Ginga x Madoka Club
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posted by Madoka43
"Tsubasa? Yuu?" The silver haired teen rubbed his head and winced, "Madoka?" Yuu, who was also knocked to the ground, jumped to his feet. "Madoka! Ha ha! Is Yo-Yo, Benben, Kenchi and Gingi here too?" "Yeah. Everyone but Kyoya." Madoka was helping Serena and Madison up, "What are you guys doing here anyways, other than knocking down my friends." "Oh, sorry for knocking you guys down." Tsubasa elbowed Yuu who was staring at Madison. "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. Uh...gotta go, bye!" Yuu sped off so fast down the hall way he was a blur, Tsubasa just sighed and followed after him.

"What was that?" Madoka muttered staring after them, she shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to her friends. "I'm sorry that those two knocked you down guys." Serena just shook her head and brushed off her clothes. "It's alright, though it was a little strange." she said while also brushing off Madison's clothes. "Well anyways we should finish our exploration." Madison said. "Yeah this place has been very interesting so far." Serena agreed.

~1 hour and a half later...~

The trio had stopped for a break at a food table court, worn out already.

"Man I thought this place was big, looking from the outside but inside's enormous!" Madoka complained slumping in her chair."

"You're totally right." moaned Serena from her seat.

"Yes, this place is like one gigantic shopping mall!" Madison agreed.

"Hey Madoka..." Serena started.

"Yeah? What is it Serena?" mumbled Madoka.

"Well I just wanted to know who those friends of yours that we ran into earlier were. Especially that silver haired one." Serena asked.

"Yeah me too. I want to know that other boy's name." Madison added.

"Why would you want to know about them? They just...wait a second..." Madoka pondered their reasons for asking, before grinning a wide grin. "I get it now."

"Get what?" the two siblings asked innocently, though fully aware of what she might say.

"You like them don't you." Madoka said giggling a bit.

Her friends confirmed it by blushing and shaking their heads, denying it. "I knew it!" Madoka said triumphantly, "You do like them!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Serena huffed looking away.

"Me neither." Madison said looking down.

"Come on, I know you're lying. Just admit it and I'll tell you about them." Madison said placing her head on her arm.






"You two gonna talk anytime soon? I could just take a nap and never tell you." Madoka said leaning back in her chair.

"Fine. You win, I do like him." Serena confessed.

"I like him too..." Madison admitted quietly.

"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it? Anyways you like the one silver haired one right?" Madoka asked Serena.

"Yes." Serena confirmed.

"And you like the other boy, correct?" Madoka asked again this time directed at Madison.

"Yes, I do." Madison replied.

"The silver haired boy's name is Tsubasa Otori, and the other one's name is Yuu Tendo."

"I see." Both sisters said nodding.

"They're both amazing bladers too. Tsubasa's Beyblade is Earth Eagle 145WD and Yuu has a Flame Libra T125ES."

"Uh, huh."

"Yuu is a goofy kid with a sweet smile and a generally happy-go-lucky attitude. He always seems to have energy and has a real love for beyblading. Though he's very young and general good disposition, he is a strong blader and astute observer as well as strong convictions. He has a tendency to idolize strong bladers who beat him and hates to be marginalized like being called a little boy. Due to his age, he also tends to whine a lot too. As a normal child like everyone else, he loves ice cream, pizza and various other junk food. He also enjoys giving nicknames to most people. He calls Kyoya "Yo-Yo", Benkei as "Benben", Kenta as "Kenchi", Gingka as "Gingi", and our friend Hikaru as "Hippity-hop. Tsubasa is a strong blader who is generally self-possessed, perceptive and rather aloof. He is a strong tactician who is very adaptable especially during tough points in a battle and utilizes all his senses during battles. Although, he is plagued by a dark side that undermines his strengths as his self-confidence in his battling style."

Serena gasped. "Is he alright?"

Madoka waved her hand to calm her down. "From what I've seen at certain times, he seems a bit mentally unstable but that's only because part of L-Drago's dark energy flowed into him during his battle with Ryuga in Battle Bladers. He's getting better, so no need to worry."

Serena sighed in relief.

"I'm sure you'd both like them, wait, you already do." Madoka added, ready to laugh again.

Serena and Madison both blushed, making Madoka burst out with laughter. Serena narrowed her eyes. "Oh, yeah? What about you and Ginga?" Madoka's laughing abruptly came to a halt, letting a silence begin to grow. "From what what I've heard you tell me about him, it seems like you really like him." There was s long uncomfortable silence before Madoka answered:

"You're just assuming that."

"Yes," Serena admitted in a calm voice. "but is it true?"

"No." Madoka quickly replied, maybe a little too fast.

"Since you're sharing a room with Ginga, doesn't that mean that you're going to sleep in the same bed?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

"There could be more beds..." Madoka muttered.

"No there isn't," Serena said, lying. "so that means you are only left with one choice, right?"

"I don't know, maybe..."

"You want to?"


"Are you sure?"

Madoka suddenly stood up. "Y'know, I really wanted to check out the Bey shop on this floor." She pointed at the nearest one. "See it's right there, how convenient for us." She picked up her things and walked to the store without waiting for an answer. The sisters both rolled their eyes and followed her. Once they got in the store they saw someone with silver hair arguing with the cashier at the counter.

"What do you mean you can't fix it?" the silver haired boy yelled.

The cashier looked a bit intimidated by the boy. "I'm sorry sir but there's nothing we can do."

The boy growled in frustration. "Do you guys think we should see what's wrong?" Madoka asked. "Why not." Madison said looking at all the commotion they were causing. Serena was a little more reluctant. "I suppose we gotta do it unless I won't be able to shop in peace. Just get over with it." Madison nodded and walked towards the two. "Um I hope I'm not intruding, but what's the problem?"

The boy rounded on her. "Why do you care?"

Madoka stood her ground. Her first impression of him: he is a arrogant and short tempered person, that could find it hard to make friends with an attitude like that. "Excuse me but was I talking to you?" She turned to the cashier. "What's the problem?" The cashier pointed at the bey on the counter. It was white and looked kind of strange, as if it was made from bones. "The guy here wants me to fix it but I can't. I've never seen anything like it!" he explained. Madoka picked up the bey. Strange all right, it even felt like it was made of bones.

"I bet I can fix it." Madoka said after a minute. The cashier let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you so much!" Madoka smiled. "No problem." She turned to the boy who seemed he needed anger management classes. "What's your name, and what is it made out of? I can't tell what it is." The boy snorted and narrowed his eyes. "Zucin...and my bey's made out of bones." Everyone in a five meter radius gasped. Madoka, the sisters, and the cashier's jaws dropped open. "Um...okay...uh, who's bones?" Madoka asked, Zucin was really creeping her out now. "Mine." he replied as if it was nothing important. Madoka heard a thump on the ground and quickly turned around. None of her friends were unconscious, but the cashier just seemed to disappear. She peeked over the blue counter and saw the poor guy knocked out. 'What's with this guy?' she thought. "Well?" Zucin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Can you fix it or not?" he asked. "...I need to do a full diagnosis of it first. Just come back to the food court in about a few hours...about three I guess." He nodded and walked out the store. Once he disappeared out of sight Serena shook her head.

"Are you crazy? That guy has issues!"

Madison nodded in agreement. "Who has their beyblade made out of bones? Really? Sick people, that's who."

"I know guys, but I already agreed to at least look at it." Madoka said. "I'll have to go back to my room, to do it properly. Can you keep me company?"

Her friends nodded. They walked out the store and walked to the elevator. About five minutes later, they were walking down their hallway. When they were about to turn at a corner, someone bowled into Madison causing them to roll down the hallway a bit. Madison sat up and looked at the person with yellow orange hair on her lap. The boy groaned and also sat up, he looked at everyone's faces. "Yuu?" Madoka asked once she saw his face. The aforementioned boy stood up and helped Madison to her feet. "Are you crashing into everyone today?" Serena muttered dusting of Madison's clothes. "No. Sorry about knocking you over." he apologized and after a moment added. "Again." "It's all right." Madison said, studying his face. "Yuu, why are you on this floor?" Madoka asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, me and Tsubasa are staying in one of these rooms."


"Just down this hall here."

He pointed down the same hall that everyone else's room was on.


"Uh huh."

"We're staying down on this hall too. I guess that means everyone here are neighbors."

"That's so cool! Can you tell Ginga that I want to battle him again?"

"Sure, I'll do that. What were you going to do before you ran over Madison?"

"I was going to get some popcorn and ice cream and candy and pizza and-"

"I get it. We'll just go back to our rooms."


Yuu zipped around the hall and vanished from view. Madison turned to follow the two older girls after a minute. Madoka opened the door to the room/house and walked inside. While Serena and Madison were watching the TV, Madoka opened her kit that she got from upstairs. Ginga was still asleep on the bed when she had opened the bedroom door, so she quietly picked up her laptop and kit and quickly left. She opened her computer and began scanning the weird bone bey. This was going to take quite. a while.
ginga watched as madoka slowly sat up from her bead ,she rubbed her eyes

looking foward to see a blurry figure, in front of the hospital bed it

turned out to be be ginga watching her with a considerite face ,

madoka was givin madication earlier (it took 24 hours to react) that carlos gave to her making

her wuzzy and making her seem to consumed to much alchohol...

and the medication also lowerd her bodies defences

so if she got to exausted she would get sick...

"waahahahahtaaaa w-hy are you mister crackers-j-acks" madoka said swaying her head back and forth as she looked at ginga with massive amounts...
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Finally arriving at the stadium, Tsubasa and Yuu sat at a spot that was close enough to see the battle clearly.

Tsubasa had heard Serena and figured that she was annoyed by the tone of it. He had to admit, after a few minutes, that Serena and the other girl were very good bladers.

Yuu, although, had a slight frown on his face. "Aww! I missed Madison's battle!"

"What makes you think that there was a battle before this one, much less figuring that Madison was in that one?"

"One, there was a pause earlier. That was long enough for one battle to end and another to start. Two, Madison just seems like...
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posted by Madoka43
Madoka ran back in forth to two desks, getting the materials she needed to fix the beys that bladers gave her to prepare. Ginga sat on the couch watching the teen run back and forth. He smiled as she slowed down her pace abit.

Ooh it's somethin' about
Just somethin about the way she move

Ginga scratched his cheek trying to figure out something that has been on his mind for awhile. 'She's so different.' he thought.

I cant figure it out
There's somethin about her

"Hey you need help?" he offered. "No, I'm okay." she said looking his direction, giving him a quick smile, then turns her attention back...
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"Ok here goes nothing!" I slowly started to unbutton her shirt I was on the three one down when.


I turn around to hide my bright red face.


"No! it's not what it looks like! I swear!"


"GODDAMIT! I said it wasn't like that! you were wet and I didnt want you to catch a cold!"

"Why should I believe you?"

"Just look at your clothes!"

I looked down. I was drenched in water from head to toe. I looked up at him, he wasn't looking at her. His eyes

looked away from me but were covered...
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"hello madoka theres someone here to see you" the nurse said waving her hand to the dirrection,of the guy behind her

"yea who is it" madoka said unasure who he was and why he was here ,she took a look top to bottom of this suspicouse character in front of her , he looked like he was dressed up to go to a halloween dance or something realted to the subject, he wore pretty much black head to toe and wore a black cowboy hat and that looked like he had blackish hair with brown highlights , she tried her hardest not to catch his eye because he looked like he could rob a bank (mostly everybody else...
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This is a GingaMadoka AMV which has two parts. This first part covers the trials and tribulations they have gone through and how their relationship gets stronger because of it.
posted by Madoka43
"Okay well call me when you get in town." Madoka said in a cheerful voice.
"Okay see you later." I responed.

(I put down the phone and walked towards the radio)

I turned on the radio and Crush by David Archuleta was playing. I remember Madoka singing to this song once. I layed down on my bed and my mind wondered off.

*I hung up the phone tonight*

I don't know why, but I'm feeling weird inside.

*deep inside it was a rush, what a rush*

I think I like you, but what's the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me.

*It's just too much, just too much*

Why do I keep running away...
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My eyes opened to see something that looked furry and brown above me. My eyebrows rose and I shot up only to shoot back down. I felt a huge pain in my head and I craddled it, groaning. Why does my head hurt? What happened?


Who's Red? Is that Hikaru's voice?

"Little Red, get up this instant! You are supposed to be meeting your fiance at the village today."

Fiance? I heard footsteps approaching the room I was in to the wooden door on the far side of the soft bed I was in. There was three knocks and a jiggling of the knob. I had to think of something fast, "U-um, I'm up! No worries!"

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posted by Madoka43
"All done!"

"Wow thanks, Madoka!"

I winked at him with a smile gracing my face, "No problem, Ginga!" We were downstairs in my shop, B-Pit. It had been years since we met and we had become best friends. Right now we were both 16 years old and met many friend throughout those years. But throught those years I began to feel really weird around Ginga; my heart would speed up when he got too close, I'd stutter sometimes, I'd always feel safe when he's around, I'd bush a lot than I used to, and he would always just make me feel so special for some reason. I quickly shook my head knowing where my thoughts...
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posted by Madoka43
It was midnight and there was a storm. Ginga was finally about to go to sleep when he heard a knock on the door. He groaned as he walked over to the door.
"What do you want to bug about know Mass-MADOKA?"Ginga gasped.
She was shaking like crazy. Was she sick? Ginga thought.
"Are you-" he got cut off by the sound of thunder.
Madoka yelped and jumped into Ginga knocking him down. Ginga whole face turned red. Madoka was hold onto Ginga as if her life depended on finally sat up with Madoka still holding on. Ginga put an arm around her and one on top of head and spoke to her with a caring voice.
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posted by Madoka43
Ginga laid with his legs spread out in front of him, shocked of what laid before him. he slowly stood up and ran towards madoka he sat on his kness his eyes full of sadness he slowly reached over to madokas cold body in fear that she wouldnt wake up he slightly shaked her, madoka said nothing only stillness ocupied her body and mind, ginga was tramatised only if he would of grabbed her hand? only if they didnt go on that crosswalk? only if, only if,
echoed in his mind, he fell onto madokas still body and griped her shirt " madoka why couldnt i have saved you?" he exepted a answer but never got...
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