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Finally! I apologize for switching POVs so much at the end, but I had to capture what Dib and Grace were doing as well. Hope you enjoy~
Chappie Thirteen
Emily's POV
    Well, it was about twelve o'clock by the time we had escaped the other alien convention we'd been stuck in. We all made a decision to go back to school, because we had nothing better to do...and maybe something weird would happen and Grace would get to see Dib.
    At first, Zim suggested we use his Voot Runner, but we all shouted "NO!" at once so we walked instead.
    "There you are," Ms. Bitters snarled at all of us when we entered the classroom. "I was beginning to think you all had died...which wouldn't have been so bad."
    We didn't gasp or say anything back to her. She was Ms. Bitters. She would insult us all if she had to.
    So we sat in our seats that we usually sat in.
    "Alright class. Today we are going to be learning about paste and how safe and dangerous it can be." She held up a bottle of it, which was covered and dripping paste all the way to the floor.
    Wait a minute. We all know how to use paste. We've used it since, what, kindergarten? Why are we just learning about this now?
    "So, paste, the evil dangerous paste," Our (also) evil teacher starts. "can be used to stick things together. SUCH AS YOUR MOUTHS. Now. Would anyone like to volunteer to try to eat some paste?"
    We all stare blankly at her.
    Melvin stands up and jumps up and down screaming "I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"
    Cue an awkward silence in which the whole class stares at Melvin.
    "Fine Melvin. Come up here." Ms. Bitters motions next to where she is.
    Eagerly, Melvin jumps off his chair and races to the front of the room. He snatches the bottle from Ms. Bitters' hand and drinks it the way anyone would drink a water bottle. He's really chugging the whole thing down though. When he finishes eating/drinking it his lips are glued together. Thus, we figure he can't speak.
    As Old Kid eyes the many jars of paste on Ms. Bitters' desk, he shouts "PASTE FIIIIIGHT!"
    Everybody, except our usual group plus Zim and Narm, runs up to her desk, grabs jars, and starts squirting paste at each other like water guns. Everyone gets paste on them, while the rest of us duck under our desks for cover. The entire room is getting paste all over it. This paste fight lasts a while until...
    "Awww nooo, my paste ran out!"
    "That was my last drop!"
    "I WIIIN!"
    We peek out from our positions under the desks and gape at the room. It has more paste on it then what we saw from before we were under the desks. Ms. Bitters is going to have to pay a lot of money for this.
    When we crawl out and sit back in our non-paste chairs, we see that Keef is on the ceiling and then we all laugh.
    Besides Keef, there are many others that are glued to interesting parts of the classrooom.
    Melvin still has paste on his lips so he can't speak about how probably amazed he is.
    And then, the door swings open, and a girl who looks normal like our gang (...wait...I DON'T KNOW) walks in. She's got long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses, plus she's wearing a long, silky kimono. It looks great on her.
    She takes one look at Melvin, then all the paste, then all the kids pasted to it and goes "N-NANDAYO, MIN'NA?!"
    "OH YES!" Sha and Emmy cheer.
    Everyone else just looks around.
    "Well before I give Melvin a lecture on eating paste, I'd like to introduce another horrible student to our class."
    The girl steps forward, bows for a second and says "I'm Anastasia, but you guys can call me V-chan." She grins. Emmy and Sha's smiles widen.
    After sending another student to the underground classroom, V-chan ended up standing next to Emmy and Sha. They were all chatting endlessly.
    "So young man," Ms. Bitters looks at Melvin. He looks at the floor. "now you see that there's a price to pay for eating paste."
    "Which may, or may not be worse than participating in the Hunger Games," Rosa said to Grace.    
    "Would you say that losing the use of your mouth was worth it?" She asked him.
    I don't know if Melvin was kidding or not but he nodded and went "Mmm hmmm."
    "Stupid, silent glue boy!" Zim burst out laughing.
    "Anyone would be stupid to eat glue voluntarily!" Dani put in.
    A crash of thunder sounded. I jumped a bit in my seat.
    "Oh crud. I didn't bring an umbrella!" Michelle told us.
    "I don't think any of us did," I realized.
    "So we're going to get soaked. NOOO!" Alyssa looked like she might cry. "I'm wearing some makeup...!"
    Alyssa did love to put on some lip gloss and a bit of blush and mascara. She looked great either way though, however, maybe she kind of obsessed over it a bit too much. But we all have flaws, don't we?
    "We're definitely getting soaked," Grace was standing at the window with Dib. The window was streaked with rain, and the water was hitting the ground so hard we could hear it. It was that bad today.
    Dib looked giddy at what she just said. He and Grace ran to the side of Zim's desk. "What's wrong, Zim? Don't they have rain on your planet?" The excitement in him was growing.
    "Of course!" Zim faked a smile as if he wasn't angry at what Dib had just said. "We, oh, such rain we had! Eh, it was delicious!"
    "It tastes like regular water, Zim," Narm plainly said.
    "Eh?" He confusedly glanced at him.
    Janay winced as a bolt of lightning appeared. For a moment, it looked as though the sun had come out, but it only lasted for a few seconds, so when it faded and disappeared, we saw the heavy rain pouring down even harder than before and we all sighed in sadness. This would not be a very pleasant walk home.
Emmy's POV
    I thought it'd be sunny today! What has Mother Nature done?! It could've been so beautiful out all day, and now the sky is completely dark and cloudy.
    "Gonna jump out the windows again, Em?" laughed Sha.
    I felt embarrassed having V-chan (our awesome friend) hear this.
    "N-no. It's too wet," I said as the three of us left the classroom. "And I may not do it ever again..." I murmured.
    The subject was dropped and we began talking about our favorites in practically everything. Thank goodness. I knew I wasn't normal but sometimes I had to admit it wasn't the best to be insane.
    "I love this show," V-chan was smiling despite the fact that it was raining out. "I don't know how I got here, but I'm glad I did in the first place."
    "And you have all of us!" said Sha.
    "Like a baws," I added.
    We were all outside, standing under the small roof over the entrance. I squinted my eyes tightly until I saw how rainy it was. It hadn't gotten any better, that's for sure.
    I was nearly knocked over by one of the kids rushing outside of the school. It was a whole stream of them, pushing out the skool doors, and running out into the yard. I felt bad for those who have to walk home. Oh wait. I had just realized we all had to walk home. Oh, what I wouldn't have given to be a buser.
    That was the moment that Zim chose to learn what rain was. That it was not delicious, but to him, more poison. He walked closer to one of the stairs, yet he was still under the miniature rooftop. Then, slowly but surely, he held his finger out into the rain and one of the drops soaked it. Next thing we all knew, his finger was burning and making the same noise an egg being fried in a pan usually made.
    "And that is why Irkens don't go out in that." Narm told us, as Zim screamed and walked back a few steps. He was holding his burning hand with his free one to try to put out the smoke that had risen from the former. Then when he finally did, he tapped Billy, with the finger that had just been hurting him, when he was trying to run into the rain.
    "So, this, rain... is it poisonous?" Zim wanted to know.
    Incredulous, Billy fixed his look upon Zim. "You're kidding, right?" And then he acted as if though Zim hadn't said anything to him, as he rushed into the rain.
    Dib and Grace weren't too far away from Zim, and I could tell they'd seen what had happened with Zim. They seemed amazed and excited by this new piece of information (actually, Dib was) which wasn't good when Dib owned it.
    "We love rain! We love rain!"
    What was that? I moved closer to the stairs and saw that every single other kid in the grade who wasn't standing under the covering was singing. And really...why would I be calling this singing?! I should be calling it screaming at the top of their lungs attempting to sound like they're singing. True, it's a very long synonym for that, but it's how I would describe it. It's how any of my friends would have described it.
    "Splash, splash, splash!" A good amount of the children leapt into the puddles, which were becoming deeper and deeper as the rain went on. The splash that was created from that was so ginormous it concealed the kids from view. Almost as if they had made a wave. If they had drowned from that, had the wave passed right over them , heck, it wouldn't have been so bad. And how wasn't I feeling guilt from thinking this?
    "Fun, fun, fun!"
    "Can we go now?!" Rosa glared at all the kids singing.
    "This song is torture," V-chan agreed. "As is the rain!"
    "Okay, that's just insane," Emily pointed up at the sky. The kids that hadn't played in the puddles floated around in the air, spinning in place. "Rain, rain, rain!"
    Am I hallucinating?    
    "We love rain! We love rain! Splash, splash, splash! Fun, fun, fun! Rain, rain, rain!" They repeated that cursed song, laughing and grinning from ear-to-ear. It made me think that maybe the kids were intentionally doing this to infuriate us. Maybe there was some evil in them that they didn't know about, yet they were using.
    And then that song was finished. What was left was the children's (annoying) laughter.
    "Now let's go," Janay started to walk ahead, but Alyssa pulled her back.
    "What?" Janay turned to look at Alyssa, confused.
    "I wanna watch Zim go crazy!" Alyssa frowned.
    "Zim always goes crazy," I said. "It's a known fact."
    "Yeah, but he's doing one of the dumbest things ever now!"
    And boy, was she right. Zim was ignoring Dib's suspicious look, and stepping out into the rain. When his finger had just looked like it would burn to ashes, he'd seen it, and yet he was just FORGETTING it. What if Zim got burnt to ashes?! He was risking his LIFE here!
    Yup, that was Zim alright, burning!
    "YES," Dib was scribbing words on a sheet of looseleaf. It took up the entire page, I could see. Grace looked over Dib's shoulder to read it.
    "I'm leaving with or without you, Dib," Dib twisted his head to see who the voice belonged to. It was Gaz. She had just exited the skool and was holding a violet umbrella. It somewhat matched her hair color and was not opened yet. "Preferably without you."
    "Go on, Gaz. Grace and I've got work to do. Fate-of-the-world kind of work!" Dib pointed up, for no apparent reason.    
    "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Zim was still screaming and running around in the rain.
    "He's lucky he's not dying...yet," Narm remarked.
    "Ooh! Can I watch?!" Gaz's voice was higher-pitched, but it sounded sarcastic and a bit obnoxious. I knew she wasn't really interested in whatever plan Dib had dreamed up. "Wait, no, forget it." It was back to the usual, boring tone.
    I should have known.
    Gina's POV
    "Ohhhh," Zim leaned against the trunk of a tree in the yard. "Owwwww..." He looked up at the bright green leaves, covered with tiny drops of water, and then at the dark grey sky, moaning and groaning in pain.
    Gaz sighed at Dib, opened up her umbrella, and made her way to the sidewalk.
    "Hey, I better start walking home," I hear V-chan say to Emmy and Sha. "My house in this world is the opposite way from yours. See ya tomorrow!" She zipped open her backpack, took out a dark blue umbrella, opened it up, and held it over her head as she left us.
    "How am I gonna walk home?" I heard Narm whisper to himself. I glanced at him, and saw him staring at Gaz. Uh oh. This wasn't going to turn out well.
    Right after I thought that, Narm ran across the lawn and grabbed Gaz's umbrella. "HAHAHAHAHA!" He broke into a run and held the umbrella over his head.
    "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE NUISANCE! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" The now soaked girl screamed at the top of her lungs and ran faster than Narm was, catching up to him. She wrapped her hands around the end of the umbrella and pulled. "GIVE IT BACK! NOW!"
    "You're a girl. You're no threat," Narm tugged on the umbrella, ripping it out of her hands. "I REIGN VICTORIOUS!" And he ran home with the umbrella over his head.
    Gaz was steaming, almost literally.
    "I'm going now," I skipped down the steps.
    "Not without Zim, we're not," Rosa pulled me back up. "Don't upset Sha!"
    "Speaking of Zim..." I leaned a bit over the railing, looking at the tree Zim was under. He wasn't making a single noise.
    "Ugh...I just realized...how are we gonna get Zim home without him burning to death?" I ignored the raindrops hitting my face and clothes, directing my question towards Annie.
    She shrugged. "I just watched the show, I didn't go into deep thinking over it!"
    "If you want to keep all your limbs, Zim, you will put me down, you will put me down NOW!" Ugh, what had he done? I'd kept my eyes closed a little longer than I meant to.
    "You know the drill guys," Mica was holding her tablet, that she'd snuck into skool with total success, tightly against her chest.     
    "We're all going after him," We mumbled at the same time.
    "First of all...why's Gaz going to cut all of Zim's limbs off?" Janay wasn't really paying attention to the scene. She was writing...
    "Hmm...I don't know Janay...why don't you pick your head up? Maybe that'll give you an idea!" Grace sarcastically remarked.
    Janay lifted her head up and her eyes landed on Zim. He had picked up Gaz (I guess she's lighter than I thought!) and placed her on his head, beginning to walk. Oh wait...scratch what I had said in parenthesis. Zim's legs were sinking to the ground and he had to push himself up and place his hands on either side of Gaz to keep himself balanced, while he walked.
    We (as in everyone except Grace) ran down those steps and caught up to the two, but it wasn't the easiest task, what with all the puddles that we nearly slipped in while running through them.
    "Gaz could really snap off your limbs," Dani scanned Gaz's pale appearance, which looked so...evil. "I'd drop her." Gaz's face grew darker upon hearing this.
    "Hey guys...look up," Emmy sat down on the damp grass, taking off her glasses and rubbing her shirt against them.
    We tilted our heads towards the sky, as did Emmy, and I saw the gray clouds were brighter, as was the sky, and I felt that, if it were possible, I could jump up into the new, clear sky and rest on the fluffy clouds...that is, if they weren't so dense as air.
    Zim literally dropped Gaz as he caught a glimpse of the sunlight. Her hair was now hanging in front of her face.
    "Zim. I WILL slap you silly!" Gaz stood up, approaching Zim.
    "Let's go home!" I exclaimed with fake cheerfulness, as Sha grabbed Zim's arm and dragged him away from Gaz and we followed...but we didn't get that far.
Mica's POV
    I wanted to get home earlier. But noooo. That stupid boy with the gigantic head and glasses ruined it. He has this burning hatred for Zim. It seemed like all this dude wanted was to rip off those contacts and that wig so the whole world could see what he really was. Just so he could be a famous "paranormal investigator". It'd give him pleasure to see Zim strapped to a shiny, silver table in a labratory, which, if you asked me, was pretty sick. What was wrong with that kid? And he called himself the only normal one in the class! I bet every girl in the Girlz Gang combined was more normal than he was. Ugh...
    I guess I'm getting a bit off topic here. How did Dib (the boy who had no last name) ruin this? Well, we were just walking home, la dee daaa, making up the most random story we could think of, which was greatly annoying Zim. Oh yeah, and Gaz too. She kept turning around and telling us to shut up, but we acted as if we didn't hear her. And that just made her more furious.
    So anyway, the story was going well. It was about a piece of cheese that became best friends with a gummy bear. Janay brought up the gummy bear part. So in between little fits of laughter that erupted from each of us when we began to speak we added more and more to it. Dani was writing every bit of it in a marble notebook.    
    We were at the part where the gummy bear swallowed the cheese whole, when Dib appeared, all of a sudden, in front of us all and leapt into the large puddle his foot had been barely touching when he appeared. There was a large amount of water that the puddle lost...and it covered Zim and Gaz. We felt little droplets of water on us, which made us all yelp at the same time.
    Oh man...Gaz didn't look any happier than she had before when we had been walking. In fact...was her face turning red?! Dib's foot slipped as he backed away from her, yet he still looked fearless.
    Zim, in the meantime, was burning up again, and, of course, screaming a bunch of gibberish about how horrible the rain was. Sha touched his skin and jumped back when she had realized that his skin was hotter than a stove...or oven. There was a slight mark where Sha's hand was on Zim's forehead. Due to that touch, Zim fell into the puddle.
    "Oh, I'm sorry Zim," Dib was smiling. So obviously...he didn't mean what he said. "I meant for that to be a bigger splash!"
    "L-let's go Dib," Grace walked into the middle of Dib and Gaz, who looked like she could explode any moment now. "I think Zim will try to destroy you if he gets up and you're still here."
    They did go. Grace went with them. She was still keeping them apart. Sha helped Zim up. He was reluctant to accept her hand at first but it seemed getting out of the water mattered to him more so he grabbed it tightly and stood up, then immediately let go of it. He marched towards the trio ahead of us, so we went along with him.
    "That was your fate of the world work!?! Jumping in a puddle!?! You do realize I'm gonna have to destroy you now." Yup...that was Gaz reprimanding Dib. Because Dib's a baaaad boy...and in the literal way!
    "It was worth it," I could seriously hear Dib smiling. "Score one for the human race! Score nothing for the Zim... thingy race."
    "Irken," Grace corrected. She said it very quietly so no one could hear, and I couldn't hear it, but when I saw Grace's lips move, I figured she'd said that.
    "I will destroy you!" Gaz's hands touched Grace's arm as she tried to shove her out of the way, but Grace just lifted Gaz's fingers one by one off of her arm, just like that.
    "You just can't appreciate my strategic masterminding," Dib just smacked Gaz's hands which had almost successfully touched his back. "Now I know that water causes him extreme discomfort and can use this to my advantage."
    "Ohh noo," Zim raced to the street that Dib was about to walk on. Then he motioned for us to come too.
    "We're not aliens, Zim," I mouthed. He seemed to understand what I'd "said" perfectly. But one minute I was a few feet away from Dib, Gaz, and Grace, the next I was ahead of them, right behind Michelle. She, along with the rest of us, were with Zim on the next street. Did he beam us or something? I really wanted that Irken technology now.
    "I swear, sometimes even I scare myself with how amazingly I...!" Dib held his chin up with his hand in a thinking position.
    "Now..." Zim jumped out straight in front of Dib. "HAH!" He and Sha had done it at the same time, and we all did as well...just a few seconds late.
    Dib, startled by this, fell back into the puddle. Gaz and Grace backed away, but Gaz got wet...though Grace was fine.
    "...How amazingly you can fall into a puddle?" Zim suggested. "I agree."
    That's something Dib can boast about for sure!
    "Alright, Zim. You wanna play this way, I'll get you back! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon! Soon, watery vengeance will be mine!" Dib stood up, proudly. Wow...he had a big ego. Really.
    And that was why I got home so late.
    The next day, in my opinion, things got worse. Much worse.
Janay's POV
    "As punishment for yesterday's paste incident, today will be devoted to having your minds erased!" Ms. Bitters eyes were completely dry as she peeled the skin off of a small onion in her hands. I was wondering why she even had an onion but I didn't question it. She'd probably try to punish me if I did. That's how horrible our teacher is! Anyway, I didn't understand why her eyes weren't the slightest bit wet from tears. They didn't even look very glassy...they looked dull.
    I just came up with a reason for all of this: Ms. Bitters is not human. There!
    "She can erase our minds?" I could overhear V-chan asking Sha.
    "She's just trying to scare us. Typical Ms. Bitters," Sha answered, but her eyes focused on the...demon? Is she a demon? I think she's a demon.
    "GO SIT AT THE TABLES IN THE BACK! NOW! ALL OF YOU!" Our demon teacher barked at us all, sticking out one of her claw shaped hands towards the far back of the room. "Or I'll devour your souls..."
    I nearly knocked my chair over, racing towards a random seat at one of the tables. I banged my elbow on the table edge as I made it. It did hurt, but it was just a bruise and I did not want Ms. Bitters to devour my soul. The others were fast, but not as fast as I was. Everyone broke into groups of four and drifted over to open tables.
    I ended up with Michelle, Alyssa, and Dani. We were at one of the tables next to Zim, Narm, Dib, and these two other boys in our class named Rob and Matthew. I knew for a fact that Alyssa would hate on Matthew. And she really did.
    See, Ms. Bitters' idea of erasing our minds was not the same as our idea...all she did was pass out pieces of blank, white paper and bottles of paste. Okay, so at least she didn't erase our minds...wait...uh oh...
    "Guys..." I reached to touch Michelle before she shifted her position to face me.
    "I think something's wrong with my head, Janay," She said, her right hand covered over her forehead.
    "Mine too!" Alyssa laid her head on the table, looking like she might cry any moment.
    Dani couldn't say a word. Her Kid-esque hat was covering half her face, but I could still see her mouth...which was frowning.
    My eyes darted around the room, and I suddenly realized everyone in the room was feeling the same pain. Including me. My brain felt like it might explode to bits and I wouldn't have one anymore. It was worsening...I could almost visualize some sort of red...mist expanding where my brain was...growing with every moment. It was complete torture! Cruel and unusual punishment! I should call the police now.
    Oh yeah. Basically every character in this show is a moron. I forgot. I could hear my thoughts, weirdly, over all that agony in my mind...in my mind...wait...no...this wasn't my brain...was I imagining all this pain? But...everyone else was experiencing it too! And why would I even want to imagine such...discomfort?
    And then...like that it was gone. Like it had never been there. What pain?
    I glanced down at the paper and paste in front of me. What was I doing again? I wasn't the only one with the questioning look on my face. I saw Michelle was staring down at her supplies too. And so were the others.
    What even happened in class yesterday? I wondered. I remembered after skool, Zim had found his one weakness, but I didn't remember what we'd done in skool yesterday. Or today. What were we supposed to be learning or doing now?
    "Today's lesson involves paste...and how to use it properly. Which means draw with it. On paper." Ms. Bitters seemed to have read my mind because she responded to my question that I hadn't said aloud!
    Ms. Bitters isn't human.
    I sighed, and popped the lid of my paste bottle open. Then I turned it over completely and started "drawing" a picture of Kyle...but it looked like a bunch of white, somewhat bubbly circles and lines to me. It's what it looked like on everyone's.
    Beep, beep, beep, beep.....
    "Wassat, Zim?" Sha had eagerly appeared next to Zim's chair, pointing to what Zim was holding. It was a scanner. I guess that's where the beeping came from.
    "Nothing..." Zim placed his hand on the edge of the table, then tried to remove it, but it was stuck to the table.
    "What's wrong?" Narm put down his paste bottle, and looked at Zim's gloved hand. "It got stuck to the table didn't it." The way he said it sounded more like a declarative than an interrogative sentence.
    "You're such an idiot, Zim. I swear...it's a good thing the Tallest asked me to assist you or who knows where you'd be now?"
    "Actually, he might be in the same place he is now. You know what I'm saying?" Emily was squirting her paste all over her piece of paper. She wasn't really looking at it, just "doodling" absent-mindedly with it.
    "...........True............." Narm sighed.
    More horrible beeping...AGH!
    Narm snatched the scanner from Zim. "You could blow your cover, moron," He scolded. "And mine too!"
    Grace was with Sha, Emmy, V-chan, and Emily. Her eyes met Dib's and they both turned their heads toward Zim.
    "But that paste..." He was saying. "It seems like-" Then he shut up. He seemed to realize there was no point in talking.
    Dib smirked and slowly stood up. His eyes traveled to the sink. Snickering a little, he dragged his feet against the floor. His direction was toward that sink.
    It took three whole minutes for him to make it there. I'm sure I could hear Emmy mutter "Slowpoke," very softly. I laughed pretty loudly after that. Not so loudly that entire class and Ms. Bitters could hear it, but the tables around me could. Which meant every single one of my friends and a few other random classmates.
    Either Dib was very deaf now, or he was just ignoring us. Grace told us to respect Dib, since he was often teased by his classmates and called "crazy" or "insane" but I didn't listen to her. It was his own fault that he was made fun of. He made up all those crazy stories and had no evidence, did he? I bet Zim was the first time he'd been right, but he'd cried wolf too many times and that's why no one would believe him.
     It's that, or they're very, very stupid.
    Dib's hand gripped the cold water handle. He pulled it about maybe one or two degrees, enough so that every few seconds, a tiny amount of water would drop out of the faucet.
    The next moment seemed to go by in slow motion. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Even less than that. I could actually hear the water hitting the bottom of the sink. The sound was a long sound. From looking at Zim, I could tell that sound was frightening and haunt him. Sha was still standing near Zim. She looked like she wanted to at least poke him or comfort him, but knew he'd probably push her away if she did.
    Zim was trembling though. His eyes kept twitching and he slunk in his chair.
    We all jumped out of our seats.
    "I guess you're all dismissed early. Now go! You kids are worthless!" Ms. Bitters waved her hand toward the door.
    I gathered all my things and ran to the door. So did everyone else, and that included Zim and Narm.
    We made it outside to the lawn in front, before a swarm of students poured out the entrance, running to every form of their transportation, from bike, to foot, to bus, to car, or even piggy-back riding (yes...this cartoon is just...WOW).
    The schoolyard was completely cleared, except for us, Zim, Dib, and Narm.
    I whirled around and a large mailbox came into my view. "What..." I heard Rosa and Grace murmur together.
    "No talking," I could hear Zim whisper sharply.
    "I hear yooou!" Dib ran behind the mailbox. I heard a small scream and saw Zim running around the mailbox.
    Grace stayed behind to converse with Dib while Narm and we girls looked around for Zim. He cowered back as he saw a long puddle ahead of him. We walked around the puddle with him and walked home as if everything was normal. Again.
    But then Zim hid behind a bright red fire hydrant out of fear.
    "Meep..." I thought I hear him say. He was now in our view again.
    "Hey, Zim! Narm!"
    Oh great, the big headed boy was here. Plus Grace.
    "Just lemme test this," Dib squeezed the purple water balloon in his hand. It didn't break at all. How durable!
    Then he threw it. It "flew" probably five feet above us and when it "flew" down, Dib caught it, amazingly, with one hand. The minute it was in his hand, he aimed it at Zim and flung it at him.
    Zim was on the ground. Naturally, Sha ran to his side to help him up, but the balloon hadn't popped. It was bouncing a few inches above the sidewalk next to Zim's green head and soon it stopped...and ended up popping. So Zim's head got covered in the water and he was complaining very loudly about the water beneath him and on his entire body.
    "I'm getting so lucky right now!" Narm cheered.
    It took Sha and me to get Zim up. Oh yeah, plus Emily. And Narm.
    "Why must this be!?!" Zim demanded, stepping closer to Dib and glaring.
    "How advanced is an alien race that can't handle a little water balloon? I don't even feel good about winning this one." Dib chuckled at his last comment. "I'm pretty funny."
    "No you're not," said Narm.
    Grace looked down at the concrete, a bit ashamedly. After all, she was technically with Dib. Not as a girlfriend, but like a team.
    "You win this round, perhaps, but watch your back, Dib," Zim scowled, crossing his arms.
    "That's a threat, Dib," Sha laughed.
    Zim seemed to like the idea of having backup...What...?
    Dib actually did "watch his back" as he turned his head almost all the way, and Zim smirked down at a piece of the purple balloon, stuck to his glove.
    "Now that I have access to your water balloon technology, and I've got a bunch of hyoomans and a...servant, I will annihilate you down to your every last cell! On Monday we settle this like children," He declared. "And all you have is your stupid video game playing sister and your new BFF!" He grinned at the lingo he'd learned from skool, then waved his hand about, attempting to remove the balloon from his hand but when he spotted a bit of white on his hand, we knew what it was.
Michelle's POV
    Grace said she wanted to stay over Dib's all weekend, and Dib was okay with it, so they walked home together. I wouldn't be surprised if Gaz disliked that. Was she jealous? No...Gaz was always in a bored mood, so I kinda thought that wouldn't change.
    The rest of us abandoned our nice little house and opted to stay over Zim's for the weekend. Narm had done the same. It was only within two hours that we all stood in Zim's base.
    "You're just sitting there, Zim. Dib challenged you and you're just sitting there!" Narm pressed his palm against his forehead. He crossed his legs while standing.
    "I'm not just 'sitting there' Narm-human! I'm doing other things too!" He touched the leftover paste on his hand. It was still pretty wet...what kind of paste was that?!
    "I'm not a human, Zim," Narm picked at one of his antenna.
    "Yes you are," Zim insisted as he eyed the gigantic scanner in front of him. It was basically a large light you placed something under, and whatever it contains is listed on the computers next to it. I wonder how long it takes for Irkens to build technology like this...
    "Just shut up, Narm-human! And let me do my work! I have a lot of experimenting and testing to do if I want to beat that FILTHY, HORRIBLE Dib-stink on Monday!...And I'm not doing it alone..." He swiveled around in the chair to face all of us.
    I realized what he meant. "Why are you depending on us now, all of a sudden?!" I spoke up.
    "Zim, you've never bothered to speak to us before. The only one of us you really felt the need to talk to was Sha. Why're you asking us for help now when you never even really looked at us?!" Rosa fixed her glasses, as she agreed with me.
    "...Sorry?" He tried.
    "Sorry doesn't make the world a better place," Narm laughed at Zim's weak response. "And for the record, that didn't sound like you meant it."
    "It's a no-no, Zim," Janay stepped slightly closer to Zim's swivel chair. "We're not helping you. You can't expect us to help you if you aren't going to help us."
    "I'll be your best friend?" Zim tried again.
    "Nooo," Emily sighed.
    "You're pathetic, Zim. You can't just bribe us! It doesn't work like that," Dani glanced quickly at the scanner. "Not for us anyway."
    "I thought you guys were idiots!" Zim was confused.
    "Well, you thought wrong," Emmy was no longer acting stupid. She was in her normal state. "We aren't falling for it."
    "I bet the Sha-human will help me." Zim winked at her. I could tell he was trying to bribe her too, but she didn't care. She happily sat in the chair next to him and grinned.
    "Let's go upstairs everyone..." Dani suggested. We were glad to have something to distract us from helping Zim.
    "Can we go upstairs?" Emmy asked GIR softly. GIR nodded and slipped on his adorable dog costume. Emmy happily swung his now furry hand as they walked to the elevator with the rest of us (except for Sha, Zim, and Narm). She looked a bit smaller in height by a few inches, but I realized maybe ending up in the show had done that to her and I hadn't noticed. She and GIR were almost the same size...Emmy was just an inch taller. However, it did look cuter that way!
    Everyone stepped onto the elevator and they were brought straight up in about a second. I wasn't one of the people that stepped on. I chose to stay behind...I wasn't going to help Zim, but I wanted to see what his tactic for beating Dib would be. So I hid and didn't make a single peep while I watched.
    They did much, much work.
    "Sha-human, start the countdown. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time!" Zim shoved Sha towards a nearby computer. She smiled and starting typing on the keyboard right away.
    "And you, Narm-human. Where's your SIR unit?" He surveyed Narm, who just looked up at the computer screen in front of him.
    "BIR!" Narm called, and there he came. He rolled towards him and popped out of his action, smirking.
    "What do you want with him?" Narm questioned.
    "Get him to write down the list of items in this..PASTE stuff!"
    Narm carried out Zim's order right away to BIR, and he took a notepad out of nowhere, as well as a pencil. When Zim scanned his hand, BIR took note of the words that appeared on the screen. Some of them included "cupcake, asteriod, whale yellow," and "rat hair".
    Ms. Bitters totally messed up that paste.
    "Got the count down ready, Sha-human?" Zim asked her.
    Sha pushed down a random letter on the keyboard, and now the number "48:00" was on the screen above her.
    "Let's continue!" Zim declared. "We can do this! We can beat that Dib-FILTH to pieces! TINY, WORTHLESS, LITTLE PIECES!!!!"
    Those words motivated Sha, Narm, and BIR a little more. But only a little more.
Normal POV
    "Grace, Gaz how does this look?" Dib turned to the two girls sitting on the couch near him. Grace scootched closer to Dib and stared down intently at the blueprints he held. Grace couldn't tell what it was...it looked like a backpack or something.
    "It looks pretty good to me! What does it do?" Grace wondered aloud to him.
    "You'll see..." Dib grinned, a bit mysteriously. "So Gaz, whatcha thiiink?" He held out the blueprints.
    Gaz rolled her eyes. "I'll show you what I think, Dib." She leaped off the couch, reached into a pocket in her dress that Grace never knew Gaz had, and pulled out a sheet of paper. It looked blank from where Dib was viewing it, but Gaz turned it around and Dib and Grace saw what it was-Dib, panicking, as he got eaten by a large, green monster. Grace was in the picture too, trying to grab his hand.
    They stared at it openmouthed. Finally, Grace snatched the picture and ripped it up. She handed the shreds back to Gaz and laughed with Dib.
    "You're lucky I don't kill BOTH of you!" Gaz stomped off.
Michelle's POV
    "Hmmm..." Zim was doing a ton of typing-and was doing it quickly-on his own computer. I glanced at the screen. Pictured on it, was a paste molecule in a box that wasn't much bigger.
    "Raaaiiin," Zim practically smashed one of the buttons on the keyboard, and on the screen, it started to rain. But nothing happened to the box...
    "Narm and Sha-humans!" Zim gasped. "Come here! Now! Look at this!"
    "So paste...protects us from water?" Narm watched the clip of rain coming down, not affecting the mini box.
    "Eeyup...and now my plan has WIDENED!"
    Normal POV
    All Dib did was sketch more and more ideas onto his blueprints, with Grace contributing every now and then. It worked pretty well when they came to the final result.
    "This'll get him good..." Dib hugged the blueprints.
    Michelle's POV
    Zim brushed up the final touches of paste on Narm. He then found a pair of goggles and snapped them onto his head. Narm pulled them down to cover his eyes.
    "Now, Sha-human," Zim signaled. Sha was pushing buttons all over the place. Huge amounts of water were poured over the Irkens. Water balloons were thrown. And when the water cleared, there they were, not smoking at all. They were prefectly fine.
    "Woah," I breathed from my hiding place.
    "New discovery," Sha picked up a clipboard, and made a mark on it.
Normal POV
    Grace was watching the whole entire time when Dib slipped his welding mask over his facial appearance and started welding...
    He looked pretty good when he did it.
Michelle's POV
    I was starting to get bored. All Zim was doing was watching his new water balloon float around...moving in circles. That was boring.
    And Sha and Narm were just working on computers. What more can I say here?
Normal POV
    Grace looked bored to tears. "Dib, it's six o'clock in the morning. When are you going to finish?!"    
    "Just lemme finish this last thing..." Dib was STILL welding.
    Grace's head hit the floor and she fell asleep.
Michelle's POV
    All Zim is doing is pressing more buttons.
Normal POV
Michelle's POV
    I went upstairs. I was done down there.
Normal POV
    "Hey, genius, it's Monday!"
    Dib's eyes snapped open. He looked at Grace sleeping softly next to him, and poked her. He would've hugged her but he thought maybe it'd be a little too awkward if he did that.
    Grace's eyes slowly opened and when she saw Dib, she grinned. "What day is it?"
    "Monday," Dib responded calmly.
    "WHAT?!" Grace stood up so fast, she knocked her chair over. "I slept for a whole day?!"
    "I'm sorry..." Dib looked at the table in shame.
    "N-no..." Grace blushed a little. "It's not your fault, I was just...shocked."
    Dib blushed a little too, and hid it by looking in the opposite direction.
Michelle's POV
    I told the Girlz Gang everything. About what I'd seen down in his base, all the spying I'd done. They were all very impressed.
    We weren't in skool that day. That was because when we woke up, we found Zim and Narm staring down at us. We all started yelling many different phrases (and some of those phrases were not very nice) to them until they managed to shut us all up. Zim explained everything and said it was part of his plan, which he also explained to us. We sighed and reluctantly agreed to go along with it, even though the last thing we wanted to do was help Zim(with the exception of Sha. OF COURSE.).
Normal POV
    "Hey, look. There's Dib," Someone shouted and the tight circle of children on the lawn spread out. "And his girlfriend!"
    Grace and Dib turned red, slightly and as usual, looked away from each other. Gaz smirked. "I can get everyone to sing the sooong," She teased.
    "D-don't Gaz!" Dib begged.
    Gaz's smirk widened.
    "He's got some...invention on his back!!!!" Spoo ran up to Dib and was about to make physical contact with him, probably to touch his "backpack", when Gaz jostled him out of the way with just a single touch. Spoo's back hit the ground-badly-and turned over to lay face-down. He was probably sobbing into the grass.
    "I love you Gaz," Dib couldn't take his eyes off of his sister.
    "Don't push it, moronic brother whom I wish I could disown," Gaz shoved Dib and walked away from him and Grace.
    "Siblings!" Grace commented, then realized she and Dib were were completely engulfed by the other students. The circle was almost completely filled.
    "Now I must do my duty..." Dib changed the subject and declared aloud. Almost every one of the children cheered. Spoo was still on the ground. "ZIM! NARM! ALL YOUR OTHER LITTLE FRIENDS!"
    "Can I go now?!" Gaz asked.
    "No," Grace said for Dib. For some strange reason, Gaz felt obliged to stay then, as annoying as the "boyfriend and girlfriend" could be.
    "Zim, you coward! And your assistant! Come out here and face me!"
    Nothing happened. Zim or Narm didn't appear.
    There were a few whispers. Dib and Grace walked towards where they'd come from. There was a large space there, and in between the new two lines of kids was Zim. His hands were held over his head, his eyes shut tightly, and one of his legs were up. He looked afraid. But Narm wasn't there
    "You scare him so easily," Grace giggled.
    "Poor little Zim, all that alien power and brought down by a little Earthly water! Pretty obvious who the superior being is here! And was your assistant too busy crying to come here? Oh wait...he can't cry or he'd burn to ashes!" He laughed obnoxiously and loudly.
    Zim remained in the same position. This started to peeve Dib.
     "Zim, get up already! Seriously, Zim! Get up! You think this is funny!?! Are you making fun of me!?! You know what? You're just asking for it now!" His face was becoming redder and redder with anger.
    The students turned their heads away from Zim, and towards Zim, anxious to see what he would do. Even Grace looked at her best friend.
    "Okay!" He groped for the handle attached to his "backpack" and pulled it closer to him so he could reach the button. One slight touch and the water in the large bottle on his back was filling a medium-sized water balloon. Two hands also on the bottle stretched farther and farther back. In between them was a long, stretchable rubber band. The balloon was in the middle and Dib fumbled for the nearby lever. Grace had to point it out to him and also pull back the lever all the way. When she let go of it, the water balloon was hurled towards Zim.
    Then a loud gasp erupted from the crowd of children.
    "What?!" Dib had had his eyes closed and when he opened them, there was Zim, still standing there in the "afraid" position. The water balloon was in pieces in a puddle on the ground behind him.
    "I think I can see through him..." Grace gasped too.
    And then...Zim was gone. In his place was some small, metal, box shaped machine. Dib gaped at it as it exploded into debris.
Michelle's POV
    "We got the water into the water balloon, Zim," I sighed annoyedly. Zim had made us all collect every single bit of water in the world and force it into a humongous water balloon. It was attached to the spaceship and was a ton of work, but we were glad we had finished.
    Zim carried on with the rest of the work by himself. He tied the end of the balloon with these metallic gloves, then set a target for Dib by zooming in and in to where he was. By peeking at the screen, Alyssa and I saw Dib was in front of the skool with Grace, Gaz, and the other students. Zim, along with Narm, turned the ship around so the balloon was aimed towards our home planet. It was strange, but we were all surviving in the spaceship.
    "Who would like to do the honors with me?" Zim smirked down at the blinking green button, larger than his hand.
    Sha bounded up to him. "I'd love to, Zim," She grinned.
    Without another word, they placed their hands on the button and the balloon was suddenly falling and falling, moving closer and closer to Earth, to our town.
Normal POV
    It seemed darker. Everyone realized they couldn't see the sky. There was a gignatic (EXTREMELY gignatic) water balloon moving closer to them...
    "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" Zita shouted and every ran in many different directions, away from the balloon's shadow. Gaz calmly walked away.
    Dib's body went limp. He felt loose, as if he would melt into a puddle any second. He tried to move but his body wouldn't go along with his brain's commands. He was stuck and all he could do was keep his head up and mouth fixed in the same "O" shape as before.
    Grace took hold of his arm and stretched it all the way out trying to pull him. "Dib! DIB! Can you hear me?!" She waved her hand in front of his face, slowly. But he did not respond.
    "Don't stand under there," V-chan warned, grabbing Grace away from the shadow. Grace could do nothing about it.
    The balloon was now stuck in the pole. It pushed it down and down until...POP! The balloon was now a ginormous wave of water, washing all over the city.
    Grace tried to run but the force of the water was stronger than she was, and it swept her in. She tried to dog-paddle with V-chan and the others, but she wasn't doing so well. Soon her head was only above the water.
    "Dib," She choked. "Dib...just save me...I need you..."
    Her face was halfway under. Where was he when he really needed her? Her eyes closed in on her...she was going to die...
    "Goodbye world," She whispered. "I had a good life."
    And then she was under...
Michelle's POV
    We landed home after we watched the water soak the Earth. Dib was horribly wet, and Grace went completely under water. Oh no...what if she drowned?! I was going to kill Zim.
    I stepped out of the spaceship and right then and there, my sneakers were thoroughly soaked. I slipped them off, only for my socks to get wet too, so I threw them off as well and waded in the shallow, cold water. The others were doing the same as I did.
    "GIR...?" Emmy called out. Next thing she knew, a black furry hand...or paw...pulled her down and she landed back-first in the water. Her hair was dripping wet, but she laughed and started splashing each other. Their laughs got louder and louder.
    Normal POV
    "Grace!!!!!!!!!!" A familiar voice sounded and suddenly, Grace was shaken all over. She smacked whatever was about to touch her out of the way and choked very loudly. Not on purpose.
    "D-Dib?!" She gradually opened her eyes and saw her best friend standing before her. He looked a bit more heroic and he took her hand.
    "Are you okay?" He sat in the feet-deep water, still holding her hand.
    "I-I think." Grace sat up straight. "Did you save me?"
    "Yes," Dib tried not to blush. "I'm sorry I didn't get you before. My entire body was being stupid, I could've sworn Zim had taken over it again. I was trying to leave, but I couldn't."    
    "It's okay," Grace was blushing. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Thank you for saving me." She said softly.
    Dib looked taken aback by this for a moment, but he returned the embrace and sighed happily. "You're welcome." He grinned from ear to ear.
    They let go, blushing deeply.
    "We should..." Grace started.
    "Y-yeah," Dib stood up with Grace and they tried to find Dib's house.
    Michelle's POV
    Where were we? I glanced around.
    "MY HOUSE," Narm moaned sadly as BIR joined him.
    GIR and Emmy still splashed and swam in the water together. "Hello!" GIR grinned like an idiot and they resumed splashing.
    So we were on Zim's (ruined) street? And our house was...still standing? What?
    There was only a toilet remaining on Zim's property. "GIR, I'll be in my lab bathing in paste. Don't disturb me." He stood in the toilet and flushed. He was getting lower and lower but I think he got stuck in the pipes because of the water. "Help! My head is stuck! GIR! Help! I can't breathe, I..."
    Narm and BIR shrugged and started to repair their house, ignoring Zim. GIR and Emmy were too busy playing.
    We all, except Emmy, headed home and watched the news, reporting what had happened.
    "It's...THE WETTENING," The reported announced dramatically, and then we were all doubled over laughing on the couch.
    "THE WETTENINNGGGG!" Emily shouted. "And I don't mean it like you think..."
    This just made us laugh even more.
Okay, so footnote:
This chappie includes an excerpt of the Invader Zim eppie "The Wettening"=NOT MINE.
Also my awesome friend ish in this :D
And go on deviantART (Emileh-R) to see the fanart for this chappie. Pretty awesome~
I may go on a slight hiatus because I want time to read Homestuck. Sorry guys!