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posted by ToEkNeE
Oh my God. It's twelve? What--happened--oh. Ha, that was the first good sleep in days.
I sat up on the couch and tried to readjust my eyes to see clearly. The sun was shining high, and the living room was filled with its rays.
Had last night--been what I thought it was? Did we really talk for that long?
He told me he missed me. And I did the same?
Evidently it wasn't bluntly. That's just not House.
But I distinctly remember telling him I missed him, and hearing that he missed me.
It can't be that simple. It couldn't be that simple.
It never is.

Wilson was walking up Cuddy's driveway. His car was parked to the side right under her maple tree.
He walked right in. It was unlocked for some odd reason.
"I don't know."
He walked over and sat with her on the couch. She pulled up her knees and pulled the blanket over her.
"Slept in?"
"Slept late."
"Six hours ago?"
"What were you doing till six in the morning?"
"What do you think?"
"You called him at six in the morning?"
"I called him at eleven. We talked for quite a while."
"Apparently. What'd he say?"
"He--told me he missed me."
"It's been four days."
"Even so."
"Wait a second. You guys talked for--seven hours straight? About what?"
"Nearly everything. And we mended a few things."
"Are you guys--okay now?"
"Sorta. He thought the separation would be good for us though. We're both miserable, but together."
"Wow. How--ironic no. How poignant."
"I know."
"Are you going to visit him?"
"I--don't--know about that yet. Like I told you before, even after having that talk with him, I don't think I'm prepared--ready enough to see him--"
"I was."
"That's you. That's not me."
"You should be. Maybe you are you just, can't see it."
"No. I don't think I'm supposed to see him yet. Like he said, separation should be good for us. It's a break for us. And I don't think I could just, walk in there, stay a while, do some hand holding and just walk out, like everything's fine. I think I'd break down right then and there."
"You want coffee?"
"No, had some on the way over. Where's Rach?"
"With Lauryn and my mom. She needs to spend time with her aunt for once. They were already planning to go to California. Let them take her, spend some time at the beach and what not."
"And you didn't go?"
"Are we really gonna drag ourselves into this unnecessary conversation?"
"Not now at least."
She smiled.
"I gotta get going. Take a couple days. I can manage."
He rested his hand on her shoulder.
"You need it anyway."
He gave her shoulder a squeeze and then began walking towards her door. He opened it halfway before saying,
"And don't check up, I'm cutting off all your connections."
They both smiled as he locked the door and shut it quietly behind him.
Cuddy rested on the couch again, falling into a deep sleep.
I was awake despite the fact that my eyes were closed. I could feel the sheets wrapped around me in a warm embrace. But it wasn't settling.
I could feel something--foreign looming around.
I opened my eyes and I saw a shadow--no a silhouette, restraining itself in the corner of my room.
I sat upright in my bed and rested my arms over my knees, folded as I stared at this figure. I've seen it, so many times before--I know I have--but what--or who--is it?
It started walking toward me as my opened window blew in the nights breeze. It lifted the shear drapes into the air and interrupted the figures path. When the moonlight hit, I saw those familiar blue eyes, those of which I had always felt, tenderly drowsy, only when they had met mine.
The moonlight loomed across the floor as the silhouette faded, and something became of it. That something, was the someone I'd known for over twenty years--the someone I'd fallen in love with.
"What are you doing here?" I asked sincerely. He refused to answer. All he did was throw me a stare, one that beckoned me towards him, yet a part of me resisted.
He walked closer towards me and sat on the edge of my bed. His eyes did not stare anymore. They looked more guilt ridden than they did moments earlier.
"Why are you here?" I asked again, sincerely.
He grabbed my hand, it was icy cold. My body shivered and goosebumps formed all over. He held it gently, attempting to put me at ease.
"I can't--I can't anymore."
His eyes were teary, the saddest I'd ever seen him before. I put my hand on his neck, just like I had done many times before.
"You know what I want. Everything I hallucinated didn't happen--but it doesn't mean they can't. And, I don't--I don't want to wait, because I'm afraid I'll lose you."
Him, these words, the time, the scenery, it all didn't add up. It all seemed surreal. But despite my disbelief of it all, I was crying.
He leaned forward and lingered a kiss, laying my head back onto my pillow. He released moments later but his head remained slightly rested on mine.
"I don't think we can ever be happy. Not this way." He arose from the bed and walked over to the window and slipped out, carried by the breeze.
He was gone.
My eyes shot open; There was an insistent banging on my door and the calling of my name. I got out of bed and slowly walked over to the door to open it. It was Wilson.

"Wh-at's wrong?"
"You knocked on my door remember? You wanna do that again?"
"No--your eyes are a puffy red and they're watery. Have you been crying?"
"Uh-no, I don't think so. I've been asleep."
"It looks like you've been crying for hours. You've been asleep this whole time? I've been calling you and calling but you never picked up. So I came over."
"Why something at the hospital?"
"Not ours."
She stood motionless and curious.
"It's House Cuddy. He's broke out and left Mayfield."
Right then and there, she had a feeling her dream, would soon be a horrifying reality.
posted by Irene3691
Some days later, after their little almost meeting in her car, they haven’t talked, just for strictly necessary medical stuff, but they haven’t even looked into each other’s eyes.
House is in his office doing some paper work when Cuddy goes there. ‘New case.’ Says without looking at him. ‘You know what you have to do.’
‘Yeah... I know...’ He looks at the file and then at her.
‘Well... "have fun"’ She walks to the door.
She turns around and finally looks at him, but then she looks at the floor again. ‘Yes?’
‘Uhh... are you... is... your car already working...
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posted by Irene3691
House picks up his things from the office and takes a bus to go to her house. There, he goes back and forth from one side to another of the room and finally puts all his things in his suitcase. When he’s about to leave, he writes a note and leaves it on the sofa with his key’s copy.

After her little encounter with Wilson, Lisa goes to her office and draws the curtains, then sits down on the couch with her head between her hands and remains thinking about what she just did.

House gets to his home and leaves the suitcase on the floor. He sits on the sofa and thinks about what has just happened......
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa wakes up early and goes to the room where Greg is sleeping, he opens his eyes slowly and sees her. Cuddy lies on bed next to him. ‘How do you feel?’
‘Better. I haven't slept very well, though...’
‘Does your leg hurt less?’
‘It hurts the same... but my body's starting to feel better...’
She nods. ‘That’s good. I’m so proud of you.’
‘I haven't done anything yet... this is just the beginning... I could disappoint you tomorrow... I'm not as strong as you may think.’
‘I know how you are, I know that you can do this, and I know why you’re doing this.’...
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posted by Irene3691
They stay huged for a while watching TV until someone knocks at the door.
‘I’ll go.’ Lisa stands up and opens it.
‘Hi... how is he? Is he here? Why didn’t you tell me that he had awakened from the coma?’ Asks Wilson.
‘Yes, he is here. Come in.’ Lisa opens the door and he comes in.
‘Oh God...’ Whispers House.
‘Hey how are you? How do you feel? I was... we were really scared.’
‘I'm much better... thanks...’
Wilson nods and stares at him, finally he gives Greg a hug. ‘I'm not gay, I just have missed you this time. As a friend.’
House rolls his eyes and hugs him back. Lisa...
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posted by Irene3691
House can’t move very well, when he opens his eyes the light blinds him for a moment and then he sees Lisa sleepling next to him. He starts breathing deeply in order to talk but he can’t, then he tries again and whispers her name. ‘Lisa...’
When she hears him, she starts opening her eyes and sees him staring at her, she can barely talk. ‘Greg... Greg! You’re awake. Oh God, thanks!’ She sits up and caresses his face.
‘I'm... how long have I been here...?’
‘You’ve been in a coma for almost two months... God, you’re back!’ She kisses him softly on his forehead. ‘I was...
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posted by Irene3691
House and Cuddy get to Michigan in the afternoon, and after leaving their suitcases at home, they go to buy some food. They have dinner and sit together on the couch, where they talk and laugh until bed time.
‘Well... I think we should go to sleep... I mean... each of us to our respective rooms...’
She smiles. ‘Yes, it’s late.’ They go to their dorm’s doors. ‘Tomorrow I’m leaving early, so I won’t see until Sunday night...’
He nods. ‘Have fun with your family then.’
‘Thanks.’ She smiles and goes to her dorm to sleep.

In the morning Lisa gets up early and takes a shower....
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa can barely sleep and wakes up early. She gets dressed and stays there lying on bed the whole morning until House knocks at her door. ‘Hi...’ Says she opening it.
‘You think it would be very dangerous if we went to have breakfast together? Is my life at risk?’
‘I don’t think so... I’m not very hungry, but I guess we won’t find William at the cafeteria at this time.’
They go together and take a seat. Unfortunately, Will is there with his friends, and when he sees both coming in, he thinks: “Great, finally you fucked him...” He finishes his breakfast,...
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posted by Irene3691
When Lisa gets home, goes to her dorm and sits on the edge of the bed. Greg gets there some minutes later. ‘Anybody here?’
‘I’m here.’
He goes to her dorm. ‘How did it go?’
‘Very well thanks. Where have you been?’ Answers Lisa selfconfident and trying to avoid questions about her date.
‘Out there...’
‘Yeah, I guessed that when I didn’t find you here.’
‘Smart girl. And that guy... did you like him?’
“No, I think I like YOU!” thinks Lisa. ‘Yes, sure. He's handsome, nice, interesting... a good guy.’
‘Good... well, I'll go to read a little...’ House goes to his...
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posted by Irene3691
They go on board and when not even an hour of flight has passed, they are bored.
House moves in his seat. ‘What if... umm... we play some kind of challenge game?? Each of us asks a question to the other one, if we don't answer we have to pass a challenge proposed by the other person. Right??’
‘Hmmm ok-ay...You go first.’    
‘Sure.’ He thinks. ‘Hmm... Isn't it true that you felt happy when you knew we were gonna travel together??’
Cuddy sighs ‘Yes...’ and he smiles. ‘Okay, here I go. It’s true that you bought the tickets thinking that I was gonna invite...
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posted by Irene3691
They arrive to the hotel soaked and holding hands. The reception guy looks at them and House talks. ‘Buongiorno!’ They get into the elevator. ‘My Italian is going better and better... I'm so proud of me!’
‘Yeah, it's true, now you can flirt with Italian guys.’
‘Ha ha... In fact I rather flirt with American women... specially with those who run a hospital.’ He approaches to her and kisses her passionately.
Cuddy opens her eyes surprised. ‘House this is the elevator, not our bedroom.’
House presses the STOP button and kisses her again. ‘I’ve noticed.’
She separates a bit...
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posted by Irene3691
After washing and dressing, they arrive to the Coliseum. It's a sunny and very hot day. They put on their sunglasses and buy two ice creams to get a bit cooler. Then, they go for a walk around the building and come in. It’s still very hot and the ice cream helps just a little. They sit down in the shade to rest for a while. House takes off his glasses and lean his cane on the wall. ‘It’s so hot today!’
‘Yes, very very hot... I have a bit of headache because of the heat.’
‘Let’s stay here until you feel better.’
‘Yeah, thank you.’ She looks at the ice cream left. ‘I would...
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posted by Irene3691
They remain in silence thinking about this strange situation and how they feel being just a few inches apart. House falls asleep first but she can’t and stays awake for a while more, until House, unconsciously, turns and puts his hand gently on her waist. Then she opens her eyes, but she smiles and finally falls asleep, too.


Step one completed, they’ve spent the night in the same bed and nothing has happened. When House wakes up, he looks at her sleeping and thinks “Ahh... too good...
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posted by Irene3691
Well, this is our first fic ever and we put a lot of enthusiasm on it. We wrote it in English so it is accessible to more people, but it’s not our mother tongue, so we beg you pardon for all our possible mistakes. It is mainly written by three of us, with a special participation. Each of us took a character so we could give different points of view to the story. We’ve been writing this fic for nine months or so and it’s already finish. We wrote it while the TV show was being broadcast so many things don’t coincide with the show. We’re still editing it so, if you have any consideration,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Sticking to one shots for now until my real fan fics can materialize into fixed ideas. Until then, enjoy all my one shots.
Consider this--post EF.

If the nights were this easy,
and the days were longer than said,
for once I'd be capable enough,
to release you from my head.

For every toss I plan to make,
it replies with constant turning,
and escaping by shutting my eyes,
the attempt just leaves me burning.

For every smile that grazed your face,
for every stare left broken,
for the laughter that you gave,
the dreading words unspoken.

The guilt stands beneath...
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posted by Olivine
Chapter 2: Cutthroat bitch junior

„Irregular heartbeat“, she ascertained, organising a bed for the patient, „Amber, this is not the right place for a five year old.“ Cameron quickly tied her hair up once again, before grabbing another chart and checking the next patient. It was one of the especially stressful days in the emergency ward.
„She insists on being here.“, Amber shortly replied, examining a patient’s open wound. Her relationship to Dr. Cameron was a good one since she had started to work here in the emergency ward part-time, 2 years ago, from 8 in the morning until midday....
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posted by ToEkNeE
"What do you mean he broke out and left?"
I was already crying, apparently without my own consent. This was the last thing I needed for the night-for my slight nightmare to come true.
"The hospital called me fifteen minutes ago. I rounded up Thirteen and Foreman. I couldn't get a hold of Taub however. I didn't think I'd need to call you because I figured they called you."
"I was asleep."
"Go figure."
"Hold on."
She went into her room and grabbed a jacket and then her robber shoes.
"Let's go."
"You don't want to change?"
"You really think we have time for any questions?"
"I'll drive."
"That's what I thought."...
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posted by Irene3691
Next day when Wilson goes to work, House asks his friend to cover him because he has to go to his place to finish some things for the Christmas party. Cuddy doesn't suspect anything at all, and that's good because it is a great surprise from House. Greg is changing a bit for her. He wants to do things to make her happy. This party is a nice gesture of him, it was all his idea, and Wilson is sure she’ll like it.

Cuddy spends the whole morning working, in meetings and looking for House. Wilson has told her that Greg is in a patient’s house and he’ll come back later. She goes back to her...
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posted by Irene3691
After having lunch with Wilson they go back to work. Cuddy spends the whole afternoon in her office, she knows that House, is not there, but she doesn’t wanna run risks and go out anyway. Meanwhile, Chase phones House again and tells him that they really, really need his help. He insists a lot and he finally decides to go to the hospital.

It’s time to go home for Cuddy, so she takes her stuff and goes to the elevator, she waits there and when the doors open House is in front of her, speechless. He looks at the floor and gets out of the elevator. While getting in she speaks and doesn’t...
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posted by Irene3691
Two weeks pass by and Lisa and Greg are preparing their suitcases to go to France. He’s in the bathroom and asks her to bring him a T-shirt that is in his dorm. Lisa gets into his dorm for the first time since New Year’s Eve, and that brings her some memories.
Cuddy goes to the bathroom’s door to give him the T-shirt. ‘Here it is.’
‘Leave it there...’
‘Sure, I'm not gonna come in.’
‘This dirty mind of yours...’ He chuckles.
‘I don’t want to put you in a hurry but I need to take my stuff from the bathroom...’
‘Yeah, I get it.’
When they have everything done, she sits...
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posted by Irene3691
Lisa wakes up next morning and Greg is huged to her. She remembers what happened last night and gets out of the bed in silence, trying not to wake him up. Cuddy takes her clothes and before leaving to her dorm, she approaches to him and gives him a small kiss on his lips. Then whispers. ‘Sleep tight Greg.’
Hours later when he wakes up, he stays in bed 'cause he feels really really bad. He drank too much last night and can barely remember a few things. His face and fists hurt a lot.
At mealtime they meet for the first time after their special night. Greg has an horrible hangover and prepares...
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