Foreigner Club
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posted by dr_barry
I've been a fan since the late 70's. I remember ridding around listening to double vision(reference to my young, bad choices) days. I have gone to your concert at Texas station years ago, the venetian a year ago or so, SLC recently and now I have tickets to the venetian again the first of April. Here is the deal, I started dating my wife when she was 14, (1976) and I was 16. We got married in 1979 and have four kids and still are married and going strong, sort of, I'll explain in a second. Any way In 1984 we were living in Salt Lake City and going to a club called Oscars. We heard your song, "I want to know what love is" and made that "our" song. We had a deal that if we were out clubbing and your song came on we would instantly find each other and dance to it. It is part of us.
So last June I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and lets say life has changed quite a bit. I have a lot of hope and good news but you never know. I can provide dr's names, diagnosis papers to prove this if it would help.
My wife doesn't know this but what I am asking for is just to dedicate this song to her in Vegas if possible. It gets me through a lot of dark times. You guys are the best and I am sad to see you quit but I agree 100% with you about the AI stuff you talked about in Salt Lake.
Thanks for your consideration. Barry.