House MD Fanfiction Club
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The afternoon was slowly departing. The sun was reaching down, every minute of every hour. It was glowing. In Cuddy's office, the light was pouring in. Shining and glimmering on all the glass. She was just sitting around, fidgeting, nervous and teary. She sat there staring blankly at the floor waiting for House to come. She didn't know what to say to him, what to do or even what to think. Then at that moment, he walked in. He was grinning at her and he made his way to her desk. When he kissed her on the cheek, she had kept her eyes shut, and began biting her lips. He saw the expression on her face so he backed away. He stared at her, waiting for her to give some explanation. He stared at her, most importantly her eyes. He just stared at them with his pair of piercing eyes before turning his back on her, realizing what her body language meant. He too got slightly teary eyed and began rubbing his face with his hands.
"You know why."
"This isn't because of you. They were my own mistakes."
"Mistakes that would never and could never happen."
"I'm human. I make mistakes this isn't--"
"See? You are changing. You just don't realize it. You just acknowledged the fact that you can be wrong. You're never wrong."
Anger filled his face.
"How do you know I'm doing this because of you? What if I'm just changing because I am?"
"You don't change! You've never changed from the first day you entered this world. You've been an manipulative pain in the ass ever since. You changing just--is like everything becomes chemically imbalanced."
Outside Wilson began walking towards Cuddy's office. When he reached the doors, he saw their mouths moving quickly, indicating that they were yelling.
"Shit." He had planned to stop Cuddy before she talked to House, but he was a little too late. So he turned on his heel and made his way out of the clinic back to his office. House and Cuddy continued fighting.
"I don't want you to change!"
"Now you don't! What about all the times before?"
"Changing you, changes all of you. It'd be nicer to see you as a human being but not if it changes your motives as a doctor."
"My career matters more to you than us?"
"Other lives are more important than us!"
House stormed out and Cuddy followed him. They were going to his office.
Once they got there, House began sweeping everything off his desk, cleaning out all his drawers, file cabinets, and shelves. He turned to her after she walked in and said,
"I quit."
"NO. You are not going to quit this hospital." At her last words he threw his cane on the floor, took his right hand and threw it against a picture frame on the wall. When he lifted it off, the whole frame was cracked and where his fist had been, blood remained. Shards of glass fell off and small pieces stuck to his hand. Blood began to drip. Cuddy just sustained a shocked face.
"Our relationship matters more to me than this! I don't give a damn about my job! I hate going to work! I hate having to diagnose patients from my office! I can't bare it when they all give me these stares. Always thinking, "He's a cripple. He takes drugs. And he's my doctor?" I hate getting the pity. I hate being in pain. I hate having to go home with nothing to fill it. At least, now, at the end of the day, I can go with you. I fill your home. Or you fill mine. It's not as empty. I don't get that miserable hollow feeling. It doesn't--hurt."
On the carpet below him, a small patch was covered in his blood. Cuddy just looked at him in tears. Her face was saddened by all the things he had confessed. When she spoke, her voice trembled. It broke off a few times, but she was calm.
"House. I love you, but--if you are changing for me, because of me, I can't--let you. If it means killing all these people-for me, I'd rather us not--be together than sacrifice your patients lives."
House's wounded hand throbbed and twitched. Cuddy's eyes were drawn to it, worried how much pain he might be in. But he gave her a stare saying, I'm fine, I've done a lot worse.
They stood there for a few minutes quiet. Sniffles were brought by Cuddy and deep exhales and inhales of breath were taken by House. Finally they spoke again.
"So are you asking me to break our promises?" He was turned away from her, facing his window. She didn't answer.
"Are you?" He turned around to face her. She was sitting on his recliner with her puffy eyes and wet face. So he walked up to her got on his knees. He look down at the floor waiting for her to answer. But then she put her hands on each sides of his neck, bringing his forehead against hers. He kept his mouth shut, but he was clenching his teeth together. The pain was throbbing. In both his hand and leg.
"I--Love--You. But--"
"Don't. Just---answer."
At that moment, Cameron walked through the doors. She walked in normally, looking at the file she was holding and then stopped suddenly after the door swung closed. They both looked at her, House quickly looked away Cuddy let go of him and looked down and Cameron looked embarrassed.
"I'll just--I'll come back--Later--" Then her face grew a worried and shocked expression. She had seen the patch of blood, the shattered glass and frame and then House's hand.
"Oh--are you?"
"I'm fine."
"He'll drop by later."
She wore a concerned and worried look as she walked out, biting her lip.
After the doors swung closed, House looked back at Cuddy. He took his left hand and swept it across her face. Sweeping the hair off her face. Then he wiped down her eyes, then shifted it to the back of her head.
"Am I breaking our promises?"
"Don't do this--"
"I want to know--"
"Don't make this--"
"Am I letting you go?"
"I can't--"
"Am I letting us go."
He pulled his hand towards him which pulled her in. They started kissing, but Cuddy stopped it. She began crying again, grabbing onto his neck, forcing her head against his. They remained in this position for only a couple seconds before he got up. He went over to his desk and stood there for a second, leaning on his desk. Then he took a quick look at his hand, ripped off a piece of his shirt, took out the shards in his hand with were accompanied with winces. He tied the ripped piece around his hand and grabbed his cane off the floor. Then he walked over to the door, stopped and looked at the floor.
"I'm sorry I can't be both things you want. If I could be, or try to--I'd still be fighting for you right now."
She turned away, shutting her eyes and biting her lips, hiding the pain that remained. And he left, as the last streak of light that was shining through the window, disappeared, behind the blowing trees.
House slowly walked into Wilson's office. He waited at the door for a second staring at the floor. Wilson spotted House's hand and his face turned alarmed.
"What did you do?"
Then House grabbed a mahogany box out of his jacket pocket and tossed it in the trash saying,
"Been breakin' promises. It hurts a lot more than it looks."
Then he left the room with a quick ease slightly slamming the door.
Wilson just bite his lips together and shut his eyes tight. He kept this for about five seconds before reaching into the trash. He pulled out a small mahogany box. It was the same familiar box he had held before. He held it in his one hand, opening it with his thumb. He stared at it for a moment gave a sigh of deep grief and shut the box. He laid it on the desk and rubbed his face. Then he thought of what Cuddy had said before.
"Give me one good reason not to."
He repeated these words in his head several times. Then said it all under his breath.
"Give you one reason not to? He wants to spend the rest of his life with you."
House was sitting in the ER with a bandage around his hand. Small spots of blood were bleeding through. Cameron came back and looked at him. Expecting him to say something.
"She ended it. Reasons that are irrelevant to you. But that's all. We're finished."
She was shocked. Her face was in deep concern.
"How? No! It can't be over."
"Except it is. I may not have accepted that yet, but I will."
He got up ready to leave. Cameron stopped him.
"But she loves you. And you love her."
"Yeah, she just doesn't know how much."
House played his piano in the privacy of his home. It was the only thing he could really vent to right now. His hands were moving slowly across the keys, tenderly tapping them, bringing the notes to caress the night air. And as the notes rose through the air, tears began to fall. And they fell on the keys of the piano, gently falling, gently landing. But they made it that much harder to play...
posted by thirteen_times
“Is this…” Spencer paused. Her voice was a throaty whisper. “Is this all we’ll ever have?” Remy’s eyes met hers. “Do you want more?” Remy asked.
Suddenly Spencer’s face became like a child’s full of tenderness and vulnerability. In that moment that followed Remy felt a bond to her like nothing else. For a long while they sat without speaking. They stared silently at their intertwined hands.
“I love you” Spencer said softly. Remy grew very still. Spencer couldn’t see her face.
“Remy?” She lifted her chin. “Look at me”
Her eyes told her all she needed to know. As they sat there in the faded light of dusk, they both believed in happiness.
Author's Notes: Spoilers 5x16 "The Softer Side" and the promo pics for that episode.

House is nice... Cuddy and Wilson must find a way to deal with it, and it's harder than they thought. House Wilson friendship and Huddy.

Press Reset.

There was no valid train of thought to this...

House's train of thought had always run on separate tracks, making the things House would do very simply the exact things others wouldn't do: a cripple favouring daredevil pass times, a man working with frail, dependant humans, seeing only numbers. He had his own behavioural code that all who knew him knew by head and...
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Chapter 13 - Bad luck! Maybe not so bad –

After such a night, with so many emotions, Cuddy was still shaking. The kiss! Feeling him so close... his smell... his touch! She knew that the next day had to come, even though she rather stayed in that night forever. Dealing with him was inevitable; after all, he was her employee.

She made sure nothing she needed was left behind; grabbed her car keys and headed out. Her metallic silver Lexus was waiting for the usual ride to the hospital.

She drove for three minutes before the rain started. Three minutes later and the droplets crashed against car as...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
posted the first chapter sometime ago... gave up because I didn't really like the story anymore (it was my first ever, fair to say I've evolved since then) but I read the whole thing again and I actually like it!

Hope you do too!

The mirror.

The ride home passed in silence, and after Wilson pulled up to House’ apartment and they exchanged goodnights, they parted ways.

House didn’t feel like sleeping. He made his way to his apartment and crossed the distance to the bathroom, tossing his cane aside somewhere halfway.

That stupid dream again… he hated that defenceless feeling, that total lack...
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Okay, so this is quite old and was the first drabble i had ever written before. Enjoy! :D


She told him there was no way that he could make her smile.

He smirked and walked out of her office, telling her he would be back after lunch to prove her wrong.

She just rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

It was a bet.


The brush of his hand against hers as he took a file from her.

The way his blue eyes had a familiar way of piercing through hers, reading her very soul.

The expression on his face as he...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
Gregory House passed away on a rainy September afternoon after falling asleep on the couch and not waking up again; he'd been sighted limping through the corridors of the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital for eleven years, and now the steady thud of his trusty cane would never haunt another man again.

The good news? It wasn't liver-failure, a drug overdose, a heart attack, a bike accident, a gunshot... it was life.

Wilson, who by then had found another girlfriend and had moved in with her, found him. He called 911 and vaguely heard an EMT call time of death as his world spun around him...
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He'd always known it... always.

He wasn't meant to die of natural causes: after all, what kind of diagnostic genius wanted to die of something as plain as a heart attack or organ failure? Why, after years of solving medical mysteries with him, would his employees have to stand in front of his mother and explain that he basically died because 'it quit'?

Liver, heart, kidneys... whatever. Maybe the good old leg decided to rebel again and leave him with a stump... he could even see the day that he'd wake up with neon yellow eyes and feel the need to hide this stylish new feature under sunglasses...
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posted by Irene3691
House and Cuddy board the plane to go back to New Jersey and go on with their lives, but this time something has changed since the last time they were there, and they hope it last. This has been the vacation they've enjoyed most, but the worst part of it, has been the flights, which usually were very long.
‘Hmmm cards, bathroom... This time we have to try something new to make time go faster.’
House chuckles. ‘I think we've done everything that can be done on a plane...’
After two hours they’re still the same way, so bored. ‘Water, water and more water... Nice views.’ Says Cuddy...
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Things for Cuddy just hadn’t been going very well lately. Since Cameron bailed, Cuddy was having a hard time. She really couldn’t blame Cameron though, it wasn’t her fault. She had done a great job with everything, even House, but she was right, Cuddy was the only one for the job. Even though she had been having a rough week at work, things hadn’t been nearly as bad as they were about to get. She knew that the current medical examiner had retired, that’s why she had hired a new one two weeks ago. What she hadn’t known was that he had taken a vacation in Mexico the week after she...
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It was about nine o' clock, and the clinic hours had finally come to a close for the stressed out sadist. The little taps of children's feet faulted, but surely came back as the sound of a door opened as well. All the children and Christmas volunteers had left, leaving only the miserable adults in the hospital of Princeton-Plainsboro.
    Thirteen, Foreman, Kutner, and Taub were sitting down on their chairs, playing with candy canes and sometimes working with the files that laid silently on the desk in front of them. House limped his way over to his team, sucking on a lollipop...
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Chapter 5: And the risk that might break you’s the one that would save

“Could you believe that?” Kutner asked as they walked across the parking lot. “Harvey Dent, turning to evil all because he lost Rachel.”
“I think it’s an understandable reaction,” Thirteen said.
“Killing people?” Kutner asked. “Seriously?”
“No, I mean not wanting to be alive anymore,” Thirteen said quickly.
“I was going to say,” Kutner said. “Bruce Wayne didn’t turn to evil.”
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posted by zubeerfaan
a/n sorry for my spelling i an from iceland soo..

Cuddy and wilson were still halfasleep . as the
were walking people kept looking at
them and giving them funny looks .

House kept giggling and cuddy and Wilson were
getting innoyed

“WHAT!!?? “ cuddy finally snapped

“umm Cuddles you have a little something there”
house said as she pointed on cuddies face

“HOUSE what did you do” Wilson said as he started
to wake up and saw the moustache on cuddies face

Cuddy walked as quickly as she could to the

nearest bathroom and started rubbing it off.

House and Wilson went to the bathroom to and
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Okay, so i wrote this a while ago and i posted it over at House may be a little 00C, but i tend to get slightly carried away when i write Huddy fics. :) So here it is, some pure Huddy fluff.


“Damn it!”

House rummaged around his desk, cursing to himself. He couldn’t for the life of him remember where he had left his medical journal. Opening and closing the drawers around him roughly, he made a mental note to never have Cameron re-organise his desk again.

Sighing in frustration he leant back in his chair and let his eyes scan his office....
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Cuddy couldn’t stay in her bed any longer; she hopped out at 5am and got dressed in flash and headed to the hospital. She didn’t even eat breakfast, she went to her office, what would she do? She had promised Wilson they’d see them together but he didn’t come in till 7. She could eat; no she was too nervous, she sat at her desk writing meaningless things on meaningless pieces of paper. Nothing like that mattered when in just an hour she would find out whether she could save her best friend’s, no the love of her life’s life. She fiddled and she wrote,...
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posted by housefrk
She meets House next chapter, I promise

Chapter 5

Thirteen had come through these door every day for a year, but she’d never done it like this. She could have clung to hope that no one would know it was her daughter, except that Bo was partially and eight-year-old her. She could also have clung to hope that Bo would actually follow her directions, except that Bo was Bo.
“This is wicked awesome!” Bo exclaimed, forgetting how upset she’d been just a minute ago.
“Way to be inconspicuous,” Thirteen muttered under her breath when heads turned....
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posted by livethislifeup
Short one shot on "The L Word" spoilers

"Hey--you. 'Nother round." House uttered drunkenly at the bartender. To House's surprise, he had not taken away his keys yet. It was either, he was getting better at looking only barely tipsy, or this guy was just completely stupid.
The air of the bar was very dry, filled with smoke and poorly done songs by the other drunk ladies and gents. Despising them all, House sat in solitary at the end of the bar, closest to the door, so if needed, he could make a quick escape.
Finally the bartender came back around,...
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posted by Cuddles
Inspired by one of the best short stories I’ve ever read in my life, we dealt with it a few years ago in German class and since that day I have been loving it.

Here’s the link to an English translation, if you have time, read it, it’s great. The last part gets me everytime:


I used the last line of it in my oneshot

I hope it is any good.


Wilson noticed House from afar.
The sounds of his cane were the first indiction, followed by a thin, lanky and tall shape that made its way to the bench where Wilson was sitting.

Wilson looked up as he...
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The team had a case, they hadn’t looked for one, just like Cuddy had asked, but they ended up with one anyway. House had been in the hospital for two days, his condition had only slightly worsened since he was admitted, but he definitely needed a new liver. Cuddy and Wilson had secretly gotten themselves tested and the results weren’t back yet. Until they were House was on the donor list, Cuddy had gotten him on somehow, even though everyone knew that once he was better he would start taking his Vicodin again.
Now back to the team’s case, it was déjà vu for Foreman....
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posted by TheHiddenCane
House's new drugs stop working... he's become reacquainted with the world around him... and it's closing again. He reacts. Wilson and Cuddy are there to pick up the pieces.

House’s eyes were closing…

To the world in vivid colours, to unguarded smiles, to everything related… to seeing everything there was: not the safe circle of bitterness he knew, but life!

He’d enjoyed living while it lasted, knowing it was doomed to fade, because it wasn’t meant for him: he did not smile, nor did he feel or care… never mind the living colours: they slipped, seeped out of crying eyes… irises no...
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Chapter 2 – When it all comes back -

House was in his office sitting on his little couch with is iPod in one hand and his cane in the other. The accident had made him think about the life he had been living up until that moment and it suddenly hit him.

He realized that he wasn’t living life as he should. He was a jerk, but that he already knew and it wasn’t something likely to change. He had only two friends, Wilson and Cuddy, his ducklings were always around him because he just couldn’t be with a patient alone, only God knows what he could do to them if that were to happen.

House was...
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