Heroes of Olympus RP Club Club
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posted by aqualad

ACHOS (Akhos) Pain of Body, Pain of Mind, Grief, Distress (Latin Dolor)


ADICIA (Adikia) Injustice, Wrong-doing

AEDOS (Aidos) Reverence, Respect, Shame, Self-Respect, Modesty (Latin Pudicitia)

AERGIA Idleness, Laziness, Do Nothing, Sloth (Latin Socordia, Ignavia)

AESCHYNE (Aiskhyne) Shame, Sense of Shame, Modesty, Honour (Latin Pudicitia)

AGLAEA (Aglaia) Beauty, Splendour, Glory, Magnificence, Adornment

AGON Contest, Struggle

ALALA War-Cry, Battle-Cry

ALASTOR Blood Feud, Vengeance

ALCE (Alke) Battle-Strength, Prowess, Courage

ALETHEIA Truth, Truthfulness, Sincerity (Latin Veritas)

ALGEA (plural) Pain of Body, Pain of Mind, Grief, Distress, Suffering (Latin Dolor)

AMECHANIA (Amekhania) Helplessness, Want of Means

AMPHILOGIAE (Amphilogiai) (plural) Disputes, Debate, Contention (Latin Altercatio)

ANAIDEIA Ruthlessness, Shamelessness, Unforgivingness

ANANCE (Ananke) Necessity, Compulsion (Latin Necessitas)

ANDROCTASIAE (Androktasiai) (plural) Slaughter of Men in Battle

ANGELIA Message, Tidings, Proclamation

ANIA Grief, Sorrow, Distress, Trouble (Latin Dolor)

ANTEROS Reciprocated Love

APATE Trick, Fraud, Deceit, Guile, Treachery (Latin Dolus, Fraus)

APORIA Difficulty, Perplexity, Want of Means (Latin, Egestas)

ARAE (Arai) (plural) Curses, Imprecations

ARETE Virtue, Excellence, Goodness, Manliness, Valour (Latin Virtus)

ATE Delusion, Infatuation, Folly, Reckless Impulse, Rash Action (Latin Nefas, Error)

BIA Force, Power, Might, Bodily Strength, Compulsion (Latin Vis)

CACIA (Kakia) Vice, Moral Badness

CAERUS (Kairos) Opportunity, Critical Time, Advantage, Profit (Latin Occasio, Tempus)

CALLEIS (Kalleis) Beauty

CALOCAGATHIA (Kalokagathia) Nobility, Nobleness, Goodness

CHARIS (Kharis) Beauty, Grace, Favour

CHARITES (Kharites) (plural) Grace, Favour, Beauty (Latin Gratiae)

COALEMUS (Koalemos) Stupidity, Foolishness

CORUS (Koros) Satiety, Surfeit, Insolence, Disdain

CRATUS (Kratos) Strength, Might, Power, Bodily Strength, Rule (Latin Potestas)

CTESIUS (Ktesios) Home, House, Domestic Property

CYDOIMUS (Kydoimos) Din of Battle, Confusion, Uproar, Hubbub

DEIMUS (Deimos) Terror-Fear, Dread (Latin Pavor, Formido)

DEMOCRACIA (Demokrakia) Democracy

DICAIOSYNE (Dikaiosyne) Justice, Righteousness

DIKE Justice, Rights by Custom & Law, Righteous Judgment (Latin Justitia)

DOLUS (Dolos) Trickery, Cunning Deception, Craftiness, Guile, Treachery (Latin Dolus)

DYSNOMIA Lawlessness, Bad Civil Constitution

DYSSEBIA Impiety, Ungodliness (Latin Impietas)

EIRENE Peace (Latin Pax)

ECECHEIRIA (Ekekheiria) Truce, Armistice, Cessation of Hostilities

ELEUS (Eleos) Pity, Mercy, Compassion (Latin Misericordia, Clemencia)

ELPIS Hope, Expectation (Latin Spes)

EPIALES Nightmare

EPIDOTES Ritual Purification

EPIPHRON Prudence, Shrewdness, Carefulness, Thoughtfulness, Sagacity

ERIS Strife, Discord, Quarrel, Contention, Rivalry, Battle-Strife (Latin Discordia)

EROS Love, Sexual Passion (Latin Amor, Cupidos)

EUCLEIA (Eukleia) Good Repute, Glory

EUDAEMONIA (Eudaimonia) Happiness

EUNOMIA Good Order, Civil Order, Good Laws, Lawful Behaviour

EUPHEME Good Words, Praise, Acclamation, Applause

EUPHROSYNE Good Cheer, Cheerfulness, Merriment, Joy, Mirth

EUPRAXIA Good Conduct

EUSEBIA Piety, Filial Respect, Loyalty (Latin Pietas)

EUTHENIA Prosperity, Abundance, Plenty

EUTHYMIA Good Cheer, Joy, Contentment

EUTYCHIA (Eutykhia) Good Fortune, Luck, Prosperity, Success (Latin Fortuna)

GELUS (Gelos) Laughter (Latin Risus)

GERAS Old Age (Latin Senectus)

HARMONIA Harmony, Marital Harmony, Concord, Union, Joining (Latin Concordia)

HEBE Youth, Youthful Prime (Latin Juventas)

HEDONE Pleasure, Enjoyment, Delight, Sensual Pleasures (Latin Voluptas)

HEDYLOGUS (Hedylogos) Sweet talk, Flatter

HESYCHIA (Hesykhia) Quiet, Rest, Silence, Stillness (Latin Quies, Silentia)

HIMERUS (Himeros) Sexual Desire, Longing, Yearning

HOMADUS (Homados) Din of Battle, Battle-Noise, Tumult

HOMONOEA (Homonoia) Concord, Unanimity, Oneness of Mind (Latin Concordia)

HORCUS (Horkos) Oath, Punishment of Perjury (Latin Jusjurandum)

HORMES Effort, Impulse to Do, Setting Oneself in Motion, Eagerness, Starting Action

HYBRIS Insolence, Violence, Excessive Pride, Wantonness, Outrageous Behaviour (Latin Petulantia, Superbia)

HYGEIA Good Health (Latin Salus)

HYPNUS (Hypnos) Sleep, Sleepiness (Latin Somnus)

HYSMINAE (Hysminai) (plural) Fighting, Fights, Fist-Fights, Combat (Latin Pugna)

IOKE Onslaught, Battle-Tumult, Pursuit, Rout

KERES (plural) Death, Doom of Death, Plague (Latin Letum, Tenebrae)

LETHE Forgetfulness, Oblivion (Latin Oblivio, Letum)

LIMUS (Limos) Hunger, Famine, Starvation (Latin Fames)

LITAE (Litai) (plural) Prayer, Entreaty

LUPE Pain of Body, Pain of Mind, Grief (Latin Dolor)

LYSSA Rage, Martial Rage, Fury, Raging Madness, Frenzy, Rabies (Latin Ira, Furor, Rabies)

MACHAE (Makhai) (plural) Battle, Combat

MANIAE (Maniai) (plural) Madness, Crazed Frenzy, Insanity (Latin Insania)

METHE Drunkenness, Inebriety

MNEMOSYNE Memory (Latin Moneta)

MOIRAE (Moirai) (plural) Fate, Destiny, Portion (Latin Parca, Parcae)

MOMUS (Momos) Mockery, Ridicule, Blame, Reproach, Stinging Criticism (Latin Querella)

MORUS (Moros) Fate, Destiny, Doom, Death (Latin Fatum)

MUSICA (Mousika) Music

NEICEA (Neikea) (plural) Quarrel, Feud, Grievance (Latin Altercatio)

NEMESIS Righteous Indignation, Distribution of Dues, Jealousy, Wrath (Latin Invidia)

NIKE Victory (Latin Victoria)

NOMUS (Nomos) Law, Laws, Ordinances, Statutes

NOSI (Nosoi) (plural) Sickness, Disease, Plague (Latin Morbus)

OIZYS Woe, Misery (Latin Miseria, Tristitia)

OLETHRUS (Olethros) Day of Doom, Destruction, Death

ONEIRI (Oneiroi) (plural) Dream, Dreams (Latin Somnium, Somnia)

OSSA Rumour (Latin Fama)

PALIOXIS Backrush, Flight, Retreat in Battle

PAREGOROS Comfort, Consolation, Soothing Words (Latin Consolatio)

PEITHARCHIA (Peitharkhia) Obedience to Command

PEITHO Persuasion, Suasion, Seduction (Latin Suadela)

PENIA Poverty, Need, Penury

PENTHUS (Penthos) Grief, Sorrow, Mourning, Misery (Latin Luctus)

PHEME Rumour, Report, Common Talk, Gossip, Fame, Reputation (Latin Fama)

PHILIA Affectionate Regard, Friendship (Latin Amicitia, Gratia)

PHILOPHROSYNE Friendliness, Kindliness, Welcome

PHILOTES Friendship, Love, Affection, Sex (Latin Amicitia, Gratia)

PHOBUS (Phobos) Panic-Fear, Flight, Rout (Latin Metus, Terror, Fuga)

PHONI (Phonoi) (plural) Murder, Killing, Slaughter

PHRICE (Phrike) Horror (Latin Horror)

PHTHISIS Wasting Away, Perishing, Decay (Latin Tabes)

PHTHONUS (Phthonos) Envy, Jealousy, Ill-Will, Malice (Latin Invidia)

PHYGE Flight, Escape, Flight from Battle, Exile, Banishment (Latin Fuga)

PISTIS Trust, Honesty, Faith, Trustworthiness (Latin Fides)

PLUTUS (Ploutos) Wealth

POINAE (Poinai) (plural) Retribution, Vengeance, Recompense, Punishment, Penalty, Bloodmoney (for murder and manslaughter) (Latin Ultio)

POLEMUS (Polemos) War, Battle

POMPE Religious Procession

PONUS (Ponos) Hard Work, Toil, Labour (Latin Labor)

PORUS (Poros) Expediency, Means of Accomplishing or Providing, Contivance, Device

POTHUS (Pothos) Sexual Longing, Yearning

PRAXIDICAE (Praxidikai) Exacting Justice

PRAXIDIKE Exacting Justice, Exacting Penalties

PROIOXIS Onrush, Pursuit in Battle

PROPHASIS Excuse, Plea

PSEUDOLOGI (Pseudologoi) (plural) Lies, Lying Words, Falsehood (Latin Mendacium)

PTOCHEIA (Ptokheia) Beggary


SOPHROSYNE Moderation, Temperence, Self-Control, Prudence, Discretion (Latin Continentia, Sobrietas)

SOTER Safety, Deliverance & Preservation from Harm

SOTERIA Safety, Deliverance & Preservation from Harm

TECHNE (Tekhne) Art, Craft, Technical Skill

TELETE Consecration, Initiation

THALIA Festivity, Banquet

THANATUS (Thanatos) Death (Latin Mors, Letus)

THRASUS (Thrasos) Overboldness, Rashness, Insolence

TYCHE (Tykhe) Fortune, Chance, Providence, Fate (Latin Fortuna)

ZELUS (1) (Zelos) Rivalry, Zeal, Emulation, Ambition, Envy

ZELUS (2) (Zelos) Jealousy, Envy

The following Latin personifications appear in the works of poets and writers such as Ovid, Virgil, Cicero, Statius, Seneca, Apuleius and Hyginus.

ALTERCATIO Altercation, Dispute, Debate (Greek Amphilogia, Neicus)

AMICITIA Friendship (Greek Philotes, Philia)

AMOR Love (Greek Eros)

ARDOR Ardour, Heat of Passion, Ardent Desire (Greek Pothus)

BELLA War (Greek Enyo)

BONUS EVENTUS Good Fortune, Success

CLEMENCIA Clemency, Mercy (Greek Eleus)

CONCORDIA Concord, Harmony, Agreeing Together (Greek Harmonia, Homonoia)

CONSOLATIO Consolation, Comfort (Greek Paregoros)

CONSUETUDO Habit, Custom

CONTINENTIA Continence, Temperence, Moderation (Greek Sophrosyne)

CURA Care, Worry

DISCORDIA Discord, Strife, Dissension, Disagreement (Greek Eris)

DOLOR Pain (of body and mind), Ache, Distress, Grief, Sorrow, Anguish, Trouble (Greek Algos, Ania, Achos)

DOLUS Guile, Trickery, Cunning Deception (Greek Dolus)

EGESTAS Want (Gree Aporia)

ERROR Error (Greek Ate)

FAMA Rumour, Report, Common Talk, Gossip, Fame, Infamy (Greek Pheme, Ossa)

FAMES Hunger, Famine (Greek Limus)

FATUM Fate, Destiny, Fated Death (Greek Morus)

FIDES Trust, Faith (Greek Pistis)

FORTUNA, FORS Fortune, Chance, Luck, Fate (Greek Tyche)

FRAUS Cheating, Deceit, Fraud (Greek Apate)

FUGA Flight, Escape, Flight from Battle, Exile (Greek Phyge)

FUROR Rage, Madness, Fury (Greek Lyssa)

GRATIA Favour, Esteem, Regard, Liking, Love, Friendship (Greek Philotes, Charis)

GRATIAE (plural) Grace, Favour, Regard, Friendship (Greek Charites)

HORROR Horror, Shivering Fear, Trembling Fear (Greek Phrice)

IGNAVIA Laziness, Idleness, Sloth (Greek Aergia)

IMPETUS Attack, Assault, Violent Impulse, Rapid Motion, Impetus, Impulse

IMPIETAS Impiety (Greek Dyssebia)

INCESTUM (i) Religious Impurity, Uncleanliness, Pollution, Defilement (ii) Sexually Impure, Unchaste, Lewd, Lustful, Incestuous

INSANIA Insanity, Madness, Frenzy (Greek Mania)


INVIDIA Envy, Jealousy, Ill-Will (Greek Nemesis, Phthonus, Zelus)

INVIDENTIA Envy, Jealousy, Ill-Will (Greek Nemesis)

IRAE (plural) Anger, Wrath, Rage, Ire (Greek Lyssa)

JUSJURANDUM Oath (Greek Horcus)

JUSTITIA Justice, Equity, Righteousness (Greek Dike)

JUVENTAS Youth (Greek Hebe)

LABOR Labour, Toil, Exertion (Greek Ponus)

LETUM Death, Destruction (Greek Ker)

LETUS Death (Greek Thanatus)

LUCTUS Lamentation, Mourning, Grief, Sorrow (Greek Penthus)

LUES Plague, Pestilence, Spreading Evil or Calamity (Greek Ker, Nosus)

MACIES Wasting, Thinness, Leanness, Meagreness (Greek Ischnasia)


MENDACIUM Lie, Untruth, Falsehood (Greek Pseudologus)

METUS Fear, Dread, Terror, Apprehension, Anxiety (Greek Phobus)

MISERIA Misery, Wretchedness, Unhappiness, Distress (Greek Oizys)

MISERICORDIA Pity, Compassion, Mercy (Greek Eleus)

MONETA Memory (Greek Mnemosyne)

MORBUS Disease, Sickness, Plague, Illness, Malady (Greek Nosi)

MORS Death (Greek Thanatus)

NECESSITAS Necessity (Greek Anance)

NEFAS Sin, Unlawfulness, Impiety, Criminality, Wickedness (Greek Cacia)

OBLIVIO Forgetfulness, Oblivion (Greek Lethe)

OCCASIO Opportunity, Occasion (Greek Caerus)

OTIA Ease, Liesure (Greek Acratus)

PARCAE (plural) Portion, Share, Fate, Destiny (Greek Moira, Moirae)

PAVOR Fear, Dread, Anxiety, Panic (Greek Phobus)

PAX Peace (Greek Eirene)

PERTINACIA Obstinacy, Stubbornness, Pertinacity, Perserverence

PESTIS Pestilence, Contagious Disease, Destruction, Ruin (Greek Olethrus, Ker)

PETULANTIA Impudence, Sauciness, Freakishness, Wantonness, Petulance (Greek Hybris)

PIETAS Piety, Filial Respect, Duty, Loyalty (Greek Eusebia)

POENA Penalty, Vengeance, Punishment, Expiation, Compensation (Greek Poine)

POTESTAS Power, Rule, Dominion (Greek Cratus)

PUDICITIA Modesty, Chastity, Virtue, Shame (Greek Aedus, Aischyne)

PUDOR Shame (Greek Aedus)

PUGNA Fight, Fist-Fight, Battle (Greek Hysmina)

QUERELLA Complaint (Greek Momus)

QUIES Quiet, Rest (Greek Hesychia)

RABIES Rage, Madness, Anger, Fury, Frenzy, Rabies (Greek Lyssa)

RISUS Laughter, Joke (Greek Gelus)

SALUS Good Health (Greek Hygeia)


SENECTUS Old Age (Greek Geras)

SILENTIA Silence, Stillness (Greek Hesychia)

SOBRIETAS Sobriety, Temperance, Moderation, Continence (Greek Sophrosyne)

SOCORDIA Sloth, Laziness, Indolence, Inactivity, Carelessness, Negligence (Greek Aergia)

SOLLICITATIO Vexation, Anxiety

SOMNIA (plural) Dream, Dreams (Greek Oneirus, Oneiri)

SOMNUS Sleep (Greek Hypnus)

SOPOR Sleep (Greek Hypnus)

SPES Hope (Greek Elpis)

SUADELA, SUADA Persuasion (Greek Peitho)

SUPERBIA Pride, Arrogance, Loftiness, Haughtiness (Greek Hybris)

TABES Wasting Away, Wasting Disease, Corruption, Putrefaction (Greek Phthisis)

TEMPUS Temporary Time (Greek Caerus)

TENEBRAE Darkness, Darkness-of-Death, Death-Shades (Greek Keres)

TRISTITIA Sadness, Mournfulness, Sorrow, Dejection, Melancholy, Gloominess (Greek Oizys)

ULTIO Vengeance, Revenge (Greek Poena)

VERITAS Truth, Truthfulness, Verity, Integrity (Greek Aletheia)

VETUSTAS Ancient Times, Antiquity

VICTORIA Victory (Greek Nike)

VIRTUS Virtue, Manliness, Courage, Bravery, Excellence (Greek Arete)

VIS Force, Power, Hostile Strength (Greek Bia)

VOLUPTAS Pleasure, Enjoyment, Delight (Greek Hedone)



ANTHOUSAI Nymphs of flowers. They were probably the same as the Leimenides, a type of Okeanis.

AURAI, THE The nymphs of the cooling breezes. They were daughters of the wind-god Boreas, or Okeanos, the earth-encircling fresh-water stream.

BAKKHAI, THE The Bacchic nymphs, companions of Dionysos. They were also known as Thyiades.

BOUKOLAI, THE Bucolic or rustic nymphs. Another name for the Epimelides.

DRYADES, THE The nymphs of trees and forests. Some of them had their life force bound to that of a specific tree, usually the loftiest in a forest, or one in a sacred grove of the gods. Dryades of mountain pines were known as Oreiades, those of ash-trees were called Meliai, Hamadryades were of the oaks, and Meliades of fruit-trees.

EPIMELIDES, THE (or Epimeliades) Nymphs of highland pasture, the protectresses of sheep-flocks. They were perhaps numbered amongst the Okeanides.

HALIAI, THE Nymphs of the sea, the sands, and the rocky shores. They had the schools of fish, and other sea creatures in their keeping. The most famous of them were the fifty Nereides.

HAMADRYADES, THE Oak-tree Dryades whose life force was bound to that of a particular tree.

HELEIONOMAI, THE Naiad nymphs of fresh-water marshes and wetlands.

KRENAIAI, THE Naiad nymphs of wells and fountains.

LAMPADES, THE Torch-bearing nymphs of the underworld. They probably belonged to the train of the goddesses of the Eleusinian Mysteries, Persephone and Hekate.

LEIMENIDES, THE Nymphs of the water-meadows - pastures thick with lush grass and flowers. They were probably a type of Okeanis Nymphe.

LIMNATIDES, THE Naiad nymphs of lakes.

MAINADES, THE The crazed nymphs. Another name for the Thyiades, nymphs in the retinue of Dionysos.

MELIADES, THE Another name for Epimelides.

MELIAI, THE Nymphs of honey, bees and honeydew (manna). They were also Dryades of the mountain ash.

MELISSAI, THE Honey nymphs, another name for the Meliai.

NAIADES, THE Nymphs of the sources of fresh-water: springs, fountains, streams, rivers, and lakes. They were usually called daughters of Okeanos and the River-Gods.

NEPHELAI, THE Nymphs of the clouds. They were usually numbered amongst the Okeanides.

NEREIDES, THE Fifty Haliai (sea) nymphs.

NYMPHAI, THE Minor goddesses or daimonaissai (spirits) of nature. Many of the classes overlapped: for example, the Dryad nymphe of a tree growing by a spring was also often the Naiad of the fountain.

OREIADES, THE Nymphs of the mountains. They were Dryad nymphs, whose life force was closely tied to that of a lofty mountain pine or fir.

OKEANIDES, THE Nymphs who presided over the sources of fresh water: both earthly, the streams and fountains, and heavenly, moist breezes and rain-clouds. They were daughers of Okeanos, the earth-encircling fresh-water stream, and sisters of the River-Gods.

PEGAIAI, THE Naiad nymphs of springs.

POTAMEIDES, THE Nymphs of the rivers. They were a type of Naiad.

THYIADES, THE Wild, orgiastic nymphs in the train of the god Dionysos. They were also known as Mainades, and Bakkhai and Bakkhantes. The Thyiad troupe consisted of a mixture of Dryad and Naiad nymphs.
posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Cara...everyone says I make too many RPs....I'm gonna list them here and count. Cara says 50...










link (which no one joined...)





link (Which has the most Replies on this Club so far)


HAH! Only 16 and...well, I'm counting Ragers Bite and the new RP(s) Cara is gonna make. So about 17/18! And I have about...ummm, aliens...angels...20...Roman pirates...21...time hero...22...yeah...I think that's it....
continue reading...
posted by JasmineValdez
Letters From The Sky - Civil Twilight

Radioactive - Imaginative Dragons

Beautiful Things - Gungor

Blackbird - The Beatles

All Of Creation - Mercyme

Shattered - Trading Yesterday (Not really my favorite)

This is War - 30 Seconds to Mars

Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine

Remember the Name - Fort Minor (Don't watch if you don't like cursing)


Hall of Fame - The Script

Everyday Superhero - Smash Mouth

It's Time - Imaginative Dragons

A random group of songs I picked out for an RP. Not really in any particular order. Enjoy :P
posted by Rogue475
Full Name: Mark David Ivory
Meaning: N/A
Hometown: Chicago, United States
Current Residence: N/A
Age: the pitt: revelations-17
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: slightly underweight, due to training and harsh rations.
Blood Type: O Negative
Nationality: United States
Birthday: Sept 21, 2020
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Compatibility: Tiger
Greek Zodiac: N/A
Ruling Planet(s): N/A
Element: Darkness
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type: Wavey and dark black
Eye Color: Blue
Eye Sight: 20/20
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars: only scars from past fights with demi-gods, still slowly healing
Clothing Description: Black Jacket, Grey...
continue reading...
posted by JasmineValdez
I found this on Deviantart, thought I'd post it here to see what you guys think. All credit goes to Hgbird, deviantart.

Full Name:
Current Residence:
Height: [Doesnt have to be exact]
Weight: [underweight, average, overweight]
Blood Type:
Birthday: [Include year.]
Chinese Zodiac:
Compatibility: [Ex. The Rat is compatible with the Monkey and the Dragon; it is not compatible with the Horse.]
Greek Zodiac:
Ruling Planet(s):
Hair Color:
Hair Type: [Here's where you put anything else about your character's hair; Has it been dyed? Is it damaged?...
continue reading...
It is an average day at Camp Olympus. Suddenly, all of the campers are pulled up into the sky, out of their current position. A voice, feminine, but deep, booms in the sky, cloudy and compact, "Campers, prove your worth!". As fast as the previous pulling was, the campers are now pulled to Camp Olympus. The pull was like an invisible rope or a delayed magnet pull- smooth, but harsh. Finally, the campers opened their eyes and blinked; they could finally see now- godly presence can cause temporary blindness.
Before them, a giant tub of instant mac & cheese mix sits. Dazed and confused, the...
continue reading...
added by Blaze_of_Ares
Carry On - Avenged Sevenfold
the pitt
the pitt revelations
blake ironheart
taylor d'lassio
devin king
peter torres
mark ivory
This is my next 'entry'. It's been a week and we made it to Atlantis. Let's say its been horrible since we came. The Atlantans wouldn't let us in so we snuck into some tunnels. Did that work? No. I'm just gonna write the most important part of today. The traps.

"Move!" Alex yelled at me as he pushed me aside just in time, seeing as a large pole swung down from the roof and nearly took my head off. I laugh and thank him. We then move on further into the Tunnels.

"Alex." I say shaking.

"Yes?" He says grabbing my hand.

"I can see everything." I mutter.

"You mean you can see what happened to people...
continue reading...
posted by Nicolicious
So I'm writing in this thing. I think it's called a diary. I can't remember nowadays, but anyways. I'm Cara Elise D'Lassio. I'm the last daughter of Thanatos and a Demi-God. If you're reading this I'm dead or you found this where I have hidden it.

To cut a long story short, my sister was claimed by Thanatos so Grazers attacked my town and killed everyone except me. I then found my way to Olympus where I was cared for for 5 years. Until of course it was burned to the ground and my dad Thanatos faded. I then ran to some fancy airport where I snuck onto a plane with my Shadow powers and took a...
continue reading...
added by Alvin2442
posted by JasmineValdez
List of Top Contributors for the Club, most contributions to least ( According to Fanpop, not me!)


Not included, but definitely good contributors! Sorry it left you off, I don't know why!

Phoenix_ Stone

I found out how to find this, figured I'd post it. :P Thanks to everyone who's helped add to the club!
added by JasmineValdez
the pitt
theme songs
added by darange