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posted by whatsupbugs
Note: Batman is owned by DC Comics and was created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger.

Something I wrote in honor of Bill Finger:

Batman parked the Batmobile. He noticed another car was parked at the building. Batman figured it was the Clock King's getaway car. Batman burst into the building and saw lots of clocks, which were neatly stacked around the building. Batman whispered, "These clocks could have come from the old antique shop. However, I'm suspecting they actually came from the Clock King's collection."

The Clock King, who was repairing a grandfather clock, turned around and saw Batman. He was wearing a brown suit and a black top-hat. He tipped his hat to Batman and said, "Greetings, my old enemy. You deserve to be congratulated for finding out my new hideout. Commissioner Gordon's clueless officers assume I'm hiding in a clock shop that's still in business. I figured you'd be the only person who'd be to find out where I really am."

Batman replied, "Since you anticipated me finding out your location, are you also looking forward to me beating you up and taking you back to Arkham Asylum?"

The Clock King had an amused look on his face, while saying, "You might be Gotham's greatest detective, but you're wrong about my defeat coming soon. You see, it's time for me to win one of these fights."

Batman replied, "As much as you love clocks, time isn't on your side."

The Clock King pranced around his clock collection, while smirking at Batman. He said, "Once again, you are incorrect. Time is on my side, which you can tell when you stop and notice how well I've aged." Batman rolled his eyes. The Cock King said, "Time has done many things for me, and it's going to give me my greatest victory. I'm going to have disposed of."

Batman replied, "Yeah, right, you king of timeless nonsense. You're going to face the wrath of my fists, before facing an extended sentence in the asylum."

The Clock King said, "My time needs to be spent on better things, than goofing around with Arkham Asylum's wackos. However, I should be giving my fellow inmates my credit, since they're going to be defeating you."

Batman looked confused, while asking, "What are you talking about?"

The Clock King pointed to a pair of drapes. He pulled down the drapes and showed off a mysterious-looking machine. He smiled, while saying, "This is my time machine."

Batman raised an eyebrow and asked, "You made a time machine? I doubt anybody has the skills to create such a device."

The Clock King said, "To accomplish the impossible, you have to be more ambitious than what's considered humanly-possible. Thankfully, I'm an expert at that. You see, I don't have the same limitations, that normal humans have. That's because I think of myself as part clock, sort of like how you think of yourself as half-bat."

Batman said, "If that time machine actually works, what are you going to do with it?"

The Clock King had an evil grin on his face, while replying, "You've had a long career, Mr. Batman. Your career has spanned for eight decades, at this point. That means you've dealt with lifetimes of villains. I'm going to use my time machine, to send you back to your most perilous battles. If you can actually defeat all the enemies of the past, I'll be history. However, you'll surely fail, which will lead to a timeless amount of victory parties, for me."

Batman responded, "I'm not going to let you send me back in time."

The Clock King rolled his eyes and replied, "It's not like I need to sign a permission slip." The Clock King pointed his time machine at Batman and pressed a button. Batman disappeared from the Clock King's hideout. The Clock King smiled and said, "Time for my first victory party." He did an evil laugh.

The Clock King transported to 1944, five years after Batman was first created. He looked down and saw that he was in his traditional costume, that was blue and gray. He looked around and realized he was in a building, that printed comic books. He saw a sign that was advertising an issue of Detective Comics. The advertisement said, "Check out the latest adventure of Batman, created by Bob Kane." Batman rolled his eyes, because he knew who his true creator was.

Batman walked up to the room where Bill Finger wrote Batman comics. He knocked on the door. Bill Finger opened the door and was shocked to see his creation standing in front of him. Bill asked, "Is it really you, Batman?"

Batman smiled and said, "Yes, it is. It's good to finally meet my creator."

Bill replied, "Yeah right. As far as the world is concerned, Bob Kane created you, on his own."

Batman responded, "Bob exaggerated the truth, but the truth will be revealed, eventually."

Bill said, "For the last five years, I've nervously hidden in the shadows, while Bob receives all the money and glory, for the things I created. I doubt things will get any better."

Batman replied, "Let me ask you something: Why do you let Bob take all the credit?"

Bill responded, "Getting the credit would be nice, but that's not what's important. I created you, because I wanted people of all ages to have a hero that they could be inspired by. The kids and the adults love my Batman stories and seeing the smiles on their faces makes every comic worth writing. Of course, this Batman thing will probably go out of style, in a couple of years."

Batman replied, "You're wrong. I've been around for eighty years, and I have you to thank for that. Your desire, to have a hero people can relate to, has remained popular and it always will. Also, despite how long it took, the public eventually found out who really created me. I might be Gotham's dark knight, but the real hero is you. Everything Batman-related has come because of you. Your legendary work will always live on. Bob Kane envisioned me, but you brought me to life."

Bill smiled and said, "I'm honored to hear that. Keep Gotham city safe, old chum."

Batman smiled back and replied, "Thank you, Dad."
Batman gave his creator a hug. A tear rolled down his eye, while being transported back to the present.
Batman was back in the Clock King's hideout. The Clock King looked confounded, while asking, "How could you of gotten back to the present?"

Batman replied, "I defeated all the enemies of my past. I also met my greatest hero, but now, I have to bring down my current enemy." The Clock King wasn't prepared for Batman returning, so he desperately ran around his hideout and tried throwing antique clocks at Batman. Batman pushed the clocks off of him, grabbed the Clock King, and punched him to the ground.

The Clock King said, "I don't get this. How could I lose, every time? Surely, there must come a time, where the bad guys are the winners."

Batman replied, "No. Although the bad guys sometimes get the upper hand, the good guys are the only ones, who gets the happy endings. Eighty-years ago, a selfless hero brought me to life and thanks to his work, I'll always be around, and I'll always make the world a brighter place."

After Batman took the Clock King back to Arkham Asylum, he drove to Crime Alley and put down three roses for his three parents: Thomas Wayne, Martha Wayne, and his most parent of all, Bill Finger. Those three would forever remain alive in Batman's heart and he'll always use the lessons they taught him, to make Gotham and the real world a better place.

In a soft tone of voice, Batman said, "I love you, Bill. Happy birthday."
added by jlhfan624
Source: edited by me
added by jlhfan624
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Source: edited by me
added by jlhfan624
Source: edited by me
added by jlhfan624
Source: edited by me
posted by whatsupbugs
The 1960's Batman show is one of the most beloved superhero shows of all time. With a unique style of camp, acting, humor and heart, the show stands out from the crowd. Although the show only had three seasons, the impact of the show lives on to this day. This guide is for the 60's Batman show, as well as the shows and movies that are associated with it.

In 1966, the Batman television series came out. The show had three seasons. The show was created and narrated by William Dozier. The show starred Adam West and Burt Ward as the Dynamic Duo, with supporting performances from Alan Napier as Alfred,...
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added by whatsupbugs
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