Cardcaptors (English dub) Club
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hey guys. I think this could be one of my longest chapter yet. hehe I enjoyed writing it. enjoy and keep the cardcaptor spirit alive xo.

Chapter 21:

Felicia was in panic. She didn’t know what to do. Everywhere she looked there was ice; even people were covered in it. They looked like frozen statues that have been randomly put all over the town for display.

Felicia watched in caution as the large, mole-like creature continued to march over towards her. Suddenly many other smaller versions of the creature came running right at her in all different directions.

“What is going on?! What do you want from me?” Felicia shouted.

The creatures continued to march towards her.
Felicia could feel her heart start to beat louder and louder as she slowly started to glow again.
The creatures stopped running towards her and started staring at her in awe.

“Don’t stop! This is the reason why we need her. Onward!” The larger Mole demanded.

Felicia watched in fear as they all starting rushing towards her once again. With tears in her eyes she automatically turned the other way and started running.

“Don’t let her get away!” The larger mole shouted.

Felicia could hear the creatures scurrying behind her; she didn’t dare to stop running. Everywhere she ran she seen Ice, Ice and more Ice. The streets were awfully slippy and she found herself slipping many times.

“Why is everyone always out to get me. Can’t I have a break?” Felicia cried.

She could feel tears start to form in her eyes again but she was sure they were frozen by the fierce wind that blowed against her face. Whoever was chasing her must have a great deal of power to freeze the entire city.

“My brothers! We almost have her, just a little bit closer!” The head mole exclaimed.

Felicia was now in ultra panic. She tried going faster but her legs were slowly giving out. She found herself slowing down and her heart was now beating a mile a minute. She was unaware that her whole body was now glowing and her wings were about to pop out any minute.

“Brothers! Now!” The head mole ordered.

Just then a gigantic net came aiming towards Felicia. As if Felicia could sense it, she dodged it quickly and suddenly found herself on the other side of the street.

“You idiots! How could you miss?” The large mole growled.

Felicia was now huffing and looking for her breath. She then noticed her arm was glowing. She looked all around her body and knew this feeling, she was going to transform soon. This was the first time that she caught on to it.

She then looked towards the creatures on the other side of the street and then back at her glowing arm.

“Maybe I can control my powers... Maybe I can make them stop.” Felicia mumbled.

She then looked back at the many tiny moles that were being growled by their ginormous leader. She then looked at the whole city and how everything was frozen. Her heart starting to ache as she thought of her love ones being frozen in one position all their lives.

“I won’t allow that ...” Felicia growled.

Her panic expression suddenly turned into a fierce , game on face. She crossed her arms and slowly started to float into the air. She felt her wings start to bloom out of her back and she knew right away that it was time to settle this.

“Let’s fly.” Felicia whispered.

She started flying towards the mob of moles and was going fast. It seemed like she kept going faster and her aim was on their ginormous leader with a huge shovel in his hands.

“You guys are useless...” The leader scowled at them.

A tiny mole seen that Felicia was coming their way and tried to get the boss’s attention.

“Uh sir...” he stammered.

“Have I taught you nothing?” The leader sneered.

“Sir...” The tiny mole exclaimed.

“Pathetic.” The leader protested while looking down to the ground.

“SIR!” The tiny mole shouted.

But it was too late. Felicia came up from behind and knocked the ginormous mole down to the ground. She then grabbed his shovel and started glaring at the army of moles. The moles looked terrified as she flew over towards them in full speed.

She ended up twirling in a circle knocking all the moles down with the huge shovel that she had snatched from their boss. She didn’t stop until every mole was incautious or dead.

The leader slowly got up from the ground and started taking steps back from Felicia. He didn’t know that she possessed such great power. He started running away making rude remarks and promises that he would be back.

Whenever he was gone, Felicia looked around her. The place was a mess and the city was still frozen still. She flew up high into the clouds and suddenly a crystal blue light came from her hands. She aimed it towards the Ice. It went all over the city, making the city completely clean and normal again. Everyone unfroze and went on with their day like nothing happened. The mess of the battle was also disappeared and replaced with a garden of flowers.

Felicia floated above the clouds looking down at her work.

“I think I’m starting to get the hang of this...” She mumbled.

“WHAT?! Felicia knows about the Clow cards?” Kasey exclaimed.

Kasey, Sakura and Madison were just leaving the school and were all chatting outside near a picnic table.

Madison nodded.

“and she knows Sakura is a Cardcaptor?” Kasey asked.

Madison nodded again.

Sakura and Kasey looked at each other.

“... and she knows I’m a Cardcaptor?” Kasey stammered.

Madison slowly nodded.

Kasey hit himself in the head gently and groaned. He really didn’t want Felicia finding out about this now and he wasn’t around to explain himself. She must be greatly confused.

“Why Madison? Why.” Kasey groaned.

“It wasn’t my fault. Kero came out of Sakura’s backpack and gave her an awful surprise. I couldn’t lie to her anymore. Don’t worry Kasey. I think she took it rather well. Don’t you think it was about time she knew anyways?” Madison stated.

Kasey looked up towards the sky and sighed.

“Yes I suppose your right.” He mumbled.

Sakura studied him as he continued to glump.

“Don’t worry Kasey. She’s fine; I think you should go home to her though. I know you miss her greatly and I’m sure she wants to work things out with you.” Sakura said, gently.

Kasey sighed and managed to smile a tad.

“Yeah your right. I need to see my sis.” Kasey said.

“Did you tell her yet?”

Kasey almost fell off his seat, startled by the voice. He looked behind him to see Li standing there looking at them.

“Tell who what?” Sakura asked, confused.

Li sighed and shook his head.

“I’m assuming you didn’t.” Li sneered.

“I’m working on it.” Kasey grumbled.

“What are u guys talking about?” Madison asked.
Kasey turned to them both.

“Well Li and I have been talking and Li told me that today he sensed something evil around.” Kasey explained.

Sakura and Madison exchanged worried glances.

“And we don’t know exactly what it is or where it is. The weird thing is though, I don’t sense anything anymore but we need to be on our guard.” Li warned.

Sakura nodded in agreement.

“Yea. Who knows what will happen to Felicia again.” She shivered.

“Or you Sakura.” Kasey stated.

Sakura blushed.

Li rolled his eyes.

“Or anyone really. Anyone could be in danger. So you know let’s just keep our guard on.” Li protested.

Everyone slowly nodded. You could feel the tense and worried feelings gathering around them.


Everyone turned to see Tory stomping towards Li with an angry expression.

“Tory?!” Sakura exclaimed, rather surprised.

Everyone watched in silence as he got up in Li’s face.

“What do you want?” Li sneered, crossing his arms.

“I think you know perfectly well what I want.” Tory snorted.

Everyone looked at them confused.

“ Your retarded. What do you want?” Li shouted.

“Careful with your tone Kid. Now where is she?” Tory growled.

“Where is who?” Li asked, confused.

“Come on! You know what I’m talking about!” Tory shouted.

Li looked at him like he was nuts.

“You need help...” Li sneered.

He started turning the other way whenever Tory grabbed a whole of his arm roughly.

Sakura and Kasey gasped as they watched the scene.

“Get off!” Li shouted.

“I’m going to try this one more time. Where is she?” Tory growled.

“WHERES WHO?!” Li shouted, pushing Tory off.

Tory was started to get furious.

“FELICIA!” Tory shouted back.

Everyone started to stand up, a bit alarmed. Was Felicia in danger?

Li’s angry face suddenly turned into a face of worry.

“Felicia? Why is she missing?” he asked.

“Don’t play dumb with me!” Tory snickered.

“Tory what is going on?” Sakura asked.

Tory was convinced that Li had somewhat made Felicia terribly upset and had stolen her in the middle of the night or something. Tory just didn’t trust Li at all and he knew Li had a major crush on her witch made things worse. He felt himself about to blow up.


“ME? Are you crazy!?” Li exclaimed.

The two boys started arguing.

Kasey and Madison exchanged glances.

“So that’s where Tory was last night...” Madison whispered.

Sakura groaned.

“I think my brother has developed a crush...” Sakura sighed.

“Oh goodness...” Madison huffed. She was thinking of Li’s feelings for Felicia.

“Team Tory.” Kasey beamed.

Sakura and Madison just stared at him.

“What?” Kasey asked while shrugging his shoulders.

If anyone was going to have his sister’s heart, he wanted it to be Tory. He trusted Tory like no other, he knew he’d be great for her and he still wasn’t that found of Li and probably wouldn’t be anytime soon.


He took off running, flustered and aggravated.

Tory just stood there. He closed his eyes and started to cross his arms.

“So that’s what she was so upset about...” He muttered.

He then opened his eyes to see Kasey, Sakura and Madison all staring at him.

“What?” Tory growled.

He turned the opposite direction and started heading for home.

“Well that was an awkward display...” Sakura groaned.

“Oh Sakura. It’s not the end of the world that Tory has a crush on someone and who better than Felicia.” Madison smiled.

Sakura managed to smile.

“I guess this could be a great opportunity to tease him.” Sakura laughed.

Madison laughed along with her. They then realised that Kasey was oddly quiet.

Madison put her arms around Kasey and looked into his eyes. He was trying to avoid her stare.

“Kasey what’s wrong?” Sakura asked.

She came over and put her head on his solder.
Kasey started to blush. Having the girl he loved and having the girl he kissed both all over him was enough to make him beyond flustered.

He slowly got up and looked towards the ground.

“I need to see Felicia. If she is really missing I will never forgive myself.” Kasey mumbled.

Sakura held his hand and gave him a gentle squeeze.

“You go home for Felicia. I’ll always be here.” She grinned.

Kasey blushed as she held his hand tightly and hugged them both goodbye .

He headed home hoping to see his beloved sister.

Whenever Kasey got home, he saw Felicia on the sofa watching TV. Kasey was confused. She was in her pjs and it looked like she didn’t even get out of bed. Felicia looked up towards him and stood up quickly.

“Felicia...” Kasey stammered.

Felicia didn’t wait for him to talk; she just ran over at him and gave him the biggest hug of life. She started crying.

“Felicia. Are you crying?” Kasey asked, trying to look at her.

“ K-Kasey I am so sorry. Let’s never fight again! I have been so lost without you.” Felicia sobbed.

Kasey tried to talk to her but Felicia wouldn’t stop crying. He held her gently as she cried and cried. It was like she didn’t know how to stop
“ Felicia it’s ok.” Kasey reassured.

Felicia continued to cry. Kasey then had an idea. He scooped her up in his arms and started twirling her in the air. He used to do this whenever they were kids and it always made her laugh and smile. Luckily the same effect happened as Felicia’s tears were washed away with laughter. The two friends fell on the floor laughing.

“My goodness I missed you sis.” Kasey laughed.

Felicia smiled.

“Just cause we argue sometimes doesn’t mean that we don’t love each other.” Felicia smiled.

Kasey smiled but shook his head.

“No Felicia. I wanted to apologize. My actions were very wrong and I am terribly sorry. It won’t happen again. Li and I met up today and talked about it, we are going to try and get along from now on.” Kasey reassured.

Felicia’s smiling face vanished as Kasey mentioned Li’s name. She slowly got up from the floor and went to go sit on the bed. Kasey followed her.

“Sis, what is going on?” Kasey asked.

Felicia looked up at him and turned pink in the cheeks.

“What are u talking about?” She asked, lamely.
Kasey sat down beside her.

“Well today there was a big commotion with Tory and Li. Apparently Tory stayed here last night is that true?” Kasey asked.

Felicia was rather quiet. She didn’t know what to say.

Kasey started laughing.

“Oh Felicia if he did it’s completely fine. I like Tory and may I say, I think u and him would be a lovely couple.” Kasey teased.

Felicia’s eyes grew wide and started shaking her head in frustration.

“NO! NO! NO! Tory and I are just great friends nothing more.” Felicia replied, blushing like mad.

“Tory and Felicia sitting in a tree...k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” Kasey sang.

Felicia hit Kasey in the arm playfully.

“No.... his not my age anyways.” Felicia muttered.

“His only older by like two years and besides Li is way younger than you and you didn’t seem to mind that.” Kasey teased.

Felicia groaned and picked up a pillow and threw it at Kasey.

“Hey! I’m just saying.” Kasey laughed.

Felicia rolled her eyes.

Kasey stared at her and couldn’t help but smirk. He knew there was some feelings for Tory by the way she was acting. He knew her way too well.

“Tory is my friend.” Felicia shrugged.

“If you say so...” Kasey teased.

Felicia sighed and crossed her arms.

“What about you and Sakura? Did you tell her you love her yet?” She asked.

Kasey’s smirking face turned into a deadly confused daze.

“You didn’t did you.” Felicia groaned.

“Felicia. It’s just not the time yet.” Kasey sighed.

Felicia stood up and looked at him.

“Well what will be the time then? I’m sure she feels the same way Kasey. She told you she loved you already did she not? I think she’s just waiting patiently for a reply.” Felicia advised.

Kasey looked way down at his toes. This was such an awkward topic for him to talk about. He didn’t even tell her that Madison had kissed him, he didn’t tell anyone and he hated to admit but he was starting to get rather confused about it.

“Yeah but maybe she just meant it as in friend love...” Kasey whispered.

Felicia stared at him then threw a pillow at his face.

“HEY!” Kasey laughed.

“Your crazy.” Felicia replied, while rolling her eyes.

She knew Sakura was in love with him. If only he could get up the courage to ask her himself.
Kasey ignored the comment and sat back down beside her.

“So what did you do all day anyways?” He asked.

He was curious to know if Felicia actually left the house.

Felicia froze. She didn’t know if she wanted to tell Kasey of the event that had taken place with the mysterious mole people or not. She wanted to tell him so badly but Kasey had been under so much stress lately and this would just worry him more, besides she took care of it. She could take care of herself from now on.

“Oh nothing. I stayed here and watched TV?” Felicia lied.

Kasey looked at her suspiciously.

“Well that’s weird Tory was going on saying that you disappeared this morning.” Kasey said, curiously.

Felicia turned the shade of red and thought of something quick.

“Oh I must of been in the bathroom. I was in there for awhile...” Felicia lied.

Kasey gave her a look.

“I was crying cause I missed you ... I wasn’t doing my potty business.” Felicia sneered.

Kasey started laughing and grabbed her into his arms with a big warm hug.

“Oh sis.” Kasey chuckled.

Felicia smiled as she felt the warm embrace of her brother. She felt like for the first time that day that everything was going to be fine.

Meanwhile Li was in his bedroom covering his face with a pillow. He had never been this upset in a long time and he didn’t like the way it felt. He never was in touch with his emotions until he met that girl Felicia and now she seemed to be the only thing that was ever on his mind. Whatever he would do, he would not cry.

He removed the pillow from his face and stared at the ceiling. For the past 2 hours he had been worrying about Felicia and where she could possibly be. Tory had scared him today by saying that she was missing but luckily Kasey got in touch with everyone and told them that she was safe and sound.

Li turned to his side and held his stomach.

“What is this feeling?” He grunted.

He just wanted his emotions to stop. He hated the fact that Felicia wasn’t talking to him; he hated how things had ended. He hated that he felt the need to protect her and hated the way he felt whenever he thought she was in danger. He hated her big brown eyes that he got lost in. He hated her long brown hair that almost reached her feet. He hated her beautiful smile and the way she was so friendly to everyone but most of all he hated the way he felt about her in general. He swore he would never fall in love with anyone and that his priority was going to be the Clow Cards and his duty to capture them. He swore that was all that was ever going to matter to him. What has this girl done to him anyways? He hated her. He hated her so much. He loved her.

“I hate love!” Li shouted, while throwing a pillow to the door.

Just then the door slightly opened and in came Meilin.

“Li what are u blabbering about?” Meilin asked.

Li sighed and put another pillow over his face.

Meilin came and sat beside him on the bed.

“Come on Li! I made us dinner tonight! It’s all ready and it’s getting cold.” Meilin exclaimed.

“Im not hungry.” Li mumbled.

“You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday!” Meilin complained.

Li didn’t say anything and just sighed with the pillow over his face.

Meilin snatched the pillow away.

“You know I’ve been waiting for you to ask me something.” Meilin said, with stars in her eyes.

Li again didn’t say anything.

“Li aren’t you going to ask me?” She begged.

Li didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what she was talking about and he didn’t want to know anyways.

She let out a huff.

“Fine. I guess I’ll ask you.” Meilin groaned.

She then cleared her throat and made her way in front of him. Her eyes were all shiny as if she had just won the lottery.

“Li , will you be my date for prom.” She asked.

Li stared at her for a moment. He was so busy dwelling over Felicia that he hadn’t even had the time to think about Prom. The prom was this Friday and he had been too involved with his thoughts to even think about bringing a date, not that he wanted one.

“ Meilin.. You know how I feel about dances...” He groaned.

He got up and sat at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.

“Come on Li. It will be fun. Just imagine us dancing together.” Meilin exclaimed.

Li started to picture him and Felicia slow dancing on the dance floor with her wearing an amazing dress. He quickly shook his head in frustration.

“No Meilin. I’m not going.” He growled.

“Li. Come on!” Meilin begged.

She tried more and more to convince him and the more that she talked about it the more Li imagined himself taking Felicia to the prom. It was driving him crazy. He wanted to apologize to Felicia for everything but unfortunately he didn’t know exactly what to do.

“Maybe I should ask her to the prom.” He thought.
He then quickly shook his head.

“Naw she wouldn’t want to come with me... I’m too young. She thinks of me as a kid and she hates me.” He thought.

His thoughts were now getting too much for him to handle. He was very new to this whole feeling thing and he just wanted it to stop.

“And then we could cuddle by the moonlight with me in my puffy dress and ...” Meilin chanted.

Li turned towards her and blew up. The more she said stuff like that, the more he imagined doing those things with Felicia.

“ OKKKKKKKKKKKK! If I go with you will you agree to stop talking about it?” Li shouted.

He didn’t want to think about the prom no more.
Meilin smiled and stood up.

“Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” She laughed, while pitching his cheek.

He groaned and looked out the window.

“ Ok. Il let you have some space but remember Friday your mine.” Meilin chanted while grinning.

She left his room in the best mood ever while leaving him in his room in the worst mood ever.

Felicia and Kasey were in a massive pillow fight whenever Kasey’s cell phone started to ring. Kasey reached over to the table to answer it. Felicia hit him in the head with a pillow.

“Hello?” Kasey answered, while laughing.

“Kasey?” the voice asked.

Kasey knew that voice right away.

“Oh hey Madison.” Kasey said, while smiling.

Kasey could tell she was smiling over the phone.

“Kasey. I love hearing your voice it always makes my day.” Madison giggled.

Felicia watched as Kasey started blushing.

“Who is it?” Felicia bugged.

Kasey ignored her.

“Well you always make my day. Are you alright though?” Kasey asked.

It was a rather random phone call and they just seen each other not that long ago so Kasey was making sure his best friend was doing alright.

“Um yes I think I am.” Madison shuddered.

“What do you mean you think?” Kasey asked.

“Well... Kasey I need to ask you something but I don’t want to over the phone. Can you meet me at the cherry blossom tree where we first met?” Madison asked.

Kasey blushed but smiled at the memory.

“Yeah. Sure thing Madison.” He said.

The two said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Kasey started putting on his coat.

“Where are you going now?” Felicia asked.

“Oh Madison wants to talk about something. I’ll be back soon sis alright. Don’t worry!” Kasey exclaimed.

Felicia gave Kasey a smirk.

“Seems like there is going to be a love triangle mess soon..” She teased.

Kasey turned beat red.

“What are you even talking about?” He asked, while rolling his eyes trying to act like he didn’t know what she was talking about.

Felicia just laughed and went to go get some cookies in the Kitchen.

Kasey chuckled and closed the door. He took a look outside. It was a beautiful warm evening. He didn’t even feel like he needed his coat.

As he started walking he couldn’t help but be entranced by his thoughts. He hadn’t really had anytime to be alone lately and thinking was something he was trying to avoid. What could Madison possibly want to ask him? He then thought about that kiss they had and his heart melted. It was so soft and perfect. Why was he feeling this way? This wasn’t supposed to happen.

As he walked along further he started thinking about Sakura and how they had never kissed yet. He always wanted to know how she kissed but yet the kiss of Madison kept him wanting more. He knew he loved Sakura, and that there was absolutely no girl that was like her but he couldn’t help but feel these little heart flutters for Madison.

He finally arrived at the cheery blossom tree where he and Madison had first met. Oh what a lovely day that was. He remembered how much fun they had. She approached him with the most gorgeous smile and told him that it was really nice to finally meet the person Sakura was always talking about. Then she videotaped him for hours at an end and he made lots of silly poses for her that made her laugh.

He looked at the cheery blossoms as they fell from the tree. Cherry blossoms always reminded him of Sakura. They were her mom’s favourite flower along with hers. Kasey was always so mesmerised by the way she looked whenever she would pass a cheery blossom tree. Sakura was just simply beautiful in so many ways. He looked down to the bright green grass.

“Could she possibly love me?” Kasey wondered.
“Hi Kasey.” Madison shouted.

Kasey looked at her as Madison started running towards him. Something about the way she looked today was different and Kasey couldn’t help but feel butterflies.

“You look nice today.” Kasey blurted.

Madison looked at him shocked and a form of blush appeared on her pale cheeks.

“Thanks Kasey. You’re always handsome.” She gloated.

Kasey couldn’t help but feel flustered again.
Kasey put his hand on the tree and started looking at her.

“So what did you need to talk to me about?” He asked.

Madison looked at him and faced his face.

“It’s not something I need to talk about; it’s something I need to ask.” Madison stuttered.

Kasey looked at her. She looked rather nervous and her face was itches away. He felt the urge to just bring her close and kiss those lips again.
Kasey looked down to the ground trying to hide his blushing face.

“Oh erm... and what may that be?” He asked.

Madison looked at him and grabbed his face. She made his face look right into her beautiful blue eyes. Kasey could start to feel his heart race. What was this feeling? This was crazy.

“Kasey. Would you come to prom with me?” She asked.

Kasey was speechless. She wanted him to come to her prom? Was that even possible? Would he be allowed? He was rather old? What about Sakura and what if Sakura had already gotten a date.

Kasey’s thoughts were gone once Madison leaned in and kissed him softly. Only this time this kiss wasn’t cut short. It lasted for what seemed a lifetime, as the two embraced each other, trying to show their affection for one another. It was just like Madison’s dream. She always wanted to kiss him at this very spot.

Whenever they released from each other’s lips Madison put her forehead against Kasey’s and smiled.

“Make me the happiest girl ever and come to prom with me?” She asked.

Kasey just stared at her and slowly nodded, he leaned in to kiss her once more.

“Sakura stop pacing up and down. You are going to give me a headache. What is so wrong with asking him? I’m sure he would love to go.” Kero stated.

“ Kero! You don’t understand! We have been friends forever and what if this screws everything up. What if he says no, what if he thinks I’m lame for asking?!” Sakura shouted.

Sakura had been pacing up and down for hours now. She wanted to ask Kasey to Prom but she was way to chicken to even leave her room. Kero had been trying to convince her to get the courage and actually go find him but Sakura was terrified.

“Sakura! You know Kasey would never think of you as lame and you may be surprised at his answer.” Kero said, trying to convince her.

Sakura fell on her bed with a big sigh. She looked to her bedside and seen an old picture of her and Kasey. Their arms were around each other and their smiles were big and wide.

Kero flew over to her.

“Sakura if you don’t ask him. I know you’re going to regret it and you’re going to always be thinking “what if” for the rest of your life.” Kero stated.

Sakura stared at the picture and hugged it close to her.

“Your right kero.” She sighed.

She started shaking and got out her shoes and jacket.

“Where are you going?” Kero asked.

“To go find Kasey.” Sakura stammered.

Her whole body was shaking. She was unbelievably nervous but she knew Kero was right.

“ ALL RIGHT! That’s my girl!” Kero shouted.

He flew over and patted her on the head.

“I hope I don’t regret this.” Sakura groaned.

Kero smiled to himself, remembering how Kasey had confessed his love for her awhile back.

“ I’m sure you won’t.” Kero reassured her.

Sakura waved to Kero and shut her door.

“Here goes nothing.” She breathed.

She started walking down to the stairs. She couldn’t believe she was going to do this.

“Where are you going squirt?” Tory asked.

Sakura let out a horrible groan. Tory was in the living room watching TV and yet he could still hear her footsteps without even looking at her.

“I’m just going to go see Kasey.” Sakura stammered.

Tory turned around and looked at her.

“Alright don’t be too late.” He said.

“Oh I won’t.” Sakura replied.

She was about to go out the door whenever Tory called her name.

“Sakura?” He asked.

“Yeah?” Sakura asked.

“You better be good at prom.” Tory teased.

“ I’m always good.” Sakura growled, while putting her hands on her hips.

“I hope that’s true because I’ll be there watching you. They asked me to be the DJ for your prom.” Tory sneered, while looking right at her.

Sakura’s eyes grew wide.

“Oh no.” She mumbled.

She loved her brother but she wasn’t that excited that he was going to be at her prom. She was either going to get embarrassed or her date was going to get threatened unless she could get Kasey to say yes, that was the only boy Tory approved of.

Tory laughed as he seen her horrible expression as she went out the door.

Sakura started walking towards Kasey’s house. The more she got closer, the more she started to shake. She felt like a rundown machine that couldn’t stop shaking.

“This is a bad idea... I know it.” Sakura sighed.

Just as she was about to enter Kasey’s street she saw him walking right ahead.

“Sakura?” He asked.

Sakura stared at him. Wow he was so handsome but he looked rather nervous or surprised to see her. Her heart started beating as he walked up towards her. Oh no. She was really going to have to go through with this after all.

“H-H-Hi Kasey.” Sakura stammered.

Kasey looked at her funny.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

Sakura started shaking witch lead her to dropping her backpack.

“Oh ... I’m fine.” She laughed, nervously.

She bent down to pick up her backpack but she was shaking so hard that it kept slipping. She was beginning to look frustrated and Kasey spotted the tears that were forming in her eyes.
He went up and put his arms around her.

Sakura looked up at him. His eyes were beaming right down at her and they were worried. She slowly calmed down as she felt his body wrap around hers and she suddenly felt safe and wanted.

“Sakura what is wrong?” Kasey asked.

Sakura continued to stare into his eyes. They looked really worried and concerned.

Sakura took a deep breath.

“Now or never.” She thought.

“I just... I was wondering... I understand if you don’t want to... but... um... Would you like to go to prom with me?” She asked.

She watched as Kasey’s eyes grew huge and he slowly let go of her and stepped back a tad.
Sakura was hurt from his reaction.

“I mean we could just go as friends if you want... like... I didn’t mean to... upset you.” She stuttered.

She was no shaking again.

Kasey went over to her again and touched her face lightly.

“Sakura I would have loved to go with you...” He said, almost in a whisper.

Sakura stared at him as he started to shake now. His eyes looked so sad and it looked like he was about to cry. Sakura put her hand on his face lightly and the two just stared at each other. It seemed like time stopped for them.

“Well what’s the problem then?” Sakura whispered.

Kasey turned away from her and turned to his left.

“ I’m going with Madison....” He breathed.

Sakura felt like someone had hit her hard in the stomach. What did he just say? The boy she loved was going to prom with her best friend?

Kasey watched as Sakura started to form tears in her eyes.

Kasey went over to comfort her.

“Sakura I’m so sorry! I didn’t think you wanted me to go and she asked me first.” Kasey pleaded.

Sakura felt like she wanted to just go in a corner and cry. Still she managed to put on a smile and act like everything was ok.

She went away from Kasey’s grip and faked a smile.

“No that’s ok. I’ll just find someone else. I just thought I’d ask my handsome best friend first. I’m glad you and Madison are going together.” Sakura smiled, she was lying through her teeth.

Kasey watched her carefully.

“Are you sure?” He questioned.

Sakura took two steps back.

“Of course. I just want you guys to be happy.” Sakura stuttered.

Kasey stared at her.

“I’m so sorry but uh I promised Tory I’d be home before 7 so I need to go now.” Sakura said, trying to hold back her tears.

She did a lame little wave and ran the opposite way.

As she ran, the tears kept pouring out of her face. How could Madison do this to her? She knew that she had been in love with Kasey forever. This wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair at all!

She ran for hours until she lost her breath and looked up at the sky. It was now dark and the stars were shining brightly at her. She thought for a long time and finally made it an agreement that she would find someone else to bring to prom and that her friend’s happiness was more important than hers.

“Cheer up Sakura. This isn’t the end of the world. You still get to see Kasey in a tux and you still have him in your life. As long as my friends are happy that’s all that matters.” She thought to herself.

Even though she was aching, crying and screaming inside She managed to put a smile on her face and started to walk for home.

One thing was for sure. It seemed like everyone was going to prom with the wrong person. This was going to get interesting.
*The following fanfic is typed up by me. Keep it mind that everything will be diffrent. Thank you.*

The next day has just arrived and Sakura as well as Kasey were all dressed up and ready to head down to the elementray school to get set up for their big prom night.

When they got down stairs however, the discovered that Tory wasn't inside with them.

Sakura: Tori? We're leaving now. Tori? *Looks around the living room* Kasey, Tori is not here anywhere.

Kasey: He isn't? Something must be up but we don't have time to worry about that right now.

Sakura: Well, I guess you are right Kasey..lets get...
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*The following fanfic is all typed up by me- keep in mind that the text style will look a bit diffrent. Thank you.^^*

Felicia and Li were out together walking around downtown.

They found a very nice restruant that was not too far from where the hotel was where her and Kasey were staying. They decided to get lunch there.

After being directed to their table, the two sat down and looked through the menu- Felicia of course couldn't keep her eyes out of the menu and constanly stared at Li while blushing.

Li: *Notices what she is doing* Is there something wrong?

Felicia: *Gasped and shook her head...
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Hey guys. I apologize that I havent posted anything in a long while. I have been really sick. I also have been sick while writing this so it took awhile. Im sorry if its not my best work.

Chapter 17.

“KASEY!” Sakura shouted.

Kasey watched as his friends came rushing over towards him. Their faces full of relieve and huge smiles. He couldn’t help but grin. He was so grateful for his friends, they honestly meant everything to him and without their love he wouldn’t have gotten the strength or the courage to finish Rexo.

“THANK GOODNESS YOUR ALRIGHT!” Sakura shouted, tackling over with...
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*The following fanfic is typed up by me- all text in this story may appear different. Thank you.^^*

As Tori and Li were about to go into a huge brawl, a really, really loud noise was heard in the right side of the group.

Everyone: *Turned to the right*

A gust of wind soon began forming in their right direction too. The gust was so hard that everyone was almost blown away.

Sakura: *About to fall down*

Kasey: Sakura! *Grabs her left arm* I won't let you go!

Sakura: *Blushes while looking up at him with a little smile*

Li: What in the world is going on?!

Melin: My hair! My beautiful hair!

Kero: *Hanging...
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Hey guys. Sorry it took me a little while to finsih this one. I was kind of busy. Sorry this ain't my best work. Hope u still enjoy. xo

Chapter 15

Li kept on running towards the light; it kept getting closer and closer.

“Slow down Li!” Sakura shouted.

You could hear Kasey’s growls from the distance as he continued to chase after them.

“I need to keep going, she could be badly hurt.” Li thought, not stopping his running.

The light continued to echo throughout the forest and it seemed like whenever they thought they were getting close, it turned out that they were still just as far. It seemed...
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Hey guys.
I haven't been feeling the best,
but here is the following chapter.
I hope u enjoy. xo


“Il talk to you tomorrow Kasey.” yawned Sakura .

Kasey went over to her and gave her a huge bear hug. It seemed like whenever those two hugged it lasted for a long time. It always felt so perfect to them.

Madison had already left and Kero was bugging to go home and eat something.

Kasey turned over where Felicia was laying to see her not there.

“WHAT?! Where did she go!” Kasey shouted.

He turned around to see Li standing up with Felicia in his arms passed out.

Kasey gave him a glair and...
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*The form of fanficing is my way. Keep in mind that the text may be diffrent. I would also like to point out that I wote this chapter because my friend who also writes the chapters is not feeling well and I decided to write this chapter for her. So please enjoy.^^*

This was it- the final confrontation has just began. Kasey, Sakura, Madison, and Kero all made their way to Rexo's secret hideout where they are attempting to confront Rexo and retrieve Felicia and Li from his grasps. As they made their way, the could hear strange echos among the walls. They were the sounds of Rexo and Li about to...
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(The following form of fanficing is my way. So notice that the text will appear diffrently. Thank you.^^*

Meanwhile, back at the other side of the darkest walls, Kasey, Kero, and Madison were all doomed. They are stuck inside yet another maze and Rexo is attempting to play yet another game with them- a game of survival without the use of magic.

Kasey: *Growled with rage* That no good moron! He takes away my powers so we can barely make it through all of this mess!

Madison: *Tries to calm him* Kasey, don't worry about it okay? Even if you cannot use your powers you are still the strongest person...
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I am back with another Chapter.
Enjoy xo. (:


“I feel so cold now. It feels like every part of my body is not with me and that my mind is still working. I cannot move. I feel dead. Kasey is here and so is Sakura. What are they doing here? They are going to end up hurt. These evil people are all very powerful. I want to help but I can’t even budge... I feel useless.”

Felicia’s thoughts were scattered every where’s. She couldn’t believe that Kasey and Sakura had made it here. How did they ever find it? Didn’t they know it was dangerous?

Felicia sighed. She didn’t want to...
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(The following form of fanficing is my writing- keep in mind that the text may look diffrent. Thank you.^^*

With the Time card now in place, Li called upon the power of the card in order to activate. With the card now in postion, everybody traveld through time. After moving through crazy spirals, indicating that they are moving through time, they ended up standing in a strange, creepy maze: designed like a midevil time castle.

Li: *Slomped to the ground*

Sakura: Li! Are you alright?

Li: *Looks up at her* Yes...I'm just weak remember?

Sakura: Oh, right.

Kero: I don't like the looks of this maze....
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Im back with a new Chapter to share with you all xo.Enjoy :]

Chapter 7.

“Who does that Kasey boy think he is? You could have showed him!” whined Meilin

Li wasn’t really paying attention. His mind was on other matters.

“He is also SOOOO annoying. He thinks his all that just cause he can change into a beastly form. Big Deal.” Mopped Meilin.

Li still wasn’t paying attention. He couldn’t get that girl Felicia out of his mind. So many thoughts were rushing through his head. He was almost positive that he knew who was behind all of this and if this was the case Felicia couldn’t be evil....
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*This for mof fanficing is my way. So keep in mind that the text will look diffrent. Thank you.^^*

Puffing with fear and breath, Kasey had no idea what he was getting himself into. The minute he bursted through the hotel room door, he saw no sign of Felica. She was gone, vanished, and disasppered out of no where. Kasey tried to hold back his wail, but couldn't do it good enough.

Kasey: *Wails* WHY????

At that moment, a strange form of light filled in the room- the light was a crystal clear purple color and it filled the room with light. Kasey covered his eyes for a short time but uncovered them...
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Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to do this chapter! I was busy, but here it is. Enjoy

Chapter 3.
“I can’t believe you spent the whole day with me at the beach!” exclaimed Felicia.

She was really happy to spend time with Kasey and it was great catching up on things and exploring the beautiful sights.

Kasey let out a chuckle “Oh Felicia. I have lots of stuff planed for us! It’s not every day that my sister is around.”

Felicia smiled and took a moment to feel the nice sun beaming down on her face. What a perfect day, it couldn’t get possibly any better.

“Kasey!” shouted a familiar...
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posted by lil-fee
This is a Cardcaptor fanfic that me and my great friend Kasey are doing. We are taking turns writing the chapters. I wrote chapter one. I hope you enjoy it. It's filled with Magic, mystery, love, and drama. ;)


“Only one more hour, Only one more hour.” Felicia chanted as she was packing her last set of clothing.

“Do you have all your clothes?” asked Felicia’s mother from the nearest bathroom.

“Yes mom.” Felicia replied while double checking her closets.

“What about your toothbrush?” Her mom asked.

“Yes mom...” Felicia stammered, quickly grabbed her toothbrush from...
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Recap: Things appeared to be good in our last part. When Sakura accepts to keep Kasey away from the streets. Her older brother however beleives something is up with him and cannot really determine what it is. But while they are asleep, two strange figures appear to be spying outside the house sitting on a tree. These two may be good forces or they might want something else.

It was still dark outside. Inside the house in Sakura's room, Kasey is tossing and turning around as if he was in a dream.

Kasey: I mustn't....I won't....I will never...

His talking was so quite not even Sakura nor Kero heard...
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Recap: In the last part to the story, Sakura and company have finally found the mystery person and the mystery Cardcaptor, who is acutally a cat that can speak. Finally getting the hang of what it takes to be a Cardcaptor, Kasey is ready to join and is well far from ready. The only proublem now is where to keep him.

The crew left the park and stopped.

Li: I guess I will be going home now. I hope you can do something about this.

Kero: Why worry over a cat?

Li: I'm just not sure about him...*Turns and walks*

Kero: *Growled* That kid does not know what is bad from good.

Madison: I guess what our...
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Recap: In the first part to this story, we introduce Sakura, her father, brother, and Kero the guardian beast. We also learn about Sakura's strange dream and she and Kero are hoping to find evidence or the solution to this strange intermission. And their primary stop is at Penguin Park.

Out in Penguin Park, Sakura and her best friend, Madison had just arrived to the park.

Madison: You know Sakura, it's okay if we can't go the museum.

Sakura: I know. I'm just really sorry we had to cancel it. I will make it up to you, I promise.

Madison: *Smiles* You do not have to worry about it.

Kero: *Slipped...
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In downtown Reedington, the city and parks are very quite. Night is still around and nothing but the sounds of crickets and frogs are heard in the darkness. These creatures are not the only ones who are up and about. At Penguin Park a few feet away from the huge penguin slide, a myserty thing is pirching on a nearby tree. The thing happens to be a bird of somekind but is not known on what it is. The question is that: what would a bird like this strange one be doing in Reedington? All of that will have yet to come. The bird suddenly flapped its wings and left the tree and flew out of the park...
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added by AnimeFan66
posted by AnimeFan66
Night was about to arrive in the town square. Out in Penguin Park, Sakura, Madison, and Kero were planning out the idea of what to do.

Sakura: *Looks at her costume*

Madison: *Video taping Sakura while smileing* Arent you glade I kept that costume all this time for you?

Sakura: *Laughs nervosly while giggling* Yeah...

Kero: Alright guys, enough fooling around. We've got to come up with a plan on how we are going to find Kasey and to cure his rabies.

Suddenly, two voices were heard from a distance. It was Li and Melin who also arrived in the park as well.

Sakura: Li? Melin?

Li: Sakura, Melin and...
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