Fear The Elephant Cab Co. Club
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Mohinder stoped the cab to a quick halt and pulled over to the nearst stop.

"Elle?!", Mohinder said in amazment.

The woman spoke up and said, "I don't think this is 7th avenue."

Elle looked up suprised and asked "Mohinder? Since when do you drive cabs?"

Mohinder looked at both in astonisment. "How are you even alive?!" Mohinder asked Elle

The woman spoke up again, "That would be beacuse of me."

Mohinder still suprised asked, "And who exactly are you? And how do you know Elle? And how did you-"

She cut him off and said "My name is Samantha Monroe and I'll tell you our story if you take us some where safe."

Mohinder asked "Safe? What are you running away from?"

Samantha said "I'll explain on the way but we need to go some where now or else they'll find us."

Mohinder said "I take you to my lab. I'm sure you'll be fine, but you have some explaining to do."

Samantha just nodded and said "Well it all started with my husband, Adam."