Castiel and Meg Club
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Meg was hiding in the guest rest room of the hospital. She should be resting, but first she needed to calm down. Who the hell did Cas think he was to lash out on her like that. He had begged her to get help. What was she supposed to do? Let him suffer? Thinking of it now, she realized she should’ve done exactly that.
“Have you heard anything I said last night?”
Meg looked up in the mirror and saw the reflection of the young girl that had practically saved Cas’ life.
“I told you he’s sick” the girl said.
“In his head, right” Meg snapped, without turning around.
“Exactly” the girl replied. “I told you not to listen to any mean thing he says or does”
“Well, I’m having a little trouble with that” Meg hissed. She turned the tap open, so she wouldn’t have to listen to the girl anymore.
“I know it’s hard when you love someone and they’re pushing you away” the girl responded, as she closed the tap and stared strongly at Meg. “But no matter how hard he pushes you away, you can’t leave him”
She walked backwards to the door.
“You’re wrong” Meg eventually said. “I do not love him”
The girl smiled. “Yes, you do” she replied. “You just won’t allow yourself to admit it”
Leaving Meg a little astonished, the girl left the rest room.
The tablets were lying across a table and Kevin was studying them.
“Any luck?” Alexia asked, leaning against the table and looking at Kevin.
“Nope” Kevin replied frustrated. “I should be able to read this, but I can’t. Something’s wrong with my powers. My prophet powers, I mean. Not the angel ones”
“Yeah, I think that’s the problem” Alexia commented. “You were chosen as a prophet. You were never supposed to be part angel. Your angel powers are screwing up with your prophet powers”
Kevin sighed and put the tablet down. “Then what am I supposed to do? Give them up? Anna...
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The door to the bathroom opened and Cas walked outside. He carried the girl over his shoulder, like a pig he just shot. He dropped her on the bar, causing the plates with food and drinks to fall on the floor.
“Dinner’s up!” he shouted.
At first no one moved as they were too shocked by what just had happened. But then the silence was broken by a scream and people started running towards the exit.
Cas snapped his fingers and the doors locked themselves.
“I’m sure you all wonder what you’re doing here? Let me refresh your memory” he said. He snapped with his fingers again and darkness...
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Cas glanced at the clock on the wall. An hour had gone by and they hadn’t heard from Jo or Meg.
“I’m sorry, buddy” Dean said, a little too chipper. Cas shot him a furious look and Dean swallowed. “Maybe if you just get some sleep, then I’ll take care of dinner. And don’t come up with the ‘I can’t eat, when Meg’s not around’ crap. You have to eat”
Cas shrugged wearily. “Fine, then, if you insist” he mumbled and he stood. When he walked around the table he quickly bagged Sam’s phone, which Sam had left on the table.
He took the phone to his room and put it on the...
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Anna and Kevin were in the building Zoey had kept Cas hostage. It was sealed and trespassing would be penalized, but human laws didn’t exactly apply to the angel and the prophet.
“You have the tablets” Anna concluded.
“Not all of them” Kevin corrected her. “Just the most valuable once”
“I have to say you’re quite of an actor” Anna said, with some admiration in her voice.
“It wasn’t all acting” Kevin replied. “In the beginning I thought Crowley really meant the best for me. I believed him when he said he was looking out for my mother. But then I wanted to see her...
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The man fell on the grass and a white light left him. With bulging eyes Jimmy saw the light floating towards him. It went inside him and Jimmy was fulfilled with a glowing heat.
He waited expectantly for the demon to kill Cas, but nothing happened.
“What are you waiting for?” he asked disappointed. Suddenly he felt a stinging pain in his heart. He loosened his tie and opened the upper buttons of his shirt.
He grabbed his chest and fell on his knees. He gasped for air, while he felt the life flow out of him. He fell on the grass, next to the other man, twisting and struggling, while he realized...
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Cas parked the stolen car in front of their house.
“Home sweet home” he said softly and smiled at Meg, who smiled back nervously. He got out of the car and walked to the front door.
After a few seconds Meg followed him, but still kept her distance. Cas opened the door and stopped Meg from going in.
“There’s someone here. I can feel it” he whispered baleful. He grabbed Meg’s wrist and pulled her along. “Hello?” he called, but no one answered. Then he heard someone strike a match and he pushed Meg away.
The next moment he was surrounded by a holy circle and the fire illuminated...
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Cas rubbed his eyes and looked at his friends. “I understand you’re a little overwhelmed” he started. “But I would really like to sleep now”
“Yeah, okay, we can talk tomorrow” Meg said with a warning look at Dean.
Cas walked to the single bed and started to undress. Then he realized the amount of eyes staring at him. “Are you all going to watch me sleep?”
“No, of course not” Sam said quickly. He put a hand on Claire’s shoulder. “We’ll take this young lady back home. Come on” he said Claire, but Claire pushed his hand away. She walked towards Cas.
“You killed my...
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5 am
Dean entered the kitchen and saw Meg sitting at the table, with a cup of coffee.
“You’re up early” he mumbled. Meg looked up. “I get it” Dean added. “You never went to sleep”
Meg shook her head.
“Yeah, me neither” Dean replied soft. “So, eh, what are you going to do now?”
Meg shrugged and stirred her coffee.
“You know what I said when Cas told me he loved me? I told him to shut up. I never said it back” she said sober.
“I’m sure he knew that” Dean said careful.
“It doesn’t matter” Meg replied sharp. “He’s gone. There’s no need for me to be human...
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An hour and a half later Dean stood up.
“Where are you going?” Cas slightly panicked.
“Relax, I’m just going to stretch my legs” Dean reassured him. He turned around when Cas gripped his arm.
“Don’t leave me here with him” Cas almost ordered Dean. Dean felt Cas fingers dig in his skin and though he would never admit it, it hurt like hell.
“I’ll be right outside” Dean promised sharp.
Cas let go of him slowly and Dean walked quickly out of the room. He conjured his phone and dialed Sam’s number.
Cas looked at the guard. “I’m ready to go now” he said cold.
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“We should talk about what happened yesterday” Dean said hoarse.
“I’m not sorry” Cas replied convincing.
“Neither am I” Dean sighed relieved. “But I have to admit that you took me by surprise. I didn’t see it coming. Besides, I thought you loved Meg”     
Cas looked away and gazed through the window.
“Meg betrayed me. You were right about her. I should’ve listened to you” he admitted softly. He looked back at Dean. “I think one of the reasons I’ve been acting so…reckless…is because I didn’t know how to act on my feelings for you. Especially...
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All three turned to Cas, as realization punched them in the face, while Cas slowly started moving again in a spasmodic way.
“Two’s a party…” Dean said.
“…three’s a crowd” Sam added.
“He’s being possessed” Meg finished.
Cas stood and smiled.
“Well, that took you long enough” he said demeaning. “You morons have no idea how much fun I’ve been having with my little brother” His expression changed and he turned to Dean. “But, Dean…they raped me. You can’t possibly understand how fucked up I am, because of that” he acted, before he burst into laughter. “You...
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After a couple hours of driving Sam got tired. He pulled over and poked Dean to wake him up. Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What?” he mumbled sleepy.
“Your turn to drive” Sam said. He stepped out and walked around the car, while Dean moved to the driver’s seat. Sam stepped back in at the passenger seat, but Dean made no movements on starting the car.
“I’m tired, Sammy” he said soft.
“You’ve been sleeping for the last two hours. How can you be tired?” Sam asked surprised.
“I mean I’m tired” Dean repeated and he turned to Sam. “I’m tired of it all. I’m tired...
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“I’m going to pack our bags” Sam decided. “We’ve stayed in this town for far too long”
“I can call mom and ask her if you can crash at her place for a few days” Jo offered.
Sam nodded in agreement, then he looked at Dean. “I know you want to stay here, to be close to Cas, but I think it’s better if we go somewhere where we won’t be reminded of all this”
Dean shrugged and stood. He walked to the door and headed to his car. He opened the door and got in at the driver’s seat.
“Mom says it’s okay” Jo said soft after hanging up. “She’ll be happy to see you boys...
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“This is ridiculous” Cas said snarky.
“Really? Then why do you keep standing there?” Dean asked.
“Because there’s fire around me” Cas exclaimed frustrated.
“If you’re not an angel, you can just step out of the circle” Sam replied simple. “Just be a man, Cas, and step out of the circle”
Cas turned to Meg, who looked back fierce. “You’re going to be sorry for this” he hissed.
“Maybe you can add my name on that stupid list” Meg snapped back.
“And maybe you can crawl back into the hole you came from, you mentally challenged slut!” Cas yelled and his eyes glowed...
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“Meg, could you give us a moment alone, please?” Cas demanded as he stared at Heather’s bleeding body.
Meg stayed put, as if her feet were stuck on the floor. Cas walked towards her and took her hands. “Please, Meg. I have to finish this on my own. I don’t want you to witness a murder”
Meg shook her head. “Fine, then. But make it quick. I’m getting jealous” she said snarky.
“Meg, you have absolutely no reason to be jealous” Cas promised her. “Now go. The sooner you leave, the sooner Heather’s dead”
Meg reluctantly left the kitchen and walked into the hallway. For...
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Isabel was sitting at the bar of the local pub, trying to get some information.
“Can I get the usual, Neil?” she asked casual. Neil prepared a coke zero and gave it to her. “Hey, I heard a few nasty things went down here. Could you tell me a little more about it?”
“Not here” Neil corrected her. “Outside”
“I heard some of you regulars were murdered. Does the police have any suspects?” Isabel asked, pretending to be just curious.
“Yeah” Neil said obvious. “A lot of my customers saw him provoking them here. They went after him and didn’t return. Need I say more?”
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Heather was pacing up and down the kitchen, nervously waiting for Isabel to call her back. She couldn’t imagine what kept her so long. She didn’t have a job, she didn’t have a boyfriend anymore. She was probably wallowing in self-pity, while Heather was about to be ripped to pieces, according to the newspaper.
She dialed Isabel’s phone again and growled when it was her voicemail again. “Seriously? Where the hell are you? Cas is here. What part of get here ASAP did you not get? Don’t you read the newspaper? He’s a lunatic. He’s killed four people already in less than 48 hours...
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While Cas put his clothes back on Meg wrapped the sheets around her and walked towards the door.
“Where you going?” Cas asked.
“Going to take a look in Heather’s wardrobe. I don’t like these clothes” Meg replied and she left the room. Cas took advantage of Meg’s absence to look around in the room. He lifted the mattress, opened the closets and threw all its content on the floor. He pulled the drawers open and threw them on the bed.
“Where is it, Heather? Where do you keep it?” Cas mumbled as he kept looking.
Meg opened the closet in Heather’s bedroom and checked her wardrobe....
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School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg said charming when she reached the eight year old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know you don’t know me, but do you remember being sick and a man made you feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick you up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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Cas and Meg left the basement and walked back into the living room.
“You should get yourself cleaned up. If Sam and Dean see the blood on your clothes, they’re going to ask questions” Meg said wise.
“Then I shall use his bathroom” Cas said. “Care to join me?” he winked as he reached out his hand. Meg smiled back mischievous and accepted his hand. Cas pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. She jumped in his arms and he carried her upstairs to the bathroom. Their clothes still on Cas walked into the shower cabin and put Meg down.
Meg touched for the tap and opened it, letting...
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