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posted by HouseAddict87
Chapter Two: The Discovery

"It can't be, it just can't be", Stella said quietly to herself, while she waited for Mac in his office.

Mac came walking into his office just getting out of his meeting with Sinclair.

"Stella what are you doing in here?"

"Mac, I have something very important to discuss with you and frankly I don't know what to make of it. Here look at this file that contains the results of what Lindsay processed on the toothpicks you found at the crime scene today."

Mac looks at the file and then looks at Stella with a shocked expression on his face.

"Stella this is impossible."

"I know Mac the DNA is a match to mine and Lindsay ran it three times to be sure. It's also male DNA which means not only do I either have a father or a brother out there but they are also a suspect in our crime."

"Stella let's not jump to any conclusions here…"

"Jump to conclusions? Mac I have a family member out there that I have never met hell I never even knew I had a family and now I'm learning my father or possibly a brother might be alive? I have to find him. You can support me on this or I can go at it on my own but either way I'm tracking him down. My God Mac what if my dad is out there? I doubt that I have a brother but what if I can finally find my dad and get some answers to long awaited questions?"

Stella looked at Mac with tears streaming down her cheeks and all Mac could do was offer her a hug.

"Stella I'm here for you I have your back and you have my full support. I'm here for you no matter what."

"It means so much to me hearing you say that Mac I am going to need you now more than ever. God what if he had something to do with the murders in Central Park? What if my father is a murderer Mac?"

"Now you really are jumping to conclusions. Just calm down we will sort this out and get to the bottom of it."

"Okay you're right I guess I am overreacting a little I'm going to finish processing the evidence we found at the scene and see if I can find any clues about the murderer and about the DNA. I have to know Mac. I have to know if my dad is out there or not."

"Do what you have to Stella but if you come up with anything you let me know immediately okay. Don't try and go after this guy yourself. I'm going to be with you every step of the way. Do you still want to go out on Friday?"

"Of course! I'll need the distraction, anything to keep my mind off of my father. Friday can't come soon enough."

"Okay. Stella are you going to be alright? I mean if this gets too personal I might have to pull you off the case."

"Trust me Mac that won't be necessary I'll keep you filled in on everything and let you know if I start getting too stressed. I am asking for you to please not pull me off this case. I have to know about my father and his connection to this if there even is one."

"Don't worry Stella we'll figure this out. I promise."

"Thanks, Mac. I'll see you later I'm going to go to the lab and process evidence."

"Alright hang in there."

"Actually on second thought it's late and I think I'm just going to go home for the night. A nice glass of wine and my bed are sounding really good right now."

"Okay but be careful and call me if you need anything no matter what time."

"Thanks Mac but I'll be okay I'll probably just drink a glass and then pass out it has been an eventful day and I'm very tired."

"Goodnight Stella."

"Goodnight Mac"

Tuesday rolls around.

Stella arrives at work and walks down to the lab to start processing the evidence she had found the day before. She empties the contents of the evidence bags onto the table to be examined. She then asks Hawkes if he was able to identify the male vic. found at the scene.

"The male vic. is identified to be Marshall Henshaw. He's a forty-five year old restaurant owner with three priors and did some time back in the eighties for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and drug possession. I also have the results on the tox. screen Sid sent over and Mr. Henshaw was positive for very high amounts of heroin."

"Okay what about our female vic., Karen Landes? Did she test positive for drugs or anything?"

"Tox. screen came back positive on her as well...big shocker, heroin was found in her system. Her cause of death however was from being stabbed. Karen had a pre-existing heart condition which evidently she didn't know about being only twenty-one it is a bit rare but not impossible. There were several injection sites found throughout her body and it's conclusive that she was a pretty heavy user. The heroin did nothing to help her already weakened heart. When our perp. stabbed Karen in the chest it didn't puncture the heart enough to do severe damage. However with the heart already being weak it went into overdrive and she suffered a massive heart attack. So again the cause of death was heart attack assisted by heroin and stabbing. The wound on her head was from blunt forced trauma, someone hit her with a gun after she died there was GSR all around the wound."

"Okay so what is a twenty-one year old college student doing with a forty-five year old restaurant owner? Did Karen have a record? What puts these two together?"

"Well I'm not sure but most likely story is he was her dealer."

"A drug deal gone bad?"

"That's what it looks like. Question is who did they piss off?"

"That's what we have to figure out. I'm going to see what's on Karen's cell phone and see if I can track down some friends who might know anything. I'm also going to go and check out her apartment, see what I can find."

"Alright Stella I'll see what I can find out about Mr. Henshaw."

Lindsey walks over to Stella and pulls her aside.

"Hey, Stella I found out some interesting stuff related to our toothpicks and the DNA found on them."

"Really? Lindsey what did you find did you find the man they belonged to or at least who was chewing on them and how they are related to me?"

"I think I did Stella come on and I'll show what I found out."

"Alright this is great news."

"Okay I ran the DNA through several systems and couldn't find anything. Then it occurred to me that the DNA on the toothpicks was male and a match to you. So it must be your relative. Well I also remembered you telling me that you are half Greek and half Italian and that your mother was Greek. So I figured your dad must be Italian. I ran the DNA through some systems in Italy and I got a match."

Stella just stared at Lindsey as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Stella, I'm not certain but I think I might have found your father or at least a blood relative to you."

"I…umm can I see the results?" Stella choked out.

"Yes here is what I found."

Lindsey handed Stella the file and then started to explain her findings.

"According to the match I found on the Italian Criminal Activity Database this man was convicted of organized crime and drug smuggling in 1976. The man's name is Raymond Antonio Bonasera and was born March 15, 1952 in Naples, Italy. That would make him about twenty-three years old when you were born. He was involved with the Italian mob but only minimal. It was reported that he got caught up in the gang because he was trying to make extra money for his family. There's no mention of a wife or child though so I'm thinking maybe he never knew about you. He served fifteen years in an Italian prison for the drug smuggling and organized crime and was released in October of 1991. I got in contact with some people in the crime department in Italy and was able to track him down."

"You're kidding me Lindsey you have an address on him? Oh my God I have to find him where does he live?"

"Whoa, not so fast I'm not finished."

"He is still alive right?"

"As far as I know he is but here's the thing. After he was released from prison in 91 he moved to America to escape all ties to the mob. According to the 2000 census report he was living at 1236 W. Ave. G Apartment 18 in Queens. I figured I would go with that well I made some calls and that apartment complex was repossessed in 2003 and all tenants were forced to move out. I talked to the manager of the complex about the man that lived in apartment 18 and he told me the man was Italian and that he thinks he went back to Italy after having to move out. So I'm sorry Stella I did the best I could but the best I can tell you is that your father is back in Italy somewhere. I could get back in touch with Italian Intelligence and see if I can find him because he might be a suspect in our double murder, but I thought I would talk to you first."

"No, um Lindsey I'll handle this part of the investigation. If finding this man means finally learning more about my parents then I'm not going to sleep until I find him. Help Hawkes with the rest of Mr. Henshaw and Karen Landes's clothing and belongings see if you can find anything there. I have to talk to Mac. I might be planning a trip overseas again."

"Well just be careful Stella, if this man who may or may not be your father still has ties to the Italian mob it could very well put you in danger. I mean American cop in Italy tracking down a former mob member… sounds like a cheesy Lifetime movie but it could become reality."

"I get ya Linds. and trust me I will be very careful."
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