Fear The Elephant Cab Co. Club
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"I'm....what..?!" said Peter, his eyes wide as well.

"Well, I can't technically say adopted seeing as there were no papers, or anything." said Dorian. "But Arthur and Angela Petrelli are not your biological parents."

Peter looked at her hard for a long time.

"According to this, your parents don't even know you exist." she continued. "Not technically. I mean, they knew you were born, but they think you died at birth. Probably thanks to someone with an ability to modify memories."

Peter nodded slowly, sitting down. "...not my real parents..."

"Not your birth parents, at any rate." said Dorian. "Doesn't mean they aren't your parents. Just ask Claire."

Claire nodded. "Yeah."

"So...who are they...?" asked Peter slowly.

"Your mother had or has an ability. Not sure what it is yet, her file is in pretty deep."

"What about my father?"

"He has a file, at Primatech."

"Primatech?" asked Peter, his eyes widening. "You mean, he was captured and held there?"

"Not really. He worked there. One of us, one of them. That's their policy."

Peter nodded. "Who is it?!" he said.

Dorian turned the computer screen around so that Peter could see the file page.

Peter's eyes widened even more. "...no way..."

....to be continued....
Dorian's eyes did not leave his.

"I'm not going anywhere." he said at last after a long pause, against his better judgment. His curiosity, at this moment, was stronger.

The door thudded closed.

"The government." she said finally, walking over to the mantel, replacing the photograph.

"The government?" asked Mohinder, his eyebrows raised.

"And Nathan Petrelli is at the reigns." she added as her eyes met Mohinder's again.

"Petrelli?" he asked in disbelief. "but he's-"

"One of us." she finished for him. "I know."

"How do you know all of this?" he asked her.

"I listen." she said. "Plus, I'm a hacker."

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Dorian stood up straight, and uncrossed her arms calmly. Finally tearing her eyes away from Mohinder's they went instead to the photograph as she plucked it out of the air. Her eyes remained on the photograph for a few moments, before they went back to Mohinder's.

Silence pressed upon Mohinder's ears. Dorian's stare made the chill cling to his spine once more. The silence stretched on, making him nervous, afraid, once more. "This is the root of you anger now?" she asked simply, turning the photograph so that it faced him. "An old photo?"

"You know Sylar." he said to her, taking half a step away...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Mohinders Apartment, New York.

(Peter, Claire and Mohinder)

"So, wheres your organization Mohinder?" Asked Peter.
"Its not far from here, it's called Fares To Everywhere Cab Company, but that is just a disguise of course..." Mohinder replied.
"How can we help ?" Claire asked confused.
"The government are hunting us Claire, we all need eachother. We can't hide alone, they will find us and lock us up. We should consider are selves lucky that we escaped the plane!" said Mohinder.
"Thanks to me..." Claire said proudly.
"Exactly Claire, you saved us, but you couldn't of done it all alone. You needed Peter-"...
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added by Galbraith
"My name is Dorian Gray." she said for the second time. "Did you mean what am I?" Her silvery eyes did not blink. Her expression remained unreadable.

Mohinder stared at her, his eyes wide. A chill clung to his spine as her eyes would not leave his. "What do you want with me?"

"I've already told you, I want you're help." she said.

"I don't believe you." said Mohinder.
"Be that as it may, I don't want to hurt you." said Dorian.

"Then this is a trap." said Mohinder. "You won't do anything. You simply brought me here so that someone else could!" The words almost sounded paranoid as they left his lips,...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Fares To Everywhere Cab Company was in its third day and Mohinder had been recruiting agents, most of them he took from Primatech and Pinehearst as many agents lost jobs after they were brought to an end.

Mohinder also recruited some scientist from India that he knew but Mohinder didn't really have any power in the company yet...

He decided to start trying to recruit some people he knew with powers, so he gave Tracy a call.

"Hello Tracy Strauss? It's Mohinder Suresh."
"Hello Doctor, what do you need?"
"I want to know if your interested in working with me?"
"Working with you... Doing what exactly?"
"I'm setting up an organization that helps people with abilities stay off the radar from the government. We need to stick together!"
"Okay Suresh. Where do you need me?"
"Meet me at my apartment whenever it is possible and then I'll show you where we work."
"Okay then I'll come round soon. See you there."

Mohinder's fear vanished instantly with this statement.

It was just so...cocky. "What makes you think I'll fail?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised.

"I just know." she said.
Mohinder couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Oh, you just know. Why did you bring me here? To kill me?"

It was Dorian's turn to laugh. "Trust me, Mohinder. If I wanted you dead, you'd've been so before you even turned on your cab light."

Mohinder's eyes widened. Something told him that she was not exaggerating. "And, how would you done that?" he asked, all courage melting away from his voice now.

"My ability." she said.

"And, what,...
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Mohinder swallowed hard.

She knows Sylar? Thoughts swam through his head now, racing, colliding. His hands shook slightly, as he placed the picture back on the mantel, his eyes wide.

He turned, and looked at Dorian, who was still busying herself in the kitchen.

How had she found him? How did she know so much..?

Was this all a trap? Of course it was a trap... it had to be. He turned, and looked at the wall, running his hands over it, looking for a catch of some kind, anything, to open the 'door'. There had to be something. How else would it have opened before?

"You're not going to find a catch."...
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After that it all happened very quickly. Mohinder ducked just as a bullet came flying past his ear. He put his foot down and jumped the red light, with Noah right on his tail. They sped through the high streets until they reached a dead end. Noah slowed down and stepped out of the car. Mohinder realized he had nowhere to go, and reluctantly stepped out of the car hands up. He turned to look at Mr. Bennet and was shocked as he saw him clearly. His hands were covered in a thick layer of goo, his legs had funny little bumps poking out from under the trousers, and his eyes were jet black. But that...
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Mohinder's eyes scanned the "doorway", piercing the darkness within, trying to discern something inside.

But the little light from the street outside that reached the basement did not extend to whatever was beyond the darkened opening.

The chill still clung to his spine as he remained rooted to the spot, not moving.

"Well?" she said again, looking at him.

Mohinder looked at her for a moment, before finally moving his feet, and stepping inside. A few moments later, the strange sound came again, and the doorway closed.

Complete darkness pressed in on him from every side and angle. But the darkness...
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The cab fell into silence once more.

Usually, the silence didn't bother Mohinder. His fares were usually quiet, save for the occasional person who would bark out "superior" directions to their desired location.

But this was different. Mohinder could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he kept glancing into his rear view mirror to look at her. He wanted her to speak, say something. Even if it was a threat, anything, to break this unsettling silence.

"Turn left." she said suddenly, her eyes still out the window.

Mohinder nodded, and turned at the left, glad the silence was broken,...
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posted by The-Stig
The man stood up, ready to take his leave.
“Be careful Mohinder, every criminal agent in the state is after that vial. I’ve come here because they think I have it. They’ll be expecting me, you see, I made a deal, I don’t want to go in to details, but as soon as they realize I haven’t got it, they’ll be after you. Listen, I want you to close that box, drive to the Petrelli’s house, and hand it to Angela. She can take it from here.” He then jumped out of the door, and ran down to the warehouse. He turned around and saw Mohinder still stopped there, shocked.
“Drive… for goodness...
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"Good." said Dorian, leaning back into her seat, retreating into silence.

Mohinder felt a little uncomfortable at her sudden silence, as he looked at her through the rear veiw mirror. She was looking out the window, her light eyes watching the scenery pass. He decided to take a chance, and speak. "My father never mentioned you." he said. "Nor were you on his list."

"No, he wouldn't." she said. "And I wouldn't be. He didn't want to risk it. In case someone found the list."

"He didn't trust me?" he asked her.

"It's not that he didn't trust you, I'm sure." she said. "I suppose he just didn't want...
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Mohinder paused. "Nice to meet you, Dorian." he said at last, as they stopped at another stoplight. He paused again, a realization coming to him. "Did you say that you lived...under a building?"
Dorian nodded. "I did." she said to him.
Mohinder blinked. She lived under a building?
Dorian smiled. "Trust me, it's a nice apartment." she said, as if she knew what he was thinking.

The light turned green, and he continued to drive. "If we were to...reform the company," he began, "what would it's, public face be?" His eyes went to the mirror. "Primatech's face was the paper company."

"I was thinking, this." she said.
He raised his eyebrows. "A cab company?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised. "Why a cab company?"

"You see a lot of different people." she said. "No doubt some will have abilities. When we find them, we'll help." she paused. "What do you think?"

Mohinder thought about it as he made a turn. "Count me in."

....to be continued...
Mohinder looked at her in the mirror, waiting. "Yes?" he said at last.

"I live underneath a fairly large building, that I haven't put to a use yet." she said. "And I would like to put it to use."

"....Alright.." said Mohinder slowly. "What's this got to do with me?"

"That's the proposition." she said. "To reform, the company."

"Reform the company?!" he said, looking at her as though she was insane.

"Not exactly, though." she said. "Not with the purpose of 'bagging and tagging', but with the purpose of helping. Get them to safety. Make sure they stay under the radar."

"Are you serious?" he said, looking at the mirror again.

"I am indeed." she said.

Mohinder paused for a long time. "Before I say yes, or no, to your proposition, tell me one thing."


"What's your name?" he asked.

She paused, her silvery eyes dancing as they went to the mirror. "Dorian." she said. "Dorian Gray."

....to be continued....
Mohinder's eyes widened. "What?" he stuttered.

Her gaze left the window, and went to the rear view mirror, and she looked at the reflection of Mohinder's wide eyes. "It was a beautiful ceramony." she said.

Mohinder's throat was dry. She had known his father. For a moment, his mind flashed back to that day, and he remmebered, seeing her there, for a few breif moments. He swallowed hard. "You knew my father..." he said soflty.

His fare nodded. "He did more for me than you could ever know." she said, her eyes still on the mirror. "He taught me control. A long while ago, in India. Before his book was published."

Mohinder's eyes widened again. "That....that was you!" he said suddenly. All of those... appointments, several times a week that he was going to..."

She nodded to him, her eyes never leaving the mirror. "Yes." she said. She paused for a long time. "Now," she began. "About my proposition..."

...to be continuned...
Mohinder was at his apartment in New York with a bag full of cash and a look of confusion in his eyes. He wondered what he should do next in life, after all he has been through and knowing he can't be a simple cab driver, but he knew he also had to keep a low profile as there was people looking for him because of the power he possesses even though there is no more Primatech or Pinehearst. He turned on the TV and watched, he saw Nathan on TV and it all came clear. Nathan was the one after them, then he got an idea.

"Nobody like me is safe, we have to get together to make sure the government doesn't...
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Mohinder turned to look at her directly. "What sort of proposition...?" he asked her. Their eyes remained on each other for several moments. Her eyes were an incredible light gray. So light, that they were almost silver. His dark eyes stayed on hers for a time. So long in fact, that he did not notice the light turn green, or the horns that started to honk moments later.

She smiled at him, her light eyes dancing. "Drive." she said, nodding at the green light as she leaned back into her seat.

Mohinder came out of his stupor that he entered when his eyes were on hers,and turned his eyes back to...
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posted by SylarNight
Mohinder sighed as he climbed into his cab. Ever since the incident at Pinehearst, things had been far too quiet than he liked. He drove down the road, not quiet ready to start the day yet. On a corner ahead, he saw a rather attractive young woman with waist length curly black hair. She looked like she was looking for a cab, but she wasn't hailing any that came by. She also looked vaguely familiar to him. He got closer, and turned on his light, and instantly her hand went up, hailing him.

Unsure, he pulled up to the curb, and stopped, letting her get in. "Where to?" he asked, looking at her...
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added by want2watcheroes