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I loved the magic! I have a passion for anything you can’t prove. And the sister bonding was something great, too. And I love their funny quotes, they’re so hilarious.
I loved the magic! I have a passion for anything you can’t prove. And the sister bonding was something great, too. And I love their funny quotes, they’re so hilarious.
So,the majority of fans has voted for you so you should be very pleased and proud of yourself and that fact as well.:) People in this gorgeous spot appreciate your work and this is very great right..?What would you like to tell them and how do you feel about it..?
First of all I would like to thank everyone who has voted for me. I really wanted to win this round. I don’t think I would have felt the same if I won next round. It means a lot to me to know that there are so many awesome people on this awesome spot who love my contributions. To all these people and all the fans of the spot: keep adding the great stuff and keep our spot alive. We may not have the greatest amount of fans, we sure do have the most awesome community. Keep Rocking, Charmed Fans! <3

If you could choose, what is the best part in the charmed spot..?
The Forum Topics. I love the games and the contests. They are really fun and it’s a great way to get to know each other better.

And what would you like to change? If there is anything you wish it would.
I can’t really come up with something right now. I really think our spot is perfect.

Oh sweet!
Let's move on to questions of the show now!
What were your feelings while waiting for the airing of a new episode or season.?Did you have that opportunity at all or you started watching it when it had already finished..?

When it first came on, it looked pretty interesting, but they aired it at the same my mother’s show was on, so I couldn’t watch it . Then in the summer of 2004 my sister dragged me into watching it and we were in the beginning of the third season and I loved it from the first moment. It kept going until the seventh season. So after the sixth season they stopped and I was like, my God! Chris is gone, Charmed is gone, I’m gonna die! I was so anticipative and impatient for the next season to come.

Oh I totally get your feelings honey!
What did you love most on charmed the first time you watched it and why..?!

I loved the magic! I have a passion for anything you can’t prove. And the sister bonding was something great, too. And I love their funny quotes, they’re so hilarious.

Wow I have to say so "great answer!"
Hm..Who is your favorite character and of course let us know why?

Chris, off course! I just love him! Not at first. When I first saw him I thought he was a stupid, brainless moron who just came on Charmed to ruin everything. But than I started to like him. And than I got head over heels with him. Plus I sort of can relate to him. You know, the situation with him and his dad. He was forgotten and his brother got all the attention. I know how that feels.

Very interesting!
Now,Who's your favorite Charmed husband/boyfriend?

I think that would be Leo. He was the only husband/boyfriend who was around the whole show and I think that creates a bond with the audience. Off course I liked the others, too, but Leo is something special. Plus I loved his paternal speeches.

And of course a question that cannot be missing from this interview~ who is your favorite sister?
First it was Piper. I used to be like her. I was shy and sweet and the middle sister. Then my sister died and I became the eldest. And I became sarcastic and cynical(I still am) just like Piper. But now Paige is my favorite sister. I never really liked Prue so it was kind of refreshing to have someone else instead. Paige brings so much fun to the show, she’s like the opposite side of Prue and I just love how she’s so impulsive, independent and rebellious but still responsible.

Could you end up in choosing your favorite season.? If yes which is and what you love more about it..?
My favorite season is season 6 and that’s all because of Chris. Well, not all, but mostly. If Chris wouldn’t have been in season 6, season 5 would’ve been my favorite. It has the most funny episodes and it has an end for Phoebe and Cole. Sure I love Phoebe and Cole, but it started to get on my nerves. Back to season 6, whenever Charmed was rerunning from the beginning, I would say, Okay, five months and than season 6 is back. It’s the first season where there’s actually a real story. A whitelighter comes from the future to save his brother from turning evil and dies in the progress. I saw Leo from a total different point of view. So far he had been so perfect, but in this season I learned that even though he’s an angel, he’s not perfect. And I think it’s so cute to know that baby Chris is actually really Holly’s baby.

Yeah I so agree with the last thing! It's so great !
Which moment/scene in season 1:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) The scene in Love Hurts when Piper heals Leo.It is such a prove of their true love and if those brainless Elders with all their wisdom couldn’t see that than they need an optician.
b) The moments in The Wendigo where Piper snaps to Prue. It’s just funny to see how Piper who’s usually full of shyness and sweetness, just snaps them off.
c) This is an easy one. The scene in Déjà-vu all over again where Andy dies. Although the scene in Love Hurts when Piper can’t heal Leo is pretty heartbreaking, too.

Which moment/scene in season 2:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) The scene in P3H20 where Sam sacrifices himself to save the sisters and helps them defeat the water demon. He felt guilty for their mothers death and he really loved her so in that way he could be with Patty again…Until those brainless Elders brought him back to life and dragged him away from her.
b) The scene in Chick Flick, where Piper hides in the shower, is really hilarious. ‘I am being stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower’!
c) I had to swallow a few times not to cry at the near end of With Trial, when Prue said that it’s always the eldest who has to take care of everything and can’t make any mistakes and that it was her fault that Andy died. I never really liked Prue, but that moment I could totally understand her.

Which moment/scene in season 3:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest

a) Season 3 is my favorite Prue season, and my favorite scene in this season is the scene in the mausoleum in Look who’s barking when Cole saves Phoebe from turning into a banshee forever.
b)Power Outage: the sister fighting. Sin Francisco: When a demon attacks in the house and Phoebe’s in danger and all Piper can say is: ‘My stuff!’ So funny!
c)All Hell Breaks Loose, when Prue died. I think it sucks they cut this episode. I’ve seen the original one and there are still parts of this episode you can find on youtube, but cutting this episode has created a lot of confusion for everyone who hasn’t seen the complete episode.

Which moment/scene in season 4:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) Witch Way Now, when the sisters decide to keep having their wiccan lives instead of having a normal life and Piper hears she’s pregnant!
b) Hell hath no fury when Paige turned into Betty Boob, Enter the demon when Phoebe and Paige switched bodies and “Paige” was in the basement with Cole, training and she tried to hide. Size Matters, when the three of them are shrunken and they ‘go over their options’, Brain Drain, the scene from the bed with Paige until the scene they escape in, Lost and Bound, when Phoebe sings her ‘Making soup for Cole’ song.
c) Of all the sad moments in this season I would pick Hell hath no fury as the saddest. When I saw it my heart was breaking and I had this thing in my throat and I cried. Thinking about it almost makes me cry, right now.

Which moment/scene in season 5:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) The moment where Chris comes in in Oh My Goddess. My love!
b) A lot! But my favorite funny episode is Sense and sensibility where Paige tries to explain to Phoebe what’s going on, with all the body movement.
c) The end of the season, where Leo and Piper say goodbye. They fought so hard to be together and than they were torn apart. That was just so unfair. But it did have its perks ;)

Which moment/scene in season 6:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) The scene in Hyde School reunion when Chris calls Piper ‘mom’. It’s so sweet and when he puts up that smile, it’s to die for.
b) The scene in the elevator in Spin City when Piper tells Chris that he’s a boy. ‘You’ll be happy to know that you’re a boy’ ‘Really? I don’t see it’ ‘It’s that little thing here’ ‘Hey! Do you mind?’
c) The scene in Hyde School Reunion when Chris tells Victor that Piper dies when he turns fourteen, the scene in Spin City when Chris tells Leo that he was never there for him, but he was there for Piper, Wyatt and half of the world. I felt so sorry for Chris to know everything he’d been through. I mean, losing his mother when he’s fourteen and he never really had a dad + his brother was a lunatic who liked to pick on the world. And than people still wonder why he’s so neurotic. And the most saddest scene is the scene where he dies, off course. This one was so different to all the other times someone died, because I loved him. And Gideon could’ve just let him go back, but he didn’t. And about this thing about doing a great evil to restore the balance? It’s a bunch of crap, because Gideon killed Chris and than the balance should’ve been restored by than. He killed a freaking angel, how is that not a great evil? What Leo did was not evil. What he did was fair justice!

Which moment/scene in season 7:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) The vision quest in Someone to witch over me when Chris guides Leo through his quest.Until the Avatars ruined it! I always figured it impossible,but I was wrong.There are bigger morons than the Elders.And what kind of names do they have anyway? Alpha? Beta? Talking about original.
b) The scene in the attic where the sisters are acting like kids in Cheaper by the coven. ‘That Leslie is such a jerk face’ ‘You so like him’ ‘I do not’ ‘Do, too’ ‘I do not, Piper’ ‘Why don’t you just go marry him already?’ ‘Why don’t you marry Leo’ ‘Because I already did’
c) Charmaggedon, when the sisters have to remember all the losses to understand what the Avatars do to keep their Utopia intact:Phoebe seeing it in a premonition by touching the Book, than she reminds Piper that they took Leo away from her even though they promised them a life together and than they show it to Paige in Kyle’s apartment.

Which moment/scene in season 8:
a) is your favorite?
b) is the funniest?
c) is the saddest?

a) I would say the moment where they are truly back, when they lose their disguises and come back as the Halliwells, because I didn’t like it when they pretended to be someone else.It just didn’t feel right.
b) The scene where Paige tries to explain her witch life to Henry by drawing him a picture.I laughed so hard at that one.
c) The scene at the end of Kill Billie vol. 2 when Piper holds Phoebe and cries because she’s dead and than calls for Paige.

What are your thoughts/feelings of the very first episode "Something wicca this way comes"..?
Something Wicca This Way Comes is the start of an eight months lasting awesomeness. It’s the beginning of a magical journey that has a very unique chemistry. The first episode is the most important episode. If it would’ve been a bad episode I wouldn’t have watched Charmed and I would’ve missed so much!

Do you beleive that the final episode "Forever Charmed" could be kind of better..?In any way you can think of.If yes,describe how you imagined it before it's been aired!:)
Yes, it could’ve been so much better. I never imagined how it would end before it aired or at least I can’t remember, but there are definitely some things I would like to change. I would’ve made it much more scary and funny and romantic and I would make a double episode.

I totally agree with the double episode,thing.
Which episode out of all:

a)had more <<meanings>> according to you?
b)was the most touching..?
c)had determinant events, in your opinion and why..?

a) Oh my God, this is such a tough question! I don’t know! Well, I can relate most to Spin City. It shows us that even though Leo is an Elder, he’s not perfect and he can make mistakes. Power Outage is so meaningful because it’s the first time Cole really proves his true love for Phoebe. A Witch’s tail because it shows us that Phoebe still loves Cole and she wants to run away for it. Charmed Again, because Paige gets to know her sisters and her biological mother. There are so many who have meaning, but I’ll stick with these few.
b) Spin City, because I can totally understand why Chris hates his father. I already mentioned it, but I felt really sorry for him seeing him on that bridge, crying and saying that Leo was never there for him. :’(
c) I would say Charmed Again, because they say goodbye to one of their sisters and learn about a new sister. It’s a total change in the show, because I find Prue a little boring and Paige is so funny. Witch Way Now because for a moment I thought they were gonna stop being witches, so I was so relieved when they refused the Angel of Destiny’s offer.And The Courtship of Wyatt’s father/Rendezvous at midnight, because if Leo and Piper hadn’t done it Chris wouldn’t have been around anymore and I don’t think I could’ve imagined that.

Haha Chris not being in the show would be a huge loss especially for you that you really love him,honey.I so get it!
So now..I'll choose an episode from each season and you will tell me some words about it, in your opinion, and how would you "rate" each one :)!(You can mention whatever you want! A fact that has impressed you, that has bothered you, had make you cry, laugh and everything else)

S1-"That '70s Episode"
This was not one of my favorite episodes of the first season, but I still liked it. I felt sorry for Phoebe that she couldn’t meet her mother at first, but when she met her after all, I felt really happy for her. I laughed when I saw the clothes Patty was showing because they were so out of date. I give it a 7 to 10, which is pretty good, because I’m pretty picky.

S2-"Be Careful What You Witch For"
This episode was the last one with Dan and that on its own makes it one of the bests. It bothered me that it was again all about Prue in this episode, because she’s the one who gets hurt. It was also funny to see Phoebe flying, although it was so fake. I thought the demons would kill the genie, but I wanted him to become human, because he wasn’t really evil. And it was funny to see him eat the butter. I give it a 7,5.

S3-"Power Outage"
This is such a funny and romantic episode. I laughed my heart out at the scene where they have their fight. The quotes are just hilarious, though it was also heartbreaking to see how Phoebe gets all the blame and see her crying. And the scene in Cole’s apartment was so romantic. Well, not the part where he’s about to kill him, but he refuses to kill her and he tells her to leave. I think that’s a real prove of his true love for her. I give it an 8 !

S4-"Charmed and Dangerous"
I have a bad feeling about this episode, because it’s the one that introduces the Seer. And with her the beginning of the separation between Phoebe and Cole starts. If she wouldn’t have tricked him into absorbing the Hollow and than absorbing the Sources powers he would’ve stayed human and Phoebe and Cole would’ve stayed together. Because, let’s face it, no guy has ever matched Cole. I give it a 7,5.

S5-"The Day the Magic Died"
This episode has things I really love and things I don’t like so much. Let’s start with the bad things. I hated Doris, I think it was pretty obvious to see she was evil and I felt weird when Piper was left alone with her. The good things now. I found the unicorn very cute, for starters. And Wyatt’s birth under the chandelier was so touchy, too. And I loved Leo’s entrance in the kitchen, saying all things very quickly and than ending with ‘Why is there a unicorn in the kitchen?’ I give it a 9 !

S6-"It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World"
Watching this episode always gives me different emotions. There are so many funny moments with Piper in the hospital and when Phoebe and Paige are acting cheery. But when it’s a Chris scene I get so anxious, because I know he’ll be killed any moment. Every time I see that gutless Gideon face I want to slap him and to see Leo ruining the attic with his powers makes me think that if I would’ve had those powers I would’ve done the same. The fact that he killed Gideon gave him back all the grace he lost in this season. And when the episode ends I feel so empty and depressed :’( It get’s a 9,5

S7-"Extreme Makeover:World Edition"
Season 7 was one of my least favorite seasons, so I can be short about this episode. I think I should see it again to really remember what happened, but I felt sad when Kyle died. The first time I saw him I didn’t like him, because I felt like he had to replace Chris, but the second time this season was on I liked him and I felt sad for Paige to lose him. I give it a 7.

S8-"Vaya Con Leos"
In my opinion is season 8 the worst season of all. It’s clear to see that the writers were suffering from writer’s block. The fact that after everything Piper and Leo had been through, the struggles they had to finally be together and Leo falling from grace, Death comes after him, is just so lame and stupid and unfair. It get’s a 6.

I have to say that your answers are very interesting to learn and very specific justifying every word you say!I love them!
Now your turn. Choose whichever episode you want and answer the questions below:

a) What you like more about this episode..?
b) What were your feelings the first time you watched it.?
c) Were there any special events that touched you.?(deaths, labors etc)
d) Is there anything you wish to have seen..?
e) Is there anything that had impressed in both good and bad way..?

I’ll take Spin City, for that is my favorite episode of all.
a)This episode has everything to make it great: there are a lot of funny quotes, there’s darkness in it, Chris is the main character in it and I can relate to his feelings towards his father. I really, really love this episode.
b)From the moment it aired I knew it was gonna be one of my favorites. I felt sorry for Chris and I wanted to know what Leo had done to him. And when he said Leo was never there for him, it felt like my heart was breaking. God, I hated Leo by than, he had really fallen from grace in my opinion.
c)Yes, the scene in the cave when Chris beats up his dad, first because he’s infected, but than because he truly hates him and screams ‘You don’t know me!’ I really felt torn apart. And the scene on the bridge when he explains why he resents Leo. I remember I wrote in my diary that I imagined that Wyatt would grow up to a spoiled brat.
d)I wish there would’ve been more making up. I think Leo got off the hook way too easy. He should’ve done more to make it up to Chris. Chris forgave him in A wrong day’s journey into right, but I think Chris shouldn’t have forgiven him. Than Leo would’ve tried harder to be a good father for his newborn son, because of his guilt.
e)This whole episode impressed me so much because it felt like I was looking like a certain part of my life. I never imagined Leo to be that kind of father. I always thought he would be the perfect father and learning that he had neglected my angel made me so angry.

Are there any unanswered questions/signs u have through the series..? Things that just have been shown but never got a better explanation ?
Yeah, I keep wondering why they cut the All Hell Breaks Loose episode. It’s very frustrating to know more has happened but they won’t show it because they had this insane idea to cut it!

Same goes for me,I have to say! It's so pissing-off!
Which "meet" was most touching..? Piper,Phoebe & Prue with Patty in "That 70's episode" or Paige with Patty in "Charmed again(2)"?

They’re both really touching, but I think Paige’s is a bit more, because she doesn’t only meet her mother, she also gets to know that she has sisters. She’s been alone for so long and than one day she suddenly meets her biological mother and learns about her sisters. She used to have no family and now she’s dragged into this magical destiny.

Choose your favorite "time travel" and tell us a few about it!:)
I’m stuck between All Hell Breaks Loose and Chris-Crossed. Obviously I love all episodes with Chris and considering it’s all about him in this one it’s one of my favorites. I felt pretty anxious when Wyatt tried to strangle Chris with his powers. I was like ‘Let go of him, you son of a bitch’ And All Hell Breaks Loose is just so awesome. It’s one of the best season finales throughout the seasons. I think it’s the most thrilling last episode of all the season finales. And it had a cliffhanger, I think it’s the only ending who has that.

Could you review in which moment of the whole series you were really scared or worried for the continue..?
I remember the first time I saw Magic Hour. When Leo was teleported up there by the Elders, I was really pissed and worried for what would happen. And God, I wanted to slap Cole in the face for betraying them. I felt so sorry for Leo because he seemed to have a lot of pain and than I felt sorry for Piper because she lost him when she was so happy. And at the end of Oh My Goddess when Chris sends Leo to Valhalla I was so pissed at Chris. ‘What did you do to him? You sick bastard! I’m gonna kill you!’ I was pretty worried for what Chris had done to him. I didn’t want some future dude to replace Leo!

Give a short description (in a small phrase)of "charmed" and your favorite character:)
A hotchpotch of drama and tragedy on a bed of romance sprinkled by a pinch of humor. (Yeah, it’s pretty long, I know)
I can’t give you the description about Chris, though I already have it. I just want to keep it a secret until the describing round. But I’ll give you the one of my favorite sister, Paige: Impulsive, adventurous, indescribable trouble-searcher

Oh it's ok! And I have to say that I love your description about charmed! It's so CHARMED! :-D
Tell us Ellen ..In which sister or in general character you think your character is alike..?

I have traits of almost every sister in Charmed, but my character is most alike to Piper and Chris. I used to be shy and sweet, now I’m pretty sarcastic and I can get so angry that if I would’ve had the power of molecular combusting the house would’ve been blown up. That is like Piper. Sometimes I’m neurotic, I don’t talk about my emotions often to the people in my environment. I used to have this hatred feeling towards my dad(which is over now, btw) because one of my siblings was treated like a queen(see the similarity with Wyatt?)I’m stubborn. That is like Chris.

Is there any character you didn't like at all in the show.? If yes who is it and why..?
Well, I really didn’t like the Elders and the Avatars. The Elders for all their stupid rules. They put so many pressure on the sisters, but they can’t have anything for themselves. The way they cheated in The Seven year witch to convince Leo to stay a whitelighter was so disgusting! And the Avatars, I just hate everything about them! Starting with that stupid grin of that leader guy and ending with their ridiculous names.

So no uper powers to guide noone for you!
So right! If someone told you that charmed sucks and it’s a waste of time watching it what would u tell him..?

I would say that for a show that sucks so hard that it’s a waste of time watching it, it sure does have a huge amount of fans, even years after the show ended and that that person is the one who sucks and that he’s a waste of time himself.

Oh you are calm Ellen! I would kick his ass!! haha xDLast question!! If you had the opportunity to meet Chris (Drew Fuller) what you would you do/say with him??
*drums pounding*

Girl, you’re so evil! That would be like a dream come true! Meeting my hero! I’ve imagining how it would be to meet him and I truly hope that it can become reality one day. I would probably freeze and thinking I’m dreaming. I would blush and my heart would beat way too fast. I would starting to sweat and than I would say something really stupid but funny as well and than we would started talking and have fun and he’d have to show me around in LA and introduce me to the Chad and Pink, his cat and bird. He would show me his Star Wars puppets collection. Than he would propose and we’d get married, get three kids and live happily ever after LOL! (Okay, Drew Fuller, if you ever read this I’m just kidding…sort of. A girl can dream, right?) Have I mentioned that I really, really love Chris(Drew)? I’m not obsessed, but I’m just completely head over heels.
Well, I would tell him I’m one of his greatest fans and that I really love his quotes on DrewFullerFan.Com. I would say that I think Brad Kern’s a jerk for firing him over the phone instead of face to face. I would say that I loved his performance in Charmed and that his portraying of Jason Stevens in The Ultimate Gift was incredible. If I would feel completely comfortable in his presence I would say sarcastic and funny things that make no sense at all. And I would certainly figure out a way to stay in contact with him!
Wow, this is huge. I took all my dvd-boxes with me and put them next to my laptop to answer these questions. You’ve done a really great job by making those questions and I enjoyed answering them. and I hope I did a great job as well by answering them!

So here comes an end to our interview Ellen! I am very glad you liked my questions and you really did a great job answering them! I was so attached to them! I read all your answers and I found them pretty interesting and as I mentioned above you justyfied each of your answers which by itself makes it very enjoyable to read :)

(Now let me dream to be a journalist!!!)
So people charmed fans we'll be back next month! I hope you liked this interview and I really hope we were a good company! Thanks for spending time for us!

He was forgotten and his brother got all the attention. I know how that feels.
He was forgotten and his brother got all the attention. I know how that feels.
Paige brings so much fun to the show, she’s like the opposite side of Prue and I just love how she’s so impulsive, independent and rebellious but still responsible.
Paige brings so much fun to the show, she’s like the opposite side of Prue and I just love how she’s so impulsive, independent and rebellious but still responsible.
I think it’s so cute to know that baby Chris is actually really Holly’s baby.
I think it’s so cute to know that baby Chris is actually really Holly’s baby.
Of all the sad moments in season 4 I would pick Hell hath no fury as the saddest. When I saw it my heart was breaking and I had this thing in my throat and I cried. Thinking about it almost makes me cry, right now.
Of all the sad moments in season 4 I would pick Hell hath no fury as the saddest. When I saw it my heart was breaking and I had this thing in my throat and I cried. Thinking about it almost makes me cry, right now.
The scene in the elevator in Spin City when Piper tells Chris that he’s a boy. ‘You’ll be happy to know that you’re a boy’ ‘Really? I don’t see it’ ‘It’s that little thing here’ ‘Hey! Do you mind?’
The scene in the elevator in Spin City when Piper tells Chris that he’s a boy. ‘You’ll be happy to know that you’re a boy’ ‘Really? I don’t see it’ ‘It’s that little thing here’ ‘Hey! Do you mind?’
about this thing about doing a great evil to restore the balance? It’s a bunch of crap, because Gideon killed Chris and than the balance should’ve been restored by than. He killed a freaking angel, how is that not a great evil? What Leo did was not ev
about this thing about doing a great evil to restore the balance? It’s a bunch of crap, because Gideon killed Chris and than the balance should’ve been restored by than. He killed a freaking angel, how is that not a great evil? What Leo did was not ev
I can totally understand why Chris hates his father. I already mentioned it, but I felt really sorry for him seeing him on that bridge, crying and saying that Leo was never there for him.
I can totally understand why Chris hates his father. I already mentioned it, but I felt really sorry for him seeing him on that bridge, crying and saying that Leo was never there for him.
"It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World" when the episode ends I feel so empty and depressed :’(
"It's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World" when the episode ends I feel so empty and depressed :’(
the scene in the cave when Chris beats up his dad, first because he’s infected, but than because he truly hates him and screams ‘You don’t know me!’ I really felt torn apart.
the scene in the cave when Chris beats up his dad, first because he’s infected, but than because he truly hates him and screams ‘You don’t know me!’ I really felt torn apart.
A hotchpotch of drama and tragedy on a bed of romance sprinkled by a pinch of humor.
A hotchpotch of drama and tragedy on a bed of romance sprinkled by a pinch of humor.
He would show me his Star Wars puppets collection. Than he would propose and we’d get married, get three kids and live happily ever after LOL! (Okay, Drew Fuller, if you ever read this I’m just kidding…sort of. A girl can dream, right?)
He would show me his Star Wars puppets collection. Than he would propose and we’d get married, get three kids and live happily ever after LOL! (Okay, Drew Fuller, if you ever read this I’m just kidding…sort of. A girl can dream, right?)
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