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posted by kellyruffman
Overcoming Chapstick Addiction
May 20th, 2011 by admin No comments »
Addiction can go hand in hand with a compulsion. Sometimes people become addicted to things and substances that have no chemical basis for the addiction. Some people think that chapstick and lip balm are like this. The addicted person may not see their addiction as a problem but this addiction can affect a person’s life by disrupting their usual way of living. It can affect a person mentally and physically. A person may feel that it is too hard for them to break the hold that an addiction has over them. An addiction, though, can be overcome with the correct information and by getting the right kind of help.

A person who has a chapstick or lipbalm addiction must first realize that they have this addiction. They then must decide to become informed and ask for help to overcome their addiction. Such a person must consider that their need for chapstick may be an emotional problem. It may not be the chapstick that they are craving but the actual act of putting it their lips. This act may be connected in an addicted person’s mind to the relief of their anxiety; therefore they repeat the act of putting on chapstick over and over again. Obtaining counseling for what is causing their anxiety would be a good first step.

Other Lip Products
Someone who craves chapstick may have come to enjoy the taste of this specific product. They should try using other products on their lips as well as chapstick so that they can get used to the taste of other products. This may break the taste craving that a chapstick addiction can cause. Using other products along with chapstick may decrease a person’s need to taste the product. Some products that would be good to use would be products that contain bees wax, vitamin E, or aloe vera.

Ways of Comfort
A chapstick addiction could be coming from the fact that the addicted person needs to always have soft lips. They may enjoy the feel of the chapstick as it goes on their lips and how the chapstick makes their lips feel. The soft feel of the chapstick on an addict’s lips could be considered comforting to them. This need for comfort can become a crutch for when the addict needs some form of comfort. An addict needs to find other ways in which to find comfort. They should try other ways to comfort themselves such as doing calming exercises, listening to soft music, and talking or visiting with family and friends.

Stay Hydrated
Dry lips could be the culprit that is causing a person’s lipbalm addiction. A person needs to drink plenty of water to keep their body hydrated including their lips. They also need to use a humidifier at night while they are sleeping so that their lips do not dry out. Drinking enough water and using a humidifier could help to alleviate a person’s addiction to chapstick because their lips will no longer feel chapped and dry.

People that have an addiction to chapstick should reach out to other individuals who have the same problem. These individuals may be able to offer additional answers for breaking this type of addiction.

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