Fear The Elephant Cab Co. Club
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Mohinder stoped the cab to a quick halt and pulled over to the nearst stop.

"Elle?!", Mohinder said in amazment.

The woman spoke up and said, "I don't think this is 7th avenue."

Elle looked up suprised and asked "Mohinder? Since when do you drive cabs?"

Mohinder looked at both in astonisment. "How are you even alive?!" Mohinder asked Elle

The woman spoke up again, "That would be beacuse of me."

Mohinder still suprised asked, "And who exactly are you? And how do you know Elle? And how did you-"

She cut him off and said "My name is Samantha Monroe and I'll tell you our story if you take us some where safe."

Mohinder asked "Safe? What are you running away from?"

Samantha said "I'll explain on the way but we need to go some where now or else they'll find us."

Mohinder said "I take you to my lab. I'm sure you'll be fine, but you have some explaining to do."

Samantha just nodded and said "Well it all started with my husband, Adam."
added by Galbraith
added by SylarNight
Source: made by SylarNight
added by want2watcheroes
Source: made by want2watcheroes
Mohinder stoped the cab to a quick halt and pulled over to the nearst stop.

"Elle?!", Mohinder said in amazment.

The woman spoke up and said, "I don't think this is 7th avenue."

Elle looked up suprised and asked "Mohinder? Since when do you drive cabs?"

Mohinder looked at both in astonisment. "How are you even alive?!" Mohinder asked Elle

The woman spoke up again, "That would be beacuse of me."

Mohinder still suprised asked, "And who exactly are you? And how do you know Elle? And how did you-"

She cut him off and said "My name is Samantha Monroe and I'll tell you our story if you take us some where safe."

Mohinder asked "Safe? What are you running away from?"

Samantha said "I'll explain on the way but we need to go some where now or else they'll find us."

Mohinder said "I take you to my lab. I'm sure you'll be fine, but you have some explaining to do."

Samantha just nodded and said "Well it all started with my husband, Adam."
added by SylarNight
Source: made by SylarNight
He swallowed. "This painting..." he said slowly. It was... graphic, in it's simplicity.

Dorian nodded. "Amazing how you can say so much with so few colors, isn't it?" her voice was simple. Almost cold.

Mohinder's mind flashed back, seeing this, as he witnessed his father's murder in a dream. "Why would you paint this?" he said, looking at her.

"I paint much." she said. This painting--"

"You've painted his watch, with blood around it!" he almost shouted, turning the painting to her.

"I know." she said.

"Why would you paint this?"

"Because I saw it in a dream." she said. "I had seen that watch so many...
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Ugh, Mohinder thought another day stuck driving angry new york people, and to make this day even worse it he had the night shift. So, this is the only time of the day the freaks come out.

He pulled over to a slender woman with a gloomy expression. The woman opened the door it looked like she was with someone whos silhouette seemed familiar to him.

"Where to my friend?", Mohinder asked in a friendly voice

"7th avenue please." The slender woman aswered flatly while staring at the floor of the car.

Then her companion entered the car. He looked over to the two sitting in the back the woman was still looking at the floor the other woman was blond and looking out the window watching the streets fly by. Suddenly the memories of working with Primatec flooded through his head. The blond was Elle.

To be continued...
Chapter Eight

In the wild wolves kill for food, for protection, it's a natural imperative. It is nature. Man is no different. When push comes to shove are there any who would - or even could resist that little voice that pushes us into action. Can we fight base instinct? In the end... we're just predators.

Eamon Tullidge and Micah Sanders - New Orleans, LA

Still looking at the small vial in his hand, Micah felt his throat dry up, his heart racing as the dirt flew around his face.

"Wait!" he called suddenly, stepping forwards as Eamon stood at the edge of a rather large circular hole,...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Craig Gold, Outside Tony Marco's Apartment, New York.

Mohinder had told Craig that his friend Tony Marco had been captured and that he would assign him to the job of saving him after Molly had located him and his partner had been recruited...

Craig decided to go to Tony's apartment as he was doing nothing else. He saw that one of his windows was boarded up which wasn't there the last time he had visited him (which was a week ago).

He let him self in as he knew the pin for the apartments and he also had a spare key. He had known Tony since they were young and had been good friends with him for...
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Chapter Ten

Mohinder Suresh and Molly Walker - Vareor Barrus Cab Co., New York

"She's been injected with my blood, she should recover soon." Mohinder assured Molly as she watched the small baby in it's incubator with a blood drip attached.

"Monica is back with Kara." she suddenly exclaimed, leaving the small laboratory room they were in to meet them upstairs.

Intrigued, Mohinder hesitated for a moment, looking at the baby, but then decided to quickly greet them.

"Molly!" Monica called cheerfully, as she stepped out of the lift leading from the ground floor cab offices to the underground...
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added by SylarNight
Source: made by SylarNight
posted by want2watcheroes
Mohinder Suresh, Claire Bennet & Craig Gold, FTE Cab Co. New York.

Mohinder was sitting at his desk in his office and Craig & Claire were sitting opposite him.

Mohinder: “So you all know I have no experience in running any company, let alone an organization like this. The only person alive with the experience that I know of I can’t trust. However, there is somebody that may be able to make this company work... When I was working at Pinehearst, I remember Arthur Petrelli sending the ashes of Adam Monroe to an old wife of his...”

Craig: “So what? His old wife has experience in running...
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posted by want2watcheroes
FTE Cab Company, New York.

Peter fell to his knees with his face looking shocked and still. Claire fell to the floor, she looked up to see Mohinder above Peter with an ornament of an elephant in his hands.

Mohinder: “Are you okay Claire?” he asked her.

Claire: “I’m fine... Thanks for saving me.”

Mohinder: “No problem, thanks for saving me too... I need to take peter down another, look him up securely... He could wake up any second.” Mohinder carried him and quickly went down to the next level Claire followed.

They managed to lock him in a secure cell and was giving him drugs to stop...
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added by want2watcheroes
Source: Made By Want2watcheroes
posted by want2watcheroes
Peter Petrelli. Craig Gold and Mohinder Suresh, FTE Cab Company, New York

Mohinder came out his office to see Peter and Craig walking towards him...

Mohinder: "Peter. I see your okay. Craig told me about them knowing you was following them, the cab getting crashed into and the van getting away..."
Peter: "Yes, I let them get away when I was powerful enough to stop them."
Mohinder: "Don't blame yourself Peter. You tried."
Peter: "Well I should of tried harder.. I have other bad news... I have the hunger..."
Craig: "The hunger?? Your hungry? I have the hunger too ! You wanna go and get something to...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Peter Petrelli & Craig Gold, Somewhere in New York

Craig just picked up Peter from outside the car park in his FTE cab and drove off...

Craig: "You do know Peter? That your one stupid bastard?" He laughed.

Peter: "Shut the hell up! Fat ass!" Peter shouted.

Craig: "I'm not that fat!" he continued with his strange laughter then he stopped laughing and seriously said "Your lucky you jumped into a backstreet..."

Peter: "Weird... You didn't laugh after that sentence.." that made Craig laugh even more! Peter said under his breath "I wish I never mentioned.."

Craig just calmed down from laughing and...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Peter Petrelli, A car park in New York

Peter was annoyed with what happened at the car park before so he decided to go back and see if anyone was still there... He was in the lift tapping his feet impatiently... hurry upis what Peter was thinking. Then the lift got to the top floor and Peter was pressing up at the doors waiting for them to open and he leaped out the lift as it opened.

"Argh!" he yelled as he couldn't see no one in sight, no van, no crashed cars or cabs and no agents...

He carried on walking further around the car park but he found nothing... His face looked like he would punch...
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added by SylarNight
Source: made by SylarNight
Chapter Nine

Maya Herrerra - New Orleans, LA

"He should be right around the corner, turn left." instructed Molly from the other end of the cell phone.

Maya rushed around the corner, desperately worried for Micah's safety. According to Molly he'd been with Eamon until about 3 hours ago, when he suddenly stopped moving and Eamon left alone. No one had heard from either of them in almost 10 hours and Moira hadn't been in contact for about 3 hours either.

"Micah!?" she called in desperation - she was now standing outside an abandoned warehouse, except the entrance was blocked by some...
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Mohinder looked at the door that opened, and walked over to it. It was a very large closet (almost the size of a small room) filled with paintings. Some of the paintings were hanging on the walls, others were propped against them, and others were in a rack of sorts.

He began to look through them slowly, examining them. "You have quite the eye." he said, turning to look at her as she leaned in the door frame, her hands still in her pockets.

"Thanks." she said after a moment. "My father thought so too." she added as Mohinder pulled out a portrait she'd done of her father.

"What was he like?" Mohinder...
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