Castiel and Meg Club
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Dean parked the car in front of the driveway of Jimmy’s house and stepped out, Sam and Meg doing the same. They walked to the door and Dean rang the bell. Meg tried to look inside, and noticed a teenage girl lying in the couch, listening to her iPod.
“Hi, you probably don’t remember us” Dean said, when the door opened and Amelia, Jimmy’s wife, appeared. “I’m Dean, this is Sam and that’s Meg” Dean continued, with a nod at Meg.
“No, I know you’ Amelia commented fast. She seemed a little nervous. “Why are you here?”
“Eh, well, it’s kind of complicated” Sam took over from Dean. “We’re looking for Jimmy. We have reason to believe he’s here”
Amelia’s eyes flashed to the door and back to the Winchesters. “Last time I saw Jimmy was when that angel possessed him”
“Yeah, see, that’s where it gets complicated” Sam continued. “Cas is not an angel anymore. He’s human now and apparently Jimmy has been fighting Cas to regain control over his body, which he did, but now Cas is stuck in there”
“You mean like Jimmy has been stuck for years?” Amelia asked with raised eyebrows. “I don’t really see the problem. It’s Jimmy’s body” She tried to close the door, but Meg put her foot against the door.
“Here’s what we’re going to do, Barbie. You’re going to tell us where we can find the jerk that’s keeping Cas hostage and then maybe we won’t tear you to shreds. How’s that for a deal?” she threatened.
Dean grabbed her upper arm and pulled her away.
“My apologies” he mumbled to Amelia. “She’s a little on edge”
“I don’t know where Jimmy is. And I wouldn’t let any of you go near him” Amelia said. She frowned, like she was hurting. “Please, just go. I can’t help you” She closed the door, and heard Meg swear.
Zoey was sitting at the kitchen table in Daphne’s house. After her appointment with the dentist Zoey had decided to have a coffee chat with her sister.
“How are you doing?” she asked casual.
“I’m doing fine, Z” Daphne answered.
“Are you still taking your medication?” Zoey asked insisting. Daphne frowned, annoyed. “For goodness sake, Daphne, it’s for you own good and ours. The doctor didn’t prescribe you these pills for nothing”
Daphne stood up angry. “I know what they are for” she snapped. She sighed. “I feel good, Zoey. Emmanuel is really good company. He makes...
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Before Cas would go to the woman he wanted to see Meg, to make sure she was okay and to tell her he had decided to stay true to his commitment to Daphne. He pushed the latch down and pushed the door open.
Everything seemed normal.
He walked upstairs to check her bedroom. Maybe she was still asleep. He knocked on the door; he had learned it was rude to barge in rooms you weren’t invited in.
No answer.
Cas pushed the latch down and entered the room. The bed was made. The wardrobe and drawers were open and empty.
The same unexplainable kind of pain he had felt the night before came over him...
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Hearing room 2
Paul Morgan was sitting at the desk looking at Meg who shot provoking looks back.
“Meg Masters” he said soft. “What were you doing in Mr. and Mrs. Allen’s house?”
“Looking for cookies” Meg answered with a smirk.
“You couldn’t go to the store?” Paul asked frowning.
“No, I’m kind of broke” Meg said. “I would have to steal them. Besides, I knew it would piss off Daphne and that’s basically why I did. Mrs. Allen doesn’t like me very much, you see”
Paul nodded. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve been trying to get-forgive...
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His hand hurt so much he couldn’t speak.
“Can I speak with you for a moment? Outside?” the female cop said. She grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. As soon as the door closed she let him go.
“For God’s sake, it’s your first day back. You really going to ruin it now? Control yourself” she hissed. “Did you hear what he said? He’s basically telling us that the poor woman had it coming” he snapped.
“I heard him, okay?” she said. Her face got a little softer. “Look, I know it’s hard, given the circumstances, but you have to keep it together”
“I know”
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Cas was sitting in a room with no windows and bare walls. He was sitting on a chair, staring a desk and felt how two pair of eyes were pinned on him.
“Do you know why you’re here, Mr. Allen?” the female cop asked. Cas looked up and nodded. “I’d like to hear you say it”
Cas coughed. “I’m here, because I violated my wife” he said toneless.
“You realize that’s a felony?” the female cop asked to be sure.
“I do” Cas replied.
“Then why did you do it?” she asked.
“Because,” Cas started. “she was being a…” he searched for the right word as he looked down again....
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Right after Cas had lost his temper Meg had made a phone call to some company that could fix windows or place new ones. And, well, someone had to let the men in, right? And someone had to keep an eye on the house while the owners were gone.
So, after the window was fixed and the men left, Meg had another tour in the house. So far she had only seen Daphne’s bedroom and aside from the book she was writing there was really nothing fascinating to find.
She walked up to the fridge, hoping to find some booze, but when she opened it and let her eyes go over its content all she could see, regarding...
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Cas looked at Daphne who tried to get up. He wanted to go to her, but it seemed his legs didn’t want to move.
“Are you alright?” he informed worried.
Daphne groaned and panted. “What do you think, moron?” she snapped.
Cas forced himself to move and walked fast to Daphne. He ducked and wanted to heal his wife, but she pushed his hand away.
“Don’t touch me!” she shouted.
“I’m just trying to help” Cas said soft.
“You’re going to get me killed someday” Daphne replied angry.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you” Cas said apologizing.
“No, you just accidentally grabbed my...
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Daphne didn’t even bother to turn off the engines. She hadn’t fastened her seatbelt, so she just had to open the door and get out. She left her door open and ran through the woods, in the direction of the lake.
Cas didn’t see her coming; he was still lying at the same spot, Alexia still lying with her head on his belly.
Zoey, however, did see her coming. She sat up. “One furious sister/wife coming our way”
Cas lifted his head and covered his eyes. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about”
“Oh, you’ll find out in one…two..three” Zoey counted as Daphne reached them.
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Daphne parked her car on the drive and stepped out, with a bag in her hand. She walked to the house, inserted the key in the lock and pushed the door open. She walked inside and closed the door.
“Emmanuel, I’m home!” she shouted. She took her jacket off and hung it on the coat rack. Then she walked further to the kitchen and let the bag slip out of her hands.
Someone had been in their house and rearranged it with new furniture and someone had cleaned up the mess.
Daphne was furious. She had given Cas the straight order of fixing everything. This would cost a fortune and they did not have...
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The fire was out and the firemen left when a familiar car was parked at the same spot the fire truck had been parked. The door opened and Zoey stepped out. She quickly walked up to Cas.
“What happened? Where’s Daphne?” she asked insisting. The man from Ethan Allen’s walked to his car and left. His colleagues had left the new furniture on the drive. Zoey looked at them. “What’s this?”
Cas smiled nervous. Since Zoey knew Cas smiled rarely she was immediately alerted. “Okay, spill, what did I miss?”
Cas coughed. “I might have done some regrettable things last night. And thirty...
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By thinktwice1997
rachel miner
misha collins
Cas and the man from the furniture company waited outside while the firemen extinguished the fire. Taking advantage of all the activity Meg sneaked in through the back door. She walked through the kitchen to the hallway and upstairs.
She went to Daphne’s bedroom. There had to be something in here she could use against her.
She opened the closet and searched through the clothes. Every now and then she inspected a piece of clothing and if she liked it she threw it on the bed. She had to increase her wardrobe one way or the other.
She walked to the cabinet and opened the first drawer. Underwear,...
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A couple of hours later.
Cas was sitting on the floor with the fragments of the vase in his lap. He had a tube of glue in his hand and tried to paste two fragments together.
Daphne had left again. Whither she hadn’t told.
He had tried to fix the tables in which he’d somewhat succeeded. He didn’t understand why Daphne didn’t just buy new furniture. But maybe she thought he needed to be taught a lesson.
A truck stopped in front of the house and the driver walked to the front door. Cas opened before the man had the chance to ring.
“Hello” Cas greeted the man.
“Good day, sir” the...
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Daphne appeared, but she didn’t seem upset about Meg being there. She also had a bandage around her arm.
“Hello, Meg” she said polite.
Meg didn’t say anything, but stood closer to Cas.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave” Daphne said. She waved at the mess. “I think you’ll understand that Emmanuel and I have some things to talk about”
Meg pursed her lips.
“Okay, I’ll go” she said cold and so she did.
“What happened to your arm?” Cas asked concerned.
“Just a cut” Daphne said distracted. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired” Cas...
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Mitch stared shocked at Cas’ body. “What the hell did you just do?” he said, averting his head to Daphne.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine” Daphne said neutral. She ducked and grabbed Cas’ shoulders. “Help me carry him to the couch” she commanded.
Mitch ducked and grabbed Cas’ legs. Together they carried him to the couch and laid him down.
“He’ll wake up tomorrow” Daphne said. She looked at Mitch who was still really upset. “Really, it’s no big deal. He’ll be fine”
“What did you give him?” Mitch wanted to know.
“Just some valium” Daphne said. “To calm...
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Cas was angrier than he had ever felt. He threw the kitchen table in the corner. He walked to the dresser and threw everything off of it. The blender, the frying pan, the coffee-machine, plates, glasses, it all landed on the floor and shattered into pieces.
“Emmanuel, stop!” Daphne shouted. She looked upset at the wreckage Cas was causing. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Cas walked toward the cabinet in the living room and collected the figurines on it. He turned at Daphne and Mitch and fired the figurines at them. They ducked just in time.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”...
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By xxMichelle1001xx
rachel miner
misha collins
Daphne opened the wardrobe and picked out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She gave it to Cas. “We already know you have the same size as my brother, so why not wear his clothes”
“Shouldn’t I have my own clothes?” Cas asked careful.
“We’re not going to spend money if it’s not really necessary” Daphne said reproachful. “Besides, you’re really not in a position to make demands”
Cas looked down, ashamed of his behavior. Then he looked up again. “You’re right. I’m sorry” he said and he put on the clothes.
Daphne’s phone rang and as she picked up she said: “Make the...
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A sweet scent penetrated in Cas’ nose and he opened his eyes. A small waffle was floating above his face, but when he blinked and looked a little better he saw a hand was holding it. He followed the hand with his eyes until he saw the person who it belonged too.
“Good, morning, Manny” Meg said. She jumped on the bed. “Is it okay if I call you Manny? It’s just that Emmanuel sounds soooo looooong” she added.
“I suppose it is okay” Cas said. He rubbed his eyes. “How did you get in here?”
Meg pursed her lips, like a little girl who had been eating cookies before dinner. “Well,...
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Daphne was in her bedroom putting on her dress, while Mrs. Allen was helping her.
“Can you try to keep still?” Mrs. Allen said reproaching. She was trying to zip the dress.
“I look fat in this dress” Daphne said. Mrs. Allen rolled her eyes.
“You look beautiful, dear” she said. “Every woman will be jealous and all men will want to marry you”
“Thank you, mom” Daphne smiled nervous. “But I’m only going to marry one”
“I hope so” Mrs. Allen laughed. She took some hairpins and used them to put Daphne’s hair up. “Let me see that” she ordered and Daphne turned around....
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