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posted by Yankeesam32935
Title:Road to Happiness Part 4
Word Count: 2,682
Spoilers: none

Disclaimer: I don't own gossip girl, or any of it's characters. It 's just for fun

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Road to Happiness Part 4

One Year Later

Blair found out that Chuck Bass was absolutely right. Chuck had told her exactly a year before that she would never be able to forget him and he was right. No matter how hard she tried, Blair couldn’t help but remember Chuck and the passion they had shared for those few weeks a year ago. It had been a year to the day that she had ended her fling with Chuck and reunited with Nate. Every day since then she had been bored with Nate and wishing that she could feel about Nate the same way she felt about Chuck.

Blair wished most of all that she could forget Chuck and all the whores he was always with, and parading in her face. Blair had not been alone with Chuck for a year now, let alone have a conversation with him. Nate had noticed the strain between them and had asked her about it point blank and she had lied saying that he was a slimy perverted pig, that she wanted nothing to do with.

She was constantly thinking about the fire she had shared with Chuck and how she now never felt it with Nate. Blair missed all the sparing with Chuck, the kissing, and the talking about anything that they could think of, and of course making love to him.

Blair was especially nervous about tonight, since it was the annual snowflake ball. It would be the first big event that they were both attending and she didn’t want him to flaunt some chippie in her face again.

Nate had been a good boyfriend since they had gotten back together, but now he seemed to be spending a lot of time with some troll named Vanessa. She was a friend of Humphrey’s, which explained why Blair detested her so much. She wondered if Nate and Vanessa were sneaking around behind her back, but she couldn’t be bothered enough to care.

Dan and Serena had broken up about five times in the past year, and Blair was exhausted from hearing Serena bitch about him all the time. Right now they were working through one of their rough patches and back on. Blair was a senior now and would be going to Yale in the fall of next year and was very excited about it.

A few hours later, school was almost over when Blair met up with Serena.

“S, are you bringing Humphrey, tonight? Or are you guys off again?” Blair asked cattily.

“I’m bringing him Blair, but I think I might have to end it with him tonight.” Serena stated.

“Why?” Blair asked.

“I’ve got a bad feeling, B that he has the hots for my new Shakespeare teacher, Ms. Carr.”

“Ew, that’s gross even for him, Serena. You’re better without him though.”

Serena looked heartbroken, but she nodded at Blair. The bell rang and the day was over, and Blair went outside to meet Nate. They hardly talked to each other anymore. There was just nothing left to say. Blair even had to force herself to get through sex with Nate; it was always kind of bland and boring. She had to pretend like she was enjoying herself but she knew Nate could never make her cum like someone else she knew.

As soon as they exited school, Nate took out some weed from his pocket and lit up.

Blair was repulsed, “Do you have to smoke all day long, Nate? Can’t you go without your precious drug for a day?”

“Don’t fucking start with me Blair.” Nate snapped at her.

She was about to make some snippy remark back to Nate when she saw Chuck across the street with some leggy blonde wrapped around him. He was sucking her neck. He looked up from what he was doing and his gaze met hers and held. The passion. Blair knew he still felt it, like she did, but that he would never admit it to her.

They were still staring at each other when Nate grabbed her and practically threw her against the fence.

“What’s your problem lately, Blair? You’re always on me, like I’m doing something wrong and just constantly bitching.” He spat viciously to her.

“Nate, let me go you’re really starting to frighten me.” Blair pleaded with him.

Nate was in a rage and started to shake her, and that’s when Chuck untangled himself from the blonde and ran over to them. He grabbed Nate by the neck and threw him on the ground.

“What the fuck is your problem, Archibald?” Chuck asked venomously.

Blair started to shake and all Chuck wanted to do was pull her to his chest and hold her. But of course he couldn’t. He bent down and helped Nate to his feet.

“So, what’s the problem Nathaniel?” Chuck asked him.

Nate looked defeated, “I don’t know man, I’m having problems with my dad and she was nagging me and I took it out on her. I’m so sorry, Blair.

“You’re going to go home and blow off some steam and then pick up Blair later for the dance. Okay?” Chuck told him.

Nate nodded and went over to Blair but she moved away from him.

“One more thing Nate,” Chuck began, “If you ever touch Blair like that again, I will hunt you down and you will be fucking sorry you were alive. Understand?” he growled at him.

Nate gulped and was very nervous because he had never seen Chuck like this. Never. Blair looked at Chuck and his face relaxed and he gave her a tender expression. He took her arm and led her away, leaving Nate by himself.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Chuck looked at her and asked, ”Are you alright, Blair?” She didn’t answer him and he took her chin in his hand and pushed, until she was looking straight at him.

“Look at me.” He demanded.

She was and her eyes were swimming with unshed tears.

“Thanks Bass. I’m glad you were here.” She whispered into Chuck’s face.

Chuck nodded and gazed intently at her. They both felt it again while staring at each other. The fire started burning in their bodies and they needed each other. Chuck was about to lean down and kiss her, but somebody came by and his lips stopped their descent toward her mouth.

“Shit.” He cursed savagely. “I’ll see you tonight, Waldorf.”

He turned to leave but she grabbed his hand and rubbed her hand across his knuckles and lifted his hand towards her mouth . That’s when she placed a soft butterfly kiss on the palm of Chuck’s hand. Blair then dropped his hand and waved, while walking back to her apartment. Chuck stared at her retreating back and was left with a hard-on in the middle of the street.

Blair entered her home and was stunned. Chuck had been about to kiss her. After a year of hardly speaking, this was the first contact they had. Blair could still feel his lips whispering across hers, and she still yearned for him. After all this time, she still wanted him.

Blair was excited to see him later at the ball. Even though she was going with Nate. Her boyfriend had tried to attack her. What had she done to deserve this?

She went over to her closet and selected what she was going to wear tonight. Blair came to a decision, she chose a powder blue dress that came to right above her knee and had a slit all the way up her knee. It was also entirely backless and showed a bit of cleavage. She wondered what Chuck would think of it, but quickly put that thought out of her mind. Blair piled her hair on top of her hand and let a few tendrils escape to lie against her smooth neck.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later and she went to go answer it. Blair opened the door and there was Nate standing there in a tux. Of course it was Nate, it always was.

“Blair, let me apologize again. I never meant to hurt you, I was just frustrated.” He said as he reached for her.

Blair backed away from him, “Let’s just go, alright? You’re never to touch me like that again, Nate. Do you understand me? Or it’s over between us for good.”

She glared at him and Nate nodded in her direction. He took her arm and escorted her to the Snowflake ball. Blair then realized that he never told her how she looked. He didn’t even care.

When they arrived, the ball was in full swing already and she started desperately scanning the crowd for Chuck. Blair spotted Serena and made her way over to her.

Serena gasped when she saw her, “Wow, B you look amazing. Are you trying to impress someone?” she asked knowledgeably.

She stared back at Serena with vacant eyes, “No one, I just wanted to look nice to please myself.”

Serena knew now exactly what was going on, “You’re not over him yet are you?”

Blair couldn’t pretend anymore.

“No.” she admitted. Blair continued then, “I want Chuck so much, it hurts Serena. I’ve been thinking about him every day for a year. I wish I could stop feeling this way, but I just can’t seem too. I saw him today, and I thought we shared a moment. But with Chuck you just never know what he’s really thinking.”

Serena tried to comfort her, “Everything will work out, Blair. It always does. Hey, look over there. Dan’s sister seems to be getting awful chummy with Nate, doesn’t she?”

Blair looked over, and sure enough there was Jenny Humphrey rubbing her hand up and down Nate’s arm. They were attracted to each other obviously. Nate seemed to be attracted to everyone but her.

Blair turned to Serena and said, “The sad thing is that I don’t even care. I stopped caring a long time ago what Nate does. But I have to go over there now and make a big deal out of this, or people will get suspicious.”

Blair stormed over to Dan. “Hey Humphrey, you think you can control that tramp sister of yours around my boyfriend?”

Dan turned to her and anger was written all over his face, “What the hell is your problem, Queen B?” he asked sarcastically.

Dan then noticed Nate and Jenny, and ran over to them before Jenny made a big mistake and embarrassed herself in front of the entire school. That’s when Blair saw Chuck starring at her. She was getting ready to go over to him and she started to smile. Then he saw who his date was, the blonde from before.

So she still meant nothing to him obviously. Blair thought today would change some things between them, but it was the same as always. Chuck had told her a year before that he cared nothing for her, but she had not really believed him. Now she did. Chuck was attracted to her, but he didn’t want her.

She turned away from him and ran to the elevator. Blair knew he was going to come after her and she braced herself for the altercation. She had made it to the elevator and was pushing the button like crazy. She just wanted to get out of here as fast as she could and she didn’t want to see Chuck anymore. The elevator opened and just as she got inside and the door was about to close, Chuck squeezed in. He pushed the stop button on the panel of the elevator. She was suspended inside of the elevator with no way out. Both of them were breathing harshly and staring at the other.

“What the fuck was that, Blair?” he asked rather stunned.

She wouldn’t answer him, she couldn’t.

Still staring at her, Chuck picked her up and pushed her until her back was against the wall. He then started savagely kissing her. Blair kissed him back hungrily, and this was all that mattered to them. It was like coming home after a year apart.

Chuck pulled her dress down until her breasts were exposed. He massaged her breasts and started to lick her nipples. Blair tore open his shirt and his shirt buttons popped out all over the floor. She then ran her hands through his chest hair and Chuck let out an appreciative groan.

We’re in an elevator he mind screamed, and I have a boyfriend. Blair tore her mouth away from his and they were both panting into each other’s face. Blair studied his face, so she could remember this moment.

“What the hell are we doing, Chuck?” Blair asked him.

When she didn’t get an answer, she continued, “You told me a year ago that you didn’t care about me or want me. So what is this?”

Chuck grabbed her arms and said harshly into her face, “If I don’t want you, then how do you explain this? Blair, I’ve fucking wanted you for a year. Every goddamn day I think about you and us and what we had.”

He then leaned down to whisper into her ear, “Every second of every day I think about you and how much I still want you. It’s not going away Blair, this attraction between us and I don’t think it’s ever going to. No matter how hard I try to forget you, I can’t.”

Blair looked back at him shocked, that he was telling her all of this.

“When I’m with other girls, I have to pretend it’s you so I can actually perform. I don’t want to like you. You’re Nate’s girl. Not mine. I can’t help myself when I’m around you, Blair. I don’t want to fight it anymore.

Blair was in disbelief, “Then, why did you tell me you didn’t want me?”

“Because I was hurt that you wanted Nate over me, so I took my anger out on you.” He said simply.

“Chuck, I didn’t want Nate over you and I still don’t. I just wanted to hear you say that you wanted to fight for me. That I was worth that much at least. This whole past year I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.”

He put his forehead against Blair’s, “I don’t want anyone but you, Blair. Nobody, just you. Are you still sleeping with him?” he asked.

Blair looked him straight in the eye and said, “No, we haven’t for six months. There’s nothing between us anymore, but I can’t breakup with him yet. I will just not yet.”

Chuck looked at her with hope. “Then, are we going to try Blair?”

Blair looked at him and she really wanted to try but she knew she couldn’t.

“Chuck, I don’t think we can. We can’t even communicate with each other and let each other know what we are feeling. How could we ever make it work?”

Before Chuck could even speak, Blair continued, “How would we explain it to Nate? He would never understand what we have. Are you willing to lose your friendship with Nate for me?” she asked him, hoping desperately he would say yes.

Chuck didn’t answer her and she had her answer.

“I’m saying never, but for now I don’t think we can Chuck. But I hope in the future maybe we can try.”

With that Blair pushed floor number 3 on the panel of the door. As the elevator was descending, she touched Chuck’s face and leaned into kiss him one last time. He responded and started rubbing her back, while kissing her neck. She pulled away from him before she gave in to him and had sex with him.

Blair gave him a little smile and walked away from him and back to Nate. Chuck knew what he had to do; he was going to win Blair back. He was willing to give up Nate and everyone in order to be with Blair. Chuck knew he would succeed.

To Be Continued…
added by Cittycat19
added by gossip-girl999
added by waldorf
Source: the cw
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Google
added by rose2
Source: http://www.cwtv.com/photos/gossip-girl
posted by nataliaryanfan
The sun was washing the sky at this time.

She wasn't under covers, didn't change her clothes from last night and hadn't showered. She can't. Seeing herself, walking, counting the breaths it was too much to try and handle.

So instead of ridding herself of him, she soaked in what he was. She felt like absolutely nothing, like doing nothing what-so-ever. Too bad life doesn't feel the same way.

Instead the sun rises every morning, the moon sets every night and people breathe everyday.

Not even for a Waldorf does the world stop.


After hours of staring at the ceiling and analyzing every crevice of...
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Source: 1280 x 1024
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gossip girl
sneak peak
added by notesofchange
Source: soapdiva83
added by waldorf
Source: the cw / youknowyouloveme.org
added by waldorf
Source: the cw / youknowyouloveme.org
added by waldorf
Source: the cw / youknowyouloveme.org
added by Marta1717
added by ciaran
posted by DefineDelicate
sorry this is late, i lost my internet for a while, but now i'm back and ready to do a review.

okay so i think i can honestly put the shortest review i've ever done.

Chuck- *sighs* Chuck you made me scream basically the whole time you were on screen, although that's nothing out of the norm, i'd say it was times 10 in this episode. The guy who threw the fuirt Drink should die.
and you know, idk what Chuck's feelings toward's Vanessa, but i so wanted to smack him when he grabbed her hand. wtf? O_o ugh VC is so random, even for a friendship. ugh. i...
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Source: Just Jared
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Source: Just Jared
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