Ginga x Madoka Club
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"hello madoka theres someone here to see you" the nurse said waving her hand to the dirrection,of the guy behind her

"yea who is it" madoka said unasure who he was and why he was here ,she took a look top to bottom of this suspicouse character in front of her , he looked like he was dressed up to go to a halloween dance or something realted to the subject, he wore pretty much black head to toe and wore a black cowboy hat and that looked like he had blackish hair with brown highlights , she tried her hardest not to catch his eye because he looked like he could rob a bank (mostly everybody else that saw him pretty much had the same opinion as well)

"i dont think we've met young lady " she looked as he made his way to the right side of the bed , he carefully removed his hat to reveal oily smooth balckish hair (with brown highlights)

"no i dont think we have.." madoka said with a comerical side glance

" my name is mr. omera " he let out a hand for her to shake but she just ignored it ..

"yea and why are you here?" madoka asked as she tiped her head a little in curosity

"well you actually left this on the sidewalk.." the man said laying the yellow stained glasses on her sheets beside her lower body

"OHH IVE BEEN LOOKING FORR TH-" she cut off ... and with a swift movement of her head noticed that the man was starting out get out a pocket knife and slowly moving towards her neck until he bolted foward putting the blade to her cold skin

"where is it~!" the man snapped

"what , what are you talking about" madoka said trying to ignore the sharp blade peiercing her neck

"the laptop were is it" the man said with hatred in his eyes trying not to yell but with a stern voice

"who are ...y-you" she said struggling

" your worst nightmar-" the man cut off as he looked to see the door wide open and a flaming red haired boy standing in the doorway ...