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Hello, everyone! It's ChiliPepperLuv, and this article is on the top ten things that people do on the Internet that bug me. In other words, things people do online that I don't like at all. Here it goes.

10. Pretending they've filmed an argument they had with someone; People usually do this on Animal Jam. They'll tell the person, "I filmed the whole thing, and now it's on YouTube." Most of the time, they do this to intimidate their opponent. If they actually did film the argument, what good would that do? The same goes for real life, too. If you film an argument you had with someone and post it on YouTube, some will take your side, and others will criticize you. That will only add fuel to the fire, and the more fuel you add to the fire, the more it burns.

9. Pretending they called the website's headquarters on you to intimidate you; This never happened to me personally, but I know it's happened to others. Sometimes, they'll do it late at night, and I think, 'It's 10:00 pm. There's no way they're still working.'

8. Attack you if you aren't in a clan; This usually occurs on Animal Jam. I had this happen to me once or twice, and it's really annoying. This usually happens if you have a wolf or arctic wolf. When this happens, I switch locations to get away. I am not a member of a clan, because clans cause nothing but drama more often than not.

7. Scamming; We all know that the Internet is full of scammers. Sometimes, people will ask questions on Yahoo! Answers for personal gain. On Animal Jam, if I had a dollar for every time I have seen someone had typed, "Gift me for gems," I would have more money than Charlie Sheen and Scrooge McDuck combined. It so badly makes me want to type, "You can't give people gems, you idiot!" Scamming also bugs me in real life, too. I have a low, and I mean LOW, tolerance for people who take advantages of others.

6. Spamming; Spamming is defined as e-mail that is not wanted or e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people that consists mostly of advertising (Merriam-Webster). I hate spam mail. It's really annoying. It gets on my nerves so much that I don't even read e-mails in my spam folder. I just delete them.

5. Comments that have nothing to do with a video/post; This is pretty self-explanatory. Many times, when I have watched videos on YouTube, I have seen comments like this:
"Warning: This is really freaky. Do this, and you will be kissed by your crush on Friday.
1. Say your name three times.
2. Say your crush's name three times.
3. Type your crush's name in a Word document five times.
If you do this, your crush will kiss you on Friday. It's weird, but it works."
If I had a dollar for every time I have seen comments like these, I'd have so much money, I wouldn't know what to do with it. I often scratch my head and ask, "What does that have anything to do with the video?"

4. Bullying; Even on the Internet, people can be so mean. One example of this, and I will mention names, is TheRealMaverick. He had been posting mean questions about Autism and Dyslexia. Some people call that trolling. I call that bullying. People like that don't deserve to be on the Internet. They deserve help. They need help to stop their behavior, so they don't hurt somebody else, or get themselves hurt.

3. Using ignorance against you; This is one of my biggest pet peeves in real life, too. I'm not stupid. I know when people play dumb with me. Most people who do it aren't very good at it. I forgive ignorance, if you aren't using it for personal gain, and you are willing to learn from your new understanding. If you're only using it to your advantage, I want nothing to do with you.

2. Saying "LOL" when nothing is funny; As long as lol has been used on the Internet or in texting, and as long as it's been in the Oxford English Dictionary, (much to my disgust), people should know that lol does not mean "lots of love." It means "laughing out loud." People tend to say it when nothing is funny. Ex. Starfoxx99: "I just got my braces off." Bugle32: "LOL!" Nothing is funny about getting your braces off.

1. People who get on a band/artist's website just to say disrespectful things; I cannot stand it when people go on a band or artist's website just to be mean. There are people on the Red Hot Chili Peppers website who have no respect for the band, or for any member on the website who actually is a fan. If you don't like a band or artist, don't get on their website, plain and simple.

Do you agree with my list? What do people do on the Internet that bugs you?