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As part of my job, I decided to do a lot of reading on my breaks.. It took me many months to finally end it, convient I was still reading it in October, and now doing a review of it..

Why... This is a zombie book.. A DEEP zombie story, this shit is... Jesus, it gets really fucked up.. Though I guess John Hornor Jacobs was going for that.. It's a really well known read, worth reading. But the internet doesn't say much about it.. So there's no Wikipedia plot summary, so truthfully I don't know if I fully understand. I had to really think back to everything, and I think I got it now..

So.. We start off with Lucy the nurse.. Around the hospital, I guess people are becoming zombies. I don't know, I had so much trouble understanding all that complicated, doctor talk. You know, the scientific words for disease, that you never understand.

But I guess people are mentally unwell, dying, and one guy calls her a "whore" and "I'll rip your tits off!" which immediately lets us know.. Yeah.. It's gonna be THAT kinda story.

Anyway, I think the military broke in (because of coarse, it's military in zombie fiction, what else), Lucy and 2 others escape.. Eventually the other 2 are killed by the military, I mean, of coarse they are, right?

Lucy runs into gentle giant, Knock Out in his truck. She explains about the zombie shit going on, and they go looking for Lucy's son Gus.. There's even a scene of them naked in a shower as only way to clean each other (no, not the sexy kind, though he the writer explains about Knock out being rubbed by her breasts).

Anyway, after a bunch of zombie bashing shit, they find Lucy's house, and have to kill her zombiefied husband Fred. Almost immediately after, they found Gus hiding in the closet. And he shows shocking intelligence for a 14 year old.
They then find some ATV's and drive off.

We now meet Tessa at a army camp. Lead by Captain Mozark.. This dude.. Whoo, this dude is fucked up..

So Tessa had this daughter Cass.. Turns out Mozark is this perverted creep, Tessa and Cass were running from him. He and his buddies found Cass, naked, implying they raped her. And she verbally abuses them, so Mozark just shoots Cass like an animal. And from there, Tessa plans a revenge.. But, get ready for this.. It involving becoming his sex slave.. Yes Jacob goes on a long amount of discription of her sucking his penis, and him saying her name is now "bitch".

Eventually Tessa posions his food, as was her plan. At that point of time Lucy and them arrive. Lucy being a nurse, believes she can save Mozark. But Tessa won't allow this, so she sneaks into Lucy's camp to kill her.. Which you know, isn't a overreaction at all.. But Gus points a gun at her, having been suspicious of Tessa. Tessa says Mozark killed Cessa and needs to suffer. And goes on a long rant about all men being rapists. Then zombie Mozark bites Tessa, and as the argue about what to do. Gus shoots her in the head. And she is ironically buried next Mozark.


Long story short, Gus is an adult, Lucy had a baby, she and Knock out are dating, and the group of them cleared out an old fort, known as Bridge City. Gus is being groomed as a king of the survivors. Along with one of the survivors from that army camp. Keb. And another one Jasper seems to be the only decent one ironically.
Anyway, one day Gus murderers a guy, throwing him down a cliff, for calling Lucy a cunt, and Gus a brat, all while black out drunk. Knock Out finds out. And Gus promises not to kill out of "anger", but instead out of needs for suvivor. Knock out takes it as "good enough".
At the same time two mystery woman, Wendy and Deb run to bridge city for protection from a group known as SLAVERS.. Lead by this sadistic asshole called Korstantin.

Gus, Jasper and Keb ride out on bikes to see if the Slavers are real.. Using cocaine of all things to sharpen senses.. After Gus spares a Slaver. They are thanked by Jasper getting blown up with an RPG, and Gus getting captured.

We meet the famish Korstantin. As expected. This dude is "something else".. He beats Gus with a brass kneckle, and chops his hand off. All with pleasure.. Then they crusify.. Yeah LITERARY crusify.. Gus.. The rest of the chapter is mostly Gus standing there as they occasionally piss on him, or poke him with a stick.. Not as humorish as it might sound. It's shocking humans can do that to other humans.

Eventually Keb saves the nearly dead Gus, returning him to Bridge City..

It's a little slow from there, till we join the engineer character, Boardsword.. Most of the chapter is zombie fighting (Gus calls a horde of zombies to be called "damily").
They eventually start riding a train for reasons I forget. But it crashes and the narrator of the chapter (Boardsword) dies with the crew.

I'll skip to the end. Korstantin and his army arrive at Brdge City. Kor as I'll call him, demands Gus over a bull horn. The cancer ridden Knock Out walks out, offering himself instead.. I guess Kor refuses.. He pitiously murders knock out, and all out war begins. But Kor and his men start getting getting killed by dozens of "damily's" attracted by the gun fire.

Keb dies helping Gus and them escape.. Bridge city destoried, and only a hand full servive, mainly Lucy and Gus.. Their fate unknown

So yeah.. Happy happy happy..

But seriously, try to find this book if you like deep, disturbing, apocalyptic, horror novels..

As for me.. I'm gonna look for that Steven King book THE MIST.. It's suppose to be short.. Certainly shorter than this one (but not by much)..
added by Canada24
added by Seanthehedgehog
This feels appropriate since John's from a 19th century game.

Saten often reveals to have had a very bad childhood, his father was abusive to him and his mother, and his mother was emotionally distant, never showing him any true signs of love. As a result, Saten has grown into a recovering alcoholic, who sometimes takes weed, and has strong temper issues witch often makes him unpredictable, and sometimes even sadistic.

However, he is also shown to be quite immature and doesn't often take things too seriously. Cause of this, Saten is often considered one of the most sarcastic characters of the series.

Saten can sometimes be considered a bit...
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hazbin hotel
hazbin hotel
posted by Canada24
Vaas: (shoots Grant in the throat).
Jason: (desperately tries to save him).
Vaas: (his voice is barely heard over Jason trying to save Grant) What, you want to run? Huh? You want to run, you want to disrespect me? You want to fuck with me? I mean, you come here, with your... with your pretty-boy face, right, and your pretty-boy phone, your dimwit brother, and you want to fuck with me. *You want to fuck with me.* I like that - no, I *respect* that. I'm gonna give you thirty seconds, and if the jungle doesn't eat you up alive... I will.
Jason: (realizes Grant is dead and looks at Vaas).
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I think we all know why this scene is here :(

The valentine brothers turned all the guards into ghouls and Saras goes insane and kills the ghouls..
Guess killing ghouls would of been okay.
But the look on Intergia's face made me feel bad about it.. :(

I am a very twisted person.
But this is fuckin BRUTAL..

he was enslaved by Ottoman conquerors when he was a child (making an exchange of noble children was often used to maintain peace between Turk and Christian Kingdoms) and suffred the worst childhood...
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posted by Canada24

I finally found it in English.

It's not as good as I hoped.
Nor was it as bad as I expected.

It's.. In between.

I haven't forgot it's Japennesse.
And. Not trying to be racist.
But Japen has all the weird shit.
Ever seen there commericals?
All you have to do is go onto Windwakers club.
He has these fucked up TV commericals.
And I wouldn't be serprised if most of them were Japennesse.


Didn't really have a favorite character.
Though kinda looking foward to Jan Valentine's episode.
Ever seen his clips.
He's actually pretty funny in the real one.
Too bad the actor, Josh...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. Twilight Sparkle was driving her car in Pornstarville, with Spike sitting next to her. They were going to collect more ammo for Twilight's shotgun.

Twilight: Nigga, is it a nice day out, or wut?
Spike: Everyone is out enjoying the sunshine.
Twilight: *Stops at Sugarcube Corner, and sees her "friends" talking to...
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I suppose I should start by telling you a little about myself. I am 19 years old, I live in Pennsylvania, and I guess I've always been a creative person. When I was little, my parents would remark about what a vivid imagination I had. For the most part I was a normal child. I liked drawing, and writing, and I hated math. I had trouble making friends, so I played with my imaginary friends. We would play games out in the woods. I always liked playing with these friends, because I knew I could trust them, control them....
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Very calm and beautiful sounding.
That's very unusual for Slipknot.
But in a a good way..

She has no idea about THE HAPPY SONG.
This the only song I showed her..

She loves this song actually.
And knows how obsessed I am with metallica so she knows how crazy they get..

Well... I tried. But she hates Korn all together.
I could understand why though. Their pretty "out there"..
"Fame was like a drug, but what was even more like a drug were the drugs."

"Here's to alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems."

Marge: "I'd really like to give this a try."
Homer: "I dunno, trying is the first step towards failure...".

"Hey! He's not happy at all! He lied to us though song! I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!"

"I'll be at the bar getting very happy. Then very very sad. Than happy again"

"(drunk) Your just lucky you got your clones with yea"

"Televison! Teacher, mother... [lustily] ... secret lover. Urge to kill... fading... fading... fading -...
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added by Canada24
added by Canada24
Despite what everyone says.. I actually really enjoyed this movie..
But than the ending comes..
Basically.. The gang The five enter a chamber containing the crystal skeletons of thirteen enthroned skeletal crystal beings, one missing its skull. Spalko arrives and presents the skull to this skeleton. It suddenly flies from her hands to the skeleton and rejoins, whereupon the aliens reanimate and telepathically offer a reward in ancient Mayan through Oxley. A portal to their dimension becomes activated, and Spalko demands knowledge equal to the aliens'. The thirteen...
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