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Very short, sorry. i wanted to write more but that was a good place to stop the chapter.. ill post the next one up.. hopfully today :)

‘Aislinn’ I heard the faint call. ‘Aislinn.’ The soft, raspy voice echoed around me though I don’t particularly know how as it had no walls to bounce off.
I wanted to reach out and catch the voice but it slipped right out again and left me searching for something more. I pushed my hearing out into the unknown darkness searching for something secure to save me from the deep pits of confusion and imagination. The bizarre dreams with distorted faces had kept me restless throughout my nights or days. I wasn’t sure nor curious as to what day it was. I’d lost count of how many I’d been unconscious for but all I wanted to do was get out of the vicious circle.
Giving up, I relaxed my senses and let the silence ring through my ears. It sent waves of shivers through my body as I laid, desolate, in the dead space that surrounded me.
Whispers of names flew by my eyes as their voices merged together to create a babble of commotion that ran through me. Nothing particular stayed with me. I tried to hold onto them but they slipped through my memory like butter through fingers.
My state of mind was still sane, I hope, but even the darkness could not hide the constant dreams of death. Waking up from them was close to impossible because I was always doing something: running, screaming, hiding. Even if I do wake up I’m drained of all energy and my subconscious takes over, that’s when I hear the voices.
Sometimes I feel as if I recognise the voice, as if it’s someone I know, but over time I’ve lost all sense of time and space, along with most of memories. I remember Dylan, always Dylan, and my parents. I remember me but anything else is just fuzzy and distant. It’s there, I can feel it, something is missing, and it’s just trying to find it. Sometimes I’ll remember snips of people but they soon merge with something else and I lose it.
After staring into the endless dark, the feeling in my legs came back. Taking advantage of the rare occasion, I stood upon two shaky legs and squinted into the unknown. Gradually, I small point of light appeared in the distance but I had no knowledge of how close it was. My hope spiked and all I wanted was to touch that spec that could possibly, just possibly, make sense of this madness.
A blink, that’s all it took. I closed my eyes for a spilt second and suddenly the light hand burst in a spectrum of beams that shone out around me. Like a diamond casting out streams of white light, they reflected on to me causing my eyes to scrunch up as I held my hand out to stop it reaching me. I took a step towards the beams, and another, and another. I had this uncontrollable feeling that pulled me towards the curtain of radiance. The world around me was ablaze with brilliance that shone out and I felt as if I was looking into the heart of space and time. As I stepped in further the light spread across me, embracing my shape and soaking into my skin. I held a shaky hand out and rotated it to inspect the sun-kissed skin closely. It was like golden honey melting on my skin and soaking into my pores then spreading over through my whole body. Bringing it closer, I realised my skin was in fact surrounded with a soft, sheer glow that pulsed from my veins. Threads of liquid light snaked through my paper-thin skin causing them to turn a rich, butterscotch colour which complimented my, now, honey-blond locks. They fell in spirals down my neck and twisted down to rest on my chest as I walked aimlessly into the core of light. As the light enveloped me I squeezed my eyes shut and a bone-chilling wind swept my hair behind me as my clothes flapped in the wind, yet I still took strong steps into the force. My mind was set on reaching this un-nameable point at which I didn’t know what would face me. I could be walking to meet my fate but, at that point, I didn’t care what happened.
posted by Gabstaaa
Brooki, you own personal heaven i created :)
hope you like it everyoneee !! :)

He was truly beautiful, no doubt about it. Not many people agree that men can be beautiful, but I beg to differ. Just looking into his eyes, would change the minds of any sane person, with their warmth and love shining out from his heart. Small, lilac flowers blossomed in his eyes with the melting sunset as a background, glowing with the depths of universal love. They are my weakness.
Feathers of chestnut-brown hair, that hung low by his ears, shine with radiance only the Summer King could have. His sun-kissed skin...
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Forr all those who i am close to
Brooki, Tashie, Ina, Sk8bord.. truely awsome people. but thankyou to EVERYONE who reads these and take the time to comment. thankyou again (and i also loove my syrup monster) ;)
comments :) ??

The seeds of time.

Standing alone with nothing but a desk in a dark, dead space was me. Aislinn Canning. Just me. Dropped in a pool of confusion and mystery inside this globe of dead space with twisted tricks at every corner. This world was giving me a headache and I longed to be back in the real, sane world where everything was as it looked. What kind of sick, twisted...
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posted by Gabstaaa
wooahh ok. random urge to write something. i dont know whats going on with this but i wanted to trying something dark and sinister.. oooooh ;) ehehe, this is just a one-off, might do more of these.. they just make things alittle more bareable to write about unexpected possabilities (: waaaaw..

merry christmas everyone x :)

It’s today. The first sheet of snow has fallen, it’s now. My destiny awaits.

The falling flakes pierce my naked skin like spears with the ice-cold wind kissing my cheeks. My exposed ears sting like open wounds, soon subsiding as the numbness leaks through to my unprotected...
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Waww (: .. ok so here you go

As I came through the light as sense of relief swept over me, I was finally going somewhere other than a dead space of darkness. My golden light still clung to every inch of me as I walked further out into this new space. I was hoping that any minute now I would wake up in a hospital bed with Mum and Dad looking over me, but even I knew that it was way past that. All that was left to do now was keep on walking and follow my instincts to guide me out of this strange dream world. A took one last glimpse over my shoulder as I realised a single strand of liquid light...
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