir was one that survived.
And sends Faramir on a sucide mission.

He redeems though. But dose in the worst possible way.

He falls into madness when he believes a wounded Faramir is dead from a futile effort to retake Osgiliath, leaving Gandalf to command the city defences against the Orc army under Gothmog. But as Gothmog's forces eventually force their way into the city, Denethor tries to kill himself and Faramir on a bonfire. Luckily, Pippin...
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So, Canada24. He’s a sarcastic, impolite, possibly psychotic jerk, yet that’s what we’re good friends (Of course, I’m only kidding), and what I know about him is that he owns an XBox. And I also know that he as some pretty good games, like GTA, Assassin’s Creed, and Dead Rising. However, there are also those other good games for the console that he probably doesn’t have yet. So, I want to share with him (And all of you) A few games that I well recommend to him. Now, before I start, these are games only for the XBox 360, weather they are on discs, or can be bought from the XBox Store....
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My constant angry rants about the heavy amounts of rape, incest, torture, murder and all the hate on poor Kate. Leaves these reviews with a lot of entertainment value.
Along with my ways of comparing the characters to My Little Pony and giving people different ways to look at it.
A lot of people say my words are harse, and their probably right.
But still people LOVE these articles, and constantly ask me to review their stories. Finally giving me a reason to return to this fan base after nearly 4 years of being away from Alpha and Omega...

I gave the best...
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Well. Here I go..

Obviously, the main reason for not liking this, is the sex.
So much fuckin sex, sex, SEX!
Sadly, it's not the first story to involve 'incest', nor is it the 'worst'.
Though it's certainly up there.

There's even one between Kate and Lilly in this story.
I mean. For goodness sakes. There sisters, there's so many reasons why that is wrong.
Though least its better than when I read a story about Kate and Lilly 'doing' Winston, and he 'letting them'.
Seriously. What is wrong with people!?

As you expect.
The full story is the type of deal that makes you hate Lilly....
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Although this can be for EVERY character. Partially Scootaloo.
Fluttershy is overrated.. There. I said it.. (sits and waits for the haters)

#7: RULE 84 GAGS:
Though this also counts as the WORST thing.
But either way
I never would of realised how much I was missing out on.
Though. At the same time.
Part of the reason I became a brony in the first place is I found a image of it, when looking though Skyrim images..

No comments..

These days, Discord (John De Lancie) is the main reason I still watch the show itself.
As even though...
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I am differently not someone people should look up to as role model.. Though some people still do...

I am not ALWAYS trying to keep the peace.
Sometimes I am trying to make people hate each other even MORE for my own enjoyment of seeing writers go back and forth at each other.
And when people troll ME I just do what I can to make them hate me even more..

I am always whining about there needing to be no CLOPPING, but the truth, I DO like reading them sometimes, kinda makes me a dick when you think about it..

I often make fun of myself.
Saying I'm a stupid...
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No comment..

The idea of it disturbs me..

What was wrong with people back then!?

The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was a genocide in which approximately six million Jews were killed by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and its collaborators. Some historians use a definition of the Holocaust that includes the additional five million non-Jewish victims of Nazi mass murders, bringing the total to approximately eleven million. Killings took place throughout Nazi Germany and German-occupied territories..

Theodore Robert...
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Slipknot is different. Their the only band I actually LIKE the screaming. espically in PSYCHOSOCIAL.
Especially cause it's not overly used.
But still.
Lesson to DEAD MEMORIES, and tell me that isn't more badass than his scream voice..

Again, actually LIKE Matthew Tuck's screams, just like Matt Shadows from Avenged Sevonfold and Corey Taylor of Slipknot.
But it's cooler when their not..

They go under the list from number 2.
But still.
It's nice to hear him using his REAL voice..

I am not a fan of Lamb of God.
Their too death...
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No better way to introduce a series, than with a police shoot out, that later leads to someone waking up to a zombie apocalypse (literary).
I mean.
Who HASN'T felt Rick's fear and confusion, what would anybody else do..

When Glenn and Rick try to retrieve a, probably traumatized, Hershal from a bar they are greeted by two strangers witch eventually ends in Rick shooting them both dead, and when their friends find out they get angry and full out gunfight begins.

The entire first half the episode is one big battle, gotta love that.....
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Not much to say..

I never liked her myself.
But did "respect" her once..
But it's fair to say.
She lost that privilege..

Se probably still is, I don't know.. It's been many many years since I cared about Lady Gaga.
But her song Just Dance was once a token of my childhood, so I should at least mention her under this list..
Putting her as MAYBE still hot, but who hell could tell under all that max up and bizarre hair styles.
At least with Katy Perry you can tell she's still pretty hot, even under all those stupid outfits and shit..

A perfectv example of how once innocent people can become FUCKED UP..

She use too be so friggin hot,
No wait..
We KNOW what happened.
She went bold.
And took too many drugs.
Nobody cares about her anymore.
Though at least her voice is still pretty.
Unless the grand theft auto song was written BEFORE her rampage..
#10: FREDDY KRUEGER: (nightmare on elms street):
It's weird thinking of him as 'tragic' isn't it?
Arguably the main reason he is always defeated by woman, is because there is ONE thing he's still afried of.. Beauty.
Witch is something completely unknown to him.
His birth was something his own "mother" wanted nothing to do with.
She was rapped by a dozen manics and his birth 'wasn't suppose to happen'.
Because of this.
He was sent from orphanage to orphanage where he was constantly bullied by the students, who treated him as a freak because of what happened his mother.
Eventually he was adopted by...
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Arthur Note: I highly recommend watching the American Dad episode “Ricky Spanish” before this chapter.. Or at least youtube him..

The gang spend several days on Trevor's island, where amongst Trevor and Roger unsurprisingly quickly become friends, but also to Klaus, who ended up following them when he realized they were still gone and he didn't know how to feed himself cause, well, he's a human stuck in a fish's body. Pinkie hugs him, or at least his bowl and Klaus playfully acts like it is still counted and goes "aww".

Pinkie spends most of her time at the beach now that she knows it's a...
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(Seras is no longer a vampire in my GTA stories.. She's just a old cop who got transferred from London to America.. Though she is still a badass, that part hasn't changed)..


Carly and Seras are taking a road trip just the two of them, they end up driving though the Deep South where they are pulled over by a corrupt Sheriff, Seras makes efforts to be as polite as she can but he proves himself sexist and arrests them despite neither having done anything wrong. Punching out their left headlights and then planting a bag of marijuana in their trunk. Seras doesn't really help things,...
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