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(Sorry for not getting this up earlier, I've been busy with stupid exams at school. DX)

"Scarlette and Joel are both going to be alright." The Doctor told them reassuringly. "Joel's injuries are a little more severe, but they'll both be back to normal in a few days." He added. The group of penguins let out a sigh of relief and broke into chatter with each other. Heather just smiled and looked towards the door where her sister was. She got up silently, and poked her head around the corner. Scarlette was lying on a little bed, her eyes opening slowly. Heather walked up to her and managed a small smile.

"Hey sis." Scarlette greeted, sitting up in her bed.

"Are you ok?" Heather asked in a quiet, timid voice. Scarlette, took aback by her sisters sudden decision to talk, nodded in response. The others trailed in after Heater, and crowded around the two beds, bursting with questions. They became so loud that the doctor had to tell them to go and leave the kids to rest. That night, Cassie's mind was active with buzzing thoughts. Her mind battled with thinking about her sister, and Joshua, who seemed to be getting sweeter everyday. She thought about his light orange beak, and his dark brown hair and she blushed a little. She needed to tell him how she felt, but she was too shy to do so.

Maybe one day i'll tell him.. She thought as she drifted off to sleep.

The next day, the sisters awoke slowly, as a soft gold light shone into their room. Lexi groaned and pulled her blanket over her head, trying to get back sleep. She wasn't really a morning person. Unlike Erin how had shot out of bed and was already getting ready for school.

"Erin, we've still got an hour till we have to get up.." Lily mumbled, closing her eyes and snuggling down in her bed.

"Yes, but I want to check on Scarlette." Erin explained, brushing her hair, then zooming out of the little room. She popped her head back in and looked questioningly at her sisters. "Are any of you coming?" She asked. They all exchanged agonised looks, then got up reluctantly.

"Why didn't you wait till we were supposed to get up?" Becky asked, following her eager sister out.

"Because I wanna go for a swim if Scarlette is allowed out." Erin replied, belly sliding out of their ice cave home and towards the small hospital. The day was cold, but clear. The air was still, and there was not a single cloud to be seen. It was only just past sunrise, so a few lonesome stars still hung high in the slowly brightening sky. They entered the nearby hospital, and Heather had to stop Erin from rushing into Scarlette's room. She pointed into the room, and saw the doctor giving her a check up.

"You should be able to go home now." He told Scarlette, who's face lit up in an instant. Her eyes fell on her friend who was asleep in his bed.

"What about Joel?" She asked curiously.

"He has to stay in for one more day, but he will be fine." He replied. Scarlette smiled, then waddled over to the door, nearly jumping put f her feathers when she saw her sisters on the other side.

"I'm guessing this was your idea." Scarlette said to Erin, who grinned and nodded.

"So, we were going to go for a swim, are you coming?" Lexi asked.

"Sure." Scarlette agreed brightly, following her sisters outside and towards the lake.

"Won't there be leopard seals in there?" Lily asked worriedly.

"Not at this time, they all usually come out around noon." Erin replied, as they reached the lake. She dived in and swam deep underwater. The other followed, splashing each other as they did.

"Wanna play underwater tag?" Becky asked. They all nodded, and Lexi decided that she would be on. The penguins swam around, giggling and messing around as they did so, not noting a dark shape approaching them quickly from the east. Erin turned her head and her jaw dropped.

"Oh crud, I forgot about Orcas." She realised, as she began to swim as fast as she could in the opposite direction. The others screamed an did the same thing, as the dark shape behind them got nearer.

"Quick, hide in that ship!" Cassie yelled, pointing towards a sunken ship at the bottom of the lake. Her sisters nodded and they swam towards it, and hid in what looked like a storage room. The Orca poked it's nose in, and growled,clearly being too fat to ft through the gap and eat them. It saw away angrily, and they waited until it was far off into the distance.

"Well that was a close- wait what's this stuff?" Scarlette asked, pointing towards a thick, pinkish brown liquid that floated around the room.

"I- I don't know it looks like oil, but oil is browny black..." Lily replied, touching a bit of it. It stung her flipper and she drew away quickly She looked down at the tip of her flipper, and her eyes widened in shock. A tiny tuft of feathers was now bright green. She was about to tell the others, when more f the oil like substance filled the room, and started covering the frightened penguins. It went in their eyes, temporarily blinding them.

"We need to get out of her now!" Cassie said, swimming desperately towards the what she hoped was the surface, trying to shake the substance off her feathers. The penguins climbed about and flopped to the floor, rubbing their eyes and holding their sides in pain.

"Woah, that was strange!" Becky exclaimed, her eyes still closed. What they didn't know was that it was about to get even stranger....
my birthday turned out pretty well. it turns out my adopted parent know where i am. they sent me a picture of their new daughter, and a goldn locket.
i hung out with macie all day, because she was only here for the week. skipper excused me of my dueties for the week. me and macie enjoyed the cold air as we watched the guys train. "how's canada?" i asked. macie nodded. she signed a few sentances, 'how's the waether been here? it's geting terribly cold this inter up by niagra,' "been like this for a coupl months. how's jade and jemni?" macie shrugged. i took out my locket and...
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The gestapo knocked on our door. Without so much as a "come in," they broke the door and trudged up the stairs. They collected my brothers, my mother, and my father. They got to me. "a new law has been passed," said one officer sternly. Another, lookin to be the biggest and meanest one, continued to tell us the law, "all orphans or adopted children no matter under what corcumstances, are to be collected by noon today." I looked into my fathers eyes. They were filled with shame. My mother stepped forward, I couldn't tell it she was angry or frightened, probably both. "What happens after you...
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posted by KaylaFoxeh
The sand exploded and Sindaj hit the ground. Rico regurgitated a rocket launcher and returned fire. Then he dragged Sindaj inside. "if you are here, then whos with the guys" asked Sindaj as she started to fix her jet. "robot" said Rico happily, making robot sounds. Meanwhile back at the zoo, Skipper said something to Rico then the robot exploded. Skipper jumped back in alarm. ehh" Kowalski and Private stood with their beaks open. Kowalski's paper drooped a little. Skipper turned around and smiled sweetly. Then he waved his flippers in a circle at Kowalski and Private. "you didnt see anything!"...
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"she got shot down...and she crash landed in Denmark" whispered Skipper. Meanwhile Sindaj was in the dirt and in very critical condition. Her right wing and left leg was badly broken and she was cut up and bruised in many places. She was unconscious with a concussion. She didnt feel herself being dragged away. She awoke in a Danish prison cell. Her head was buzzing like Rico's chainsaw. She knew that she was in trouble then sat in the corner and waited. Back at the penguin lair, plans were brewing. "okay so we know shes in Denmark but in what city" asked Kowalski, scratching his head with his...
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It was a dark and stormy afternoon and it was a rough flight for Sindaj who was leaving the Shanghai docks with a shipment of assorted fish. The lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled and the rain pounded Sindaj's hull. Strong, gale force winds were building and rocking her jet. "Skipper there is a storm brewing. My sensors identify it as a typhoon... I actually feel nervous" she said over her radio. Meanwhile back at the lair, the other penguins were tracking her flight. "it doesnt look good, Skipper. Intel has just issued a hurricane warning. That typhoon just upgraded to a hurricane....
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"We will soon have to stop," said Telow. "For what? There is no need, Lilly's egg is coming, and the war is turning successful, we can keep going," said Private. "No child, I don't mean the hike we're taking, I mean the campaigns, we will have to stop to resupply," said Telow. "Oh, I see, where are we going anyways?" asked Private. "Really? For the third time you ask?" asked Telow in slight annoyance. "Yes, you never told me where we're going," said Private. "Ah, that, we're headed for a very special place, we're not too far now, look, beyond that rock, the large one out there," said Telow,...
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"Alrighty guys, gather around," said Telow, calling up all the Soviet soldiers at the camp. "What's all this about?" asked Lilly. "I don't know, but by the maps and battle plans, I'm assuming this is a war meeting," said Hannah. "No doubt about it, but how will we defend ourselves against a million men?" asked Skipper. "Simple, we will just use them Eurussian skills out here and mix it with Midlandish techniques," said Jett. "Good call, there ummm.... What is your name comrade?" asked Telow, approving of Jett's plan. "My name? My name is Jett," said Jett. "Well, let's give our salutes and praise...
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"Alright guys, stop for a bit, we're taking a ten minute break," said Skipper. The group then dropped their things, and sat down. They were about seventy miles from the coast now, a good deal of progress in the past hour. "Skippah, I'm getting very tired, can we just camp out here?" asked Private, panting slightly in exhaustion. "No, we can't, because the base is only thirty more miles, come on Private, you can drag out another thirty miles of walking can't you?" asked Lilly. "But I'm tireeeeed!!!!" whined Private. "Do you want me to make us walk the WHOLE way to our destination or would you...
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"Just suspencefully harming, I dont like this Skippah, but at least we're safe," said Private, receiving a slap from Skipper, balled up in tears. "WE NEED TO FIND HER!! NOT SURVIVE!! THAT'S A SECOND PRIORITY!!" yelled Skipper, wailing at the wind and sobbing. Private then felt bad, sitting next to Skipper. "Look Skippah, if Lilly is still alive, then shed be mighty ashamed of how you are right now, now please don't cry, I think I know a solution," said Private, holding a ring. "Jewelry won't fill this hole here!!" yelled Skipper, pointing at his torso. "Ewww.... Why do you wanna eat a ring?"...
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Julien and Lexii stepped into the clearing filled with dancing lemurs. One of the lemus spotted Julien and stopped dancing. "Our King has returned!" he exclaimed. All the lemurs stopped and looked at Lexii and Julien who were still hand in hand. One lemur looked at Lexii and exclaimed, "We have a Queen!"  
          All the lemurs cheered and rushed toward Lexii and Julien. Lexii was trying to explain that she was not his queen but no one seemed to be listening. The lemurs picked them up and carried them to a large rock.
       Julien cleared his throat and raised his hand to shush...
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Lexii was on her way to Madagascar tomorro. Julien had told her that it was beautiful there and that there were lots of other lemurs. He said he was a real king there and they had parties all the time. Lexii thought it sounded like a great place! A vacation is just what she needed!
        Lexii walked around the lemur habitat with Julien. He was telling her everything there was to know about Madagascar! She was really starting to like him as a good friend!
         Mort and Maurice were on the other side of the enclosure playing go fish. The day was going great! It was...
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Lexii lay awake in her bed in Blowholes lair. It was almost 11:00 pm. She couldnt go to sleep though. She kept thinking about what had happened earlier that day. Blowhole had told her he loved her and then he had kissed her. She couldnt comprehend what was going on. She decided to play along because she knew the penguins would come rescue her soon. Wouldnt they?
      She sighed thoughtfully. Why would Blowhole like her? She definatly didnt love him back though... When he had kissed her she was so shocked that she forgot to pull away, and the kiss lasted for about 4-5 seconds. Blowhole probably...
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"Everyone into the spacecraft!!" yelled Lilly, opening the door of the spacecraft at the top of the ladder. Everyone rushed in and took seats inside, Private then shut the door and got ready to start up the rocket, until Hannah stopped him. "No, don't start it up yet, we need to make sure everyone got on the other spaceship safely and chose a leader," said Hannah. "I'll lead the other spaceship!!" said Julien voluntarily. "No Julien, although you're king, you have little experience with operating a spaceship," said Lilly. "Awwww... I do too have experiences operating the metal bird thingy,"...
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What does the title mean? Well, for starters, Antarctica is a vast land of ice and snow, population: 54,500,097 and counting, population of humans: 14-20 scientists. You see the great glaciers and icebergs surrounding our land and the Antarctic circle with it's high winds, it's no wonder no one knows a civilization exists here. Ice shelves were originally over thousands of meters thick, so thick it feels like you're on land, but in the last 9 years, we have lost thousands of ice sheets and the sea levels are rising. So what DOES the title mean? It means that humans are melting our ice, then...
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In the HQ they had decided to watch a few more of the horror films and the last one had just finished and Skipper turned the Tv off. Private and Ava were shaking, and Dustin and Ashley looked frightened. Skipper cast a stern look at Rico who was unaffected by the whole thing.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Sky marvelled, a big grin on her face.

"It was pretty good wasn't it?" Maya agreed.

"Speak for yourself." Dustin replied, glancing around the room worriedly. Maya just grinned and shook her head, turning towards Michael, who also had a bag of popcorn.

"So did you like it Tia?" Skipper asked, his...
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As the day rolled on, the penguins decided to put a few movies on. As they put the first movie in, Emma couldn't help smile at the mesmerised looks of their guests as they stared up at the Tv in wonder. She cuddled up to Kowalski and he wrapped his flippers around her gently. Emma relaxed in his flippers and gazed up at him lovingly. He smiled warmly at her, and stroked her hair softly. A happy shiver went down Emma's spine and a fuzzy warmth spread through her whole body. She blushed and started to focus on the film. Rico had put on The Avengers, which was Emma's favourite film, so she smiled...
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(Ok so this is set in July 2013, the date is the 7th. Emma is now 15.)

Emma's eyes opened slowly, and she shuffled out of bed sleepily. The other penguins were already up, and playing cards at the cinder block table, and by the sounds of it, Rico was winning.

"Morning." Emma managed through a yawn, as she sat down next to Kowalski and hugged him gently. He blushed and hugged her back. Rico made a grossed out noise and turned back to his cards.

"Morning lass, did you sleep well?" Ashley asked, kindly.

"Pretty well." Emma replied, sipping a glass of milk. "You?"

"Yup, and I was up bright and early...
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Jane Rizzoli stared out at the sunrise peaking over the tops of the buildings on the city.
"Beautiful morning. Just the perfect day to get us all killed by a psychotic dolphin." she muttered, now an Asian otter, much like Marlene, only with dark brown fur.
"I don't know. it may turn out for the best." says Maura isles, also an Asian Otter, only her fur was the same shade of red as her human hair.
"Personally, I feel I should've been a dolphin, but if the machine picked badger, then I have no choice, do I?" says Patrick Jane, stepping out of the HQ, talking to Private.
"it's just that... well,...
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Emma hopped into Marlene's habitat, and saw that she was cleaning up. She turned around and grinned when she saw her friend.

"Hey Emma, how are you?" Marlene asked, putting a broom away.

"I'm good Marlene." Emma lied. "How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good today, but a little tired, I've been cleaning all day." Marlene explained sitting down and nodding to the seat next to her, which Emma st down in. Emma was relieved that Marlene didn't notice she lied, even though she usually did.

"So why are you cleaning everything today?" Emma asked curiously.

"Well because my long lost cousin Rodrick is coming...
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"You have not seen zhe last of Hans zhe Puffin!" the young Hans called out to Captain Blowhole, who just shrugged him off.

"No?<" called Skipper's voice" But then, how are we gonna do this, then?" and he appeared with a mackarel.
" there's only a short ammount of time left before the guards find out i escaped!"
"Let us dance, my frienemy, let us dance..." said Hans, and the fishfight began

We watched in scilence from the top of a building as they went at each other. Right, left right left right left up down swish slap! it was almost scary! Those two were the best of friends not twenty minutes...
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