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Hello, everyone! The Garnet Umbreon here! Since April 3, the Pokémon: Aura Warriors RP has been a hit thanks to me and AuratheLucario (better known as Aura.) Then we received 2 other memebers, but one left Fanpop before we could get started. Anyways, here are my thoughts on the RP.

The Good

1. We have a good comic relief character named Manuel Marquezo. He meets the standards of the annoying ass character. He's an asshole. That's the only standard he needs to meet.

2. The plot. Man, I love the plot! Ash and Serena are 35 and married. I love the shipping couples that we started. BergVoorn (Tyler van Berg x Jenna Voorn) and Amour (Ash x Serena) are my favourites. FatAura (Aura x Manuel) is just an inside joke. (Don't get mad, Aura.) Then I love that every member pitches in! XD

I love the mixture of Pokémon, shonen anime violence, PG-13 comedy, and drama. It's like Pokémon, Naruto (even though there are no Naruto characters in there), and a bunch of other shit mixed together! The best part is that it's balanced.

3. The Growth of Members. The RP evolved from just 2 of us to 3 of us. Coulda been 4 but Willowfrost is gone. :(

If it was a spin-off, it would prolly be a PG-13 to rater R spin-off.

(At least horofox has joined.)

I'd like to thank the members.

Things We Need To Work On

1. The Plot. I have the tendency to throw other plots in. Just stop me if that happens.

2. The characters. I think Selene should have Aura Powers. (I'll let everyone decide a colour for her aura.) I think topaz would bring out the skin tone in her. How many of you guys think tubby should have aura powers?) *crickets chirping* Damn, no one wants him to have powers.

3. Don't be afraid to ask or add any ideas. I'm all ears. Yes, sir (or ma'am), I'm AAAAAALLLLLL ears!

4. We need more antagonists for after we defeat Javier Voorn.

5. Every hero team needs an emblem. I'm gonna try to work on one. Bring me your ideas.

These are my thoughts on the RP. When we are on the same, we'll get started! XD

The Garnet Umbreon, over and gettin the fuck out! (I want me some Takis.)

No tubby this time.

*opens door to see Manuel hogtied*

Who hogtied him? :/

Aura: Me. He took my MP3!

Shadow Bellatrix: A little help from me.

Manuel *muffled*: Help me!
added by CokeTheUmbreon
added by shaneoohmac13
added by CokeTheUmbreon
added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13
added by shaneoohmac13