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posted by ladychazabc
"Wakey wakey Amy!" I heard the Doctor shouting from the console room...

I opened my eyes Rory was lying beside me in my bed sleeping - snoring in fact. He had his back turned to me, he's never done that before he always lays facing me. I sat up as quick
as I could....

"We're off to Zyronth in 20 minutes!" the Doctor shouted

I pushed Rory slightly, he gave me an angry moan. I laughed, i was so exited to explore this planet-a brand new planet. I need a fresh new day, I wanted to forget all about last night
at least for one day. I pushed him again, he knew it was me trying to wake him up from another one of his deep sleeps or what I would like to call them.....comas.

"Rory get up come on!" I said

He rolled onto his back and opened his eyes slowly. He made a yawn as I ran around the room searching for clothes to wear for another new adventure. I rumeged through the wardrobe which
was at least 7 times the size of my one at home in my bedroom. Piles and piles of tops and jeans fell to the bare floor as I tried on at least 8 of each, finally I found the perfect outfit, a lovely white-tight t-shirt,
blue jeanes and a black pair of boots . I found an outfit for Rory too. A nice long sleeved t shirt, jeans and a lovley fleece. He yawned again, I sighed as he was still lying in bed not moving one bit....

"Rory come on get up!" i shouted

"We're leaving in 10 minutes!" the Doctor shouted again just to remind us....

Finnally he had the strength to get up out of bed. I chucked the clothes I wanted him to wear at him and stuck my tongue out at him laughing. Soon as I was dressed I ran through to the contol room where the Doctor was. I wanted
to tell him I didn't want to talk about last night at all today or at least not for now.

"What kept you?" he asked me as i sat on one of the chairs

"S-sorry I was busy trying to find something for Rory to wear" i murmered

As soon as I mentioned his name he looked up at me as if in worry. That was the time to tell him, I stood up and walked over beside him...

"Listen all I want today" i sighed "Is forget all about last night...."

I looked at him as he was still fidgeting about with the screen buttons...

"Fine" he said still not looking across at me...

"No, not like that I still loved that kiss, I just - I just don't want him finding out" i said

"Yeah I know" he replied back

Silence fell upon us he turned around to look at me and smiled at me a little.....

"So where we off to today?!" Rory shouted from the bedroom....

We heard his footsteps approaching closer and closer to the console room a.k.a us.....

"Promise me?" I asked him

He ignored me but not on purpouse, he was still busy pulling the levers and fixing one of the screens...

"Promise" he said

The Doctor took a breath as I stared at him. Rory walked through to the room with a faint smile, I looked up at him and smiled as he smiled back at me too.....

"We are going to Zyroth" the Doctor said

"What that place you mentioned yesterday?" Rory asked

"Yes" he replied

"Hang on!" the Doctor shouted as the engine started up and it made that magical noise I love...

"What like right now?" Rory asked

"Yeah" the Doctor replied

Whe landed with a pretty big bang. I ran to the doors as I they appeared to be glowing for some reason. Suddenly I froze when Rory shouted something....[/]

"Don't touch it!" Rory shouted as if he was in panick

"Calm down Rory it's only dust" the Doctor said

"Dust?" I asked

"Yes Dust, It's in the air the planet glows, it's what keeps the Zyronhions alive"

"Well come on what are we waiting for?" I asked jumping up and down like a little kid waiting to open up a christmas present...

[i]I was really exited to open the doors to see what would be shown to me. Maybe there's a huge swimming pool, or an ocean? or maybe even thousnads upon thousands of flowers! I
opened the door with a huge grin upon my face. There wasn't an ocean...no flowers and no swimming pool. But there was a huge city, a huge one even probably bigger than London.

"Wow" i whispered as my eyes widened and I froze on the spot...

"I take it you like it?" The Doctor asked laughing

"I love it" I replied

We stared at the wonders of this city this magical city, birds flew over the orangy, red sky...I was breathtaken. Then we heard something drop from behind, we turned around quickly Rory was standing there staring at a mug which was in
broken pieces all over the glass floor.

"Sorry it just fell" he said as he looked up at us...

I knew it didn't just fall he must have knocked it over on purpouse. For a second I saw anger on his face. I decided to forget about it for now...

"Oh that's ok" the Doctor shouted as he walked out of the TARDIS and stepped onto the ground of Zyronth. I joined him Rory following behind me.....

"Can we?" I asked him

"Of course" he said

We all walked down the street exploring buildings and mueseums and not to mention the shops. The people who lived there didn't look like aliens and they didn't act like aliens either...

"So what and who exactly are Zyronthians?" I asked

"They're humans who-"

"Hold on humans?" Rory asked

"Yes, they were exploring the universe then their spaceship landed here on Zyronth, couldn't get the spaceship starting back up again so they decided to stay here"

The Doctor ran up the stairs of a huge building that overlooked the whole city....

"To live their life here.....the Zyronthians a human race" he said smiling

It was a beautifull sight to stand here and watch this amazing place....

"But don't they need oxygen to breathe?" I asked

"Chlofinium dust " he replied as I stared at it floating around the in the air..... "It contains oxygen" he finished

"That's amazing" I said giggling

"Yeah" he replied "It really is"

Rory started walking away from both of us slowly. The Doctor never noticed, but I did...

"Hey!" I shouted running up to him leaving the Doctor behind

He turned around to look at me with another faint smile......

"Where you off to then?" I asked

"I just wanted to walk around a bit...you know explore some other shops and that" he replied

"Well let me come with you" I said walking beside him

"Amy I just kind of want to be on my own for a bit" he said

"Oh...okay" I replied

"Hey i'll be back in a bit okay?" he asked

I smiled as i looked into his eyes. At this point i didn't see him as my husband...just as a friend. The friend i grew up with..and nothing more. Rory walked off I didn't know where he was
going, he probably didn't know where he was going but I knew I would see him again soon. I walked back up to the Doctor who was by this point staring at Rory...

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"Have you noticed that Rory seems a bit...."

"A bit what?" I asked


"Weird?" I asked

"You don't think he...." I turned to face him again "Knows about us do you?" he asked me

"He couldn't" I murmered

Rory's POV

I walked down the streets thinking about the two of them, the two of them kissing it made me angry. Im more angry at her I've given her everything. But it's not really her fault is it? I walked into one of the shops.

"Hello welcome to Zyronth Tours how may I help you?" a woman asked me, she sounded posh

She had long brown hair, and she was wearing a black blazer and a black skirt with black high heels just like any human would wear in an office, she looks about 50 years old, in fact she kind of looked like my aunt. She didn't look like a Zyronthian. She looked more like a normal human being. She was quite a short person only about 4 and a half feet - all of them are i've noticed that. She was holding a clipboard and she had a pen in her hand...

"I was just-"

"Wanting to look around Zyronth?" she asked

"Yeah" I replied

"How about a tour of the city?" she asked

"Oh I don't know I should be getting back soon" I said

"Oh it'll only take half an hour" she suggested

"Oh ok then" I said smiling

Amy's POV

"It's been ages where is he?" I moaned

"Relax he's probably away shopping or something" the Doctor said standing at the other side of the balcony

"He's been hours!" I said to him

"No he's only been 30 minutes every 30 minutes feels like an hour to us...to Zyronthians it's 30 minutes" he said back

"But what if he really does know about us?" I asked fearing the worst...

"Look ...even if he does it was only a couple of kisses...it isn't as bad as...you know going further" he said coming closer to me

"Yeah, yeah you're right I mean it was just a kiss and it's not like we wan't to kiss each other again...here...right now at sunset on a planet " I said looking into his eyes as he looked into mine

"......Precisley we don't want that" he murmered looking at my lips

There was a long silence. In fact it was the longest silence wev'e ever had, I had to say something....

"Can I ask why ....we don't want that?"

He turned his back to me and walked back over to where he was standing before...

"Because...you have a husband who loves you very much" he replied

"And you deserve better than me" he said looking onto the ground

"Shut up don't you dare say that" I said walking up to him, he raised his head and looked at me..


"I love you...and you love me" I whispered as I pressed my forehead against his " And we can't keep going on like this we need to tell him-"


"Now" i said cutting him off once more

Rory's POV

This woman she's taken me everywhere, the buildings are amazing, the tempature is perfect and now she's taking me to the hospital....

"How clumsy of me I never put down your name young man what is it?" she asked looking up at me ready to write something on her sheet of paper

"Rory Williams"

"Ok Mr.Williams thank you" she said writing my name on a forum

She showed me the patients that were in the wards and we walked all over the building...

"So Mr.Williams what's your occupation?" she asked me as we were walking down the coridors

"Im a nurse" I replied

"Well this would be ideal for you wouldn't it" she asked

I laughed at the thought of it...but then I thought about it as I looked at the nurses and doctors that work here, I could work here....

"Are you a Zyronthian?" I asked the woman

"Yes I am, my anscestors spaceship crashed here and we've began a new race here AND yes i'm proud to be a Zyronthian"

I chuckled as she sipped talked to some of the nurses...

"Are you an alien Mr.Williams?" she asked me

"What me? no, no im not an alien...im human"

"That's alien to me" she said

"Oh right yeah" I said

One of the nurses opened the double doors and a ward was shown to me.....

"Wow" I said

"All sorts of spieces from all over the galaxy rely on us Zyronthians to help mend them for their next adventure...." the woman said

"What adventure would that be?" I asked

She sighed and looked up at me...

"There's still battles going on Mr.Williams planets depend on us...even Earth" she said

The tour finished and I amde my way back to the Doctor and Amy

Amy's POV

"What kept you?" I asked Rory as he came up to me...

"I love this place Amy it's amazing" he said looking around

"I know it really is isn't it?" I said

"Yes well it's time to go...I think we've been here long enough don't you?" the Doctor asked

"Yeah...it's time to leave" I said walking towards the TARDIS, following the Doctor, Rory stood still

"Yeah...." he sighed "I guess it is" he sighed

"It'll be sad to go" he said looking up at the sky smiling "This planet, I just love this planet....the people...and the atmosphere...it's all magical" he sighed

I smiled and I started to walk back to the TARDIS

"We can live here" Rory said

Then I stopped walking and I turned around to face him and so did the Doctor....

"What?" I asked him

He walked up towards me and took a hold of my hands and looked into my eyes....

"Amy me and you here, living here...what do you say?" he asked me

I turned to the Doctor in shock and suddenly turned back to Rory. My throat felt as if it was closing up, crackling my mouth turning dry and my eyes started to water. Im sure Rory's did a
tad too...

"I-i-" I couldn't speak

"Think about it...it's ideal there's-there's a hospital I can work it's a city a fresh new life...for us we can buy a house and live there" he said grabbing my hands tighter

A life without the Doctor? I couldn't I just couldn't do it. I've waited all my life to be with him again I can't leave him I love him and here's my husband asking me to make a sacrafice
for us both to be together as it should be. A husband and wife living on a magical planet together...any girl in the world would find this the most flattering and romantic thing ever. But
I don't I must be the only girl who sees this as a nightmare.....

"No" I said

"What?" Rory asked me, he must have expected me to say yes

"I can't do this Rory" I whispered letting go of one of his hands...

"Amy this is good for us it's just as good as home" Rory re-assured

"No it's not" i pleaded I took a step closer to him...

"Our home is that magical blue box..not here it's never going to be here" I said with tears falling from my face

"It is for me" Rory said

"What?" I asked confused

"Im not going back to Earth Amy...and im not going back in the TARDIS either" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Im staying here...even if you're not" he said

I felt as if my heart had just broke but I also felt relief. I was upset that Rory my best friend, my husband said he's leaving me...forever. I was slightly reieved that I still had the Doctor
beside me even if he wasn't. Then it clicked...he knows about me and the Doctor I had to know if that's why he was staying. I looked deep into his eyes and i asked...

"You know...don't you?" I asked

There was a silence as he stared at me and then moved his eyes onto the Doctor.

"...Yes" he replied

"Is-Is that why you're staying here?" I asked him


"Then why are you staying then?" I asked

The word just managed to come out of my mouth. I could feel it closing up on me as if I didn't want to know the answer.....

"Amy I realised that..."

"That what?" I asked

"I've been head over heels about you and - and i've just suddenly realised that you don't love me as much as-as you love him" he said

"...and don't say that's a lie...cause I know it's not"

"It's best if I go anyway" he suggested

"Don't say that" I said to him


"And even if....I don't love you as much as him...you're still my best friend Rory and friends need each other" I said

"Hey, we'll meet again one day...somewhere in space and time.....it's a big universe Amy...but we'll meet again some time" he said

"Thank you Rory" I whispered

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath wishing it wouldn't be like this..ending this way. I opened my eyes again to wipe a tear from my face. Rory let go of my hand softly and took a
step backwards looking at me smiling, as we took one last look at each other.....

"Goodbye Amy....goodbye Doctor" he said as he walked off into the sunset...

I turned to the Doctor and I hugged him so tight never wanting to let go, the thought if it was the Doctor instead of Rory leaving me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on
the head as i cried onto his shoulder....

"I didn't expect it to be so soon" i said

"I know, I know" he whispered into my ear

I looked up at him and smiled. He gave me a smile back and I felt better in a way...

"Im just glad I didn't have to say goodbye to you" I whispered to him

He kissed me softly on the nose and whispered "I love you Amy Pond"

I laughed still looking deep into his eyes and whispered " I love you too"

We stood there on the planet of Zyronth hugging each other before it was time to head back home..the TARDIS. I cried myself to sleep that night as I clutched onto my pillow. When I
woke up the next morning I found an arm resting across my stomach I rolled over slightly onto my back only to find the Doctor sleeping beside me. I smiled and I rested my arm over his
stomach too. He woke up slightly only to pull me in closer, I snuggled up to him and I decided to drift back off to sleep. There we lay in my bed cuddling each other as we slept.
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