Ginga x Madoka Club
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A young mermaid, about the age of 16 (okay, I know that the characters are all supposed to be 12 or younger, but, it feels more appropriate), with a pink tail, pink hair, and bright pink eyes, holding a seaweed bag, was swimming near the shore. It was forbidden to swim near the shore. Once you had your Coming of Age Ceremony, you were allowed to go up to the surface, but going anywhere near the land was still forbidden. She loved finding cool little trinkets of the Human World, and the best of them were near the shore. This young mermaid picked up a small thing that looked like a metallic string with something hanging on it. It was a small beautiful looking like a golden heart. There was something on it, but she didn't know what it was.

"Oh wow, this is so pretty." She noticed it had something engraved on it. "What's that say? I'll ask him next time I see him." She heard an eagle's call. "Speaking of Tsubasa." She looked towards the sky. "Hey Tsubasa!"

"Hello Kijura, there's a rock over that way, why don't you swim over there and we can talk there? I know you can't stay by the shore too long."

"Okay." She swam over to the rock he was talking about. He landed on it.

"Okay Kijura, I can tell by the look on your face you've found some interesting things. What are they?"

"That's what I've come here to ask you."

"I see. Well, what do you have?" She took out the object she had just found. "Ah, I haven't seen one of these in a long time."

"What is it?"

"It's a locket."

"A locket?"

"It's a necklace, something you wear around your neck."

"You wear it?"

"Yes, and since it's in the shape of a heart, this must be one a boy gave to a girl. Human males tend to give gifts like this to human females to show their affection. This specific one can hold pictures, which are little flat papers-"


"That's right, you don't have paper under water, do you?"


"Paper is used to put pictures or words on them. The pictures are usually on of the boy, and one of the girl. That way, if she misses him, she can look at that picture and still see his face."

"How beautiful and romantic, much better than what we do, which is give them a bunch of pearl related stuff. It's romantic at first, but then you get tired of it. What's that on it though?" She point at it. Tsubasa turned and looked at it.

"Ah, that, my dear Kijura, is writing. Humans use it to communicate when they can't speak. It's a name that's written on it."

"What's the name?"


"Madoka, that's a strange name." Kijura noticed the sun had set and the moon was rising. "If I'm not home before the moon reaches its peak, my parents will know I left. They're gonna kill me!" She rocketed back down to the ocean floor and started heading to her Pink Pearl Castle.

"Wait, Kijura, don't you want this back?" She hadn't taken it back when she left.

There were guards all over the entrances, so she snuck in from the hidden tunnel. It lay under a large rock. She had found it exploring. It was designed so that if another Mermaid Kingdom declared war on them (which is against the code of the Marine World, but mermaids tend to be very paranoid, mostly about humans, but slightly paranoid about other things), so then the royal family could easily escape. And, it just happened to lead to the room next to her bedroom. She hid her bag in there and then got out of the spare closet and went into her own room.

After waiting for about half an hour, a guard came to her room.

"It's time for dinner."

"Thank you." She went with him to the dinning hall. Her parents were sitting on opposite side of the table, at the heads. Her mother had pink eyes and long pink hair, while her father had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her sister was sitting next to her father, so Kijura sat by her mother. Her sister had bright pink eyes, pink hair that was kept in two ponytails. She was lucky because at the dinner table, talking was not allowed as to it is quite gross to talk and eat at the same time. She quickly finished her dinner and went to 'bed', but really, she was visiting the surface again.

Kijura was swimming up to the surface, not to gather Human World items, but just to look at the stars. She saw shapes in them. Tsubasa had told her they were called constellations, and one of them was an eagle, just like him. She laughed; she didn't believe him about that.

"I love the stars." She heard something, an explosion. She turned and saw fiery displays light up the sky. She was awed by them and went to go see what it was. It was what us humans know as fire works. She saw a huge ship.

"I'm not supposed to go near humans! It, it wouldn't hurt, it's too dark out for them to see me." Being the adventurous little mermaid she was, she went to go to the ship. She grabbed on to it and climbed up it until she could see the people in it. She instantly looked at one of the humans and kept her eyes on him. He had red hair that looked kid of fiery with it being up, golden amber eyes, and a bandage on his nose. He was wearing a royal tunic, baggy brown pants, and it seemed he had a sword on his side, as well as some sort of blue clothing around his forehead with a picture on it.

"He's so handsome." A dog came by. She tried to hide from him, but he came and licked her face. The boy started whistling.

"Hokuto, come over here. Hokuto!" The dog started barking and ran over to the boy. Tsubasa came flying by.

"Kijura, what are you-?" As soon as he got close enough, she grabbed him by the beak.

"Shhhhhh! Do you want the humans to see me?" She let go of his beak.

"I just wanted to give this back to you." He held up the talons that had the locket in them.

"I don't have anything to carry it home with, and if I put in around my neck, I'll forget it's there, and then my parents will see it. Just hold it for me for safe keepings."

"Okay then. Why are you here anyways?"

"I saw the display of fiery lights, and I wanted to see them."

"Oh, the fireworks. I see."

"They're so beautiful."

"Are you talking about the fireworks, or the human boy you're staring at?"

"I-I-I'm not staring at him."

"No Kijura, you can't! He's a human, you're a mermaid. You know what will happen to him, right?"

"Nothing will happen. He's just another human. I'm just amazed by this ceremony that's going on."

"Kijura, you'd better get home, these humans are heading to shore." She saw that he was right.

"You're right. Bye Tsubasa." She got off the ship and started swimming home.

"Princess Kijura, it's time for your ceremony. Your parents asked for me to come and get you." She was just sitting on her bed. She knew that she shouldn't have left earlier, but she couldn't resist it. She's never gone a night without visiting the stars.

"Thank you." She followed him to the grand banquet hall. It was filled with mermaids and mermen. Her parents were sitting on their thrones. There were mermaids from other countries. Her elder sister was there and she swam over to her.


"Kiko." She hugged her sister.

"Finally growing up now?"

"Kiko, seriously?"

"Well, now you're of age. You've always been talking about visiting the surface."


"If you're worried about the surface now, then don't worry. Most mermaids don't visit the surface ever."

"Yeah, what's up with that?"

"You'll see, just go talk to your friends."

She saw that the Mermaid Princesses from other Mermaid countries were all in the same place and went to talk to her friends.

"Hanna, Rene, Irena, Nola, Eden, Helen (I know I usually use Japanese names, but I have a reason for the names I picked)." She went over to her friends from the other Mermaid Kingdom. Each ocean was split into two, except for the Artic Ocean, since it was the north itself, the northern half and southern half. The two halves were very different in appearance, but similar in interests. They looked towards her. Hanna was the Southern Atlantic Mermaid Princess and had a aquamarine tail and aquamarine hair. Rene was the Mermaid Princess of the Northern Atlantic and had a green tail and green hair. Irena was the Southern Indian Ocean Mermaid Princess and had a purple tail and purple hair. Helen was the Northern Indian Ocean Mermaid Princess and had an orange tail and orange hair. Nola was the Artic Ocean Mermaid Princess and had a red tail and red hair. Eden was the Southern Pacific Ocean Mermaid Princess and had a yellow tail and yellow hair. So, that left Kijura to be the Northern Pacific Mermaid Princess. The Mermaid Kingdoms had hair, tail, and eye colors according to their Pearl Orbs; a sacred object that can never leave the palace unless the circumstances were dire.

"Kijura. You're finally going through your Coming Of Age ceremony. This is so exciting!"

"It's just a ceremony. I turned 16 last weak."

"Yeah, but the ceremony can't happen until the full moon when it's at its fullest." The herald blew his horn. "It's starting, you should go to your parents." She nodded and swam over to them. She sat in the throne in the middle. Her father got up.

"Merladies and Mergentlemen, the time has come for Princess Kijura to follow suit from her sister Kiko and is now of age. It is time to see if the Pink Pearl Orb finds her a worthy mermaid fit to live in our Kingdom. If not, then she shall be sent to live in the Antarctic, the nonexistent ocean, and she shall remain there until her death. I pray to the sea goddess and the god of the ocean that they find her worthy to live here among the other mermaids. Bring forth the Pink Pearl Orb!" One of the royal guards brought a giant orb on a pillow covered with a pink silken sheet. He took it off and revealed the Pink Pearl Orb, which was a giant pearl, but with a glow to it that was very warm and friendly, but whenever a mermaid unfitting touched it, it turned a sinister shade of black, showing its disapproval. Kijura got up from her seat and swam over to it. She put her hands over the Pearl. It was roughly the size of her head, but it had the ability to shrink and grow. "Princess Kijura of the Northern Pacific Ocean Mermaid Kingdom, do you accept the consequences of being found unworthy of living among the other mermaids of your kingdom, or any other kingdom?"

"Yes, I do."

"Touch the orb." She was about to touch it, when the whole castle started shaking. She quickly withdrew her hands.

"Father, what's going on?"

"I don't know sweetheart." They saw a swarm of mermaids enter, of all different colors. Kijura was very confused.

"Father, who are they?" Her father didn't answer, but he looked very worried. "Mother, Father?" Her parents remained silent talking to her, but they started talking to the mermaids.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why, we're here to join the party."

"You are forbidden from entering the castle, or even the kingdom." Kijura figured out who they were from that comment.

"Wait, those are…" Her sister finished.

"The mermaids from the Antarctic Ocean, the nonexistent ocean Mermaid Kingdom, without a pearl or power. The mermaids unworthy of living amongst normal mermaids." One of the mermaids, one with a deep blue tail, laughed at her.

"You're wrong about that girl! We have a pearl now. The Black Pearl Orb! The most powerful of all the pearls. Filled with the power of our hatred towards the rest of the mermaids. Bring it in here!" One of the mermaids brought it in. It was the same shade as the pearls turn when an unworthy mermaid touches it. The mermaid with the deep blue tail held it. Her hair, eyes, and tail all turned black as the night. As well as her, all of the mermaids from the Antarctic turned black tailed and black haired. "Now, I am the Mermaid Princess of the Antarctic Ocean, the other half of the Arctic Ocean. My name, from now on, will be Yami. I will use my powers to destroy the very mermaid kingdoms that out-casted us because they trusted a stupid pearl!" She laughed evilly and started shooting rays of darkness out of her hands. All the mermaids were swimming for their lives. The guards fought the other banished mermaids, but none could get close enough to her to try to stop her. The Mermaid Princesses gathered together where the Pearl was, hoping its power would protect them. The guards went by them.

"Protect the Royal Families and the Pearl."

"I knew I wouldn't get a chance until the next time that there would be a royal Coming of Age Ceremony in the North Pacific Mermaid Kingdom, where the most powerful mermaids are. Has anyone noticed that the Pink Mermaids never have had a single 'unworthy' mermaid? The pearls don't show disapproval, they show the ones that are weaker than normal. They out-cast us because we don't have enough power! Well, now we do!" She went up to the Pink Pearl Orb. The guards stood in the way. "Out of my way!" She sent them flying with her powers and then touched the Pearl. It turned black. She quickly withdrew her hand. It turned pink again. "No way, that can't be." She touched it again, but this time it sent her flying when she touched it. Kijura swam over to it.

"We have to protect the Pearl. It's the source of the Northern Pacific Mermaid Kingdoms power. Without it, we all die!" She grabbed the Pearl. It started glowing, and then Kijura was wearing a grand dress of a light pink color, and suddenly she had a tiara on. Everyone was shocked.

"The Pearls never show physical approval."

"She must be the princess spoken of in the legends, the one with the power of the sea goddess." The pearl shrank in her arms until it was small enough that she could carry it in her hands, and then it was the size of a regular pearl.

"Who cares right now? Mother, Father, Kiko, everyone, we have to get out of here. I know a way out of the castle." She started swimming off. They followed behind her. Yami saw them escaping.

"We can't let those Royals get away! Stop them! STOP THEM! Get that princess especially! I want her powers! I will have her, there is nowhere in this sea, this ocean, or anywhere in the other seas and oceans safe for her where I won't find her!" The other mermaids started swimming after them.

"Honey, how do you know of this way out?"

"No time to explain Mother. We have to get out of here!" She found the closet. "Hurry inside." They got in there. Somewhere in this chaos, her tiara fell off. She went in and closed the door. She found the switch that opened the door out. They quickly went through it while Kijura held the Pearl. They came to a dead end.

"Kijura, where are we?"

"Right outside the castle. Father, could you lift up the roof of the tunnel?"

"That's impossible."

"Father, please?" He gave in and pushed it up. The rock on top of the tunnel was lifted away. They got out of the tunnel. Kijura faced towards her friends.

"You need to get to your kingdoms and warn everybody. Tell them what happened."

"What about you?"

"We'll be fine."

"No, not you Kijura." They looked towards her father. "Kijura, if you stay in the marine world, then Yami will find you. You've just shown you are the most powerful mermaid. You are the one who has the powers of the sea goddess. If I let you stay here, she'll take you and use you for your powers. There's only one place for you."

"Father, what are you talking about?"

"As much as I hate those humans, you'll have to escape to the Human World."

"But Father, I'm a mermaid. How will I live there?"

"The Pink Pearl Orb will transform you into a human. It has the power. You may not want to do it, but it's your only chance. She was right when she said there's nowhere safe for you in the Marine World, but she won't be able to find you in the human world." He would have tears in his eyes if it weren't for the fact that they were under water. She hugged her father.

"I'm going to miss all of you." The rest of them came in for a hug.

"Sister, be safe."

"Now, the pearl will take your memories until it feels like it is safe to give them back to you. When you turn into a human because of the pearl, it takes your memories to make sure no one can figure out the truth about you. It won't transform you until you're at the surface though. Go now! As soon as you're a human, she won't be able to find you."

"Good-bye." With invisible tears in her eyes, she swam to the surface. She held the pearl in front of her. "Okay pearl, you can transform me, right?" The pearl started glowing. "I should get to the shore before I transform." She swam as fast as she could. She didn't reach the shore in time and she became unconscious and started losing her memories. To fit the human world, her hair shortened and went into a funny style for mermaids and it turned brown, but she kept the same look and aura, the spirit of a person which is how animals find a person over and over again, with her.

When she fully transformed into a human, she drifted to the shore.