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posted by everybody-lies
Disclaimer – I do not own House M.D. It all belongs to David Shore and Fox.

~Chapter 2~

Cuddy waved half-heartedly at the few doctors and nurses who were finishing up at the clinic as she tried to focus on the steady ‘click, click, click’ of her shoes on the clean white floor. She knew if she stopped for one moment, she would have no choice but to think of House, and once again the tears will fall. She also knew that if the tears started falling, she wouldn’t be able to make them stop. There was no way that she would allow herself to become that vulnerable in her own hospital where House will surely find her. She absolutely did not want him to find her like that.

Cuddy made it to her car in the empty parking lot and fumbled with her car keys as she glanced at House’s motorcycle off in the distance. Her vision became blurry as she felt the unwanted ‘first tear’ slowly make its way down her cheek. She lifted a trembling hand to wipe it away, but she was too late. In just a few moments, she was sitting in her car and crying uncontrollably. Why do I love you so much when I know you don’t love me back? She thought to herself. Cuddy waited until she started to calm down, wiped her red-blood-shot eyes and started driving home.

~Back at PPTH~

House grabbed his backpack and looked out of his office window just in time to see his boss drive out of the parking lot. He glanced at his watch; it read 6:30pm. So, Cuddy wasn’t in her office. She doesn’t normally leave this early. OK, she never leaves this early. Is Wilson right? Should I – House winced – ask her…out? He shook is head at the thought. No, it would never work. He turned around and left his office, slowly walking towards the elevators. House wandered out of the hospital, and dry-swallowed a vicodin as he came up to his motorcycle. Maybe I should…no, it would never work out…but what if Wilson was right? House sat on his bike looking down at his black helmet that lay resting in his hands. Might as well give it a shot… House thought as he slowly put on his helmet and reluctantly rode off into the distance.

Lisa Cuddy was sitting in her living room in sweatpants and a t-shirt House had given her when they were in college. She was holding a red mug full of apple cider, but had not yet bothered tasting it. Instead she stared out her living room window, her mind drifting off into a world of its own.

House sped up as he came near his apartment, not wanting to chicken out when he had made up his mind. He was determined. He was going to ask Cuddy on a date. House smiled, I am going to ask Cuddy, on a date! He slowed down as he came towards her house, and then sped up again, if I don’t ask her now, I will never know, he thought to himself. He turned the corner only to see nothing. Literally. All he saw was one colour – black.
posted by Soccerpersonz10
Read Chapters 1 and 2 before. Might not make sense otherwise.

Wilson slammed the door as he left the apartment, seething with hidden anger.

All he ever does is wait for me to save him. One voice said in his head.

"He needs the pills." Wilson said aloud.

Doesn't always need them from you. He's got a whole department of young doctors waiting to kiss his ass, and Cuddy.

"She wouldn't give him Vicodin. I had to pull strings just for me to give him Oxy."

Just leave him

"I-I can't." Wilson said adamantly. "I can't, he needs me." And with that he blocked out the vioce in his head and strode out to the...
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posted by Chandlerfan
I know most of you have already read this but here it is again if you want to read it again, or if you're fairly new and haven't seen this yet. Also on

[Shot of squash court, two girls, best friends, playing against each other. After the game, shot of changing room, they are just about to leave.]

Anna (1st girl): I’ll see you tomorrow. Give you another thrashing.

Leah (2nd girl): Yeah, we’ll see about that! (laughs) Need a lift?

Anna: No, I’ll walk home.

Leah: OK. Bye

Anna: Bye

[Both girls leave at the same time. Leah gets in her car and drives off. Anna is walking in the same direction....
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posted by Chandlerfan
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! I haven't uploaded for yonks! But here is Chapter 6 (finally!)
*runs from OM*
Enjoy! =D

Cuddy came rushing into the hospital, thinking something had happened to House. Chase decided not to tell her over the phone what had happened because he didn’t want her to drive over here like someone who’s on the run. It turned out that it wouldn’t have made a difference as that was exactly how she reached the hospital, running a record number of red lights and miraculously managing to arrive in one piece.

Chase walked up to her as soon as she walked into...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Sorry to keep you waiting guys and thank you all for your comments on the last chapter!
And I especially apologise to oldmovie because I gave her a hint (black) which had her pondering on what could happen in this chapter.
You'll find out now though so enjoy! =D

Both Wilson and Cuddy were so shocked when they learnt of House’s death that they couldn’t even hear the doctor come out towards them, or even see him when he bent down to their level. It was almost as if they had to be shaken back to life. All they could see was black and all that resonated in their ears was the sound of that monotonous...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Sorry it’s been a while since I updated this fic, here’s chapter 3 for you guys =]
Enjoy! =D

Wilson and Cuddy both looked at each other in utter shock and hastily followed Thirteen out into House’s office.

Cuddy saw House lying on the floor completely lifeless, already in the recovery position, by a pool of vomit, and all the flashbacks of when House had almost killed himself trying to save Amber came back to her; how worried she was; how she couldn’t afford to lose the man valuable to the hospital, and more importantly, her. She felt guilty for complaining about what House did to her...
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posted by Chandlerfan
Oh OK then, here's chapter 2...
Enjoy! =D

Meanwhile Cuddy was restlessly wandering around in Wilson’s office, still fuming.

‘You did what!?’ Wilson asked in utter shock.

‘You heard!’ Cuddy countered in a tone that was just a little too harsh.

‘I don’t believe this! You…you slept with House! House!’

‘Thanks for reminding me of what I had done…jeez, James, I thought I forget something!’ came the dry remark, to which Wilson could only give her an annoyed look.

‘OK. Fine. So you slept with him. No…big deal. So, um, why are you so angry at him?’

‘I’m pissed off because...
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posted by Chandlerfan
OK, this fic is a little different for me because a.) the whole plot isn’t as fluffy as usual (although there is some!) b.) I’m going to be completely objective regarding ships, keeps everyone happy that way (almost!) c.) I’m not going to tell you the plot of it in the first chapter OR the summary! ;D
So, yes, you’ll have to find out later…
Enjoy for now! =D

House walks into the differential room late, as per usual, and without a single glance at his team, he balances his cane on the whiteboard and starts writing some symptoms down on the board.

The team exchange glances finding it odd...
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posted by Chandlerfan
OK, I gave in early, here's Chapter 2.
More Huddyness in this one.
Enjoy. =]

The daylight's fading slowly
But time with you is standing still
I'm waiting for you only
The slightest touch and I feel weak
I cannot lie, from you I cannot hide
And I'm losing the will to try

Wilson headed straight back to his office, anger built up inside of him. He had forgotten that Cuddy was in the next room yelling at House. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear it in his ears, and all other sound was blocked out.

Meanwhile, in House's office...

'House!! I want you to go down there and apologise. NOW!'...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
posted the first chapter sometime ago... gave up because I didn't really like the story anymore (it was my first ever, fair to say I've evolved since then) but I read the whole thing again and I actually like it!

Hope you do too!

The mirror.

The ride home passed in silence, and after Wilson pulled up to House’ apartment and they exchanged goodnights, they parted ways.

House didn’t feel like sleeping. He made his way to his apartment and crossed the distance to the bathroom, tossing his cane aside somewhere halfway.

That stupid dream again… he hated that defenceless feeling, that total lack...
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Okay, so this is quite old and was the first drabble i had ever written before. Enjoy! :D


She told him there was no way that he could make her smile.

He smirked and walked out of her office, telling her he would be back after lunch to prove her wrong.

She just rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

It was a bet.


The brush of his hand against hers as he took a file from her.

The way his blue eyes had a familiar way of piercing through hers, reading her very soul.

The expression on his face as he...
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posted by TheHiddenCane
Gregory House passed away on a rainy September afternoon after falling asleep on the couch and not waking up again; he'd been sighted limping through the corridors of the Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital for eleven years, and now the steady thud of his trusty cane would never haunt another man again.

The good news? It wasn't liver-failure, a drug overdose, a heart attack, a bike accident, a gunshot... it was life.

Wilson, who by then had found another girlfriend and had moved in with her, found him. He called 911 and vaguely heard an EMT call time of death as his world spun around him...
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He'd always known it... always.

He wasn't meant to die of natural causes: after all, what kind of diagnostic genius wanted to die of something as plain as a heart attack or organ failure? Why, after years of solving medical mysteries with him, would his employees have to stand in front of his mother and explain that he basically died because 'it quit'?

Liver, heart, kidneys... whatever. Maybe the good old leg decided to rebel again and leave him with a stump... he could even see the day that he'd wake up with neon yellow eyes and feel the need to hide this stylish new feature under sunglasses...
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It was about nine o' clock, and the clinic hours had finally come to a close for the stressed out sadist. The little taps of children's feet faulted, but surely came back as the sound of a door opened as well. All the children and Christmas volunteers had left, leaving only the miserable adults in the hospital of Princeton-Plainsboro.
    Thirteen, Foreman, Kutner, and Taub were sitting down on their chairs, playing with candy canes and sometimes working with the files that laid silently on the desk in front of them. House limped his way over to his team, sucking on a lollipop...
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Chapter 5: And the risk that might break you’s the one that would save

“Could you believe that?” Kutner asked as they walked across the parking lot. “Harvey Dent, turning to evil all because he lost Rachel.”
“I think it’s an understandable reaction,” Thirteen said.
“Killing people?” Kutner asked. “Seriously?”
“No, I mean not wanting to be alive anymore,” Thirteen said quickly.
“I was going to say,” Kutner said. “Bruce Wayne didn’t turn to evil.”
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Okay, so i wrote this a while ago and i posted it over at House may be a little 00C, but i tend to get slightly carried away when i write Huddy fics. :) So here it is, some pure Huddy fluff.


“Damn it!”

House rummaged around his desk, cursing to himself. He couldn’t for the life of him remember where he had left his medical journal. Opening and closing the drawers around him roughly, he made a mental note to never have Cameron re-organise his desk again.

Sighing in frustration he leant back in his chair and let his eyes scan his office....
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Cuddy couldn’t stay in her bed any longer; she hopped out at 5am and got dressed in flash and headed to the hospital. She didn’t even eat breakfast, she went to her office, what would she do? She had promised Wilson they’d see them together but he didn’t come in till 7. She could eat; no she was too nervous, she sat at her desk writing meaningless things on meaningless pieces of paper. Nothing like that mattered when in just an hour she would find out whether she could save her best friend’s, no the love of her life’s life. She fiddled and she wrote,...
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posted by housefrk
She meets House next chapter, I promise

Chapter 5

Thirteen had come through these door every day for a year, but she’d never done it like this. She could have clung to hope that no one would know it was her daughter, except that Bo was partially and eight-year-old her. She could also have clung to hope that Bo would actually follow her directions, except that Bo was Bo.
“This is wicked awesome!” Bo exclaimed, forgetting how upset she’d been just a minute ago.
“Way to be inconspicuous,” Thirteen muttered under her breath when heads turned....
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The team had a case, they hadn’t looked for one, just like Cuddy had asked, but they ended up with one anyway. House had been in the hospital for two days, his condition had only slightly worsened since he was admitted, but he definitely needed a new liver. Cuddy and Wilson had secretly gotten themselves tested and the results weren’t back yet. Until they were House was on the donor list, Cuddy had gotten him on somehow, even though everyone knew that once he was better he would start taking his Vicodin again.
Now back to the team’s case, it was déjà vu for Foreman....
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Chapter 2 – When it all comes back -

House was in his office sitting on his little couch with is iPod in one hand and his cane in the other. The accident had made him think about the life he had been living up until that moment and it suddenly hit him.

He realized that he wasn’t living life as he should. He was a jerk, but that he already knew and it wasn’t something likely to change. He had only two friends, Wilson and Cuddy, his ducklings were always around him because he just couldn’t be with a patient alone, only God knows what he could do to them if that were to happen.

House was...
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posted by Soccerpersonz10
Disclaimer - same as before, I don't own House. Or Wilson. Or Cuddy. Or anyone for that matter...I also don't own Baba O'Riley, or Breaking Benjamin, or the Offspring

The colours were moving. Swirling around

"Wow. I can see the music." House said breathlessly. "How high was the dose Wilson gave me?"

House hadn't noticed he was speaking out loud. He also hadn't noticed that Cuddy had come over to his flat from the hospital to check on him.

I'm wondering that right now... She thought.

"...I fight for my meals! I get my back into my living!"

"House. House!

"...Don't cryyy don't raise your eye. It's...
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