Ginga x Madoka Club
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He read the letter and it understood its contents.

"This person is very passionate about Beyblade, only not in the same way most people like my son are. If only we knew who she was." Hyoma was confused.

"Who she was? How do you know that the person who wrote this letter was a girl?"

"The handwriting is extremely neat, crisp, and has barely any errors, is spelling, punctuation, or in doing something as simple as forgetting to dot the i's and j's or forgetting to cross the t's or the f's. Women tend to want things to look really nice and proper (hey, that's how it generally was back then, women were really neat, and now, well, I probably have the worst handwriting in the world). And the indentation is correct as well. The only men who remember these kinds of things are men like myself who are either royalty, or some form of nobility. It's excepted of them to do such things, but women, no matter who they are, tend to do so as well."

"I see."

"So, Hyoma, was there anyone else that the mechanic's shop?"

"Well, there was a girl, but she was deaf and she couldn't speak, and she said that Muda and her mother had picked her up off the streets, but since she only knew sing language, they mostly would have been unable to teach her themselves. And they apparently don't have the money in the first place to even support her, so she shows her gratitude by cleaning and not letting them buy nice clothes for her so they can pay for their own clothes and food."

"Well, this sounds like a sweet girl, but from what you've said, that means it's impossible for her to be it."

"Why are you so set on finding this girl?"

"Well Hyoma, Ginga is now of marrying age, and soon I will be too old to take part in my royal duties." Hyoma was thinking about how Suisei did all of his duties for him, but decided against saying that. "I want to find him a suitable wife, one who is not afraid to tell him he is wrong, but one who would get along with him. She would need to be kind, but able to handle herself when needed. She'd also need to be understanding, but fair and firm. Another thing is that she'd have to be a good worker and able to multi-task, but still able to relax as to not put too much pressure on herself. We now know that she has some of those qualities, but does she have all of them? But by just having those few qualities, I'm positive Ginga would like her just fine."

"How would we find this girl? It would be easier to find her, though, if working women weren't an accepted practice here, unlike in many other kingdoms. But because of that, we have no way to make a system of elimination, so then we have no idea who she is, and since Pegasis was fixed at a public place, that would mean that anyone could have found out about Pegasis being there. Ginga may have wanted it brought there discretely, but he sent it there with 6 guards, so it was easily known." Ryusei thought about that.

"Hm, you are right Hyoma. That's a good point. Any girl could have written this letter." He had an idea, and you could practically see the light bulb above his head if they had existed back then. "We shall have a ball. And by royal decree, every woman in the kingdom that is of age would have to attend. That way, we could find her."

"But what if we don't find her?"

"It'd be likely that Ginga would at least fall for somebody there. I just want the best for Ginga, and I'm hoping this girl is it. But if not, then he'll still most likely find someone to make him happy."

"Shall I go out now?"

"Yes, but alert some of the other messengers so that the news will spread faster. The ball shall be at dusk, tomorrow evening."

"Should I inform Muda, the one who fixed Pegasis? We know it wasn't her. And what of the girl, Madoka, she can't even hear or speak, should she be allowed not to attend, if only of her own choice?"

"Yes, you should. Even though it wasn't her, then the person might still come. And even if she doesn't come, Ginga might still like her. And, yes, I would allow her not to attend, I wouldn't want her to feel uncomfortable, and Ginga would probably get frustrated with her. He wouldn't have the patients to learn sign language to talk to her. But, she could attend if she wanted to." Hyoma bowed and walked out backwards while doing that. Ryusei called out to him. "Please, no formalities. Besides, that makes it more likely that you'll hurt yourself."

At the Shop

Biboo came up to Madoka, who had finished cleaning everything top to bottom.

"You have done well enough, mostly from your work on the Prince's Bey, that you may see your pathetic pets for 5 minutes time. You all will be locked in a room so that neither of them can escape. Stay here for now." She walked away. Madoka sighed.

"I hope that I can escape from this one day." She came back.

"Come along now, if you want to see your precious, pathetic little pets." She got up and followed her. She was lead to a dark room with only a lantern lighting it. Tsubasa, a handsome bald eagle with honey eyes, and Yuu, a cute little orange kitten with big green eyes, were waiting in there. The doorway was very small, so almost any adult would block most of the doorway, making it too hard for either of the two to escape. Madoka went in there. Yuu rubbed up against her leg and looked up at her with these sad little eyes. She teared up as she reached down and petted him. Tsubasa landed on her shoulder. Biboo closed and locked the door.

"I am so sorry Yuu and Tsubasa. I wish I could help you two. If there was anything I could do, I would, but all I can do is follow Muda's and her mother's orders to keep you from getting killed." They looked at her, as if to say it's all right Madoka, it's not your fault. You're doing what you can. She felt that they were 100% more human than Muda and her mother. She started scratching underneath Yuu's chin, but then he flinched. She looked at her hands and saw that there was a little blood. "You poor thing. She did something to you again, didn't she?" He actually nodded at her. She looked towards Tsubasa. "Did she do something to you too Tsubasa?" He lifted up his wing to show her the torn feathers and the cuts on his body that his wings usually would cover up when not flying. "I'm glad it wasn't one of your wing feather, otherwise you wouldn't be able to fly." Then, she just sat there with Tsubasa and Yuu for the next few minutes, playing with Yuu while Tsubasa looked curiously, wondering what was so delightful about rolling around in the dirt. Occasionally, he would do it, then decide it wasn't fun, and fix his feathers. They heard a click, and Biboo opened the door, holding Tsubasa's birdcage and a regular cage for Yuu.

"Your time is up, and if you should refuse to get up and leave, then I shall do good on my threats against those two. Now, go to bed." She nodded her head and stood up. She walked out of the room. She was walking towards the staircase to her room when she heard something. She went to the front of the store, and saw Hyoma there again.

"Hyoma, what's he doing here?" She pressed herself against a wall and listened closely.

"There's to be a royal ball in three days time, at dusk. By royal decree, all women of age in the kingdom must attend."

"Thank you for informing me of this occasion." She quietly snuck away and went up to her room. She looked in a grand mahogany chest and found what she was looking for. It was a pink dress with white lace trimming the bottom, a pink sash around the waist, and long sleeves. It wasn't much, but it was her mothers. It was one of the few things she had left from her. Madoka held it up to herself, looking at a full-length mirror to see how she would look. She thought that she would be able to convince Biboo and Muda to let her go, as long as she stayed silent and in the background. She wanted to go so badly, mostly because her father always used to tell her that he'd first met her mother at a royal ball. It was one similar to this one for King Ryusei, Prince Ryusei at that time; except for this time it's for Prince Ginga, unknown to Madoka. Also unknown to Madoka was what had happened after she had left. "I'll try to get Madoka to come, but with her modesty, she probably won't come."

"I understand, but I already asked the king about that when I knew of Madoka's situation. He said she didn't have to attend, since she would be able to talk to anyone or know what anyone is saying. But, she can come if she wants to."

"Thank you for your, and the king's, consideration for poor Madoka. Besides, she couldn't go even if she wanted to, she doesn't have any suitable clothes, and we don't have the money to buy her a fancy dress for an occasion like this one."

"I wish you a good evening, and good business to come your way."
"Thank you." He left. Muda went to go find her mother, who was locking Tsubasa and Yuu in a room.

"Mother!" She turned around.

"What is it Muda? This had better be important."

"There's going to be a royal ball at the palace tomorrow evening. All women of age must go." Her mother was excited.

"This would be a good opportunity for you." Then she stopped. "But there is Madoka, and some who lives at the palace at least knows she's here."

"That's already solved. Hyoma, the person who knows, talked to King Ryusei about it, and they agreed she didn't have to go with her being 'deaf and dumb'. So we won't have to bring her."

"This could be very good. Of course, we'll tell Madoka." Muda was confused.

"Why would we do that?"

"Because, then we'll set some impossible tasks for her to do, and she'll never complete them on time. Her hopes will be crushed, and that will be a fine thing to enjoy." Muda thought about that.

"You're right."

"Now, you just get some beauty sleep so that you look your best for the ball tomorrow night. I'll deal with Madoka." She nodded and went to her bedroom. Biboo thought all about what she could have Madoka do, and how crushed she would be when she couldn't do it.