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posted by Helen-Lover
Ok well heres somthing all about me for all of u guys can know more about me! :)

1. The Movies!
Well fist of all you probally want to know when I 1st started to love Horror.... well i started off by watching the tv series: Goosebumps! & i loooved them soo much then my perents let me watch the movie Poltergeist & I just loved it so much! then i watched # 2 & 3! & i really liked it!

So after that I started watching all the dum monster movies! mostly animal monsters! I loved animals that killed people! haha
for example som of my favs were: Attack of the Sabretooth, Jaws, Chupacabre Terror, Pteradactol, & Anaconda! I loved those movies!

Then eventually I started watchin slasher movies & I Loved them! & now well im hooked!

2. Harper's Island
I first heard of Harper's Island when I was watching Survivor & the commercial came on & I was like ok that looks pretty good! So then I watched it & I looooved it!!!!! Now i own the DVD & the inside of my closet is ALL Harper's Island!!

3. Friends
Ive always had lots of friends but Ive always had 1 friend that has stuck with me all along: Gianna Burger. Me & her have been best friends since 1st grade (now were in 7th grade) we hang out alot & do lots of fun stuff!
Also my other close friends are: Alli Lozano and Dylan Bohanon!
and: Allie Hanson, Jonathan Franco, Erika Totoian, Jake Buck, & Erin Mastubara! I love my friends & they rock!

4. Popularity :)
Ive never been the most popular boy in school. In grade school I was made fun a lot kinda. But my two best friends (Gianna & Dylan) are the 2 most popular kids so ya.

6. Girlfriends
Ive had 4 girlfriends Chelsee, Sidney, Lauren, & Erika haha just thought id mention that!

7. Family
My parents are kool & I love them! I have 2 dogs: Bugsy & Lucy & a fish named Popo (i know weird! haha) im pretty close to my family & ya

8. Food!!!
Haha well my fav type of food is Chinese! I loove Sushi soo much so ya!

9. Hobbies
Im on a swim team! so i love to swim. I also loove to read!!!! My favorite book is Blue is for Nightmares! iTs really good!!!

well thats all thanks 4 reading if u have any questions ask me & ill answer!!! thx!
My 1st Horror movie!
My 1st Horror movie!
One of my fav movies when I was younger!
One of my fav movies when I was younger!
My favorite Character on Harper's Island! (Chloe!)
My favorite Character on Harper's Island! (Chloe!)
Me & My best friend Gianna Burger!
Me & My best friend Gianna Burger!
Me & my other friends: Dylan & Jake!
Me & my other friends: Dylan & Jake!
A big group of my friends!
A big group of my friends!
mmmm yumm!!!
mmmm yumm!!!
Me & my ex gf erika!
Me & my ex gf erika!