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posted by Irene3691
Next morning she wakes up early, has her shower and breakfast and sends a message to Lucas to go to have dinner with him tonight. She waits until House gets to her home. He is there on time and when Cuddy goes out, he gives her the helmet. ‘Hey...’
‘Thanks for coming...’ Says Lisa.
‘It's nothing...’
About twenty minutes later they get to the hospital. ‘Thanks again.’ Says her giving him the helmet. He nods.
‘You want me to take you later to my home? I mean... so you can call someone to fix your car...’
‘If it's not too much trouble...’
‘It's okay... come to my office when you're ready to go.’
‘Sure. I'll see you later.’ She turns around and goes to the elevator to go to her office. House looks at her while she walks away, God she looks so pretty... thinks he. ‘See ya.’ Greg waits in the garage until she goes and then thinks of them. The way they are now, the way they were before. His whole life has changed and he feels so lonely and he can't fight for her. She looks so well now with Lucas and House can't change it. The more he sees her, the more he likes her. But this is over for him now... He sighs and goes to his office.

Cuddy gets to her office and starts thinking about House, but she also thinks of Lucas. She likes them both, but House has always meant something to her, since college. Lucas is so sweet... but she feels so confused 'cause actually she misses Greg and waking up next to him in the mornings... But that's over, and now she has someone who worries for her and who wants to make her happy.

After a whole day working and trying not to think of House, the worst moment of the day comes: she has to see him again to take her to his house. She has been trying to stay in her office in order not to see him, but now she has to. Cuddy goes to his office and knocks at his door for one of the first times in her life.
House looks at her and makes a signal with his hand for her to come in. He stands up and starts picking up his things.
Cuddy waits for him in silence and doesn’t look at his eyes. ‘Shall we go?’
They go to the garage and she tries to have some conversation.
‘How... was your day?’
House thinks to himself: awful. ‘Fine... it was manageable... and yours?’
Cuddy to herself: Great, why I can’t stop thinking about all this shit...? He’s alright without me. ‘It was good, one day more I guess.’
‘Yeah... I guess...’ They get on the motorcycle and don’t look at each other until they get to his house.

Once there, she tries again to start the engine. ‘Nothing...’ She says.
‘You'd better stop trying to start the engine... You should phone a mechanic.’
‘Okay.’ She gets out of the car and phones the mechanic. Some minutes later she approaches to him and the car again. ‘They’ll be here in an hour, they’ve had an emergency with a bus and can’t send the crane sooner.’
‘Okay... you want some coffee or something?’
‘No, no, thank you, I’m okay.’ Answers Cuddy. House nods and looks around in silence. He feels stupid.
‘You can go to your house if you want. I can wait here.’ She opens the door of the car and sits down there.
‘I'm fine here... ‘ He stands next to her car.
‘Okay... If you’re gonna stay, you can come into the car if you want.’
‘Okay... ‘ He sits next to her in the car and sighs. They stay in silence for a long long time.
‘This is weird...’ Says Lisa.
‘Uh huh...’
‘I don’t like this situation…’
‘Me either... What do we do?
‘I’ve no idea...’She looks sadly at him. ‘I’m sorry for what I did.’
House stares at her. He really feels like kissing her but he knows she’s with Lucas now. He doesn't know if he'll be able to keep himself from kissing her.
Cuddy keeps staring at him. She can see in his eyes exactly what he wants to do, actually what THEY want to do... but she shouldn't...
House approaches to her slowly and she gets a little bit more closer. When there are only a few inches between them her phone rings. She coughs and takes the phone. ‘Hello?’
Fuck... thinks House and sighs.

‘Lis? Hi! Hey, where are you? I've thought we could go to have dinner to a restaurant rather than staying at home.’
‘Lucas... I-I’ve to wait for a crane, my car doesn’t work and I’m waiting while it comes... Yes, we could go to a restaurant, as you like.’
‘Where are you? Do you need me to pick you up?’
‘I am...’ She looks at House. ‘ in front of Greg's place... you know where he lives?’
House thinks to himself: Oh God...
‘What are you doing there?’ Asks Lucas frowning. ‘Okay, yes, I know where he lives, don’t worry. I’ll be there in some minutes.’ He hangs up.
‘So... I guess he's coming...’ Says House.
She puts her cell phone in my purse again. She doesn’t want to look at him because she doesn’t really know what to say... She almost kissed her ex-boyfriend two minutes ago and now her current boyfriend is coming to pick her up and take her to a restaurant... ‘Yes...’
‘Right...’He looks through the window and finally when she looks at him, he avoids looking at her. Cuddy sighs and thinks to herself: Please say something...
‘Yes… well…’ He looks around.
‘Oh please say something... we almost kissed... how... how can you be so quiet?’
‘Yeah... almost...’ He whispers. ‘Damn...’
Cuddy closes her eyes and sighs. ‘What do you want? I don’t know how to behave with you... what are we? Friends? Ex? Workmates? Boss-employee? I need to know what’s going on... and what is what you want...’
‘I wish we were more than what we are right now and I've already lost what I want...’
She remain in silence. ‘I’ll always be there for you.’
‘But not the way I want...’He looks around again.
‘I haven't told you what way... and I liked that way...’ Says Lisa.
‘I still like that way...’
She is about to say him something when someone knocks at the window, then Lisa opens the door. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ Asks Lucas helping her to get out of the car, and gives her a kiss. ‘Hello, House, how are you?
‘I'm horribly well, thanks...’
‘The crane hasn’t come yet, but it must be almost here.’ Says Lisa.
They hear the crane coming. ‘Lucky us... can you do it quickly, I booked in half an hour.’ Says Lucas to his girlfriend.
‘Okay.’ She approaches to the crane driver and signs the papers while House and Lucas wait next to the car, alone. She comes back where they are and the crane takes her car.
‘Well guys... I have to go... There are a lot of boring TV shows waiting for me to watch them...’ House walks towards home.
‘See you tomorrow...’ She sees him coming into his house and they go to have their supper to a nice restaurant.
House gets in and leans his back against the door and looks at the ceiling. ‘So close to be happy again...’

To be continued...

Irene3691 ~ SandraCH91 ~ diego27rgh
posted by Irene3691
Time goes on and everything's alright. Lisa is totally healthy and Greg is glad for seeing her so happy. One evening, he gets in from the hospital. ‘Lisa, I'm home!!’
‘Hey.’ She stands up and goes where he is. ‘Hard day of work?’
‘Well... I could get away with it since my boss is not in the hospital right now.’ He chuckles and gives her a kiss. ‘How are you?’
‘Bored... There's not much to do alone at home. I thought I'd never say this, but I miss doing paper work.’ She chuckles and touches her belly. ‘And I'm always hungry, so basically the most interesting thing I do...
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
Lisa gets home and after having dinner and a shower she is really tired and goes to bed. It feels strange to have the whole bed for her; anyway she falls asleep very quickly.
House spends the whole night moving from one place to another and running a lot of tests with his team. It's been a long day and he finally goes home. When he gets there it's early yet. House tries not to make much noise and has a shower. After that, he goes to bed and lies next to Lisa. Some minutes later, she starts to open her eyes and sees him sleepy.
‘You haven't waked me up...’
‘You haven't tucked me in either......
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
In his home, House phones Wilson and they start preparing everything. Wilson starts phoning some workmates and so does House. After that he goes to her home and knocks the door. She opens it. ‘I think I should give you this back...’ He comes in and Lisa gives him the key.
‘Thanks...’ He puts it in his pocket. ‘What are you cooking? It smells delicious!!’
‘Some couscous and mixed vegetables, but if you want I can cook a steak for you.’
‘No, it will be fine... it smells really tasty!!’
‘Thank you.’ She smiles at him. ‘Can you set the table?’
‘Yep...’ He leaves his coat...
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
They sleep until the light starts to fill the room and it bothers his eyes. He stands up, draws the curtains and goes back to bed again, sleepy.
‘Morning...’ Whispers Lisa.
‘I'm sleeping, leave a message...’
‘You wish...’ She is still sleepy and smiles with her eyes closed. ‘I’m not gonna give you a massage...’
‘Well... you can give me a massage if you want... I won't blame you...’
‘Would you give me a massage if I give you one now?’ They stay with their eyes closed.
‘We could deal...’ House stays lying on bed while Cuddy sits up.
‘Okay, but don’t get used to this...’...
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
House opens the door without knocking. ‘Busy?’ He sits down.
‘No, but don't worry, you can keep on entering without knocking...’ Says Wilson looking at his friend. ‘So... did you go? Did you find her?’

‘So...?’ He look at House expectant.
‘At first she just said no... but this morning she came to my house. We're together again....’
‘Wow...’ Wilson looks at he surprised. ‘I'm glad for you... for both of you. Why do you always get what you want?’
‘I'm that good...’
Lisa knocks and gets in. ‘I knew I’d find you here.’
‘I'm becoming so predictable...’...
continue reading...