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posted by firequeen
i'm standing flicking through the book of shadows but can't find what i want. "hey mum do you know anything about pure blood vampires" "only what gramps told me why" "urm i've met this girl and well she's one" "lets go and sit on the couch an i'll tell you what i know providing you don't interrupt" i promised i wouldn't and i meant it i wanted all the knowledge i could gather. we went and sat on the couch in the living room and she took a deep breath and began.

"pure blood vampire witches with fangs, cooler body temperatures, slower heart rates and paler skin. they are extremely fast, strong and have heightened senses. they are not bittern but marked during their teens most often with a outline of a crescent on their right wrist palm side. when they have completed the change they have a tattoo added that links to their strongest affinity. this can be anywhere. they need to eat and drink like humans but also require blood to keep them healthy. they refused to take human blood centuries ago so have evolved in such a way that now the can't,. transfusions are okay if injured and they've lost a lot of their own. they drink animal blood. a lot of humans know and expect them. they are pretty much immortal stakes cause damage but not death, garlic nada and sunlight well it is just uncomfortable on their eyes. they don't and great memories, most are telepathic and all have a range of powers. they can drink all alcohol expect tequila without getting drunk. they are able to have children and often mate for life with their soul mate.

they live in a matriarchal society under the watchful eye of nyx the goddess of night. they are governed by the high court made up off 7 court high priestess who answer to the night high priestess who in turn is answerable to nyx. she is chosen by nyx. the 7 high priestess represent the 7 regions. each region is governed by a court of 7 high priestess who chose the high court rep. each high priestess is in charge of 7 districts. these districts are governed by high court appointed priestess. the all of the priestess are protected by sons of erebus warriors. however you do get female warriors they just can't guard a high priestess. a lot of the vampires are military, police or medical professionals. the high court convenes on the isle of Skye"

with these information i felt happier meeting Samuel Kent tomorrow. she was a pure blood vampire that i met a a supernatural bar and had asked be for a drink. she had long raven black hair and these aqa blue eyes that you just get lost in. she was tall and a slender athletic build with long legs and her voice was silky smooth. the day had come i was dressed in jeans black shoes and white t shirt. i met her in Quake the restaurant mum used to work for as a chef. she was wearing jeans and a red blouse. "hiya chris great to see you again" "Samuel it's nice seeing you to" "call me sam for now" as we sat down i found myself wondering about her. she was eating a salad.

"what do you do for a living" i have no idea why i asked that first. "i work for NCIS in LA or naval criminal intelligence service." right i scrambled for the next question. "i grew up in new york, both my parents are vampires my dad toby is a nay chef my mother a navigator. i have two brothers ryan who's just enlisted in the navy and tom who's a doctor. i'm named after my dad's father. i was 19 when i changed and that was about 1962." well that answered a few of my questions. "so what's your affinity for" "guns and fire my tattoo is of a phoenix mouth that's on my back and a bullet on my bicep. . my favourite gun is the elite Enfield 303 bolt action rifle." she pulled her sleeve to show my the bullet.

"your telepathic huh" "among other things though i try not to invade others thoughts some people broadcast so load it comes through the barrier tell me about you" "my mum is a witch and a charmed one my dad is a whiteligther. i have a older brother called Wyatt. i'm named after my dad's dad to. my mum used to be a chef here but now owns a night club" by this time we had finished and paid for our meals. "shall we take a walk" i offered the suggestion because even though i had only know sam a few hours i was addicted to her company. "why not"
"i enjoy horse riding and used to compete but don't hav much time now. i have my own horse a black pecheron called thor. i am a champion in martial arts and shooting. as well as gymnastics and parkour" wow she was awesome. "hey you said your mother was charmed so that would make you a halliwell right" "yes" i didn't know where this was going and that worried me "so do you know kyle brody" relief washed over me with that. "yeah my aunt dated him why" "because he's my closest friend." we carried on walking enjoying light conversation. "hey i must be getting home i have work tomorrow but i'm off the day after. meet me here at noon" she quickly scrawled something on a bit of paper and was gone.

when i got home mum was on the sofa lounging watching tv. "nice day love" "yeah" i sounded dazed. "you alright" "no i've just had lunch with the hottest girl ever and she wants to meet me day after tomorrow" mum picked up straight away. "vampire by any chance" i nodded. "hey is paige home i need to talk to her" "PAIGE" mum yelled and her youngest sister came rushing in "what" "paige did kyle brody ever mention a sameul kent" "no why" "just wondering" the next day passed in a blurr and before i knew it i was dressing an looking at what was written on the paper. *"hope you don't mind orbing i'll meet you at the base of the statue of liberty"* it was written in the most elegant handwriting ever.

i orbed into alley not far from the statue and walked the rest of the way. there leaning against the base stood sam dressed in deep purple shorts and a tank top and sandals. she was holding two cups of coffee. "hiya sam" "hey call me firebullet all my mates do" we walked up and down the new york high street. it was the height of summer. we found ourselves sat on a bench near the waters edge when sam turned to me. "Christopher Perry Halliwell i need to know exactly how you feel about me" wow that shook deep "addicted i can't think of another way" "thought as much. chris i think we're soul mates" i was confuzzed by this.

"my parents told me that you will know the moment you meet your soul mate. because you will feel as if you have know and been waiting for them your whole life. because you have. if their not vampire the best way to describe their feelings would be addiction. in every life we work to find that one familiar soul that completes us." "your soul mate. that's what you think i am" "chris seriously hearing this doesn't it make perfect sense to you" i shook my head but had a feeling growing inside that it she was correct.

it was getting late when Sam's phone buzzed. "chris i'm sorry but my brother needs running to the base i have to go " she got up and left. i was left sitting contemplating what she had said when i felt the presence of a whiteligther in the nearby area. but it still took me by surprise when kyle thumped his hands on my shoulder. "hey christopher" he came and sat next to me as i held my heart "shite kyle you nearly gave me a heart attack" he smirked "that wasn't my intention sorry. if i had firebullet would have killed me" "hey why haven't you meet up with paige lately" he avoided the question as usual .

"chris there's no use denying what your feelings. trust me i've been trying it just hurts. i need you to get paige to P3 tonight and i will send a reward your way" with that he was gone. i sent paige to the club that night and she came back with a huge smile on her face. "kyle asked me out" was all she said to anyone. it was a week and still no reward when a tall lanky guy with broad shoulders and mousy blonde hair approached me in the club while i was setting up. "we're not open yet" "chris is it" "yes" my answer was dripping with question. "kyle sends his regards and says that you shall await you destiny tonight what ever that means i hate it when ligthers get cryptic" and he orbed out in a swash of red light orbs.

i was working the bar that night when a group of people. a medium height and build guy with short golden blonde hair cut short, tall body builder of African American descent, a tall skinny guy with blonde mousy with glasses, a short ginger girl, a tall dark haired guy with a beard, medium height guy with scruffy strawberry blonde hair were all arguing while a tallish muscular dark brown haired female and a another tall black haired female laughed. "G seriously come off it you failed but not as badly as deeks" said the body builder. this caused the tall females to laugh even harder. the golden haired block placed the orders and went to sit down.

i took the drinks over and noticed the short female and the dark haired one were missing. i laid the drinks on the table and returned to the bar. there was plenty of laughter from the table. a little while later the dark haired female rose and came to the bar. "2 beers, a house cocktail, and a round of shots. she was rifling in her bag. it was until i put the drinks in front of her and she looked up that i realised who it was.

"sam hey your tables noisy tonight." she looked shocked then smiled "heya yep thats the NSIC LA crew for you." we got into a long conversation when the guy who ordered frist came up. "kent what's happening with the drinks' "g sorry i got talking to chris look here take them oh and i need a from fiver you and fifteen from deeks" G went back to the table with the drinks after giving sam the tenner sending the scruffy dude back with the tray. "callen told me you wanted this" he said pulling a tenner and a fiver out of his pocket. "what's it for anyway" " to pay for the shots that will decided who is the man once and for all" he went back to the table.

i leant over the bar. "the shots are only a tenner you know" her face lit up with a smile and her eyes had a mischievous twinkle. "you did know didn't you" she had just slipped the fiver from G and the fiver from deeks across the table stuffing the tenner in her bag. "i couldn't help it will do well as a laugh in the office tomorrow. as last week G failed o fall for the same game" "your seeing who's the most gullible aren't you." i had barely met her but knew her so well already. she nodded. then frowned and sniffed the air "did a lanky guy with mousy hair approach you today" "why" "because this spot stinks of tom and he's a meddlar" "come to think of it yeh he said *"kyle sends his regards and says that you shall await you destiny tonight what ever that means i hate it when ligthers get cryptic* before orbing out"

she lefts to return to her group who were hailing her. it suddenly dawned on me the messanger was her brother and she was my destiny. i made a plan of action when i saw there drinks were half way through i went over to them. "i'm just conducting a survey on the most common drinks bought in the 3rd round what would you all have" i got their answers and noted them down. i could feel some warning vibes from sam. as i walked back a voice radiated through my school ~that was pathetic excuse seriously~ i turned to look she was engrossed in a conversation with the other tall female. i returned with the drinks and placed them on the table.

"on the house" i said. got some confused looks and an annoyed vibe. "guys i'd like you to meet Christopher halliwell he prefers chris though. chris i'd like you to meet G callen (she gestured to the golden blond), kensi blye (the other tall female), marty deeks our LAPD officer (scruffy), sam hana (body builder), nate getz our psychologist (dark haired guy), nell jones and erik beale are our tyech experts. G prefers callen and marty prefers Deeks"

the hello's were done and i felt accepted nate was a little frosty. ~don't worry he's over analysing everything as usual~ i was wonder if i ws going mad. nell was extremely hyper. ~she's always like this~. i returned to the bar to carry on working. sam came up as the rest of the team were leaving "hey do you keep talking to me or i am i losing the plot." she looked pleased "you can hear me i wasn't sure as your mind is pretty quiet" "what do you mean to say you struggle to read me "
i was wary as there was humans around "yes i get little glimpses but there useless tosh. but it is becoming more opaque" "so those questions of mine that you answered at the meal you didn't read them" she shook her head "i guessed that was what you were gonna ask as everyone else does" i felt cryptic all of a sudden. "see you somewhere special at the weekend" he face become muddled with several emotions playing across it. "don't be cryptic i hate cryptic" "you sound like my mother saying that" "when and where do i meet you " "it'll come to you so make sure you check the tosh" i smiled and inclined my head to the door. before jumping on the bar and yelling

"RIGHT YOU LOT TIME TO GO HOME" this was the tradition at closing time one of the bar men would get up on the bar and yell. as usual several door men came thundering in the back to help the pissed out. it was the way we closed up and it was unique. i jumped down and switched the normal lights on before truning the strobe lighting off. an hour later i was finished and on my way home.
added by flowerdrop
added by HaleyDewit
Source: screencap paradise + picnik
added by HaleyDewit
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added by flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: by me - flowerdrop
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added by flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit
chris halliwell
season 6
added by McAdamsFan
chris halliwell
season 6
added by HaleyDewit
added by HaleyDewit